genius evil

Chapter 386 Missing a leading actor

Chapter 386 Missing a leading actor
In this kiss, Liu Yufei reluctantly moved her lips away until she almost suffocated.

"Are you all right?" Jiang Chen was a little uneasy.

After all, I have never seen Liu Yufei take the initiative before.

There is an old and ancient saying that when things go wrong, there must be demons.

The more Liu Yufei said she was fine, the more she might have something on her mind. Otherwise, how could Liu Yufei's abnormal behavior be explained?

"It's really all right." The corners of her lips curled into a seductive arc, and Liu Yufei smiled lightly. She looked into Jiang Chen's eyes and said, "Are you worried that I saw you molesting a female employee through the surveillance screen, Angry, and jealous."

"Big Feifei, I have to declare that fishing law enforcement cannot be filed." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"So, I'm neither angry nor jealous." Liu Yufei joked.

"Actually, I think Da Feifei looks pretty pretty when you're angry or jealous. Just feel free to be angry and jealous, I won't mind." Jiang Chen said with a shy old face.

Duplicity is a woman's nature, as an understanding man, Jiang Chen will definitely not take it seriously.

Not only can't it be taken seriously, but you have to listen to the words in reverse, otherwise, even if you are really not angry or jealous, you will be angry and jealous at the same time.

"Then should I be angry and jealous, or should I not be angry and jealous?" Liu Yufei said a little annoyed.

"Ahem, if you can not be angry or jealous, then it's better not to be angry or jealous." Jiang Chen said with a guilty conscience.

"Then do you think Jiang Shengnan is pretty?" Liu Yufei asked with a half-smile.

"Um, this has to tell the truth, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course I want to tell the truth." There was no doubt about what Liu Yufei said.

"Of course I can't compare with you, Da Feifei." Jiang Chen said seriously, the truth is indeed more true than gold.

Liu Yufei just laughed happily and said, "I believe your words, so there is no need to be angry anymore."

"Why am I so confused." Jiang Chen rubbed his nose subconsciously, always feeling that things were a bit tricky, but where the tricks were, for a while, he couldn't figure it out.

"Jiang Shengnan was recruited by me personally. She is beautiful and has principles, but beauty is a double-edged sword. It is difficult to gain the trust of others, or it is easy for her to lose herself. That's why I arranged her to work as a receptionist at the front desk. .” Liu Yufei said.

"And then?" Jiang Chen felt a little puzzled.

"Then, after passing some of the tests I set for her, consider arranging her to serve in an important department." Liu Yufei said.

"In this way, you have passed the test?" Jiang Chen looked depressed.

I finally understand what is so tricky, dare you, Liu Yufei is using him to test Jiang Shengnan, this is somewhat similar to Cao Xiaoshan's original situation, which means, inadvertently, he was in the same gutter twice capsized.

In other words, he was used twice.

After understanding this point, Jiang Chen almost couldn't hold back his two big ear blows, and then secretly swore in his heart that the next time he came to the company, even if a fairy appeared in front of him, he must not squint, otherwise, Maybe Liu Yufei tripped him up.

"Okay, let's go to the meeting, everyone is waiting in the meeting room." Liu Yufei left Jiang Chen's embrace, got up, arranged her clothes, and said.

When she was in Jiang Chen's arms, she was a seductive little woman, the kind who would fascinate people more than her life.

With this appearance, that shrewd and capable temperament was immediately revealed, and she was clearly a strong woman in the business world.

"Da Feifei, how about I discuss something with you? Next time you recruit employees, especially female employees, can you hire one or two who are not pretty?" Jiang Chen stood up slowly, with a bitter expression on his face. Said.

"No, I like things that are pleasing to the eye." Liu Yufei shook her head and refused.

"No wonder you fell in love with me." Touching his face, Jiang Chen said suddenly.

If you want to say it is pleasing to the eye, I dare to ask, is there any man in this world who looks more pleasing to the eye than him?Jiang Chen thought in his heart narcissistically.


Liu Yufei urgently called Jiang Chen back to the company, naturally it wasn't because the two hadn't seen each other for some time, and she deliberately asked Jiang Chen to come over.

Liu Yufei asked Jiang Chen to come to the meeting.

The last time Ye Sichen came to the company and signed the endorsement contract, these days, the commercial has already been filmed.

The main purpose of this meeting is to brainstorm and see if there is anything that needs to be revised in this advertisement. Another point is the placement of the advertisement.

As Jiang Chen was the biggest boss of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, even though he had never seriously paid attention to the company's operating conditions, Liu Yufei still felt that Jiang Chen needed to participate in these two matters.

After all, after the final advertising plan is determined and the advertising is placed, the company's products will be officially launched for sale.

