genius evil

Chapter 395 Never Underestimate the Malice of One Person

Chapter 395 Never underestimate a person's malice

"How to deal with it? I haven't thought about it yet, do you have any good suggestions?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said.

"Or, just kill it directly, so as not to waste time." Brother Dao said.

"That's a good suggestion." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Don't...don't kill me..." Mo Zhuxin screamed, his face turned pale and bloodless.

"What are you? If you say you won't kill, you won't kill?" Brother Dao's face darkened, and he kicked Mo Zhuxin to the ground.

"I'm nothing, I'm a teacher." Mo Zhuxin said weakly.

"It turns out that you are a gentle beast. No wonder you smell like scum all over your body." Brother Dao suddenly realized.

"Such a big resentment, was he abused by a teacher when he was a child?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Brother Dao chuckled and said, "There are still very few teachers who are not as good as animals."

"Although there are very few, unfortunately, there happened to be one here today. But he looks so pitiful, so let's save his life." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, whatever you say is what you say." Brother Dao said.

"Thank you...thank you..." Mo Zhuxin was so grateful, if it wasn't for being unable to get up, he would have knelt down and kowtowed to Jiang Chen, thanking him for not killing him.

"What are you doing so politely? Young Master Jiang just said he won't kill you, but he didn't say no to you. With your virtue, it's absolutely impossible for you not to lack an arm or a leg." Brother Dao threatened with a smile .

"Don't be so troublesome, just think of a way to make him unable to be a man in the future." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Well, don't think of a way, I have plenty of ways." Brother Dao said grimly.

"In addition, go to his school and ask the principal to expel this person. If the principal has any objections, he will be expelled together. If anyone else has any objections, the school will be demolished directly." Jiang Chen continued.

"Okay." Brother Dao nodded vigorously.

Regardless of the terrified look in Mo Zhuxin's eyes, he waved to the people below and dragged Mo Zhuxin away.

"Jiang Chen, this little thing..." Sister Lan walked out at some point, just in time to hear Jiang Chen's last words, and said a little uncomfortably.

"Things about Xiaodie, about you, Sister Lan, will never be a trivial matter." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Actually, you just need to teach Mo Zhuxin a lesson, and he won't dare to mess around in the future." Sister Lan lowered her head slightly and said softly.

"There's a saying, a dog can't change its habit of eating shit... If you want a dog to change its habit of eating shit, you have to sew up the dog's mouth... Never underestimate a person's malice." Jiang Chen reminded road.

Sister Lan and Xiaodie's mother and daughter depend on each other for life, and there are countless people who make up their minds.

In particular, Sister Lan's body, after being transformed by the liquid medicine, looks like a young girl... Perhaps Sister Lan herself didn't notice this situation, but others must have noticed it.

Jiang Chen is not a person with a strong sense of justice. He follows the so-called principle of eradicating evil and doing everything he can. All he has to do is protect Sister Lan and Xiaodie.

In this way, Jiang Chen didn't mind being a villain at all.

Sister Lan knew that what Jiang Chen said was right, and what she did was right, even though, considering her temperament, she was not very able to accept Jiang Chen's style of doing things, she didn't say much, just said: "Jiang Chen Dust, I'll cook for you."

"I've eaten." Jiang Chen said.

Sister Lan didn't know whether she heard it or not, but she still went into the kitchen and got busy.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to leave, he understood that when Sister Lan cooked for him, it wasn't that he really ate or didn't eat, it was just a clumsy way of expressing his gratitude to him.

"Brother Jiang Chen, come here quickly, I have a problem here and I can't do it." Jiang Chen followed behind Sister Lan, just entered the restaurant, Xiaodie said with a smile.

"What subject?" Jiang Chen walked over.

"English, fill in the blanks." Xiaodie showed the questions to Jiang Chen.

"Neither do I." Jiang Chen took a look and became dizzy for a while, as if reading a heavenly book.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you're not a good student, you don't even know how to do such a simple you want me to teach you?" Xiaodie said contemptuously.

"You don't know how?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are really too stupid, he was just giving you a chance to show off." Xiaodie rolled her eyes.

Jiang Chen rubbed his nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he was actually despised by a brat.

"Don't be in a daze, I was taught to listen carefully." Xiaodie's small hand waved a few times in front of Jiang Chen's eyes, reminding him.

"Okay, you teach, I'll listen." Jiang Chen had no choice but to say.

Xiaodie was clever and childish, just like her teacher in class, she taught Jiang Chen sternly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, are you meeting now?" Xiaodie asked after a while.

"No." Jiang Chen said very simply.

"Then I'll teach you again." Xiaodie said.

"Let's teach another day, I have to eat first." Jiang Chen saw Sister Lan brought out the dishes, and said hastily.

