genius evil

Chapter 41 What an annoying guy

Chapter 41 What an annoying guy
"Teacher Tang, can you stop being so fickle, even though you are a beauty, no matter what you do, you can forgive me, but I have to say it." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not discussing with you, I'm ordering you." Tangyue was furious.

"But you don't seem to know which three words I want to say, don't you?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I—" Tangyue almost blurted out that I knew these three words, but she quickly put it back and said, "I don't need to know, and I don't want to know either!"

"You must know." Jiang Chen persisted, as if he would not give up until he said it.

"Jiang Chen, if you behave like this again, I'll hang up." Tangyue had no choice but to threaten verbally to prevent Jiang Chen from talking nonsense.


Regarding the matter of letting Jiang Chen join the school football team, logically speaking, Liao Xu should have gone directly to Jiang Chen, but he still came to Tangyue.

It wasn't that he couldn't find Jiang Chen, but he did it on purpose.

Tangyue's name is known to everyone in Yilan Middle School. As the most beautiful teacher since Yilan Middle School was founded, and she is also single, Tangyue's attraction to male students and male teachers can be imagined.

It can be said that throughout Yilan Middle School, there are countless single teachers and students who have a crush on Tangyue, and Liao Xu is no exception.

However, since Tangyue came to Yilan Middle School, no one has ever kissed Fangze, even as beautiful as Tangyue, who has no scandals at all, and there is no doubt that she is clean and self-sufficient.

Tangyue is the kind of woman who seems to be easy to get close to, but is actually extremely difficult to get close to. In the past, every time a student or a male teacher tried to get close to her, she would end up disgraced and greatly hurt her self-esteem.

Liao Xu didn't think highly of himself, that's why he took advantage of Jiang Chen's affairs to save the country. After all, if Jiang Chen's affairs can be successful, he would have a chance to approach Tangyue in a legitimate way.

Liao Xu's idea was very simple. He gave Jiang Chen a chance, and at the same time gave himself a chance. He didn't know whether Jiang Chen could seize this opportunity, but he really wanted to seize it.

However, even if he couldn't get Tangyue's favor, Liao Xu still wanted Jiang Chen to join the school football team. Even if he had selfish intentions, he was still a pretty good teacher.

At this time, Liao Xu was quietly waiting for Tangyue to call. He couldn't hear what Jiang Chen said, but saw Tangyue's face constantly changing. It was joy and resentment, he had only seen one expression on Tangyue's face before, and felt that his trip was really worth it.

"Tangyue said that she was ordering Jiang Chen. Could it be that she was ordering Jiang Chen to come back, but Jiang Chen refused to come back." Liao Xu was talking to himself, thinking that Jiang Chen was not the kind of obedient student.

"Teacher Tang, you are so disobedient, I just said three words, is it that difficult?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Tangyue was speechless. Even if she wanted to be obedient, she didn't want to listen to Jiang Chen, no, she said coldly: "Jiang Chen, you either come to my office now, or I hang up the phone right away. It's up to you."

"I'm taking responsibility for myself right now, that's why I'm going to say, okay, I'll just say it, Teacher Tang, I..." Jiang Chen's voice came into his ears through the microphone, it was still a calm voice, It made Tangyue's heart almost jump into her throat.

"I... refuse." Jiang Chen said suddenly on the other end of the phone.

"What, what did you say?" Tangyue was taken aback, her expression extremely rich.

"I said I refused, Mr. Tang, you don't think I'm going to say I love you... Hey, is it Mr. Tang, you didn't hear what you wanted to hear, and you are very disappointed." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile .

"Shut up." Tangyue was annoyed, this guy is really hateful.

Is it necessary to say such three words so ambiguously?If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's intentional mischief, would she have so many wild thoughts?But this guy still beat him up at the end, saying what she thought.

If you were a slightly normal person, you would think that way, wouldn't you?
Her cheeks were slightly hot, but she finally breathed a sigh of relief, which made Tangyue's mood calm down a lot. She said, "Jiang Chen, do you know why I asked you to come to the office? Why did you refuse."

"No matter what it is, anyway, Mr. Tang, you can refuse it for me... Another kind reminder to you, hurry up and drive away the guy who came looking for you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"How do you know someone is looking for me?" Tangyue said strangely.

"As long as it's about you, Mr. Tang, I know everything, and I also know that guy has no good intentions, trying to make a toad eat swan meat." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You have no good intentions." Tangyue cursed angrily, hung up the phone quickly, and stopped giving Jiang Chen any chance to harass her.