"Young Master Jiang."

"Mr. Jiang."


As soon as Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei entered the conference room, the company's top management all stood up and greeted Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen waved his hands with a charming smile, beckoning everyone to sit down, and said: "Everyone, don't be polite to me, just pretend that I don't exist, I'm just here for coffee... Eh, why is tea served? Drinking tea is fine, you can be as busy as you want."

While talking, Jiang Chen sat down, picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip.

All the top executives are Waterfall Khan.

It's okay for this big boss to see the beginning but not the end, but if he doesn't exist, there is no problem at all.

There was no way, Liu Yufei was making the decisions about this company, and Jiang Chen had no sense of existence at all.

But they all sat down carelessly, and made people think that he didn't exist, but how could anyone really dare to pretend that he didn't exist.

"Okay, let's start the meeting." Liu Yufei gave Jiang Chen a blank look, and gestured to Cao Xiaoshan who was behind her. Then Cao Xiaoshan walked over and opened the multimedia.

Soon, accompanied by the melodious music, a delicate and fresh advertisement appeared.

What's exquisite is the picture, and what's fresh is the woman in the picture... This commercial is Ye Sichen's endorsement commercial for Feifei Medical Beauty Company.

One thing I have to say is that in just a few tens of seconds of the commercial screen, Ye Sichen vividly and vividly showed her silly, sweet side to everyone.

In this way, the direct result was that Jiang Chen's attention was completely attracted by Ye Sichen's frown and smile on the screen, and he almost ignored it. In fact, this was an advertisement.

After the tens of seconds of the advertisement was played, it was not turned off, but the sound was turned down and played in a loop.

"What do you guys think of this advertisement?" Liu Yufei looked around, looking at everyone's reactions, and asked.

"Very good, very small and fresh, in line with various elements that are popular nowadays."

"The picture is exquisite, the music is beautiful, and Ye Sichen perfectly interprets the essence of our company's products."


Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and they all praised and sighed.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think?" After listening to everyone's opinions, Liu Yufei's eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"I also think it's pretty good." Jiang Chen nodded. It's not hard to see that this commercial, whether it's the copywriting, the shooting technique, or Ye Sichen's interpretation, all three have achieved a good blend.

"So, everyone has no different opinions?" Liu Yufei asked again.

"Uh, Da Feifei, I haven't finished talking yet, so don't worry." Jiang Chen said.

"Didn't you say it was pretty good?" Liu Yufei said speechlessly.

"It's pretty good, but it can be even better, right?" Jiang Chen said in a serious manner, and then said: "Don't you guys find that there is something missing?"

"Jiang Chen, what do you think is missing?" Liu Yufei immediately asked.

For this commercial, Liu Yufei placed great expectations.

She knows very well that whether Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company can quickly open up the market in the shortest possible time depends on the product, and on the other hand, whether it can catch the attention of the company in the first place and gain a lot of fans.

As soon as Jiang Chen said this, Liu Yufei immediately became a little nervous.

"It's not that I think it's right, it should be that all of you think it's right. It's obvious that a leading actor is missing." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Male lead?" Liu Yufei was stunned.

It wasn't just Liu Yufei who was stunned, the company's top management were all stunned.

Beauty product advertisements are usually popular with big-name beauties and celebrities, because the target customer base is basically fixed, but have you ever seen an advertisement with a male protagonist?

If it's really hard to force a male protagonist into the scene, that's very inconsistent when you think about it.

"That's right, it's just that a leading actor is missing." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Jiang Shao, there has never been a male lead in this kind of advertisement before." Na Gaoqin said.

"Well, does this mean that we are going to create a precedent?" Jiang Chen said while touching his chin.

Gao Qin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What she said meant to remind Jiang Chen that he didn't need a leading actor. He never thought that Jiang Chen's way of thinking was so weird that he even said something like creating a precedent.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think?" Liu Yufei was not in a hurry to deny Jiang Chen's words.

Although Jiang Chen was fundamentally unreliable, Liu Yufei still decided to listen to Jiang Chen's opinion first... and then refute Jiang Chen's amendments one by one, making Jiang Chen completely give up.

That's right, that's what Liu Yufei meant.

"My idea is very simple, wouldn't it be enough to add a leading actor?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"How?" Liu Yufei asked again.

"It's still very simple, find a tall and handsome male lead, play the role of silly Baitian... oh, it's Ye Sichen's boyfriend... Hey, why are you looking at me like this? I didn't say I was that male lead ...But if you think I'm very suitable, and you can't find a replacement in the whole world, I will reluctantly consider it, but the endorsement fee, you don't want to lose me, even if I am the boss No way..." Jiang Chen was rambling on, with an attitude that you don't want to take advantage of me, I never suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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