genius evil

Chapter 394 Sister Lan's Suitor

Chapter 394 Sister Lan's Suitor

"Whose car is that car?" Jiang Chen asked in the direction Xiaodie pointed.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't worry about it, anyway, I don't like that car, so you just hit it." Xiaodie begged coquettishly.

"Um, do you know how much that car costs?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I know, 12." Xiaodie gave an accurate number.

"Why don't I go over there and give it a kick." Jiang Chen said.

He drove an SUV to hit someone else's car, not to mention the issue of bullying the small by the big, the main reason is that it is not worth it.

"No, it must be bumped, if you kick it, it will hurt so much." Xiaodie said resolutely.

"What a big enmity." Jiang Chen was speechless, but still walked over with Xiaodie in his arms.

Although it was not clear why Xiaodie would let him do this kind of thing, Jiang Chen knew that although Xiaodie was a bit naughty, she never would do anything willful. There must be a reason for asking him to do this.

Then, Jiang Chen lifted his foot and kicked the car's ass.


Following Jiang Chen's kick, immediately, there was a loud noise like a car accident, and the buttocks of that car were deeply sunken by Jiang Chen's kick, just like a car accident. Like the scene.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are so powerful, people will love you to death." Xiaodie excitedly clapped her little palms and shouted loudly.

"What happened?" A middle-aged man walked out of Sister Lan's restaurant. When he saw the miserable state of his car, his face immediately turned dark.

"Who did my car?" The middle-aged man yelled.

"Mr. Mo, I just saw a superman flying past." Xiaodie said with a smile.

"Superman?" The middle-aged man was a little dizzy and asked in a daze, "Where did Superman come from?"

"I don't know where it came from, Mr. Mo, your car is broken, hurry up and get it repaired." Xiaodie said, then gently tugged Jiang Chen's arm, motioning Jiang Chen to carry her into the restaurant.

"Jiang Chen, you're here." Seeing Jiang Chen, Sister Lan greeted her, and went to the kitchen to bring out a bowl of medicine.

Jiang Chen took the bowl, drank the medicine in one gulp, and asked, "Who is that Teacher Mo?"

"Teacher Mo? You mean Teacher Mo Zhuxin, a teacher from Xiaodie School. I happened to pass by here today, so I came to have a look." Sister Lan said a little uncomfortable.

"Mommy, you liar, Brother Jiang Chen, don't listen to Mommy, Mommy is a big liar." Xiaodie yelled.

"Xiaodie, don't be rude, call Teacher Mo." Sister Lan taught her a lesson.

"Mum, if he doesn't go to school, he won't be my teacher, so I can stop calling him a teacher, right?" Xiaodie asked seriously.

"Xiaodie." Sister Lan suddenly became anxious.

Jiang Chen listened for a while, confused and confused, but at this moment, Mo Zhuxin walked in from the outside.

"Boy, you smashed my car, right?" Mo Zhuxin asked Jiang Chen.

"It wasn't smashed, it was kicked." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Kicked? Do you know how much I paid for that car?" Mo Zhuxin yelled.

"I know, 12." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"You... Now that you know, I don't want you to pay me for the repair of the car, lost wages, and mental damage. In case you say that I blackmailed you, you can just give me [-] so-so." Mo Zhuxin stretched out a hand.

"Are you really a teacher?" Jiang Chen asked curiously, ignoring the hand that Mo Zhuxin stretched out.

"Of course I'm a teacher, otherwise you think I'm an unemployed vagrant just like you?" Mo Zhuxin sneered.

"I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly have a bad feeling that you will soon lose your job." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Fart, stop talking nonsense, and lose money." Mo Zhuxin scolded, his hand almost pointing to Jiang Chen's nose.

"Teacher Mo, is there any misunderstanding? Jiang Chen is my friend." Sister Lan said at this time.

"Xiaolan, you heard it just now. He admitted that he kicked my car. Even if he is your friend, he can't kick my car, right?" Mo Zhuxin said.

"However, fifty thousand to repair the car is too much." Sister Lan said with a frown.

"Xiaolan, for your sake, I don't need so much, but the premise is that you promise to associate with me, otherwise, this matter will not be handled so easily." Mo Zhuxin made a request.

"Mr. Mo, you are... this is..." Sister Lan was furious.

Because Xiaodie was studying in Mo Zhuxin's school, Sister Lan went to pick her up a few times, that is, she dealt with Mo Zhuxin a few times.

Sister Lan knew about Mo Zhuxin's overtures, but she didn't have that kind of thought at all, and immediately cut off Mo Zhuxin after showing a little sign.

Who knew, Mo Zhuxin still didn't give up, this time, he even came to the restaurant.

It’s okay to say that, but what Sister Lan never imagined was that Mo Zhuxin would force her to agree to date him in the name of Jiang Chen kicking his car, which made Sister Lan’s face turn pale with anger .

"So this guy is Sister Lan's suitor." Jiang Chen finally understood what was going on, no wonder Xiaodie disliked him so much.

