genius evil

Chapter 40 I want to say 3 words to you

Chapter 40 I want to say three words to you
Jiang Yanyan was very angry, she didn't sleep well all night, and she was still angry when she went to class the next day, but unfortunately she couldn't vent her anger on Jiang Chen, because Jiang Chen skipped class again.

Jiang Chen had been absent from class for a week in a row before. The students in the class were not surprised by Jiang Chen's behavior. If they really had any thoughts, it was envy. Envy that Jiang Chen came to the classroom whenever he wanted. , they don't have such treatment.

But Tangyue was in a good mood. During class, she had a slight smile on her face, which made her even more charming. After returning to the office after class, Tangyue was still in a good mood.

Although Jiang Chen didn't come to the class, he took part in the mock exam anyway. Let alone what grade Jiang Chen could get in the exam, it finally didn't cause her any extra trouble.

Tangyue's mentality has changed somewhat now, at least when dealing with the relationship with Jiang Chen, her mentality has changed a lot.

She doesn't expect Jiang Chen to perform well, as long as Jiang Chen's performance is not worse than now, it is enough for her. In that way, Jiang Chen is relaxed, and she is also relaxed.

Of course, it's not all trouble-free.

The water glass that was taken away by Jiang Chen has been making Tangyue feel a little strange for the past two days, always feeling that Jiang Chen is going to do something to her again.

But after all, Jiang Chen hasn't done anything so far, so Tangyue didn't think too much about it. She has always been the kind of person who doesn't have too many negative emotions. Before things happened, she didn't think about the bad things. Habit.

"Maybe Jiang Chen lacks a drinking cup." Tangyue told herself.

After reading the lesson plan for a while, Tangyue got up and washed an apple for herself, and then Tangyue started to eat the apple.

Because the other teachers were going to class and there was no one in the office, anyone who looked at it would find that Tangyue was not elegant when eating apples.

The apple is very big, and Tangyue ate it with a big mouthful. Her pink cheeks were bulging, and when she took a bite, two rows of teeth marks were left on the crisp and sweet apple. The sweet juice flowed into her throat, and Tangyue couldn't help showing happy face.

She is like a little girl who ate snacks secretly. She is so easy to be satisfied and happy at the moment, but this girl's figure is too enchanting and her face is too glamorous.

The big apple was finished quickly, and Tangyue opened the drawer again, and took out a pack of dried mangoes. There were a lot of snacks in the drawer, and there were all other snacks such as jelly plum pudding. After opening it, it was like Pandora Little Magic Box.

It has to be said that Tangyue was a very young girl at this time, or a very young woman. This was her other side, which was not well known to anyone.

Dried mangoes are very sweet, and Tangyue eats them with relish. A pack of dried mangoes is not a small amount, and as time goes by, Tangyue slowly eats them up.

After eating the dried mangoes, Tangyue subconsciously opened the drawer again, her fingers subconsciously touched a small pudding, but soon Tangyue withdrew her fingers, and stuck out her tongue a little mischievously.

"No more," she said to herself.

Then I saw Tangyue's gaze, lingering on the little pudding for a while, as if a fierce struggle was happening deep in my heart, and I finally closed the drawer.

"I really can't eat any more. If I continue to eat, I will gain weight." Tangyue tried hard to convince herself, but obviously, she couldn't completely convince herself yet.

Moreover, no matter from which point of view, no matter who she compares with, Tangyue absolutely does not need to go on a diet.

But it doesn't need to, it doesn't mean that Tangyue will indulge in eating. The beauty of a woman needs to be cared for bit by bit. Good living habits and eating habits are the magic weapon to make a woman's beauty last forever.

If one had to choose between gourmet food and beauty, there was no doubt that Tangyue would choose the latter.

Dispelling the idea of ​​continuing to eat snacks, Tangyue calmed down and continued to read the lesson plans, when the sound of knocking on the door rang.

"Teacher Tang, I'm busy." The tall and strong young man in sportswear smiled slightly.

"Ms. Liao, do you need me?" Tangyue looked back and asked with some doubts.

Liao Xu is the school's physical education teacher. Although he is in charge of the physical education teaching of several senior three classes, he has never had any contact with Tangyue, who is the head teacher, and they are just acquaintances. Unexpectedly, Liao Xu would come to the office to find him.

"I have something to talk to Teacher Tang, can I come in?" Liao Xu said politely.

"Teacher Liao, come in." Tangyue nodded.

When Liao Xu came in, Tangyue asked directly, "I wonder what Teacher Liao wants to talk to me about?"

"Oh, I just want to ask, is Jiang Chen a student in Teacher Tang's class, right?" Hearing Tangyue's businesslike tone, even Liao Xu could only ask directly.

"Yes, Jiang Chen is a student in my third class, did he get into some trouble?" Xiuli frowned, Tangyue was suddenly a little annoyed, her good mood was gone.

