genius evil

Chapter 390 A Girl Like Lilac

Chapter 390 A Girl Like a Clove
Around ten o'clock in the morning, by the Weiming Lake.

The sky looks a little gloomy, and the weather forecast says it will rain today, but according to the usual weather forecast, 80.00% of it is often inaccurate.

Before the rain fell, Jiang Chen was still lying by the lake.

"Jiang Shao, do you have any orders?" Jiang Chen was on the phone, and the call was to Fang Tongjun.

As soon as Fang Tongjun received Jiang Chen's call, he felt a little nervous for no reason. He didn't know what Jiang Chen was going to do, but he had to answer it, which directly caused his tone of voice to be a little blunt.

"President Fang didn't sleep last night, okay?" Jiang Chen said with a haha.

Then, without waiting for Fang Tongjun to speak, Jiang Chen said directly: "I have two things to do when I make this call to you. The first one is Feifei Medical Beauty Company, you know it?"

"I know." Fang Tongjun nodded in response.

The legal person of Feifei Medical Beauty Company is Liu Yufei, but Fang Tongjun knows that the actual boss is Jiang Chen.This also meant that there was an ambiguous relationship between Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei.

It also meant that while Jiang Chen was soaking in Lanxiu, he was also soaking in Liu Yufei, a typical stepping on two boats.

Fortunately, this is nothing.

Because, from the information Qian Banshan gave him, Fang Tongjun knew very well that Jiang Chen was not just on two boats.

"It's good to know, how to make this company earn the most money in the shortest period of time is obviously your old business, Mr. Fang, and it must not be difficult at all, right?" Jiang Chen said again. .

"I've dabbled a little bit in medicine and cosmetology, but in terms of making money..." Fang Tongjun said.

He can guarantee to make money. After all, this is a hot industry, but a hot industry naturally has countless capital giants entering. Even if it is him, it is difficult to guarantee how much money he can make. However, before I finish talking, I will give Jiang Chen interrupted.

"This is the best way. I'll wait for Mr. Fang to let me count the money until my hands cramp." Jiang Chen didn't wait for Fang Tongjun to finish speaking, and interrupted abruptly.

Then he said, "Next, let's talk about the second thing. In the past few days, if you have time, go to Tiannan City to meet someone."

"Who does Young Master Jiang want me to see?" Fang Tongjun asked with a wry smile.

"Ji Feng." Jiang Chen gave Fang Tongjun a name, but hung up the phone. Next, whether Fang Tongjun broke his leg or broke his heart, it has nothing to do with him.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen fell asleep on the grass. After not sleeping for a long time, Jiang Chen noticed that his face was a little wet. When he looked up, it was raining.

"Didn't you say that the weather forecast is all lies?" Jiang Chen gasped and got up.

"Jiang Chen, come here quickly." But at this moment, a voice came over.

On the cobblestone path, there was a figure standing out of nowhere, with a beautiful figure, holding a small floral umbrella in his hand, standing quietly, like a lilac flower exuding a delicate fragrance, waving his hand to greet Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, are you here to pick me up? I'm so touched." Jiang Chen smiled, patted his buttocks and walked towards Tangyue.

To be precise, Tangyue came to find Jiang Chen, not to pick him up.

She wanted to talk to Jiang Chen about something, and she wasn't sure if Jiang Chen was here. Seeing that the sky was gloomy, it was probably going to rain, so she took an umbrella when she left the office. She never thought it would rain so quickly.

The rain was very fast, fast and urgent. At the beginning, only a few drops of rain fell, and soon, it began to rain heavily.

Seeing that Jiang Chen was walking leisurely and not in a hurry, Tangyue couldn't help but urged: "Jiang Chen, hurry up, your clothes are getting wet, be careful of catching a cold."

"Teacher Tang, don't worry, I suddenly got inspiration and wrote a poem impromptu, I'll read it to you first." Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue and said.

"I hope to meet a beautiful girl like a lilac. She has the same color as a lilac, a fragrance like a lilac, and a face like a lilac...Holding a small floral umbrella, in the rain, quiet and beautiful, waiting Look at me...Teacher Tang, isn't this original work of mine very artistic?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Tangyue was speechless and funny, "Rain Lane" was a good song, but it was messed up by Jiang Chen.

This is blatant plagiarism, and I don't know how Jiang Chen has the face to say that he created it.

"I've read Yuxiang." Tangyue reminded.

"I've read it too, but this poem is different from Yuxiang. This poem is called "Lilac", and I wrote it specially for you, Teacher Tang." As he spoke, Jiang Chen got under the umbrella.

It was raining heavily and the umbrella was very small.

After Jiang Chen got in, in order to avoid getting caught in the rain, he could only hold Tangyue close.

Tangyue felt a little uncomfortable, she leaned back slightly, Jiang Chen stretched out one hand, wrapped around her slender waist, took the umbrella in his hand, covered the heads of the two of them, and said, "Tang Teacher, do you like this poem?"

Jiang Chen's actions made Tangyue feel more uncomfortable, but it was not easy to push Jiang Chen away, otherwise Jiang Chen would definitely get caught in the rain... Although, Jiang Chen's hair and clothes were already wet , raining or not raining, seems to make no difference.