However, what he said, he was even more of a gangster than a gangster, is this guy really a teacher?

"Xiao Lan, don't think that I'm forcing you. I'm serious. From the first time I saw you, I have..." Mo Zhuxin expressed his heart.

"Stop!" Jiang Chen interrupted Mo Zhuxin with a wave of his hand.

"Boy, shut up, or I will be rude to you." Mo Zhuxin said angrily.


Jiang Chen got a little impatient, raised his hand and slapped Mo Zhuxin on the face.

"You dare to hit me?" Looking at Jiang Chen in disbelief, Mo Zhuxin screamed.


Jiang Chen raised his hand again, and slapped Mo Zhuxin on the face.

"You are too noisy." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" Mo Zhuxin said, perhaps because he was worried that Jiang Chen would slap him, his voice lowered a lot.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Very well, you can treat me as nonsense, but let me tell you now that our school does not welcome such parents or students. In addition, you hit me and we are endless, and you are waiting to be retaliated by me Go." Mo Zhuxin said, pointing at Sister Lan, pointing at Xiaodie, and finally pointing at Jiang Chen.

"You mean, you fired Xiaodie?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"That's right." Mo Zhuxin said with absolute certainty.

"Mr. Mo, children are innocent, how can you take your anger out on them." Sister Lan said sadly.

"Xiao Lan, if you agree to date me, how could I do such a thing?" Mo Zhuxin said in a dark voice.

"Mommy, what people hate most is going to school. It would be best to expel her, so she won't have to go to class anymore." Xiaodie said with a smile.

"Xiaodie, don't mess around." Sister Lan felt a headache.

"Mum, I'm not messing around, I really hate going to school." Xiaodie acted coquettishly.

"No." Sister Lan flatly refused.

"Mommy, you are so mean." Xiaodie muttered.

"It's just right that I don't want to go to school, so I don't have to go through the withdrawal procedures." Mo Zhuxin said, he doesn't think that Xiaodie really doesn't want to go to school, besides, if Xiaodie doesn't go to school, can Sister Lan agree?

This move was tantamount to strangling Sister Lan's lifeline, so he didn't believe that Sister Lan would not follow.

"Whether Xiaodie wants to go to school or not is our own business, and it has nothing to do with you." Jiang Chen said leisurely, and then said, "You just told me to wait for your revenge, I don’t think there is any need to wait, you can take revenge on me now.”

"Don't think that I won't beat you because I'm a teacher." Mo Zhuxin's expression was ugly.

"Waiting for you to hit me." Jiang Chen smiled, and the words he said were without fireworks, he kicked Mo Zhuxin's belly, and directly sent Mo Zhuxin flying out of the restaurant.

"Jiang Chen--" Seeing Jiang Chen's kick, Sister Lan was stunned. It wasn't a kick, it was a kick.

"Sister Lan, I'll take care of this matter." Jiang Chen smiled, motioned to Sister Lan not to worry too much, and walked out of the restaurant unhurriedly.

That Mo Zhuxin was kicked by Jiang Chen, his stomach turned upside down, his intestines seemed to be broken by Jiang Chen, he lay on the ground rolling and crying, unable to stand up for a long time.

Jiang Chen didn't bother to pay attention to this guy's pig-killing screams, he took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Xiaodao, bring a few people over, Sister Lan's restaurant, I'll give you 10 minutes."

Ten minutes later, two vans stopped at the entrance of Sister Lan's restaurant, one behind the other. Brother Dao led a dozen people and hurried out of the car.

"Jiang Shao, what's the situation?" Brother Dao ran to Jiang Chen and asked for instructions.

"Well, I saw that the car is missing, it's smashed." Jiang Chen pointed at Mo Zhuxin's car.

Brother Dao nodded without asking any further questions, and with a wave of his hand, those dozen or so people, holding the thing, smashed it crazily with a thunderbolt, and within a short while, smashed the car into a pile of scrap iron.

"My car." Mo Zhuxin was heartbroken, it was a new car, he just bought it and drove it for two months, it was smashed and scrapped.

Not to mention asking Jiang Chen to pay 5 yuan, even if he won't get a penny, looking at the posture of Brother Dao and the dozen or so people, how could Mo Zhuxin not understand that this is a fake gangster meeting a real gangster? The underworld is gone.

And it seemed that the gentle and harmless Jiang Chen was the leader of this group of gangsters. Otherwise, how could he call so many cars with just one phone call.

"Jiang Shao, what should I do with this guy?" After smashing the car, Brother Dao looked playfully at Mo Zhuxin who was lying on the ground screaming, and said with a half-smile.

It's not good for this guy to provoke anyone, but Jiang Chen. According to Jiang Chen's temper, if he could do it directly, he must have scrapped this guy early in the morning.

Since Jiang Chen didn't do it directly, but asked him to bring it over, he must have had some fun now. Thinking about it this way, Brother Dao felt a little sympathetic to Mo Zhuxin!

(End of this chapter)

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