genius evil

Chapter 398 The Sudden Explosion

Chapter 398 The Sudden Explosion

"Teacher Xu is going on a date?" Xun Sheng, Jiang Chen looked, who else could it be if it wasn't Xu Jiao.

Xu Jiao's dress is gorgeous, like a peacock with its tail spread, it's quite joyful, the red lips are not drawn properly, or the quality of the lipstick is not good enough, there are some stains on the teeth, when smiling, the corners of the lips are grinning , looked like a vampire.

"Where is there a date, it's just to have a meal." Xu Jiaojiao smiled.

"Teacher Xu, eat more." Jiang Chen said politely.

"I hate it, I'm trying to lose weight. If you eat too much and become fat and ugly, you are responsible." Xu Jiao scolded with a smile, and then said, "Jiang Chen, the relationship between you and your teacher Tang is really good, I envy you. A student like you."

"That's a pity." Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said, "I'm afraid there is no other student like me in the whole country."

Xu Jiao covered her mouth and smiled lightly after being teased, "I finally understand why Teacher Tang looks at you so differently. With your mouth, it's not easy to win Teacher Tang's favor."

"Teacher Xu, I just like a teacher like you who speaks the truth." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, you haven't said anything yet. What are you looking for Teacher Tang for? Are you going to take Teacher Tang for a drive?" Xu Jiao said, pointing to the Range Rover behind Jiang Chen, unconsciously. , showing a look of envy.

"I borrowed the car, and I have to return it later...Teacher Tang said that I haven't been serious in class recently, so she specially asked me to come here to listen to the training." Jiang Chen sighed.

"How can Teacher Tang do this? No, I have to help you explain this matter. Students are different from each other, and the way of education can't be generalized. Teacher Tang is the only one on this issue. It's too rigid." Xu Jiao defended Jiang Chen.

"In that case, thank you, Teacher Xu." Jiang Chen said politely, pointing to a red car that was driving over, and said, "Mr. Xu, the car that picked you up is here. The red car looks like A very romantic man, I wish Mr. Xu a wonderful night tonight."

Leaving these words behind, Jiang Chen walked into the dormitory building.

The red car approached and stopped in front of Xu Jiao.

The car door opened, and a middle-aged man got out of the car with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Teacher Xu, it's for you." The middle-aged man held the flowers in front of Xu Jiao.

"Thank you." Xu Jiao said, her tone a little cold.

"Ms. Xu, let's go. I have a reservation at a western restaurant." The middle-aged man said.

"Sorry, I'm a little tired today, so I won't go, next time... next time." Xu Jiao said absent-mindedly.

This middle-aged man is called Ren Xiaobing. He is 42 years old this year. He is the owner of a small company. He drives a joint venture car worth more than 20 yuan. of.

Xu Jiao is also trying to date Ren Xiaobing for the purpose of getting married. If she doesn't meet Jiang Chen today, the date tonight will probably be as wonderful as Jiang Chen said.

It is a pity that the most feared thing between people is comparison.

Ren Xiaobing can be regarded as a successful person. Although the company is not large, it can still earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but how many years will it take to afford a Range Rover?
As for Jiang Chen's claim that the Land Rover was borrowed, Xu Jiao naturally didn't believe it. She had seen Jiang Chen drive a better car than a Land Rover. At least that Pagani, she searched all over Yilan City, and couldn't borrow it. .

What was even worse was that Jiang Chen hadn't arrived yet, and Ren Xiaobing was already in his early forties. This huge age difference was like a thorn stuck in Xu Jiao's throat, making Xu Jiao extremely unhappy.

Why, Tangyue can eat young grass with an old cow, but she, Xu Jiao, wants to spend the rest of her life with an old man?
What makes Xu Jiao especially unacceptable is that Ren Xiaobing looks very old, said to be in his early forties, but actually looks like an old man in his early fifties, and one tenth of Jiang Chen's fresh meat... no , It can't be compared with one percent, which makes Xu Jiao's psychological imbalance to the extreme.

So, Xu Jiao didn't want to continue this date.

"Tired? Then next time, Mr. Xu, you should pay attention to rest." Ren Xiaobing didn't think too much, and after saying goodbye to Xu Jiao, he drove away.

"Probably, there won't be a next time." Watching the red car leave, Xu Jiao said in her heart, inexplicably resenting Jiang Chen, "Damn it, it's all because of you."

If Jiang Chen knew that he unintentionally ruined Xu Jiao's date, he would definitely feel that he was very innocent.

But at this time, Jiang Chen was also facing Tangyue with an innocent face.

"I'll cook noodles for you, but there are only instant noodles, do you want to eat?" Tangyue said with a little headache.

At noon, it's okay for Jiang Chen to bring food to eat, but he can't even let people eat for the sake of studying.

This afternoon, Jiang Chen ran over without even eating. He was diligent, but he still had to eat.

