genius evil

Chapter 389 A Gift for Lan Xiu

Chapter 389 A Gift for Lan Xiu

Between the water and the clouds.

At around 06:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Chen drove the Land Rover Range Rover that Gu Xiang gave him, and appeared at the private club in Shuiyunjian. He had just parked the car when he saw a taxi in front of the club. stopped.

After a while, the back door of the taxi opened, and a slender leg wrapped in stockings stepped forward first.

Beautiful or not, look at the beautiful legs.

It was undoubtedly a beautiful leg, long and slender.

Then, wearing a long blue dress, she floated out, and the woman in the car got out of the car.

The eyebrows are picturesque, delicate and elegant, elegant, but delicate and affectionate.

Even if you work in a private club like Shuiyunjian, where you see a lot of beauties of all kinds, the two security guards in front of the gate, as soon as they see a woman get out of the car, even if she comes in a taxi , all breathed involuntarily and slightly suffocated, and their eyes lit up a little.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you are so beautifully dressed, are you going on a date with your boyfriend?" Jiang Chen approached with a playful smile, and looked Lan Xiu up and down, not hiding the heat in his eyes.

Seeing Jiang Chen, Lan Xiu's lips curved into a slight smile, and said, "Wait for me here."

"Well, no, I just arrived too." Jiang Chen said.

Lan Xiu stretched out one hand, and put a lot of force on the soft flesh of Jiang Chen's waist... This guy, usually, when talking about love, he is so numb that he can get tired of it, why is he so puzzled at this time? .

Even if you just arrived, you can't lie to her, are you waiting here on purpose?

"Because I know, Xiao Xiuxiu, after you get off work, you will definitely go home to take a shower, change clothes and make up. It will be around this time, so I think this time is just right." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Why did you think of inviting me to dinner?" Lan Xiu decided to ignore Jiang Chen's nonsense, and changed the subject.

"I don't see you in a day, like three autumns. I miss you, Xiao Xiuxiu. Is that a reason?" Jiang Chen smiled even happier.

"Forget it, but that's not the real reason." Lan Xiu is not so easy to deceive.

"Actually, I want to introduce someone to you." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Who?" Lan Xiu was a little confused.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, you'll know in a while. Let's go on a date first. I'll let that guy come over later." Jiang Chen said lazily. Xiu entered the water cloud.

The person Jiang Chen wanted to introduce to Lan Xiu was Fang Tongjun. Fang Tongjun hurried over half an hour later.

"Lan Xiu...Fang Tongjun." After Fang Tongjun entered the box, Jiang Chen gave a serious introduction.

As soon as he heard Jiang Chen's introduction, Fang Tongjun immediately realized the status of Lan Xiu in Jiang Chen's heart. You must know that when Jiang Chen introduced Gu Xiang to him today, he didn't use this method.

"Mr. Fang, it turned out to be you. I didn't expect to meet you in Yilan City." Seeing that it was Fang Tongjun, Lan Xiu was slightly stunned. She glanced sideways at Jiang Chen before saying.

"Lan should be Mayor Lan, it's a pleasure to meet you." Fang Tongjun laughed.

"It's the deputy mayor." Lan Xiu reminded.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, Xiao Xiuxiu, you will be the mayor soon, so let's treat it as Boss Fang congratulating you in advance." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Shao is right, Mayor Lan, you have a great future." Fang Tongjun naturally flattered him casually, and through Jiang Chen's claim, it was more confirmed that Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu had a good relationship.

After all, the name Xiao Xiuxiu is extremely ambiguous at first hearing. If it is an ordinary friend, then no matter what, it cannot be called this way.

Seeing that Lan Xiu took it for granted, and didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this title, it was not difficult for Fang Tongjun to see that the relationship between Jiang Chen and Lan Xiu was probably a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

And this kind of relationship was not specified in the document Qian Banshan gave him, and the beauty of it all depended on Fang Tongjun's own careful experience.

The good thing is that he is a fine man, with all aspects, even if he has thoughts in his heart, it will never show on his face.

Lan Xiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it's okay for Jiang Chen to be full of nonsense, anyway, Jiang Chen has never been serious, and Fang Tongjun, what's going on?

Why did she follow Jiang Chen to make a flattering thing? In her impression, Fang Tongjun was not such a person.

The reason why Lan Xiu knew Fang Tongjun was because Fang Tongjun and her father were friends. Naturally, they were just very ordinary friends and did not have a deep friendship.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, don't think I'm joking." Jiang Chen smiled, picked up the menu and began to order.

After ordering the dishes, Jiang Chen said casually; "Xiao Xiuxiu, I heard that you have been busy attracting business recently, how are you busy?"

"Investment?" Lan Xiu was taken aback.

"It's like this. Mr. Fang just happened to have some spare money, and he thought it wouldn't be a big deal to put it in the bank to get moldy, so he asked me for directions. Xiao Xiuxiu, if you have a good project, please introduce it. Give it to President Fang." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Mr. Fang, do you intend to invest in Yilan City?" Lan Xiu said a little surprised.