"Write it specifically for me?" Tangyue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood why Jiang Chen would change a good poem so nondescriptly.

But it seems that it has been changed to be nondescript, but if it is written for her, it is just right.

"Don't copy poems randomly in the future." Tangyue was embarrassed to say whether she liked it or not.

"Teacher Tang, I thought the math teacher didn't understand these things, why don't you teach me Chinese in the future?" Jiang Chen giggled.


Jiang Chen was caught in the rain, and he was supposed to go back to the dormitory to change clothes, but Tangyue couldn't take Jiang Chen back to the boys' dormitory, otherwise he would be seen by others, and there would inevitably be some unnecessary misunderstandings, so he had to take Jiang Chen with him. Dust went to the teacher's dormitory building.

At this point in time, the teachers are all in class, and there is no one in the dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, Tangyue pulled out a clean towel and handed it to Jiang Chen, saying, "Wipe your hair."

Jiang Chen took the towel, wiped his hair casually, and said, "Teacher Tang, my clothes and pants are all wet, do you have any dry clothes here?"

"It's all my clothes, do you wear them?" Tangyue asked with a half-smile.

"Ugh, I think running naked is cooler." Jiang Chen smiled.

"No, you just stay like this. I'll tell you a few words, and after that, you go back to the dormitory and change your clothes." Tangyue said hastily, worried that Jiang Chen would take off her clothes and pants.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Actually, I think it's good to get wet and tempted."

"Wet body temptation?" Tangyue stared angrily.

"Teacher Tang, I'm in good shape, right?" Jiang Chen said smugly.

"You didn't want to get yourself wet on purpose, did you?" Tangyue asked, doubting Jiang Chen's intentions.

"Teacher Tang, how can you say that, I, Jiang Chen, can do that kind of thing?" Jiang Chen retorted solemnly.

Tangyue smiled, turned around and went to the kitchen to boil ginger water for Jiang Chen, and asked, "The college entrance examination is coming soon, are you ready?"

"Hey, it doesn't seem to be raining anymore, Teacher Tang, I'm leaving first, I have to go back and change clothes, otherwise I should catch a cold." Jiang Chen sneezed.

"After playing for so long, it's time to focus on reviewing your homework." Tangyue said again.

"Teacher Tang, you are right." Jiang Chen sneaked out while talking.

Tangyue brought out the ginger water after cooking, and said, "Jiang Chen, drink this first."

Jiang Chen stopped walking outside, walked over to take the bowl, poured ginger water into his stomach, and said, "Teacher Tang, if you don't want to be a teacher anymore, it would be nice to be a good wife and mother. This bowl The ginger poached is so good, I think I can drink several more bowls."

"Let's talk about learning." How could Tangyue not understand that Jiang Chen was deliberately changing the subject, so she naturally wouldn't give Jiang Chen a chance, and with a slight smile, she said, "You just said that you want me to teach you Chinese. After thinking about it, I decided to agree."

"Teacher Tang, you are a math teacher, so don't grab the Chinese teacher's job." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and suddenly felt like he was shooting himself in the foot, and secretly scolded himself for being so cheap.

"Starting tomorrow, you will come to me for tutoring after lunch every day during the noon and afternoon classes. Try to make up your academic performance during the last time." Tangyue said with a smile.

"Lonely men and widows living in the same room, thinking about it is wonderful? Teacher Tang, starting tomorrow, I will definitely come here on time." Jiang Chen sighed and said, with a fascinated look on his face.

Tangyue was stunned for a moment, and only after being reminded by Jiang Chen did she realize that her arrangement was inappropriate.

But Tangyue also understood that Jiang Chen said this on purpose, so that she would back off, biting her teeth lightly, Tangyue said: "I hope that when you are studying, you will also be in a good mood. That way, it will not be in vain." painstaking pains."

"Teacher Tang, do you have to be so cruel?" Jiang Chen was miserable.

For his dissolute temperament, if he is to fight for the college entrance examination in an honest and orderly manner like other students, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Even if it's a beautiful teacher, teaching from face to face, the scenery here is unique, and occasionally a little bit of ambiguity can happen.

"Or, if you really find it difficult, from tomorrow onwards, go back to the classroom and go to class. That way, I, a math teacher, won't have to force myself to teach you Chinese." Tangyue smiled softly and gracefully, What he said makes people feel like spring breeze, but the threat and coercion in those words is beyond words.

"Teacher Tang, you think about me so wholeheartedly. How can I live up to your good intentions? In the future, I can be very proud and tell everyone that my Chinese is taught by my math teacher." Gritting his teeth, Jiang Chen said cruelly. .

Compared to going to the classroom to attend classes, Jiang Chen would definitely choose to come to Tangyue for tutoring.

"Or, in the future, you can proudly tell others that your English and even your comprehensive skills were all taught by your math teacher." Tangyue said with a light smile.

Jiang Chen's head was full of black lines in an instant, and his idiot image turned into an idiot in a second...

(End of this chapter)

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