genius evil

Chapter 39 Indecent assault

Chapter 39 Indecent assault

Some people are happy and some are sad. This sentence is the most true portrayal of Jiang Yanyan's mood at this moment.

Jiang Yanyan was worried, terribly worried, she felt that her hair was going to turn gray, and she always had a good appetite, but now she couldn't take a bite of the food on the plate.

On the contrary, Xu Anqi, who was sitting across from Jiang Yanyan, seemed to have a good appetite, eating in small bites, elegant and ladylike.

Seeing that Xu Anqi's food was so delicious, Jiang Yanyan felt even more worried. She felt that Xu Anqi was too disrespectful, so why did she suddenly kiss Jiang Chen? Shouldn't she be united with her and go out together?
This is good, Xu Anqi kissed Jiang Chen once. Doesn’t that mean that she wants to kiss Jiang Chen as well, that’s eight kisses. In that way, not only will her first kiss be gone, but her purity will also suffer a lot. Big test.

"Yanyan, hurry up and eat, the food won't taste good when it gets cold." Xu Anqi said softly.

"An Qi, where can I eat?" Jiang Yanyan said with a bitter face.

"Don't think about it so much, maybe Jiang Chen is just joking with you, don't take it seriously." Xu Anqi naturally knew what Jiang Yanyan was worried about, and comforted her softly.

"The problem is, that little rascal may not be joking." Jiang Yanyan's eyes suddenly widened a little, she looked at Xu Anqi and said, "No, you said Jiang Chen was joking, so why did you kiss him? Could it be you... "

"It's not what you think, I'm just willing to admit defeat." Xu Anqi said hastily, her face flushed slightly.

"It's still not right. I was the one who proposed the bet. If you really want to admit defeat, that person is also me." Jiang Yanyan shook her head and looked at Xu Anqi suspiciously.

"Don't think about it, it's not like you don't know about Jiang Chen, he has become so bad now, if we don't satisfy him a little bit, he will definitely pester him." Xu Anqi explained in a low voice.

"So after all, even if it was a joke, Jiang Chen wouldn't take it as a joke." Jiang Yanyan was very depressed.

It's just that she was depressed, she still had to eat, but just as Jiang Yanyan picked up the chopsticks, she lost her appetite again because she saw Jiang Chen coming over.

Jiang Chen sat down next to Xu Anqi, picked up a bottle of iced milk on the table and drank it.

"Jiang Chen, that's An Qi's milk." Jiang Yanyan stared at Jiang Chen.

"I know it's squad leader Xu's milk, but I don't want to drink your milk." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I won't let you drink my milk." Jiang Yanyan was very angry.

"Your milk is not as good as Captain Xu's milk, why should I drink your milk?" Jiang Chen bickered with Jiang Yanyan while drinking the milk.

"What do you mean my milk is not as good as An Qi's milk, and you have never drank it. My milk and An Qi's milk are obviously the same." Jiang Yanyan said unhappily.

"Oh, if there is a chance, I can drink your milk." Jiang Chen's smile was sly.

Jiang Yanyan was about to say that I wouldn't give you a drink, but when she saw Xu Anqi's chin almost dropped to her chest, and her face was burning red, she suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong.

"Jiang Chen, you stinky rascal." Jiang Yanyan yelled, it was milk, but Jiang Chen only said the word "milk", what her milk is An Qi's milk, these words are too easy to imagine.

Fortunately, the voice of speaking is still relatively low, otherwise, if someone else heard it, Jiang Yanyan would have to dig a hole to get in.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said to Xu Anqi: "Squad Leader Xu, your milk is really delicious, but even though it's delicious, you can't drink it at this time. As for me, I'll help you drink it."

"Jiang Chen, you have to be so shameless to say such a thing. It's fine if you snatch An Qi's milk, but you still say it in such a high-sounding way." words.

"I say so, of course I have my reasons... Well, anyway, what is the reason, I won't tell you, it's a little secret between me and Squad Leader Xu." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously. She didn't think that there was any little secret between Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi. You must know that in school, she and Xu Anqi went hand in hand, and there was no secret between the two.

"If you believe in your words, you will be a ghost." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes.

"Squad leader Xu, student Yanyan doesn't believe my words, what do you think?" Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at Xu Anqi.

When Xu Anqi blushes, she is very characteristic. Her pretty little face is rosy in white and tender in pink, especially when she is blushing, the tip of her nose is also slightly flushed, which is extraordinarily cute.

"Yanyan, stop talking, you can eat quickly." Resisting her embarrassment, Xu Anqi raised her head and said.

"Hey, could it be that the two of you really have a secret?" Jiang Yanyan had a weird expression on her face.

"Actually, it's not really a secret, anyway, just eat." Xu Anqi looked unwilling to talk more, and urged Jiang Yanyan to eat, which meant to tell Jiang Yanyan not to talk too much.

