genius evil

Chapter 396 Do I Look Bad For Money?

Chapter 396 Do I Look Bad For Money?
Tangyue's classes today are all arranged in the first and second periods in the morning.

After class, Tangyue returned to the dormitory, preparing to give Jiang Chen a lesson plan for private tutoring.

Jiang Chen was not an underachiever with poor academic performance, but an underachiever who didn't like studying or didn't take study seriously.

It can be said that Jiang Chen's situation is more difficult than how to turn a poor student into an excellent student.

Therefore, this teaching plan was tailor-made by Tangyue for Jiang Chen.

What's more, there is not much time left before the college entrance examination. There are many knowledge points. If you want to tutor bit by bit, the number of homework is superimposed, and the time is too late. This requires Tangyue to spend a lot of energy. Those knowledge points must be connected one by one.

Fortunately, among the several subjects, the most difficult mathematics, Jiang Chen's performance was extraordinary, which belonged to the category of genius and evildoer, which saved Tangyue a lot of time.

Another point is that it is said to be a tutoring lesson plan, but seriously, no matter how good the tutoring lesson plan is, it is not effective in making Jiang Chen settle down to study.

The most important part Tangyue has to do is to guide Jiang Chen to study actively, not to teach Jiang Chen how to study.

Time passed quickly, and it was twelve o'clock in the blink of an eye. Tangyue rarely ate at noon, so she put down the pen in her hand, and Tangyue went to wash an apple, which was lunch.

After eating the apples, I waited for a while. Around 12:30, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Tangyue immediately got up and went to open the door. Seeing Jiang Chen standing outside the door, Tangyue couldn't help but smile knowingly.

To tell the truth, Tangyue was a little worried that Jiang Chen wouldn't come, and she was mentally prepared. Once it was past [-]:[-] and Jiang Chen didn't show up, she would call Jiang Chen.

It was rare for Jiang Chen to take the initiative, which made Tangyue a little happy.

"Teacher Tang, you haven't eaten yet." Jiang Chen entered the dormitory, put the bag in his hand on the table, and brought out the packed food one by one.

"I've eaten." Tangyue said.

"Eat an apple?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied when he saw an apple core, and said, "Teacher Tang, it's common sense to have a good breakfast and a full lunch. How can you not cherish your body like this? Hurry up. Come and eat some."

"I'm going on a diet." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, as the old saying goes, you will have the strength to lose weight when you are full. Besides, with such a good figure, you still need to go on a diet, and will you let other women live?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Maintaining healthy living habits is very important." Tangyue explained.

Although she doesn't need to go on a diet now, it is a good and orderly eating habit. Otherwise, it will be too late to think about going on a diet to lose weight until her figure is out of shape.

"This is steamed pork... this is sweet and sour pork ribs... and steamed sea bass... and the rest is tofu soup with cabbage and shrimp..." Jiang Chen put the vegetable boxes on the table one by one and opened them regardless of Tangyue's explanation. He took Tangyue's little hand and asked her to sit down.

"Drink some soup first." Jiang Chen filled Tangyue with soup.

Tangyue felt a little weird, took a small bowl, lowered her head and took a sip.

"Is it good?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's okay." Tangyue said.

"It's delicious, Mr. Tang, you can eat more. If it's not enough, I'll ask someone to bring it over." Jiang Chen smiled, picked up his chopsticks, and started eating.

"You didn't eat?" Tangyue asked.

"It's my honor to have the opportunity to have lunch with Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen smiled playfully.

"Then hurry up and eat, we will start class after eating." Tangyue urged.

"Teacher Tang, when eating, you have to chew slowly to help digestion." Jiang Chen said solemnly, picked up a piece of pork ribs, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed slowly.

"You didn't eat like this before, don't pretend, eat fast." Tangyue said with a smile, no wonder Jiang Chen would pack the meals, dare to use this to delay time, Tangyue will not let Jiang Chen succeed.

"Teacher Tang, in front of you, there are both delicious food and beautiful men, but all you think about in class is too boring." Jiang Chen sighed.

"The college entrance examination is a major event in one's life. If you don't take it seriously now, you will definitely regret it in the future." Tangyue said solemnly.

"Teacher Tang, I have a question. Please answer it for me. Why do you want to go to college?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Of course it is to learn knowledge and broaden horizons." Tangyue replied instinctively. This question is not new at all.

"Then, can we use this to find a good job? Marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You can think so if you want." Tangyue also smiled.

"So the end result of going to college is to marry Bai Fumei?" Jiang Chen said.

"You can use this as your motivation to study." Tangyue had no choice but to say.

"It looks like I don't have any motivation at all." Jiang Chen sighed.

When others were still climbing at the foot of the mountain, he had already seen the scenery on the top of the mountain; while others were still worrying about finding a girlfriend, he had already found many girlfriends.

