genius evil

Chapter 399

Chapter 399

"Teacher Tang." Sister Lan greeted Tangyue.

"Sister Lan." Tangyue smiled back.


These two women, one is Yilan Middle School, who is in charge of beauty among the teachers, and the other is outside the school, who is in charge of beauty among the row of restaurant owners.

We haven't met each other very much, but we all know each other's existence, so there is no need for Jiang Chen's unnecessary introduction.

"Sister Lan, cook two more dishes." Jiang Chen laughed.

"What would Teacher Tang want to eat? Something lighter?" Sister Lan asked.

"Just something light, not too spicy or too salty." Tangyue responded with a smile.

Tangyue knew about Sister Lan, such a beautiful proprietress who was single with her daughter, and a group of single or married male teachers in the office had a lot of discussions.

Tangyue was not curious about this before, but after meeting Sister Lan, she became curious again.

Without him, Sister Lan is too young and too pretty, and I don't know how to take care of it. Her skin is rosy and lustrous, which is slightly better than her.

This naturally aroused Tangyue's interest.

After a while, the dishes were delivered one by one, and Tangyue was naturally full of praise for the food.

"Sister Lan, come over and eat together." Jiang Chen greeted.

"Yes, Sister Lan, you come to eat too." Tangyue also said.

There was an explosion in the school, and the direct result was that Chi Yu was affected. As a result, the number of students who secretly climbed the wall to eat at Sister Lan's restaurant was greatly reduced. At this point in time, except for Jiang Chen and Tang Yue, no one could be seen.

"Is this okay?" Sister Lan hesitated for a moment.

"It's okay." Tangyue smiled, took Sister Lan's hand and sat down, and Sister Lan had no choice but to accept the invitation.

Some people say that there is a natural enemy between a beautiful woman and a beautiful woman.

But these words are obviously not valid when applied to Tangyue and Sister Lan.

Sister Lan has a graceful personality, belonging to the non-aggressive type, while Tangyue is dignified and calm, giving students the feeling of being like a spring breeze, and giving outsiders the feeling of being like the sister next door.

Of course, Jiang Chen was an exception to this feeling, who made Tang Yuefei force Jiang Chen to take tuition.

Women get acquainted very quickly, especially beautiful women, they will always have endless topics to talk about. Those who are married and have children can talk about their husbands and children, and those who are not married and have children can talk about work, cooking and beauty.

No, after Tangyue chatted with Sister Lan about her cooking skills and expressed her admiration, the topic shifted to beauty.

A woman is a female animal that is naturally delicate and pursues beauty. For beautiful things, even two people who are completely strangers can chat with each other.

Not to mention, whether it's Tangyue or Sister Lan, they've all heard of each other's existence before, and when they meet, they feel like they've met each other.

Jiang Chen listened to the speculative conversation between the two of them, knowing that Tangyue was in a stable mood, and left temporarily after eating.

A few minutes later, in a rental house not far from Sister Lan's Hotel, John Li couldn't help being surprised when he saw Jiang Chen appear.

"Jiang Shao, are you here to inspect the work?" John Li asked curiously.

"Where's Xiaofang?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"Uh, it's right here, I locked her here." John Li said immediately.

"Golden House Cangjiao? Interesting." Jiang Chen smiled and entered the house.

Enchantress is sitting on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone boredly. The clothes on her body have been changed, but the style is exactly the same as before, exaggerated and complicated. The pair of towering chests show half of her body without hesitation. Challenge Touching the aesthetic limit of ordinary people.

"Come here." Jiang Chen waved to Yao Ji.

"Wait a second, this game will be cleared soon." Yao Ji shook her phone.

"Get over here." Jiang Chen's voice turned cold.

Yao Ji's face changed slightly, she reluctantly put down her phone and walked over.

"If you want to kill me, just kill me. I'm not your servant. Don't yell at me. I'm not afraid of you." Yao Ji stood up and walked over, saying displeased.

"Then you will be fulfilled." Jiang Chen reached out with one hand, clasped Yao Ji's neck, and lifted Yao Ji up.

"You're crazy!" Yao Ji was taken aback, her face flushed red from the sudden suffocation, she struggled to break Jiang Chen's hand away, but how did she manage to do so.

"Jiang Shao, what's the situation?" Li Yuehan watched from the side, confused.

"I'm in a bad mood today, so I came here to kill someone for fun, do you have an opinion?" Jiang Chen said casually with a sideways glance at Li Yuehan.

"No, no objection, you can kill whatever you want, and I'll take care of it when you're done." John Li said hastily.

Just kidding, how dare he have an opinion.

If anyone really dared to have an opinion, looking at Jiang Chen's evil spirit, he would definitely die too.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by saying that you kill people casually when you are in a bad mood?" Yao Ji said unconvinced.

"You're a killer, so you still have to reason with me?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"It's true that I'm a killer, but which killer have you seen, who kills casually?" Yao Ji retorted.

