genius evil

Chapter 385 Fishing Law Enforcement

Chapter 385 Fishing Law Enforcement
At around 10:30 in the morning, a black Elantra appeared unsteadily downstairs of Hongji Building.

A big deal was done yesterday, and Jiang Chen was in a very good mood. Even though he was called to the company by Liu Yufei early in the morning, and he was a little sleep deprived, it didn't affect his good mood at all.

Fiddled with the steering wheel with one hand, Jiang Chen whistled, saw an empty parking space, turned the steering wheel over, and was about to park the car.

"DiDi... DiDi..."

But at this time, from another direction, a white, extremely flamboyant-looking Audi A8 rushed over, honking its horn, and the front of the car was also tilted, half of the front of the car was inserted into the parking space.

With one foot on the brakes, the Audi A8 stopped, and then the window glass on the driving position sat down, revealing a face.

That face is very white, not pale, but a sickly white, the kind that looks like malnutrition caused by excessive indulgence.

After poking his head out with a sickly face, he glanced at Jiang Chen and scolded Jiang Chen angrily without saying a word: "Boy, are you blind or deaf? Didn't you see the car coming? Why don't you back up quickly?" , otherwise, if I accidentally scratch my car, even if I sell you, you won't be able to afford it."

"Are you talking to me?" Jiang Chen turned his head and looked in several directions several times to make sure there were no other cars coming, and asked curiously.

"Boy, don't be inked. I'm not talking to you. Could it be that I'm talking to a ghost? Reverse the car for me!" The sick face became very angry as if bossing around.

"Oh, you just said that if you scratch your car, you won't be able to pay for it if you sell me, right?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I said it? Why, is it possible that you want to tell me that you are actually a second generation, deliberately driving a broken Elantra to look good? Let me tell you, I read online novels when I'm fine, don't tell me Pretending to be aggressive in front of you!" Said with a morbid face mockingly, he probably has been poisoned by various urban novels on the Internet, and he is very transparent about various routines.

"I'm sorry, I'm not the second generation, I'm the first generation." Jiang Chen said lazily.

He also read urban novels when he was free. However, Jiang Chen always assumed the role of the rich and handsome male protagonist. He never read the kind of counterattack.

"Generation?" Hearing Jiang Chen say this, his sick face seemed to hear a big joke, and he laughed, "Boy, wait until you can afford my car, then come and talk to me about the topic of the generation, now , all you have to do is reverse the car."

"How much did you pay for this car?" Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Chen still knows the brand of Audi, four circles. The specific price is in the fog.

As for what to say about driving a broken Elantra, so as to show that he has a sense of dignity, Jiang Chen felt that he was wronged... he didn't have a sense of dignity at all, okay?

Even if it's an urban novel on the Internet, I haven't seen the author. The idiot asked the protagonist to drive an Elantra to pretend to be aggressive. That's not called pretending, it's called teasing.

Stretching out two fingers, he said casually with a sick face, "It's not very expensive, just over 200 million."

"Oh." Jiang Chen nodded, then shifted gears and reversed.

Seeing Elantra slipping back, he turned the steering wheel with a sick face, and planned to drive the car into the parking space, but there was a "bang", a violent impact sound.

The morbid face only felt that the whole body was shaking. Because he was not wearing a seat belt, his whole body was involuntary, and he slammed into the car door, making another dull sound.

"The car crashed." This was the first thought of Sick Face.

And soon, the anger on the morbid face just popped up. It was a crash, yes, but one drove the car forward, and the other backed up. If the car crashed, he should have hit Jiang Chen's car. Yes, how could Jiang Chen hit his car?

There is only one possibility, that is, Jiang Chen did it on purpose.

Kicking the car door, he got out of the car with a sickly face, and ran to Elantra a few steps, and stretched out his hand to yank on the car door.


Just at this time, Jiang Chen pushed the car door to get out of the car, and the car door directly hit the sick face's body, knocking the sick face back several steps.

Being bumped twice in a row, his sickly face was filled with anger. When he saw Jiang Chen get off the car, he rushed up and grabbed Jiang Chen's collar.

But before the morbid face could grab Jiang Chen's collar, Jiang Chen just reached out, grabbed his collar, lifted him up, and threw him far away. .


The third time I was hit, no, it was hit on the ground, my sick face was completely dizzy, and it took a long time before I struggled to get up from the ground.By this time, Jiang Chen had long since lost sight of anyone.

Looking at the dented Audi A8 that was hit again, the sick face barely crushed a mouthful of teeth.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already exited the elevator and appeared at Feifei Medical Beauty Company.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" A sweet voice rang in Jiang Chen's ears, and the fragrant wind rushed towards his face. The beautiful woman at the front desk in a black uniform appeared in front of Jiang Chen, smiling without showing any teeth, like a person. The voice is even sweeter.

"Beauty, can I make a temporary appointment?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Sir, if you don't have an appointment, you can also make a temporary appointment, but you have to wait for a while." The beauty at the front desk said patiently, still smiling sweetly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you wait a little longer." Jiang Chen was also very patient, and followed to register at the front desk.

