genius evil

Chapter 400 This Is Called Indirect Kissing

Chapter 400 This Is Called Indirect Kissing

"Teacher Tang, where is the house you bought?" Jiang Chen took a look at the name of the community, and firmly remembered it in his heart, thinking that the next time he came here, he would not remember the wrong place.

"Yeah." Tangyue nodded and said, "It's right here, I'm getting off."

"Teacher Tang, don't you think it's faster to drive in than to walk in?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Not long after eating, I took a walk after the meal to digest and digest." Tang Yue said with a slight smile.

"Teacher Tang, please do one thing, can you stop guarding me like a thief?" Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

Tangyue smiled and said, "I asked Sister Lan about cooking skills today. When will I be able to cook some good dishes? I'll invite you to my house for dinner. What do you think?"

"I have a rather bad premonition." Jiang Chen's face became even more bitter.

"Sister Lan said that if a woman wants to tie a man's heart, she must first tie the man's stomach. I think what Sister Lan said makes sense." Tangyue said with emotion.

"That's right, I also understand that Teacher Tang, you plan to tie my stomach, but I am really worried. When you can cook some special dishes, Teacher Tang, I am afraid that it will take a while. Years or years later. In that case, children from other people's families will be able to eat soy sauce." Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

"Then just wait patiently." Tangyue smiled lightly.

In the end, I felt something was wrong, how could it become that she wanted to tie Jiang Chen's stomach, but it was hard to explain, so I could only let Jiang Chen talk nonsense.

"Okay, I hope you don't make me wait too long, I've never been very patient." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, lack of patience is your biggest problem." Tangyue taught with the attitude of being a teacher.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Teacher Tang, are we talking about this?"

"Then I'll get out of the car." Tangyue smiled slightly, and was about to get out of the car when she opened the door, when she suddenly remembered something and asked, "Jiang Chen, Sister Lan, you've given her beauty medicine, haven't you?"

"Uh, that's not a cosmetic medicine." Jiang Chen said, although the medicine he gave Sister Lan, in terms of actual effect, does have a cosmetic effect, but the medicine's transformation of the body is from the inside out.

After finishing speaking, seeing Tangyue looking at him all the time, spreading her hands, Jiang Chen said, "Teacher Tang, you don't need that medicine."

"Sister Lan's skin is very good, even better than mine." Tangyue still looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was immediately amused, and said, "Teacher Tang, do you think that a flower is beautiful when it is a flower, or when it is in full bloom?"

"A flower has only one form when it's in bloom, but when it's in full bloom, it's full of beauty and beauty." Tangyue said.

"The current situation is that Mr. Tang, you are a flower bone, and it has not yet fully bloomed. If this is the case, we should not overthrow the seedlings and encourage them to grow." Jiang Chen said.

"Under what circumstances is it considered to be in full bloom?" Tangyue asked curiously.

"Teacher Tang, haven't you noticed that you lack a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen asked.

Tangyue's face turned red, and she got out of the car and left as if fleeing.

Watching Tangyue enter the community, Jiang Chen rubbed his nose, smiled, and was about to turn the car around and return to school when the text message rang.

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone, and after seeing clearly who sent the text message, he couldn't help but smile even more happily.


Yilan City, inside a five-star hotel.

In the presidential suite, there was the sound of dripping water in the bathroom, and Miss Mi was taking a bath.

On the sofa in the living room, Ye Sichen was watching TV. While watching TV, her eyes were rolling around, her attention was always focused on the direction of the bathroom.

About 2 minutes after Sister Mi entered the bathroom, Ye Sichen suddenly got up and walked to her room. She was very fast, and after another 2 minutes, she came out of the room with all the clothes on her body changed. Said, the whole person has suddenly become another person.

Walking out of the room, sticking out his tongue towards the bathroom, Ye Sichen walked towards the door lightly, opening and closing the door, a series of movements were extremely gentle.

After entering the elevator and ensuring that Sister Mi hadn't noticed and that there was no possibility of catching up, Ye Sichen smiled lightly, smiling like a flower.

"Jiang Chen, are you here?" Ye Sichen asked after taking out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Here we are, at the entrance of the hotel." Jiang Chen replied on the other end of the phone.

"Wait for me for a minute." Ye Sichen giggled, with such a childlike demeanor, Yi Ran was like a little girl who stole candy.

The elevator reached the first floor, the elevator door opened, and Ye Sichen walked out bouncing around.

When Ye Sichen walked to the entrance of the hotel, the two security guards vaguely felt that this girl looked familiar for a while, but they couldn't remember where they had seen her before, so they all looked at her suspiciously.

"Hello, two security guards." Ye Sichen greeted with a smile.

