genius evil

Chapter 397

Chapter 397 Don't cry for a while

Ye Sichen's safety has always been a major concern.

In particular, after Ye Sichen was almost kidnapped in Yilan City, the already strict security level was raised again.

This time, when Ye Sichen came to Yilan City, he brought a total of six bodyguards.

These six bodyguards are all retired veterans of the major special forces in the country. They have been strictly and carefully selected. First, they are loyal, and second, they all have explosive combat effectiveness.

Jiang Chen knocked on the windows of the three cars in turn, and called the six bodyguards down.

"Jiang Chen, you want to fight with them?" Ye Sichen asked, sounding a little excited and looking forward to it.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Why, you retreated so soon?" Sister Mi sneered, she folded her arms around her chest, her expression was a bit contemptuous, but she was waiting for a good show.

"I said it wasn't a fight, because they couldn't be my opponents at all, I just ravaged them a little bit." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"With such a loud tone, I don't know who is ravaging whom." Sister Mi said dismissively.

Then, Sister Mi said to one of the six people: "Ah Jun, Mr. Jiang is a little itchy and wants to discuss with you. You all need to be serious. Just teach him a lesson. Don't treat him like that." It's completely crippled."

Miss Mi still wanted to cripple Jiang Chen, so that Jiang Chen could only go to the hospital and lie down, there was no way to abduct Ye Sichen again.

But this kind of thing can only be thought about in the heart.

If the scene is too bloody, if it makes Ye Sichen feel uncomfortable, it will be bad.

"Okay, Miss Mi." The strong man named Ah Jun nodded, and said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Shao, let's play casually, don't worry about it."

As soon as these words came out, the other five people all laughed, looking extremely joking.

They are all tall and strong, the standard line of height is 1.8 meters, and their weight is about 180 kilograms. When such a big man stands next to Jiang Chen, it is extremely visually impactful when compared with Jiang Chen.

Facing such ridicule, Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "I hit hard, so don't cry for a while."

"Jiang Chen, just don't cry." Sister Mi laughed.

"I'm serious." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I'm serious too." Sister Mi also said seriously.

"Jiang Shao, can we start?" Ah Jun asked. To be honest, he had the urge to beat Jiang Chen to tears. The words that come out are so ugly.

"It's fine on my side, you can start anytime, but don't you guys need to warm up?" Jiang Chen kindly reminded.

"No need." Ah Jun shook his head.

If they beat one out of six, if they still have to warm up, they don't have to do this job anymore, and they can't afford to lose this person.

"Then let's start." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Are you going to make a move or should we make a move first?" A Jun asked again.

"You guys go ahead, otherwise, you'll definitely think that I'm bullying." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Have you heard what Jiang Shao said, let's do it, and have fun with Jiang Shao." Showing his teeth, Ah Jun smiled sinisterly.

Almost as Ah Jun's voice fell, the six figures, divided into six different directions, rushed towards Jiang Chen in unison, like six shells fired.

At the same time, they either punched Jiang Chen, or used their feet, or used their body as a weapon.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." Ye Sichen called out hastily.

Jiang Chen didn't have the awareness to be careful. When a fist hit him in front of him, he didn't even look at it. He swung his fist and hit it right.


There was a muffled sound, and that punch was directly pulled back by him.

After that, Jiang Chen casually raised his foot and kicked the kicked leg, knocking the man to the ground.

Then, Jiang Chen's shoulders moved slightly, his body slanted, leaned against a person's chest, and knocked that person away.




Battles always end quickly, and the results are always so unexpected.

Jiang Chen shot and kicked casually, standing still, and the six people who rushed over were like a plate of loose sand, beaten by Jiang Chen in a way like strolling in the garden.


This is the first direct feeling of the six members of the A army.

Jiang Chen said that his shot was very heavy. It was hard to say whether it was heavy or not, but the pain was real. The pain that seemed to be hit or crushed by a car made them never think about it after colliding with Jiang Chen once. to try.

"I want to cry!"

This is the second direct feeling of the six members of the Ah Jun.

It hurts too much, obviously it was only after one collision, but that kind of pain is enough to make people cry, it's too uncomfortable.

Soon, a scene happened that made Sister Mi's eyes almost pop out. All six of Ah Jun's eyes were blurred with tears, rubbing their hands or feet, and what was even worse was the one who tried to bump into Jiang Chen's shoulder with his body. , I felt that my chest was hit hard by someone with a sledgehammer, and my ribs seemed to be completely broken, and I didn't know where to rub it.

"This is acting." Sister Mi said dumbfounded.

"Hehe." Jiang Chen said.