"It's okay, brother Jiang Chen, I'll teach you after you have eaten." Xiaodie blinked and said.

"Xiaodie, don't be ridiculous, do your homework well." Sister Lan said for Jiang Chen.

"Mommy, it's just fun to see brother Jiang Chen being stupid." Xiaodie said crisply.

"Stupid?" Sister Lan's hair was full of black lines.

How could Xiaodie know that this stupid brother Jiang Chen in her eyes, in the eyes of outsiders, is definitely a ferocious existence.

"Yeah, it's stupid. A high school student can't even speak English to elementary school students." Xiaodie said as a matter of course.

Being despised by elementary school students again, Jiang Chen felt deeply ashamed.

"By the way, Mommy, you don't know it either. I think it's quite stupid, but I just happen to be a pair with Brother Jiang Chen. Then, I will be the smartest person in our family." Xiaodie said happily .

He does not mean that.

Jiang Chen didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiaodie's words, but Sister Lan's face was already blushing, and she got into the kitchen again as if fleeing.

"Xiaodie, the child is too smart, but no one cares." Jiang Chen pretended to be fierce and said.

"But I am very beautiful, and I am so cute." Xiaodie said proudly.

"Xiaodie, have you eaten yet?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"I hate it to death." Xiaodie said with disgust, despising Jiang Chen's skill in changing the subject.

However, even though Xiaodie said she hated it, when Jiang Chen was eating, she still sat beside Jiang Chen affectionately.

"Brother Jiang Chen, do you have a girlfriend?" Xiaodie asked suddenly.

"Yes." Jiang Chen said.

"Who is prettier, your girlfriend or my mommy?" Xiaodie asked again.

"Equally beautiful." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said.

"It's said in the book that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Brother Jiang Chen, shouldn't you think that your girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in the world? But you said, your girlfriend is the same as my mommy Pretty, does this mean that you don't love your girlfriend very much?" Xiaodie analyzed seriously.


Jiang Chen broke into a cold sweat, knowing that this must not be from a certain book, it is Xiaodie who understands this, this little monster.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why didn't you answer my question? Are you guilty?" Xiaodie asked delicately.

"I don't think it's necessary to discuss this kind of issue with a brat," Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Jiang Chen, are you despising his IQ?" Xiaodie said dissatisfied.

"I despise my own IQ." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, have you ever considered breaking up with your girlfriend?" Xiaodie looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"No." Jiang Chen said.

"If you didn't have it before, you can now. Brother Jiang Chen, think about it carefully. After you break up with your girlfriend, I'll introduce you to her." Xiaodie said.

"That group of students in your class, or your female teacher?" Jiang Chen said with great interest.

"Not at all, you will know later." Xiaodie said, and finally said to herself, "Brother Jiang Chen, I will definitely not tell you, I want to introduce Mommy to you as my girlfriend. "

Jiang Chen was eating, when a mouthful of rice got stuck in his throat and he sprayed it all up.


The next morning, Jiang Chen was falling asleep by the Weiming Lake, and John Li went looking for him.

"Jiang Shao, ask clearly, the enchantress came to Yilan City to kill you." Li Yuehan said.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Jiang Chen cursed and asked, "It's all right, why is she trying to kill me?"

"She was on the killer forum and accepted the killer task." Li Yuehan said.

"No, haven't you already accepted that mission?" Jiang Chen asked.

"According to Yao Ji, there are several people who will accept the task, and she and I are just two of them." Li Yuehan said.

"This means that in the next time, there will be people coming to kill me in a steady stream?" Jiang Chen's face turned dark, and he provoked whoever he was.

"That's about it." John Li nodded seriously.

Although, he didn't think those killers could do anything to Jiang Chen, but no one would like to be stared at by killers.

"Is there a way to find out all the killers who have accepted the mission?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"This, there should be no way. Unless they come to kill you, no one will know who took the task." John Li said.

"Why do I hear what you mean, a little gloating?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"Jiang Shao, how dare I, I am loyal to you to Mingyue... By the way, what should the enchantress do?" Li Yuehan asked.

"Don't you have no girlfriend?" Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Shao, are you asking me to pick her up?" Li Yuehan was immediately happy. He didn't expect that there would be such a good benefit.

"You made a mistake, what I mean is, since you don't have a girlfriend, you probably don't know what it means to be sympathetic to a woman, so it's just right for you to kill the enchantress." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Shao, I still think it's better for me to soak her. This is called defeating others without fighting." Li Yuehan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"What a soldier who will surrender without fighting, hurry up and kill her." Jiang Chen waved his hand and signaled.

The cold sweat that Li Yuehan had just wiped off broke out again...

(End of this chapter)

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