"Hello." The two security guards said in unison.

"The two security guards have worked hard." Ye Sichen said with a smile again.

"It's not hard work, you're hard work." The two security guards said in unison again, and then each had black lines on their heads.


Ye Sichen, who lost Sister Mi's control, was just like a little girl who lost the control of her parents, so lively.

After greeting the security guard, Ye Sichen saw the Range Rover parked at the door, smiled knowingly, walked over quickly, opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

"Stupid white sweet?" Jiang Chen looked at the girl running into the car in astonishment, his eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

Are you sure this girl is Ye Sichen?
Wearing exaggerated smoky makeup, flaming red lips, and what's more fatal, the attire was a bit too enchanting, easily reminding Jiang Chen of some images of queens holding whips.

Such an association immediately made Jiang Chen tremble all over.

"It's me." Ye Sichen said cheerfully, "I did this makeup myself, how about it?"

"Can I say ugly?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

Ye Sichen had always followed the path of a pure and cute national girl, but all of a sudden, Jiang Chen had a hard time adapting to such a style of painting.

"Miss Mi has spoken to the hotel. If I go out, I have to contact her as soon as possible. That's why I put on makeup like this. If you don't like it, let's find a place to remove the makeup first. What do you think?" Ye Sichen felt a little embarrassed.

"Uh, let's not say whether I like it or not, what do you think?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's very fresh and fun." Ye Sichen said truthfully.

"Then that's it, don't take off your makeup." Jiang Chen shivered. Who would have thought that Ye Sichen actually had the attributes of a queen in his bones. If this news spread, it would probably surprise countless fans.

After saying a few words, Jiang Chen drove on the road and asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Let's go... to the snack street you took me to last time, and eat some snacks, shall we?" Ye Sichen begged.

Jiang Chen touched the shoe bag in his pocket with his hand, thinking that this fool is sweet, and it is still easy to support as before, which saves him money.

Jiang Chen just drove to the snack street.

When the car arrived at the snack street, Jiang Chen found a random place to park and led Ye Sichen inside. While walking, he took out some change to buy some snacks and stuffed them in Ye Sichen's hands.

Ye Sichen ate happily, but it was obvious that his combat power had dropped a lot compared to the last time, and after a while, he yelled that he couldn't eat anymore.

"Jiang Chen, I'm full." Ye Sichen handed Jiang Chen a half-eaten baked potato.

"If you can't finish eating, find a place to throw it away," Jiang Chen said.

"Don't waste it, you can eat." Ye Sichen blinked.

"Do you know what it means for a man and a woman to eat the same food?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"I know, this is called indirect kissing, but I took two forks, and the potatoes were clean, so you don't think you dislike me, do you?" Ye Sichen said pitifully.

"The way you are now is really disgusting." Jiang Chen took it with one hand, and wiped out the remaining baked potatoes in two or three bites.

"Are you full, what else do you want to do?" Jiang Chen asked.

It was rare for Ye Sichen to come to Yilan City once, and it was probably also rare for him to go shopping and eat so freely. Jiang Chen still wanted her to have a good time.

Of course, the most important thing was that when he was with Ye Sichen, he was very relaxed.

"Is there a bar around here?" Ye Sichen asked embarrassingly as he rolled his big eyes.

"Are you going to play at the bar?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

"I've never been there before, I'm curious." Ye Sichen became more and more embarrassed, but looked yearning.

"Let me ask you a question, if your fans know their idol, if I take them to a place like a bar, will they hit me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes." Hesitantly, Ye Sichen said.

"Well, let's go to the bar." Jiang Chen said.

"Ah—" Ye Sichen froze for a moment.

"I just don't deserve to be beaten, and my favorite thing to do is to teach bad girls." Jiang Chen smiled like a big bad wolf.

"Damn guy." Ye Sichen pouted while clenching his small fist.

The two streets near the snack street are the bar street, and it takes only 5 minutes to drive there.

Not too particular, just to satisfy Ye Sichen's curiosity, Jiang Chen casually led Ye Sichen into a bar.

"mineral water."





Jiang Chen said something, and Ye Sichen added something.

"Come to the bar to eat popcorn?" Jiang Chen wondered.

"Popcorn is too high in calories, and it's easy to gain weight if you eat it. Sister Mi usually doesn't let me eat it. I want to eat more today." Ye Sichen explained.

"Poor baby, three servings, no, four servings of popcorn." Jiang Chen said, deciding to either not spoil or spoil Ye Sichen.

After a while, Ye Sichen ate popcorn and drank mineral water, his big eyes rolled around, dazzled at the new things in the bar, and said with emotion: "So, the bar It's like this, what Sister Mi said was a lie to me."

(End of this chapter)

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