"Yes, a guy who likes to plant bombs." Jiang Chen said.

An explosion occurred in Tangyue's dormitory today. On the surface, it was caused by gas, but Jiang Chen knew very well that it was a small bomb that detonated the gas.

"You mean big and small king?" Yao Ji was stunned for a moment.

"Big and small king?" Jiang Chen was also taken aback for a moment.

Li Yuehan explained from the side: "There is a guy who likes to blow up people with bombs. Because his surname is Wang, he calls himself Xiaowang. In poker, Xiaowang is the biggest bomb."

Then he suddenly realized why Jiang Chen's evil spirit was so strong, because he also heard the sound of an explosion coming from Yilan Middle School, and it was probably Jiang Chen who was blown up.

"Very good, find him for me, or I will kill you." Jiang Chen said to Yao Ji.

"Why, it's the big and small king who wants to bomb you, not me." Yao Ji said angrily.

"Just because I can kill you at any time, if you don't want to die, just follow my orders honestly." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

"Yao Ji, let me advise you, it's better for you to obey Young Master Jiang's words." Li Yuehan said flatteringly.

"Spineless man." Enchantress mocked.

"It has nothing to do with backbone." Li Yuehan quibbled, but felt that his words did not seem to be convincing, so Yoyo said, "You can just treat me as spineless."

"It's not impossible for me to help you find the big and small king, but I have one condition, once you find the big and small king, you will let me go." Yao Ji said.

Jiang Chen casually threw Yao Ji on the sofa, and said lazily: "Xiaofang, before the matter is completed, it's best not to negotiate terms with me, otherwise I might understand that you are coercing me. As for the object of coercion, I usually only have one way to deal with it."

"Kill it." John Lee added.

"Don't call me Xiaofang, I'm Yaoji." Yaoji said frantically.

"This is considered your condition. Hurry up. I'm afraid I'll be suspicious if the big and small kings plant bombs before they are found out." Jiang Chen said.

"I suspect that you and the king are in collusion." John Li added.

Yao Ji was almost furious and yelled, "Jiang Chen, you are too domineering. Besides, don't blame me for not reminding you. As long as the killer mission is not canceled, there will be killers in the future. If someone came to kill you, don't be too complacent."

"Thank you for your concern." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Am I caring about you? I wish you would die sooner." Yao Ji gritted her teeth and said.

"You are definitely going to be disappointed. In this world, no one can kill me." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Really? Let's wait and see, let's see how long you can hold on." Yao Ji obviously didn't believe Jiang Chen's words.

"Li Yuehan, I will give you two tasks." Jiang Chen ignored the enchantress and said to Li Yuehan.

"Jiang Shao, despite your orders, will kill you forever." Li Yuehan is very dog-legged.

"First, tell Mulanhua that the three of you are looking for the big and small king together, and second..." At this point, Jiang Chen pointed at the enchantress, and said, "Soak her."

"Jiang Shao, is this a political mission?" Li Yuehan was immediately amused.

"No, I just want her to experience what it means that life is worse than death." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Jiang Shao, I don't understand that." John Li said.

"For an unreliable man like you, any woman in this world who falls in love with you will die." Jiang Chen said, and he had already left the rental house.

"Yao Ji, did you hear what Young Master Jiang said? He said let me pick you up." Li Yuehan said to Yao Ji with a hippie smile.

"Idiot, it's instant noodles for you to be an old lady. You can make instant noodles if you want, and you don't need to piss to see what kind of virtue you are." Enchantress said coldly.

"The mission Jiang Shao gave me is a political mission, as you can see, Jiang Shao has a bad temper, and he would kill people for fun. If I don't complete this mission, maybe you will die. " John Li said in a rambling manner.

"I'd rather die than let you have sex, so you should give up on that." Yao Ji yelled.


When Jiang Chen returned to Sister Lan's restaurant, Tangyue had already finished a pleasant chat with Sister Lan.

"Teacher Tang, where do you live at night? Do you want me to open a room for you in an outside hotel? Do you want to live in a double room or a suite? Do you want to live in a single room or a double room?" Obviously, in Helan After chatting with sister, Tangyue was in a good mood, with a smile in the corner of her eyes, Jiang Chen's heart itched when she saw it.

"I have a place to live, you can drive out and take me there." Tangyue said.

"Teacher Tang, there is a hotel nearby, very close, let's walk there." Jiang Chen said.

"I have my own house." How could he not know what Jiang Chen was thinking, how dare Tangyue give Jiang Chen a chance.What if Jiang Chen refuses to leave after opening the room, what should he do tonight?
"Um, Mr. Tang, why bother to look far away, besides, the price of oil has increased recently." Jiang Chen continued to persuade.

"How about I take a taxi there by myself?" Tangyue said with a smile.

"Um, I'd better go drive, you wait here." Jiang Chen looked depressed.

About half an hour later, Jiang Chen showed up at the gate of a high-end apartment complex with Tangyue in his car...

(End of this chapter)

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