genius evil

Chapter 387 Super Rich Second Generation

Chapter 387

In the conference room, including Liu Yufei, all the high-level officials were relatively speechless.

Jiang Chen said that he wanted to add a male lead, which was already weird enough, and what was even more weird was that Jiang Chen shamelessly recommended himself.

Although Jiang Chen said twisting Nini, she looked quite reluctant, but these words are so straightforward, but if there is no lack of a muscle in the brain, even if it has entered the water, then It is definitely enough to understand the meaning hidden in Jiang Chen's words.




A group of high-level executives shouted and cursed in their hearts, even if Jiang Chen was the boss, the ultimate big boss who paid them salaries, they still scolded them.

Who told Jiang Chen to be so shameless?

But at this time, an uncoordinated voice suddenly sounded in the conference room.

"Hey, Young Master Jiang, what kind of wind is blowing today that brought you here?"

The guy who spoke, with a grinning mouth, was originally a handsome face, so he looked a little glib.Who else but Gu Xiang.

"Little Gu Zi, you came just in time." Seeing Gu Xiang appear, Jiang Chen waved.

"Jiang Shao, I have a discussion with you, can this name be changed?" Gu Xiang protested.

Little Guzi?
Why does it sound so strange? It's very similar to the name of the little eunuch in the Qing Palace Opera.

"Xiao Xiangxiang?" Jiang Chen asked.

Gu Xiang shuddered, it's better not to change it, he hurriedly said: "Jiang Shao, you should call me little Guzi, that's fine."

"Okay, Xiao Xiangxiang." Jiang Chen followed suit.


"Jiang Shao, it's very lively here. It's a meeting. It just so happens that I introduce a friend to you." Gu Xiang wisely changed the topic, and pulled a young man standing behind him to act as a shield character of.

"Gao Zhuo." Gu Xiang pointed at the young man and said.

Then he pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "This one, Jiang Chen, Young Master Jiang."

"It's you." Gao Zhuo stared fiercely at Jiang Chen, his eyes almost burst into flames.

"You know me?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Even if you turn into ashes, I will know you." Gao Zhuo's voice was cold.

"I know you even when you turn into ashes, haha, Young Master Gao, I didn't realize that you are such an interesting person before...haha..." Gu Xiang laughed, smiling, but something was wrong with his laughter.

"You two have a grudge?" Gu Xiang couldn't laugh anymore.

"Young Master Gu, I told you just now that there was a guy who hit my car with a broken Elantra. You shouldn't have forgotten it so quickly, right?" Gao Zhuo said.

"Um, Young Master Jiang, did you do it?" Gu Xiang said dumbfounded.

"I did hit a certain guy's car just now. As for whether it was this guy, I don't know." Jiang Chen said.

"What, you want to pretend you don't know me? Do you think that you can get rid of yourself? Childish!" Gao Zhuo sneered.

"Young Master Gao, is there any misunderstanding about this matter?" Gu Xiang asked.

"There is no misunderstanding." Gao Zhuo said simply and rudely.

"Then how do you think about this matter?" Gu Xiang asked again.

"Young Master Gu, since you know this person well, I won't deliberately make things difficult for him. To put it simply, just pay me 500 million so-so, and forget about it." Gao Zhuo said lightly.

"Gao Zhuo, is this what you mean by not intentionally embarrassing yourself?" Hearing the sound, Gu Xiang's expression immediately darkened.

"Young Master Gu, you know my character. If it wasn't for your sake, there wouldn't be 1000 million yuan, and this matter would never end." Gao Zhuo said noncommittally.

"In this way, it's quite a big deal for me to take care of someone's face." Gu Xiang laughed.

Then, I heard Gu Xiang say: "Gao Zhuo, if you want to be simple, then I will be simple too. If you pay Jiang Shao 1000 million, it will be considered as nutrition expenses and mental damage expenses. Forget about this matter."

"Young Master Gu, are you crazy?" Gao Zhuo yelled.

"You don't need to lose money, but when the time comes, don't blame me for not giving you face." Gu Xiang said coldly.

"Young Master Gu, what is the identity of this person? Is it worth you to turn against me?" Gao Zhuo became displeased.

The relationship between him and Gu Xiang is still very good, and the reason why he came to Yilan City this time is also because of Gu Xiang's invitation.

"It seems that you have forgotten what I just said." Gu Xiang said indifferently.

"The boss of Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company?" Gao Zhuo remembered, and then said to Jiang Chen, "Listen to Mr. Gu, your company intends to advertise on the Provincial Satellite TV? Now I can tell you directly, this matter, I Refused."

Jiang Chen was confused and asked, "Little Guzi, who is this guy?"

"The son of the director of the provincial satellite TV station, by the way, got a job in the advertising department." Gu Xiang said.

"So it's the second generation of officials." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"How can it compare to you, a rich generation?" Gu Xiang said jokingly.

Rich generation?
In Gao Zhuo's view, this matter is just a joke, and it will soon become a negative generation!

"The second generation of officials must be very rich, I think, 5000 million is just right, little Guzi, what do you think?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"This guy doesn't look like a bad guy, but he's full of money. I think 5000 million will do." Gu Xiang also smiled.