Jiang Chen, that damn guy, it's fine if he doesn't come to class, but he's still making trouble everywhere, and now people are coming to his door, it's too hateful.

"No, it's not causing trouble. Actually, I want to draw Jiang Chen to join our school's football team." Liao Xu said hastily.

"Ms. Liao, you mean, you want Jiang Chen to join the school football team?" Tangyue was stunned for a moment, even though she heard it clearly, she almost thought she had heard it wrong.

Moreover, if Liao Xu hadn't directly mentioned Jiang Chen's name, and in fact, there was only one Jiang Chen in the entire third grade, Tangyue would have to wonder if Liao Xu had misunderstood the person.

It wasn't that she heard it wrong, nor did she recognize the wrong person, but it still made Tangyue feel extremely astonished. She had never heard of Jiang Chen's amazing talent in football.

"Yes, that's the problem. Originally, I should go directly to classmate Jiang Chen to discuss this matter, but Mr. Tang, you are his class teacher, so I think it is necessary to say hello to you." Liao Xu said affirmatively.

"Teacher Liao, I'm sorry, I think I need to know why you did this." Tangyue thought it was absurd. Liao Xu came to her to discuss this matter in person, which was enough to show that Liao Xu attached great importance to Jiang Chen, but Tangyue still thinks it's better to ask more clearly.

"Hey, Teacher Tang, don't you know?" Liao Xu was a little puzzled, and quickly explained the reason for his actions, and finally said: "Mr. Tang, although it was just a very ordinary campus football match, Jiang Chen In the last 5 minutes, the classmate scored amazing shots and scored ten goals into the net, which shows his talent in football."

Jiang Chen's performance on the football field was heaven-defying, and many people were greatly shocked. Liao Xu was the referee of that football match, so naturally the shock was also very large. No, he came to ask for someone.

Tangyue had never heard of this matter, and when Liao Xu finished speaking, she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. Even if she didn't know much about football, Tangyue knew enough about Jiang Chen's performance. Stunning and dazzling, it's no wonder Liao Xu would take the initiative to come to the door.

"Jiang Chen is thin and weak, which is obviously a manifestation of lack of physical exercise all year round... Could it be because of recent exercise? Or, Jiang Chen knows that his grades are not good, and the college entrance examination is hopeless, so he has to take another route. Road?" Tangyue couldn't help thinking in her heart, could this be the real reason why Jiang Chen didn't attend class?

Seeing this, Liao Xu thought that Tangyue would not let her go, so he hurriedly said: "Teacher Tang, I have inquired about Jiang Chen's academic performance is not very good, but if he is willing to join the football team, I think, After systematic training, it is entirely possible for him to enter a good institution of higher learning with his football expertise, and it is even possible for him to enter the provincial football team or even the national football team in the future, with a bright future."

Tangyue was a little dumbfounded, how could she not agree, not to mention that it would be good for Jiang Chen, even if it wasn't, she actually planned to agree to Liao Xu's request, if Jiang Chen really joined the school football team, then she would be Really relaxed.

"Anyway, Jiang Chen doesn't listen to my discipline now, let other teachers discipline him." Tangyue thought in her heart.

Tangyue said: "Teacher Liao, I think the initiative is in Jiang Chen's hands. If Jiang Chen has the will in this regard, naturally there is no problem on my side."

She wished that this matter could be done so that she would not be harassed by that little rascal Jiang Chen from time to time.

"Well, Teacher Tang, you can call classmate Jiang Chen now, and you can call him over to talk face to face." Liao Xu suggested.

Tangyue nodded, took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, don't say anything first, I have three words to tell you." As soon as the call was connected, before Tangyue had time to speak, Jiang Chen's voice came through the microphone.

"Three words?" Tang Yue was confused.

"Yes, it's just three words, very important three words, Teacher Tang, you must hear them clearly, these three words are related to my happiness in the rest of my life." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, how old are you, don't talk nonsense here, I have something very important to talk to you, come to the office quickly." After a moment of silence, Tang Yue said.

"No, Teacher Tang, I have to say these three words now, or it will be too late." Jiang Chen shook his head, his tone very firm.

"Then you go ahead and come over after you're finished." Hearing Jiang Chen say such a serious matter, Tangyue could only let Jiang Chen finish speaking.

"Well, Mr. Tang, you heard clearly. These three words are really important. I will only say important things once. Mr. Tang, please don't delay my happiness." Jiang Chen said.

"No...Jiang Chen, you are not allowed to say it!" Suddenly, Tangyue faintly realized something, her face changed slightly, and her anxious face turned red.

"Teacher Tang, I haven't said anything yet, why shouldn't I say it?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

"If I say you can't say it, you can't say it." She gritted her teeth lightly, Tangyue was very unreasonable, if Jiang Chen really said those three words, she would definitely go crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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