If she still remembers correctly this time, it seems that Fang Tongjun's investments are all in the first-tier places such as the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and Beijing. This Yilan City is not even counted as the third-tier.

"There is an intention in this regard." Fang Tongjun had the experience of typing out the lunch at noon, and his reaction was quick.

"I don't know which direction Mr. Fang intends to invest in?" Lan Xiu asked.

As it was related to her job, Lan Xiu put on an attitude of talking about business. Moreover, Lan Xiu knew that with Fang Tongjun's big money, if she really invested, it would definitely not be a small matter.

From the perspective of the job itself, this is for the benefit of the city, and from the perspective of selfishness, this will be a huge political achievement.

Lan Xiu finally understood why Jiang Chen said that she would be mayor soon, even if she was not qualified enough, with such achievements as a base, and if she could maintain a good cooperative relationship with Fang Tongjun, the mayor would be a good person. In this position, after a few years, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

"Mayor Lan works in Yilan City, so he knows more about various aspects than I do. Let me give you some general directions so that I can go back and have a meeting to study." Fang Tongjun said.

He didn't know what he should invest in. He cooperated with Gu Xiang in real estate at noon, so it's okay to say that it is a business that can make money without losing money.

This time, he was spending money to invest in Lan Xiu. Fang Tongjun was completely blind, and could only listen to what Lan Xiu said. As for the meeting to study, it was naturally a cover.

"Well, I'll ask the secretary to sort out a few detailed plans, and I'll show it to Mr. Fang when the time comes." Lan Xiu said happily.

After this meal, Lan Xiu was very happy, and when Lan Xiu was happy, Jiang Chen was naturally very happy.

Unlike introducing Gu Xiang to Fang Tongjun, it was Jiang Chen's impromptu idea. For the sake of Gu Xiang's handling of Gao Zhuo's matter, he dragged Gu Xiang to make some money.

Introducing Lan Xiu to Fang Tongjun was considered a big gift from Jiang Chen to Lan Xiu. Lan Xiu was happy to receive the gift, and Jiang Chen, the gift giver, was naturally extremely happy.

After all, what else is more important than making your woman happy?
Anyway, I don't know if others have it, Jiang Chen definitely doesn't, there is no way, Jiang Chen is just so promising right now.

It took almost an hour and a half for eating and chatting. When we walked out of the water and clouds, the sky was already dark.

Fang Tongjun took a step first, while Lan Xiu got into Jiang Chen's car.

"Change the car again?" After getting in the car, Lan Xiu said strangely, the frequency of changing cars is too high.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I can be regarded as contributing to the economic development of Yilan City." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Lan Xiu smiled, and she asked casually, without asking the truth, and said, "Why did Fang Tongjun think about investing in Yilan City? Is it your opinion? Or his opinion?"

"For now, he listens to me." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Lan Xiu was stunned for a moment, then laughed, it turned out that was the case.

"I really can't understand you more and more." Lan Xiu said helplessly, this guy will surprise her every time, and every surprise is different.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I think the reason why you don't understand me is because I'm wearing clothes." Jiang Chen blinked, then pointed at a big hotel in front of him, and said with a strange expression, "Hey, since when is there a hotel here, it looks pretty good, or, the two of us go in and have a look."

"I want to go to you." Lan Xiu said angrily, once she heard that Jiang Chen was running the train with his mouth full, how could she not understand what Jiang Chen was planning.

In the end, it was Jiang Chen who first entered the hotel to explore the way. There was no other way, Lan Xiu's identity was too sensitive, and the name of the beautiful deputy mayor was too famous, so Jiang Chen could only take the lead.

After Jiang Chen opened the room, he took out a bottle of red wine from the room and opened it, poured two glasses, and then went to take a shower. Lan Xiucai pushed the door and walked in sneakily like a thief.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I've decided. I'll let you take a good look at me tonight. I'm sure I'll let you see clearly." Jiang Chen hugged Lan Xiu in his arms, and said in Lan Xiu's ear.

Lan Xiu's body softened all of a sudden.

Two days ago, she was physically inconvenient, and because Jiang Chen teased her again, she had already been aroused by desire. Other times were fine, but when she was stimulated by Jiang Chen at this time, the desire instantly broke the embankment and crushed her. Not much sanity.

"Don't look, there's nothing to see." Lan Xiu said.

"No, I've already taken off my clothes, how can I not look at it, I have to look at it if I don't look at it." Jiang Chen said forcefully, but Lanxiu refused.

"Always not serious." Lan Xiu could only compromise.

"Wait a while, you must be begging me not to be serious." Jiang Chen chuckled, picked up Lan Xiu and walked towards the bed.

"Next time, I can't come to this kind of place." Lan Xiu lay in Jiang Chen's arms and said embarrassedly.

"Okay, next time, let's change to another place." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, took off Lan Xiu's clothes, and threw himself on Lan Xiu viciously like a hungry wolf pounced on a tiger... The big bed soon suppressed In the shallow humming sound, sometimes rhythmic, sometimes without rhythm, it swayed...

(End of this chapter)

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