"Young Master Gu, it seems that you are determined not to give me Gao Zhuo face. Okay, I don't need compensation, but there is absolutely no way for Feifei Medical Beauty Company to advertise." Gao Zhuo gritted his teeth and said. , turn around and leave.

"Hey, what are you doing walking so fast? You don't want me. I don't want 5000 million, even a penny less." Jiang Chen yelled.

"It seems that your company is not going to continue. Believe it or not, if I make a phone call, your company will go bankrupt immediately?" Gao Zhuo said viciously.

"To be honest, I don't believe it, you should call." Jiang Chen had an innocent face.

Gao Zhuo looked at Jiang Chen as if he was insane, and immediately took out his cell phone and made a call... After one call, Gao Zhuo made another call.

Just like that, he made four or five phone calls one after another, and then saw that Gao Zhuo's already pale face became even paler.

"Who the hell are you?" Gao Zhuo was terrified, and even the way he looked at Jiang Chen was full of disbelief.

When he made a phone call, as soon as Jiang Chen's name was mentioned, the other end of the phone immediately hung up the phone. If it was just a coincidence, it would be fine. However, he made several calls in succession, all like this a situation.

Even if Gao Zhuo was a fool, he still realized that something was wrong.

Obviously, Jiang Chen is not simple...or, Jiang Chen is not as simple as he imagined.

"Didn't Little Gu just say that? My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and couldn't help feeling that this kind of thing was extremely interesting.

"Jiang Chen...Jiang Chen..." Gao Zhuo murmured silently in his heart, feeling vaguely familiar with the name.

Thinking about it carefully, Gao Zhuo's complexion changed drastically.

"Jiang Chen?" Losing his voice, Gao Zhuo said, before Jiang Chen could speak, Gao Zhuo immediately said, "5000 million, I will transfer it to your card."

"Don't let my company go bankrupt?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, I'm just saying something out of anger. Where there is such energy, stop joking." Cold sweat broke out on Gao Zhuo's forehead.

The name Jiang Chen is not only heard by everyone in Tiannan City, but it is definitely known by everyone in certain circles.

Ji Feng...Chi Kaize...Chen family father and son...Song family...Ji Feng is now in Tiannan City, with a high profile, and it is rumored that Jiang Chen is behind it.

When these things are connected, Gao Zhuo will tremble.

You know, no matter whether it is Ji Feng or others, it can be said that his status is only higher than his.

Jiang Chen is right, he is indeed a rich generation, or a super rich generation!
"Angry words? Sorry, I don't believe it." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Jiang Shao, regarding your company's advertisement placement on Provincial Satellite TV, I can assure you that the green light will be given all the way." Gao Zhuo hurriedly added.

"I heard that the advertising expenses of the Provincial Satellite TV Station are not low. I'm a small company, and I'm afraid I can't afford it." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"This matter, it's easy to say... I will try my best to get a suitable price... No, I will pay this money as a gift to Jiang Shao." Gao Zhuo wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, stuttering Said.

"No." Jiang Chen categorically refused.

"I've never done things like taking advantage of people, and I'm sure I'll pay a lot of money, otherwise I won't be able to sleep well at night...By the way, how much is the advertising fee? "Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"One...wrong, one hundred thousand, Young Master Jiang, do you think this price is appropriate?" Gao Zhuo was about to cry, if you don't play like this, you can play with dead people, okay?
"What do you mean I think it's appropriate? Just follow the market price. I won't take advantage of it, and you shouldn't be at a disadvantage either... Da Feifei, prepare a contract. In addition, prepare 10 yuan." Jiang Chen turned his head to Liu Yufei. Said.

Including Liu Yufei, the top management of the company were a bit confused. Fortunately, Liu Yufei reacted quickly and left the conference room with Cao Xiaoshan. She had to prepare for this matter herself.

As for the senior management of the company, the way they looked at Jiang Chen at this time was extremely weird.

It seemed that Jiang Chen didn't do anything, just scared Gao Zhuo to the point of pissing. What kind of terrifying existence does this have to have such an immediate effect?

Everyone is a bit messy, what kind of company is this?No, how awesome is this big boss behind the scenes?
Half an hour later, Jiang Chen and Gu Xiang walked out of the Hongji Building. Jiang Chen expressed a little regret and had no choice. Although he tried his best to fight for it, Liu Yufei still refused to agree to the proposal of adding a leading actor in the advertisement.

"It should be, I'm afraid I'll steal the limelight from Silly Baitian." Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

Then, Jiang Chen smiled and said to Gu Xiang: "Little Guzi, you performed well just now, I'll give you a chance to treat guests to dinner."

The corner of Gu Xiang's mouth twitched, and he said depressedly: "Jiang Shao, you just made 5000 million, you can't be too stingy."

"There's a guy named Fang Tongjun. I was thinking of introducing you to him. If you're not interested, forget it." Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"Fang Tongjun? The one from the capital?" Gu Xiang was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Jiang Shao, it is my honor to have the opportunity to invite you to dinner, you must not refuse, or you will hit me s face."

(End of this chapter)

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