See, the difference between people, sometimes, is reflected in this way, objective and direct.

Many people would find it difficult to have it all their lives, but Jiang Chen had it all without any effort.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't work hard, but the direction of his efforts is different from others.

"Jiang Chen, you are bandit logic." Tangyue said speechlessly.

"Teacher Tang, even if it's the logic of robbers, it's still the correct logic...Learning this kind of thing is actually the same as falling in love. The focus is on the final result. Do you think that's right?" Jiang Chen said in a relaxed tone. .

In the end, without waiting for Tangyue to reply, Jiang Chen went on to say: "Study hard, make progress every day, in order to be admitted to a good university, and then to find a good job conveniently... Let's ignore the process and find Work is the final result, just like talking about a girlfriend, the initial contact, probing, courting, holding hands, hugging, kissing, going to bed, the purpose is naturally to go to bed, right?"

"Have you finished eating? After eating, we will start tutoring." Tangyue lazily ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense, and changed the topic very bluntly.

"Teacher Tang, how should I use the grammar of this English question?" Jiang Chen ran from the dining table to the desk at some point, picked up the test paper, and pretended to ask.


In the afternoon, around three o'clock, at the intersection of the expressway from Tiannan City to Yilan City, inside a Land Rover Range Rover, Jiang Chen crouched crookedly in the driving seat, dozing off.

About ten minutes later, there were three cars driving towards the highway intersection, one behind the other.

In the middle is a white Mercedes-Benz touring car, in the front is an Audi, and in the back is a Toyota off-road vehicle. The Mercedes-Benz touring car is protected in the middle.

Three cars passed the toll booth one by one, and then stopped beside the Land Rover.

The door of the Mercedes-Benz RV opened, and a figure got out of the car first. He glanced left and right, as if he was looking for something, and finally his eyes fell on the Land Rover. Then he walked over quickly, opened the door, and got into the passenger seat.

Not long after, another figure got out of the Mercedes-Benz RV, with a direct goal, and got into the back seat of the Land Rover.

"Jiang Chen, have you changed your car again?" Ye Sichen asked curiously.

"Silly Baitian, I bought a new car just to pick you up." Jiang Chen yawned and said lazily.

"Used car." Sister Mi said sharply in the back seat.

"Damn it, I was cheated by the 4S shop." Jiang Chen cursed.

"This car doesn't belong to you, did you borrow it?" Sister Mi said coldly, she wouldn't believe Jiang Chen's nonsense that such a treacherous person would be cheated by a 4S shop?If you don't go around deceiving others, you will burn the incense.

Besides, if he was really deceived, wouldn't Jiang Chen smash up his shop?

"Do I look cheap?" Jiang Chen shouted.

"That is, you bought a second-hand car, and it looks really cheap." So, Miss Mi said affirmatively.

"Silly Baitian, are you going directly to the company or to the hotel?" Jiang Chen stopped talking to Sister Mi.

Jiang Chen came to pick up Ye Sichen on purpose. To be more specific, Ye Sichen asked him to come pick him up. For such a small request, Liu Yufei naturally tried his best to meet it.

Jiang Chen wasn't happy either, after all, he was still counting on Silly Baitian to make money for him.

The reason why Ye Sichen came to Yilan City was because after the advertising plan was finalized, it would be aired soon, and Ye Sichen would need to cooperate with the publicity at that time.

"I want to go shopping." Ye Sichen blinked and said.

"No." One after the other, Jiang Chen and Miss Mi said in unison.

Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and said to Sister Mi: "Sister Mi, Jiang Chen will protect me."

"Sichen, it's no secret that you came to Yilan City this time. I received news that there was a large crowd of people at the Tiannan City Airport. We had to switch flights to get to Yilan City smoothly. If you go Going shopping is bound to cause trouble." While speaking, Sister Mi glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "As for him, I don't trust him."

"Don't believe in my ability?" Jiang Chen was not happy.

"That's right." Miss Mi said bluntly, she just didn't believe in Jiang Chen's ability, and she didn't dare to joke about Ye Sichen's life.

Moreover, apart from not believing in Jiang Chen's ability, she was also very worried that Jiang Chen would sell Ye Sichen... Ye Sichen had already been sold by Jiang Chen once, and she didn't want Ye Sichen to be sold out again. sold once.

If this kind of thing really happened again, she would definitely be fired by the company. Even if it was nothing else, just to keep her job, Miss Mi didn't want Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen to go out alone.

"Well, how many bodyguards did you bring over this time?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Six, what are you going to do?" Sister Mi asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, it's just a little itchy, and I want to find someone to fight with." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, opened the door, and got out of the car.

"Fight?" Ye Sichen and Sister Mi looked at each other, followed closely, opened the door and got out of the car!

(End of this chapter)

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