"Beauty, what's your name? How old is this year? Do you have a boyfriend? How many people are there in the family?" Jiang Chen asked as he casually wrote his own information on the register.

"Sir, during working hours, don't talk about personal matters." The beauty at the front desk couldn't help laughing.

It's not that she has never encountered such a situation of being molested by others, but the question is, how can Jiang Chen molested people like this?

This isn't flirting, it's simply checking the household registration, and even asked about the family members, is it a blind date?
"Oh, let's talk about business. How much is your monthly salary? I also have a good job with a monthly salary of [-]. Are you interested in changing jobs?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

"Sir, please respect yourself." The beauty at the front desk was not only unable to smile, her face was darkened.

"You must believe in my sincerity. I think you are just right for that job, so you don't hesitate to pay a high salary." Jiang Chen said with incomparable self-respect.

"Sir, I think you might have a good talk with our company's security guard." The beauty at the front desk couldn't take it anymore, so she wanted to call the security guard.

"Jiang Shao." But at this time, another voice sounded, and a figure came over.

"Secretary Cao, you came at a good time. This gentleman has been messing around since he came in, and... and..." The beauty at the front desk made a small report, but she was too embarrassed to say something.

"Cough, test, test the quality of the staff, congratulations on passing the test, I will give you a raise." Jiang Chen coughed twice and said.

Seeing this, Cao Xiaoshan couldn't laugh or cry, how could she not understand what happened.

"Sheng Nan, Young Master Jiang is the big boss of the company. If he comes in the future, you can notify me directly." Cao Xiaoshan had no choice but to say.

"Big boss?" The beauty at the front desk was very surprised.

Not long after Jiang Shengnan joined the company, he had also heard that the company had a big boss behind the scenes, but he had never seen what he looked like.

Today we finally met, but the way we met was destined to be unforgettable for her.

"Jiang Shao, Mr. Liu has been waiting for you all morning, please follow me." Cao Xiaoshan greeted.

"Beauty Xiaoshan, that beauty said that I am a mess, do you think so too?" Jiang Chen asked casually as he followed Cao Xiaoshan.

"Shengnan was recruited by Mr. Liu himself," Cao Xiaoshan said.

"Da Feifei has really good eyesight." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Mr. Liu's vision has always been very good. Moreover, Mr. Liu said, your vision is even better. Only employees who pass your test are good employees." Cao Xiaoshan said with a light smile.

"My vision is naturally good." Jiang Chen was very complacent, and immediately realized that there was something wrong with his words, and his face immediately collapsed.

"How can Da Feifei do this? Fishing and law enforcement is not a good thing." Jiang Chen said in a heartbroken voice.

"Boss Liu also said that guarding oneself and stealing oneself is even worse." Cao Xiaoshan said sternly, so Jiang Chen was even more heartbroken.

Cao Xiaoshan led Jiang Chen to Liu Yufei's office, and then walked away. Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the office, only to see Liu Yufei sitting behind the desk, burying his head in flipping through the documents.

But this is not the point. The point is that there is a large TV hanging on a wall in the office, and on the TV screen is the surveillance image of the front desk.

As soon as he saw that TV, Jiang Chen immediately felt guilty.It seems that when he came last time, he didn't have this TV, right?

"Damn fishing law enforcement." Jiang Chen slandered endlessly.

On the surface, Jiang Chen laughed loudly, walked over, and hugged Liu Yufei, then put Liu Yufei on his lap, sat on the chair by himself, and then groped Liu Yufei's body up and down. When he got up, he touched Liu Yufei in a short while~ panting.

"Jiang Chen, stop making trouble." Liu Yufei blushed. How could Jiang Chen come here to take advantage without saying a word.

"Da Feifei, I'm not making trouble. I'm just giving you a physical examination. Fortunately, you're neither fat nor thin. It's just right...By the way, where should we go for lunch? How about Western food?" Jiang Dust asked.

Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

Being looked at by Liu Yufei like that, Jiang Chen felt a little embarrassed even though his old face was as thick as a city wall, and he pretended to be a hippie smiling face and said, "Da Feifei, have you looked carefully, have I changed again?" Handsome?"

"Yes, I've become handsome." Liu Yufei said.

"Da Feifei, your mouth is so sweet." Jiang Chen smiled, and kissed Liu Yufei's red lips forcefully, but Liu Yufei didn't resist at all, and even actively cooperated with Jiang Chen's kiss.

"Big Feifei, are you okay?" After kissing for a while and letting go of Liu Yufei, Jiang Chen became more and more guilty.

This situation is not quite right... With such a big TV, the monitoring screen can be seen clearly. According to common sense, Liu Yufei should be burning with jealousy, but there is no sign of anger at all, and the kiss More active than him?

"I'm fine." Liu Yufei shook her head, this time, she took the initiative to kiss Jiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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