After tidying up her emotions, Tangyue said to Liao Xu a little helplessly: "Mr. Liao, Jiang Chen has no plans to join the school football team, you should go back first."

"It's like this." Even though he was mentally prepared, Liao Xu was still very disappointed when he heard this from Tangyue's mouth, but he didn't say much, looked at Tangyue curiously, turned and left up.

"It's all the fault of that damned guy for making me so out of control." Tangyue couldn't help but scolded Jiang Chen in her heart again. She regretted calling Jiang Chen very much at this time, didn't she ask for teasing.

But as a qualified teacher, she actually had to make that phone call, which made Tangyue feel a big headache. She opened the drawer and took out a pack of plums. Not that bad anymore.


There is a wind blowing by the Weiming Lake, and a young girl sits in the breeze. The young girl sits quietly with peaceful eyes.

The spring is bright, the gentle breeze is blowing, the blue waves in the lake are gently swaying, and the willow branches fluctuate back and forth with the wind, forming a beautiful picture scroll. The girl is sitting in this picture scroll, she blends into this picture, and then she becomes another A painting.

The girl is reading a book, addicted to it, with a faint smile on her lips, she is angry or happy with the turning point of the fate of the characters in the book.

This is destined to be a moving picture, but unfortunately, if someone sees that the girl is actually reading a fairy tale called The Ugly Duckling, they will feel that such a picture is actually quite weird.

What's even more weird is that, about three meters away from where the girl was, under a willow tree, a guy was lying on the grass and sleeping, and in an instant, this beautiful picture was split into pieces.

The story of the Ugly Duckling is not long, but the girl read it for 10 minutes. After finishing the story, the book was gently closed, and the girl let out a light breath. Then the girl turned her head and looked at the sleeping guy. go.

"This person is really a sight to behold." The girl thought in her heart.

This is not the first time she saw this guy sleeping on the grass, she saw it yesterday at noon, because that guy was sleeping in her favorite position, in order to avoid being occupied by that guy again, this time, She came over before the fourth class in the morning was over.

She wants to assert her sovereignty, and if she can, she wants to talk to him, she doesn't care why he doesn't attend class but sleeps here, she just wants that guy to sleep in another place in the future.

But obviously, she has no way to drive away the existence that she has listed as the most annoying for the time being. He is asleep, so how can she drive him away?
"It seems that I have to come here earlier tomorrow." The girl thought in her heart.

Just as the idea came up, footsteps suddenly sounded in this relatively clean place, and four people appeared on the cobblestone path a little further away.

After the four people appeared, they walked towards this side quickly.

Seeing those four people, the girl wrinkled her nose slightly and felt slightly displeased, but when she realized that the four people were heading towards the sleeping guy, the corners of the girl's lips moved slightly, and she smiled brighter than the sky meaning, gradually emerged.

"What an annoying guy, he deserves to be beaten up." The girl said in her heart.

Regarding the occurrence of such a situation, although the girl is not happy to see the result, if that annoying guy can be driven away, it is best not to appear in front of her again in the future, then for her, it is a good thing again. Nothing better.

So, she didn't think about stopping it, so she sat under the willow tree, letting the wind blow her hair, watching with her big eyes without blinking.

The four of them soon appeared next to the sleeping man. Seeing them like that, they were about to make a move, so the smile on the corner of the girl's lips became brighter and brighter.

But soon, the girl's smile froze on her face, because when she saw those four guys, her expression suddenly became ugly, and she even showed a frightened expression.

Then I saw the four people tiptoeing back, they came quickly, but retreated very slowly, because they all took their steps lightly, as if they were afraid of disturbing the man's sleep.

It wasn't until they retreated for a certain distance that the speed of the four people accelerated, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight, and they ran away quickly.

The lakeside returned to tranquility again, the sleeping people were still sleeping, but the girl reading had already finished reading, and there was nothing else to do, so she started watching people.

The girl stared wide-eyed at the sleeping guy. He was in a deep sleep and was not disturbed at all. The girl, who could no longer keep her calm, began to think about another question.

"This guy named Jiang Chen doesn't seem that scary, why did he scare those four people away without doing anything?" the girl thought in her heart.

She knew his name was Jiang Chen, because that time when Cao Fang was about to jump off the building, she just heard someone call this guy Jiang Chen. Apart from that, she didn't know anything else, and she wasn't interested in learning about it... In fact, if she hadn't accidentally found out that this guy was called Jiang Chen, she wouldn't even be interested in his name... She just needs to know that this guy is really annoying...

(End of this chapter)

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