Five minutes later, the four vehicles started, with the Range Rover leading the way, heading towards downtown Yilan City.

"Jiang Chen, what happened just now?" Miss Mi still had a dreamlike feeling.

Was that a fight?
It's not interesting at all. If it weren't for knowing that Jiang Chen had never met the six of A Jun before, Miss Mi would have wondered if Jiang Chen had bought A Jun and the others with money, and then after she and the six of them In front of Ye Sichen, such a play was sung.

"It's very simple, I had a fight with the silly six bodyguards, and I won... Well, to be precise, I made them cry." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I have seen these. The question is, why are you so good?" Miss Mi asked.

Those are veterans who have retired from the major special forces. Which one doesn't abuse five or six people as if it's just for fun, but in the case of six people teaming up, they were tortured by Jiang Chen without any suspense. How can she do this? to believe?

Even seeing it with your own eyes is unbelievable.

"I've always been this powerful, but you didn't know that." Jiang Chen said without humility.

"No, there is something wrong here." Sister Mi said.

"What's the problem?" Ye Sichen asked.

"I don't want to understand, there is a problem anyway." Sister Mi said very firmly.

"Sister Mi, can I go shopping with Jiang Chen now?" Ye Sichen asked.

"Silly Baitian, if I remember correctly, I refused your request." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"It's not safe for me to go shopping alone. If you go with me, you can protect me." Ye Sichen said.

"That's right, the biggest problem is that I don't have time." Jiang Chen said.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen heard Sister Mi's sneer, and he was very angry.

"Jiang Chen, I admire you a little bit." Sister Mi sneered.

"Miss Mi, you just kept despising me, but you have admired me so quickly, why don't you be so fickle?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I checked your information, and I heard that you are an ignorant guy. Looking at the current situation, it is a bit exaggerated. At least, you are still doing a good job in the matter of playing hard to get." Sister Mi said to herself.

"Playing hard to get?" Jiang Chen froze for a moment.

"Sichen invited you to go shopping, and you said you didn't have time, so what is it if you're playing hard to get? Could it be that you want to tell us that the reason you don't have time is because you have to go to class?" Sister Mi said bluntly.

"I'm going to class." Jiang Chen said puzzled.

"Shameless." Miss Mi rolled her eyes.

"Is it strange that I have to go to class?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"As far as I know, you haven't attended class for a long time, have you? As soon as Si Chen comes, you will go to class? How dare you say that you didn't want to get caught and deliberately rejected Si Chen so that Si Chen could stalk you Hit?" Sister Mi said a little harshly.

"Although what you said seems to make sense, the problem is that I really want to go to class." Jiang Chen was helpless.

Even if he wasn't a good student, he was still a student in the end. Even if it wasn't a matter of course for him to go to class, it wouldn't make Sister Mi despise him so much.

Talking as if he went to class and made the unforgivable mistake.

For a moment, Jiang Chen didn't know whether to say that Sister Mi was too sensitive, or that he himself was a failure.

Sister Mi ignored Jiang Chen lazily, and said to Ye Sichen: "Sichen, do you see clearly? Men all have such faces. You may think that he is different, but he is completely different from all other men. No difference."

"This, is it a bloody case caused by my refusal to accompany Silly Baitian to go shopping?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Even if you agree, I won't agree." Sister Mi said mercilessly.

"I won't go shopping anymore." Ye Sichen said cheerfully.

"Sichen, it's best if you figure it out." Sister Mi was very relieved.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to go to class, go to class." Ye Sichen said, sneaking a wink at Jiang Chen from an angle that Miss Mi couldn't see.

Jiang Chen was overjoyed all of a sudden, this was hinting at him, and secretly abducted her. I have to say, this good girl was really spoiled by him.

"I will study hard. I really don't have time today. If I have time some other day, please fool me and Sister Mi, let's have a meal together." On the surface, Jiang Chen said seriously.

"It's fine to have a meal. I don't know how many days I will stay. As long as your company entertains more snacks, it will be fine. In addition, remember to reimburse the air tickets for this trip. Also, although this is a part of the contract, according to According to the rules, the labor fee is also indispensable." Sister Mi said in a business-like manner.

Ye Sichen wasn't tired, and Miss Mi didn't want to rest for the time being, so Jiang Chen sent them directly to Hongji Mansion, stopped for a while, and Jiang Chen drove back to Yilan Middle School.

"It's not the fate of a good student, but it happened to be a disease of a good student." When the car arrived at the teacher's dormitory of Yilan Middle School, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone to check the time, muttered to himself, and walked towards the dormitory.

"Jiang Chen, are you here to see Teacher Tang?" Jiang Chen had only walked a few steps when a voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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