Jiang Yanyan is a person with a lot of curiosity. The more Xu Anqi behaves like this, the more problematic she feels. She looks at Jiang Chen for a while, then looks at Xu Anqi for a while, and really wants to see the relationship between the two of them. What kind of secret is there.

Naturally, Jiang Yanyan couldn't see anything, so she could only lower her head to eat in bewilderment. After taking a few bites, she put down her chopsticks and said to Xu Anqi, "Anqi, let's go."

Xu Anqi nodded lightly, stood up, but Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, pulled Xu Anqi to sit down, looked at Jiang Yanyan, and said with a half-smile: "Student Yanyan, although squad leader Xu's milk is delicious, but I This will come, but not to drink milk."

"Then why did you come?" Jiang Yanyan vaguely understood what Jiang Chen's words meant, but she wouldn't say it directly.

"Hey, classmate Yanyan, you are really stupid for pretending to be stupid." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Hmph, why did I pretend to be stupid, Jiang Chen, stand up." Isn't it just a few kisses, Jiang Yanyan is going to fight it out.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"Jiang Chen, please don't play dumb, okay, I want to kiss you, you won't understand." Jiang Yanyan squinted at Jiang Chen, thinking that you, a stinky hooligan, are thinking about these things, and you are still pretending to be in front of her. Put on a very embarrassed look, who are you kidding.

"You said you want to kiss me?" Jiang Chen was really embarrassed.

"That's right, I want to kiss you, get up quickly." Jiang Yanyan raised her voice unconsciously, and said loudly.

"There are so many people here, it's not good." Jiang Chen blinked.

"What's wrong, hurry up, stop moaning, come here and give me a few kisses." Jiang Yanyan's voice became louder.

"Indecent!" Then, a high-pitched scream rang out, and Jiang Chen ran away without a trace as if his butt was on fire.

"Isn't that Jiang Yanyan? She said she wanted to kiss Jiang Chen, what happened?"

"What else can happen, the world is getting worse, and people's hearts are not old."

"That guy Jiang Chen is really lucky. Jiang Yanyan is hot and tasty. Why don't I have such good fortune?"

"Yeah, Jiang Yanyan really took the initiative, Jiang Chen is not only blessed with sex, but also blessed with sex!"

Because the football game had just ended, most of the people eating in the cafeteria were from the third class. The conversation between Jiang Yanyan and Jiang Chen attracted their attention.

Especially Jiang Chen's insult, which seemed to be resisting and struggling, made the expressions on each of their faces very wonderful.

Jiang Yanyan almost bumped her head to death on the dining table, she didn't want to live anymore!
Until she left the cafeteria, Jiang Yanyan always had an expression of vomiting blood, Xu Anqi looked at it amusedly but did not dare to laugh, lest Jiang Yanyan would become angry from embarrassment.

"An Qi, you can help Jiang Chen bully me." Jiang Yanyan was wronged.

"How could I help Jiang Chen bully you." Xu Anqi felt a little helpless.

"Then why do you have a little secret with Jiang Chen? I think you are with him, deliberately watching my jokes." Jiang Yanyan said, almost feeling betrayed by Xu Anqi.

"As I said just now, it's really not a''s my one that can't eat ice, and I didn't pay attention at first." Xu Anqi had no choice but to explain the situation to Jiang Yanyan, otherwise Jiang Yanyan would probably run away.

"So that's what happened, but how did that stinky hooligan know?" Jiang Yanyan looked confused, she lived in the same dormitory as Xu Anqi, she didn't even notice this, if she knew, she wouldn't I bought ice milk for Xu Anqi.

"I don't understand either." Xu Anqi shook her head. It was because she didn't understand that she was so shy just now. After all, this is a girl's private matter.

"You don't understand, I don't understand, but Jiang Chen understands, you said he must be secretly in love with you, otherwise why does he like to tease you so much, I heard that when a boy likes a girl, He often makes some inexplicable actions to attract that girl's attention, he will care about when her birthday is, and even more concerned about her uncomfortable days every month..." Jiang Yanyan incarnated as Sherlock Holmes, speculated and analyzed.

"Yanyan, haven't you discovered that Jiang Chen actually prefers to tease you? I was just troubled by you." Xu Anqi said angrily.

" could it be? Didn't he dislike me all the time? Besides, I'm not as beautiful as you, gentle and cute like you, and I'm not as good in shape as you. Jiang Chen will never tease me no matter what, unless his vision Question." Jiang Yanyan said hesitantly.

Xu Anqi was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jiang Yanyan in surprise. Why did she look at Jiang Yanyan like this, as if she was looking forward to Jiang Chen's teasing?

Jiang Yanyan didn't know if Xu Anqi looked at her with a guilty conscience, so she quickly changed the subject, "Anqi, didn't you say that your grandfather went to Yanjing for medical treatment a while ago, is the old man's illness cured now?"

"No." Xu Anqi sighed lowly, there was a strong color of worry between her pretty brows!
(End of this chapter)

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