genius evil

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Jiang Chen's understanding of Fang Tongjun was based on the fact that he had a daughter who was neither beautiful nor well-figured. This understanding also came from Jiang Yanyan.

As for whether Jiang Yanyan was talking nonsense, Jiang Chen was too lazy to bother. Anyway, he had never met Fang Tongjun's daughter.

If what Jiang Yanyan said was a lie, and Fang Tongjun's daughter was not only beautiful but also had a super good figure, at that time, let's talk about it separately.

Gu Xiang's understanding of Fang Tongjun is naturally not as superficial as Jiang Chen's.

This is quite a legendary figure, who has extraordinary influence in the business district of the capital, and is also a guest of various dignitaries.

Gu Xiang has always wanted to get acquainted with such a person, but he never had the opportunity. He heard that Jiang Chen wanted to introduce Fang Tongjun to him. Although he didn't know how Jiang Chen had friendship with Fang Tongjun, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As far as Gu Xiang is concerned, even if he goes bankrupt after eating a meal, he must never miss it.

There are very few five-star and four-star hotels in Yilan City, and there are too many three-star hotels listed or not listed. As for whether those hotels really meet the three-star standard, no one has too much investigation.

Fang Tongjun lived in a three-star hotel called Grace Hotel in Yilan City.

"Jiang Shao, do you have any orders?" Fang Tongjun was quite surprised to see Jiang Chen again so soon, and asked in a low voice.

"I don't have any instructions, I just want to introduce someone to you. You two can introduce yourself casually." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Hello, Fang Tongjun." Fang Tongjun introduced himself seriously, because he knew very well the reason and purpose of staying in Yilan City this time.

"Mr. Fang, I have admired your name for a long time. Gu Xiang, Gu who looks at Qingcheng, is so flying. Mr. Fang can call me Xiao Gu from now on." Gu Xiang hurriedly stretched out his hand, grabbed Fang Tongjun's hand, and shook it vigorously, with a slightly awkward expression on his face. Excited.

In front of Fang Tongjun, Gu Xiang naturally wouldn't hold him back.

"I heard that the high-ranking officials in Yilan City also seem to have the surname Gu?" Fang Tongjun said, looking at Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang said a little embarrassedly: "It's my father."

"So that's how it is." Fang Tongjun suddenly realized, the way he looked at Jiang Chen was a little strange.

Before Qian Banshan left Yilan City, he left a document for Fang Tongjun. Fang Tongjun read that document carefully. Of course, the most important thing is that he sorted out Jiang Chen's various aspects through that document. interpersonal relationship.

This Gu Xiang appeared in that document.

But the appearance of Gu Xiang at this time still took Fang Tongjun a little by surprise, because he felt that the relationship between Gu Xiang and Jiang Chen was not like friends, and this Gu Xiang was more like Jiang Chen's follower.

Of course, what Fang Tongjun didn't know was that Gu Xiang's mood had been very strange for a long time, and Gu Xiang also felt that Fang Tongjun was like Jiang Chen's follower.

Fortunately, whether it is a misunderstanding or a fact, neither of them is stupid enough to expose it, so it can be regarded as an acquaintance.

"Little Guzi, it's a good treat to eat, don't dawdle." Jiang Chen urged.

"Jiang Shao, I know there is a restaurant nearby that tastes pretty good, why don't you go there?" Gu Xiang suggested.

"Let's go, let's go." Jiang Chen didn't care, anyway, he wasn't paying the money.

The place is not far away. After walking out of the Gelai Hotel, turn left and walk for 2 minutes. It is a Cantonese restaurant.

Entering the Cantonese restaurant, I asked for a private room, and ordered a table full of dishes.

"Young Master Jiang, I'd like to offer you a toast. Please take care of me in the future." Fang Tongjun poured the wine himself, held up the glass and said.

"Boss Fang is wrong. How could it be that I take care of you? You take care of me... By the way, what kind of business does Boss Fang do?" Jiang Chen picked up his wine glass and touched Fang Tongjun. Said.

"Some small businesses, with a little bit of involvement in all aspects." Fang Tongjun said modestly.

"Mr. Fang is too low-key. As far as I know, whether it is real estate, finance, jewelry, hotels, shopping malls, catering, or medicine, Mr. Fang is like a duck to water." Gu Xiang followed up with a supplementary explanation.

"Big entrepreneur? Disrespect, disrespect." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

"Jiang Shao doesn't have to laugh at me, I wonder what kind of business Gu Shao is doing?" Fang Tongjun heard the string song and knew the meaning.

"It's just playing around, fooling around, and focusing on real estate lately." Gu Xiang was more embarrassed than Jiang Chen.

"It just so happens that I am also deeply interested in the real estate industry in Yilan City. If I have time, I can communicate more. If we can cooperate, that would be great." Fang Tongjun said.

"Cooperation?" Gu Xiang was greatly surprised.

His embarrassment was not pretending like that of Jiang Chen, it was genuine embarrassment.

Don't look at the little money he has made over the years, but the little money he has made is nothing compared to a big entrepreneur like Fang Tongjun.

As far as his small fights are concerned, in Fang Tongjun's eyes, it is no different from playing house with children, but Fang Tongjun actually offered to cooperate, how can Gu Xiang not be surprised by this. ,

If he hadn't heard clearly, Gu Xiang would have thought that he had heard it wrong.