"Teacher Tang, do you usually eat instant noodles?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I usually don't eat it." Tangyue said, compared to instant noodles, she was more inclined to deal with snacks.

"Let me ask again, Mr. Tang, how is your cooking?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Do you need cooking skills to cook instant noodles?" Tangyue asked suspiciously.

"It seems that it is not necessary, but Mr. Tang, you have to understand one thing, that is, even if it is instant noodles, different people cook them, and the taste is different." Jiang Chen said.

"I'll boil water and make noodles for you." Tangyue said shyly.

She doesn't cook, to be precise, she has zero culinary skills. In order to avoid the situation where the simple instant noodles were boiled, Tangyue decided to let Jiang Chen cook by herself.

"That's fine, at least you don't have to worry about Mr. Tang, you poisoned me to frame such a pure young boy." Jiang Chen laughed.

Tangyue gave Jiang Chen a white look, and walked towards the kitchen.Jiang Chen had nothing to do with him, so he followed.

There is a large refrigerator in the kitchen, but the refrigerator is basically empty except for a few eggs and a few packets of instant noodles.

Tangyue took out the instant noodles, took the kettle to fetch water, put it on the gas stove, and was about to light it, when Jiang Chen suddenly wrinkled his nose.

"Teacher Tang, did you cook anything today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No." Tangyue replied subconsciously.

"But why is the gas turned on?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Is it on?" Tangyue was stunned for a moment, but she couldn't remember when she cooked something, maybe she forgot to turn off the gas, so she didn't think much about it.

"No." Jiang Chen's complexion suddenly changed, and he picked up Tangyue, and his figure rushed out of the door like an arrow from the string.


With a strong kick, the door was kicked open, Jiang Chen hugged Tangyue, and fell down on the corridor outside.


The two bodies fell firmly to the ground.

Tangyue was in a fog, and before she could figure out what happened, there was a loud noise in her ear.


Something exploded, the sound waves and air currents tumbling, and the entire teacher's dormitory building trembled a little bit, as if a strong earthquake had occurred.

That kind of noise almost made Tangyue deaf, and her face turned pale in an instant.The strong sense of discomfort caused Tangyue's stomach to churn, and she almost vomited.

"Teacher Tang, hold on." Jiang Chen's face was ashen, and after holding Tangyue on the ground, he didn't dare to stay for a moment, wrapped Tangyue in his arms, and rushed downstairs quickly .

The explosion caused by the gas seemed to be over, but Jiang Chen didn't dare to be careless, for fear that something else would happen. It wasn't until he rushed downstairs with Tangyue in his arms, away from the building, that Jiang Chen felt a little relieved.

Under a tree, Jiang Chen found a clean place for Tangyue to sit down, stretched out his hands, and kneaded both temples for Tangyue.

After such a long time, Tangyue's pale face gradually regained its color, and her breathing became smoother.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" Tangyue asked tremblingly.

"The gas pipe is leaking." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Didn't I forget to turn off the gas?" Tangyue was still a little dizzy.

"Of course not, Mr. Tang, you are so careful, how could you forget to turn off the gas." Jiang Chen comforted.

"Then, what should I do?" Looking up, she looked at the dormitory building, and clearly saw that her dormitory was billowing with flames and thick smoke.

"It's okay, we'll lose money." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I have money myself." Tangyue corrected.

"Teacher Tang, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, so don't separate them from each other. Besides, how can you be richer than me?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

He knew very well that at this moment, the most important thing was to let Tangyue relax, so as not to leave a psychological shadow, and a few naughty words could just divert Tangyue's attention and make Tangyue stop thinking wildly.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, I will lose money myself, although my money is not as much as yours." Tangyue blushed and said, Jiang Chen's words made her extremely embarrassed.

"Teacher Tang, don't you realize that this is actually a situation? When you lose money and have no money to eat, I will support you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm paid." Tang Yue felt even more embarrassed.

"Teacher Tang, Jiang Chen, what happened, are you two okay?" Xu Jiao ran over and asked nervously.

"It's okay, the gas pipe leaked and caused the explosion." Jiang Chen said.

"Oh, as long as it's okay." Xu Jiao nodded, it's a pity that the explosion didn't kill the couple, let alone killed them, obviously they weren't even injured.

"Teacher Xu, don't be so good and so good, hurry up and call the police to report to the fire department, your house should be burned down in a while." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Oh... good... good..." After being reminded by Jiang Chen, Xu Jiao realized the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly took out her mobile phone to make a call.

The sequelae caused by the explosion were obvious. All the teachers and students in the school were alarmed. The fire trucks went out for two hours before finally putting out the fire.

And at that time, Jiang Chen had brought Tangyue with him to Sister Lan's restaurant... The two of them planned to settle the dinner here...

(End of this chapter)

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