genius evil

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

"Help me make money?" Jiang Chen glanced at Qian Banshan, chuckled lightly, and said slowly.

"That's right, to help you make money." Qian Banshan nodded, with a serious expression on his face.

"How to earn?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's very simple. As long as you are interested in various profitable fields, we can help you build a platform in the shortest possible time. You don't have to do anything, just wait to count the money." Listening to Jiang Chen, he seemed a little moved , Qian Banshan explained it while the iron was hot.

Qian Banshan may not be very good at spending money, and at his status, there are really too few places where money needs to be spent.

But making money is definitely an area that Qian Banshan is best at.

To be honest, the rise of the Qian family is actually something that happened in the past twenty years, and Qian Banshan's role in this is indisputable.

It can be said that without Qian Banshan, the Qian family would not be as brilliant as it is today.

"Doesn't this mean that I am making money while standing?" The smile on Jiang Chen's face grew stronger.

"That's right, I made money standing up." Qian Banshan said noncommittally.

"Sounds like that, but I'm a little curious, how much money can you earn me? And, how much time money can you earn for me?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I can't guarantee how much money you'll make, but at least the final figure will never let you down. As for how long you'll make money, what do you think?" Qian Banshan only answered vaguely After answering the former question, the latter question was very cleverly kicked back to Jiang Chen.

Moreover, through this question, Qian Banshan realized that the rather immature young man in front of him was definitely not a simple character.

These two questions that Jiang Chen seemingly asked casually, actually grasped the key points with great precision, and Qian Banshan can almost confirm that what Jiang Chen cares most about is not how much money he makes, but how long he will make money.

The reason why he thinks this way is because Qian Banshan's focus is also on the latter question, which is why he didn't answer Jiang Chen directly.

"In your Qian family, how many people are there like you who will not live to be 45 years old?" Jiang Chen didn't rush to answer Qian Banshan's words, and then asked.

"Not many, only 23." Qian Banshan said casually.

"How much?" Jiang Chen didn't have the heart to play sloppy with Qian Banshan.

"42." After hesitating for a moment, Qian Banshan reluctantly gave an accurate number.

"These 42, do they have anything to do with twenty or thirty?" Jiang Chen looked at Qian Banshan as if he had seen a ghost. Woolen cloth.

"What I mean is, Young Master Jiang, if you find it troublesome, you only need to treat twenty or thirty of them." Qian Banshan rounded up his words without any trace.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Patriarch Qian, if I'm not mistaken, the twenty or thirty people you mentioned are all your confidantes, right? The other ten or so people who were excluded must be Those who are dissatisfied with you or have a problem with you, they like to find fault with you... It seems that your Qian family is not very harmonious."

"Jiang Shao is a smart person. Just keep these words in your heart. Why do you say it so bluntly?" Qian Banshan was noncommittal and did not deny it.

"I've always been lazy. I can sit but never stand, and I can lie down and never sit. If you say 23, let's say 30 or [-]... That's good. One patient is counted in one year. You Qian family, just do whatever you want, and earn me money for [-] to [-] years." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"No, this time is too long." Hearing this, Qian Banshan's face changed slightly.

He didn't answer Jiang Chen's question directly, in order to make Jiang Chen open his mouth. However, it's fine if Jiang Chen doesn't open his mouth. This opening is unbearable every minute!

Earning money for Jiang Chen for 30 to [-] years is not that he alone is making money for Jiang Chen, but the entire Qian family is making money for Jiang Chen... In other words, it is selling the Qian family to Jiang Chen in disguise.

If the time is shorter, a year or two is not a big problem, but in 30 or [-] years, it is impossible for Qian Banshan to agree. After all, what is the difference between handing over the entire Qian family to Jiang Chen?
Instead of this, it's better to give Jiang Chen half of Qian's family directly, why bother to come to Yilan City in person?Why bother to look at Jiang Chen's face in a low voice?
"This means, you refused? But don't worry, you know better than me about buying and selling, don't you? What matters is a bargain. I can open my mouth as much as I want, and you just pay back the money... No, I take a step back, you take a step back, 28 years?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"One year." Qian Banshan said silently.

"27 years... This is my bottom line, I can't reduce it, otherwise I will definitely not agree." Jiang Chen said with narrowed eyes.

"Up to two years." Sighing, Qian Banshan said.

"Patriarch Qian, this is your fault. The difference between 27 years and two years is too big, isn't it? For example, if you go to the supermarket to buy a piece of clothing, and the price is [-] yuan, you can't pay it back to [-] yuan. Are you still allowed to do business? If I were that clothes seller, I would definitely sweep you out with a broom." Jiang Chen yelled in dissatisfaction.

"Well, three years." Stretching out three fingers, Qian Banshan said slowly.

Qian Banshan wasn't very clear about whether Jiang Chen had a bottom line, but it was just like what Jiang Chen said, asking prices all over the sky to pay back the money, and just letting Jiang Chen talk nonsense, his final bottom line was two years.

In two years, how much money the Qian family can make is hard for even Qian Banshan himself to estimate.

Although, it is impossible for all of these money to be earned by Jiang Chen, and even Jiang Chen's proportion is not very large, let alone 5.00%, even [-]% is an astronomical amount exceeding ten figures. The numbers are gone.

To put it simply, in two years, Jiang Chen didn't have to do anything, and he could pocket billions of dollars with ease.

On top of two years plus one year, the time becomes three years. It seems that the difference is not very big, but in that case, the money that goes into Jiang Chen's pocket will exceed eleven figures, that is, Ten billion level.

Ten billion!

Look at the whole of China, no, look at the whole world.