"Everyone earns money, so I appreciate Mr. Fang's style of doing things. Mr. Fang, I also offer a toast to you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao is right, everyone should make money if they have money." Fang Tongjun also laughed.

Gu Xiang was in a fog, still a little confused, and asked suspiciously: "Jiang Shao, what is the situation? You must not join hands with Mr. Fang to tease me, I will take it seriously."

"Why, don't want to make this money? Or, look down on Mr. Fang?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Gu Xiang took a breath, and suddenly understood why Jiang Chen introduced Fang Tongjun to him. He immediately poured wine, picked up the glass and toasted Fang Tongjun, and said loudly, "Mr. Fang, happy cooperation."

It is a fool who has money but does not make money, and he is a fighter among fools if he does not have a ready-made thigh. Now that he understands Jiang Chen's intentions, Gu Xiang naturally hugs the opponent's thigh as tightly as he can.

"Happy cooperation." Fang Tongjun picked up the cup and touched Gu Xiang. This business is considered a deal.

The following program was to drink and eat food. Jiang Chen satiated with wine and food, and lazily listened to Gu Xiang and Fang Tongjun talking about the real estate development plan in Yilan City. He put down his chopsticks and asked, "President Fang, you are free today. Bar."

"Available." Fang Tongjun nodded, knowing that besides Gu Xiang, Jiang Chen had someone else to introduce to him.

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen asked casually, he would only ask if he was free, not if he was very free... A very word was added to this sentence, and the interrogative sentence became an affirmative sentence. The meanings are vastly different.

Even if Fang Tongjun is not free, he must be free.

As a result, Fang Tongjun naturally wouldn't take Jiang Chen's face off, and showed his timeliness that he was free.

Not to mention, his temporary stay in Yilan City was originally for Jiang Chen to send.

"It's like this, I have a friend who has always admired him for a long time, and wants to treat Mr. Fang to a light meal. The time and place, I will send it to your mobile phone later." Jiang Chen smiled, his face full of mischief.

"I will go to the appointment on time." Fang Tongjun had no choice but to say.

Naturally, Gu Xiang rushed to pay the bill for the meal, Fang Tongjun went back to the hotel where he lived, and Jiang Chen got into Gu Xiang's car.

"Hey, what brand is your car?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise after getting into the car.

"Land Rover, Range Rover." Driving the car, Gu Xiang said.

"Isn't it cheap?" Jiang Chen asked again in surprise.

"Er—" Gu Xiang's head was covered with black lines.

When Jiang Chen and Fang Tongjun were together just now, they were chatting and laughing happily, looking down on the world, but now, they are acting like ordinary citizens who have never seen the world. This situation is a bit wrong.

"Jiang Shao, I just saw that your car was hit. If you are interested, this car..." Gu Xiang finally came to his senses, and he dared to believe that Jiang Chen was planning on his car.

"Must be interested." Jiang Chen laughed happily, idiots are not interested.

While talking, Jiang Chen greeted: "Stop."

"Jiang Shao, what do you want?" Gu Xiang was startled by Jiang Chen.

"What's the point, this car is mine now, so of course I will drive it." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

Gu Xiang got out of the car with a mournful face, and sat in the co-pilot seat with a mournful face. Jiang Chen's efficiency was a bit high, it was really difficult for him to adapt.

"Jiang Shao, what's the situation with Fang Tongjun?" After a while, Gu Xiang asked.

Depression is depression, but Gu Xiang is absolutely willing to give this car to Jiang Chen. Not to mention other things, Jiang Chen just introduced him to Fang Tongjun today, and it also led to a big deal. He also frowns without blinking.

"There was a person who owed me a large sum of money and was temporarily unable to repay the money, so he bet Fang Tongjun on me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"This means that that person gave you a chicken that can lay golden eggs?" Gu Xiang said dazedly.

"If you want to understand this way, it's not impossible." Jiang Chen smiled, thinking that if Fang Tongjun knew that he was described as a chicken by Gu Xiang, even if it was the Qian family's face plus his face, the relationship between him and Gu Xiang A single business is definitely going to fail.

"Then this real estate business?" Gu Xiang became inexplicably worried.

"It's very simple. If you make money, nine times will be opened, and I will be one for you." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Young Master Jiang, you're killing me. You can't compare to yellow skins. It's [-]-[-]." Gu Xiang yelled.

"For the sake of being a friend, I won't take advantage of you. I'm eight and you are two. This is my bottom line. Don't push yourself." Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, as if he was cutting flesh.

"Jiang Shao, you are really too cunning. It's fine for Fang Tongjun to make money for you, but he even blackmailed me. For a long time, Fang Tongjun and I are making money for you. It's a picky one." Gu Xiang yelled.

"Deal." Jiang Chen said decisively.

"Ah—" Gu Xiang was still waiting for Jiang Chen to continue bargaining, never thought that Jiang Chen would make such a move, his mouth was wide enough to stuff a salted duck egg in.

"Jiang Shao, how about discussing it again, four to six, really not, three to five to six to five?" After a while, Gu Xiang said pitifully.

"Get out!" Jiang Chen laughed and cursed!
(End of this chapter)

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