There may be many super rich people with tens of billions of dollars, but how many of them can earn so much money within three years?

But it was about human life, and it was about his own life. Even if there was a bottom line, Qian Banshan didn't give up an inch, so he had to bite the bullet and add another year.

"Ten years." Who cares what Qian Banshan thinks, Jiang Chen is enjoying the taste of bargaining.

No wonder some people say that the reason why women like to go shopping is that they don't really care what they buy, but they are addicted to the feeling of bargaining and haggling.

Finally at this moment, Jiang Chen felt empathy.

"Three years." Qian Banshan gritted his teeth and did not relax.

"Patriarch Qian, you can't be too stingy, why are you so stubborn, or else, I'll take a step back, five years, really can't be less... Otherwise, I promise to pat my ass and leave at any time. "Jiang Chen said with a frown.

"Three...Three and a half years." Qian Banshan continued to insist, seeing Jiang Chen's expression, his heart skipped a beat.

What kind of person is Qian Banshan? I don’t know how many people he has dealt with. How can he not see that Jiang Chen is not serious on the surface, but if he can’t follow Jiang Chen’s wishes, Jiang Chen will definitely slap his ass and leave immediately. Neither is ambiguous.

The bargaining between the two is actually a competition between each other.

One was active and the other was passive, which meant that Qian Banshan couldn't let go of his strength, but Jiang Chen suddenly made such a move, Qian Banshan was hesitant, and he gave up a little in one breath, and had to compromise again.

"That's right, but I like consummation, don't say three and a half years, just four years, otherwise, if I accidentally make a medical treatment for you or your family It's not good to cut corners, right?" Jiang Chen said vaguely.

"Four years." Qian Banshan sighed again, as if he was afraid that Jiang Chen would go back on his word, turned his head, and immediately instructed Qian Fugui, "Ask Fang Tongjun to prepare the contract."

Qian Fugui nodded, looked at Jiang Chen with complicated eyes, walked out of the restaurant, and went outside to make a phone call.

After a while, Qian Fugui walked in from the outside and said, "The contract will be delivered in half an hour."

"When the time comes, please sign, Young Master Jiang, and the deal between us will take effect." Qian Banshan continued.

"Oh, this is of course no problem." Jiang Chen said with a smile, waved his hand, and said to Sister Lan in the kitchen: "Sister Lan, it's time to serve, and take two bottles of beer by the way, this is a distinguished guest, we must not Slack."

Jiang Chen and Qian Banshan were talking about something, and what they were talking about, Sister Lan couldn't understand a word, but they kept their eyes open and didn't rush to bring out the fried dishes.

Hearing Jiang Chen's greeting at this time, he brought the food to the table and took two bottles of beer by the way.

"Patriarch Qian, you've come from a long way, and I don't have anything to say... Come, I'll eat and drink, don't be polite," Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, we ordered this dish." Qian Fugui reminded with a dark face.

"Oh, don't forget to pay the bill at that time." Jiang Chen said as if he had suddenly realized.

Ever since, Qian Fugui's face became even darker.

Half an hour later, Fang Tongjun sent over the contract in a hurry. Jiang Chen and Qian Banshan signed the contract in duplicate, and the matter was considered to be a thorough negotiation.

"Jiang Shao, I have time to go to the capital." Holding the contract and getting up, Qian Banshan said deeply.

"Definitely." Jiang Chen quickly put the contract into his pants pocket, nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qian Banshan stopped talking and led Qian Fugui out of the restaurant.

Getting in the car, before the car started, Qian Fugui couldn't wait to say: "Dad, are we losing or gaining from this deal?"

"It's a loss." With a long sigh, Qian Banshan said, his old face was showing his oldness invisibly.
"Losing?" As if unbelievable, after a while, Qian Fugui came to his senses and said, "Dad, since you lost, why did you agree?"

"I have no choice but to agree." Qian Banshan said.

Give Jiang Chen half of the money, or give Jiang Chen four years of money.

In fact, it is hard to say whether this transaction is a loss or a profit, but for Qian Banshan, it is still a loss, or a big loss.

Because in the final analysis, it is impossible for Qian Banshan to give Jiang Chen half of the Qian family.

This point, Qian Banshan knows it well, Jiang Chen, why didn't he know it well, but, there are some things that don't need to be put on the table, just say it clearly, that's all, that's too much It's boring.

But even if he understood this, Qian Banshan had no choice but to agree. The reason was simple - he didn't want to die, or he hadn't lived enough.

Therefore, he could only be led by the nose by Jiang Chen.

"Then Dad, you should stay in Yilan City temporarily and wait for Jiang Chen to treat you. How can I hear what you mean, and you are going back to the capital?" Qian Fugui said in a ignorant manner.

"There is an old saying that if you don't see a rabbit, you won't sow an eagle... Now, Jiang Chen doesn't get any benefits. It's meaningless for me to stay in Yilan City." Qian Banshan shook his head and said.

Qian Banshan only said half of what he said. It is right not to scatter hawks when he sees a rabbit, but if he does not scatter hawks when he sees a rabbit, then Jiang Chen will die soon!

"What about me?" Qian Fugui asked.

"You? Whatever you want, just let Fang Tongjun stay." Qian Banshan said rather lonely.

"Then I'd better go back to the capital too." Shrinking his neck, Qian Fugui said.

There are many delicious food and fun in the capital, how happy it is to call friends. Although Yilan City is not too bad, Qian Fugui is a little worried that if he stays, he may be played to death by Jiang Chen.

After all, even Qian Banshan couldn't beat Jiang Chen, Qian Fugui didn't think that he could beat Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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