genius evil

Chapter 401 Ye Sichen's Hidden Attributes

Chapter 401 Ye Sichen's Hidden Attributes

"What did Sister Mi tell you?" Jiang Chen said interestingly.

"Sister Mi said that the bar is chaotic and there are fights everywhere..." Ye Sichen said.


A young man with long hair grabbed a beer bottle and smashed it on the head of a bald man. The bald man's head broke together with the bottle.

"Maybe, Miss Mi's words are right." Jiang Chen shrugged and said.

Before Ye Sichen could finish speaking, his mouth opened slightly into an O shape. He obviously didn't expect that there was a good atmosphere in the bar just now, and there was a fight in the blink of an eye.

"Sister Mi, what else did you say?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Sister Mi also said that people often molested girls in bars." Ye Sichen said.

"What are you doing? I don't know you at all. If you behave like this again, I will call the police." Almost as soon as Ye Sichen finished speaking, a sharp voice sounded.

A coolly dressed woman pushed the man standing in front of her hard, and shouted angrily. Looking at the situation, it was obvious that she had been raped.

"Sister Mi is really clever." Jiang Chen was filled with emotion.

He simply didn't know whether to call Sister Mi a crow's mouth or Ye Sichen's crow's mouth.

Otherwise, this is too effective, it simply means that what you say will happen.

"That girl, are you okay?" Ye Sichen asked worriedly.

"It will be fine, everyone is here to play, the difference is that some can enjoy it, some can't, and if you can't afford it, it means you can't provoke him, that man will go away." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Sure enough, soon, the man who was pushed away just walked away awkwardly.

"Jiang Chen, do you often come to the bar?" Ye Sichen asked, listening to Jiang Chen's words, he seemed to know the rules of the bar very well.

"It's not that often, it's definitely not comparable to Sister Mi, by the way, did Sister Mi say anything else?" Jiang Chen was very curious about this, because he was curious about what would happen next.

"Sister Mi said that some men pretend to be successful to deceive girls." Ye Sichen said quietly.

After saying this, Ye Sichen hurriedly looked around with his eyes wide open, wanting to see if this kind of situation would happen tonight.

"Don't look." Jiang Chen waved his hand in front of Ye Sichen's eyes, and said with a smile.

"Beautiful girl, may I buy you a glass of wine?" Behind Jiang Chen, a gentleman's elegant voice rang in Ye Sichen's ear.

Ye Sichen looked away, and at a glance, he saw a middle-aged man appearing at the table. He was dressed in a neat suit, his hair was combed meticulously, and he was wearing a pair of gold rimless glasses. He was the template of a successful person.

"See it clearly, does it look like this?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"According to what Sister Mi said, it should be." Ye Sichen was a little uncertain, and, if she heard correctly, this middle-aged man was accosting her.

"Girl, are you talking about me?" The middle-aged man smiled gently.

"Are you rich?" Ye Sichen asked.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, took out a car key from his pocket, and gently placed it on the table.

"This is the car I drive. I think there is no need to answer the question of whether you have money or not. Moreover, this is just one of several cars in my garage." The middle-aged man said.

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man glanced at Jiang Chen and asked, "Girl, is this handsome guy your boyfriend?"

Ye Sichen blushed slightly, not knowing how to answer.

But before he spoke, the middle-aged man said again: "Girl, handsome boys are unreliable these days, because they are handsome, and they often use their own advantages to hook up with girls everywhere. I don't want to make progress, I think, a beautiful and lovely girl like a girl should find a mature man to take care of her gently."

"You mean, it makes sense for you to be ugly?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"It doesn't make sense to be ugly... I've said so many things, why do you only remember this sentence? Of course, with your age and experience, you can't understand what I said." The middle-aged man said .

"Why don't I understand? Aren't you just telling me that you are richer than me?" Jiang Chen said.

"This is also a very important point. If a man has no money, how can he create a happy life for his beloved woman?" The middle-aged man did not deny it.

"What you said is right." Jiang Chen agreed very much, then silently reached out his hand to take out in his pocket, took out the car key, and silently put it on the table, intentionally or unintentionally, with the middle-aged man's car The keys, put together.

"Land Rover?" The middle-aged man was surprised, and then he sneered, "Your lighter is very special, where did you buy it? I will buy one when I have time... By the way, I have to explain that although I also smoke, They all smoke imported Brazilian cigars."

Jiang Chen silently stretched out his hand again, and as if conjuring, he took out a pack of cigarettes from the middle-aged man's trousers pocket.

"Is this a Brazilian cigar? Or imported?" Jiang Chen pretended to be surprised and asked.

"I'm sorry, I got addicted to smoking just now, so I just bought a pack of cigarettes at the bar to deal with it." The middle-aged man responded calmly and calmly.


Jiang Chen once again silently picked up the middle-aged man's car keys from the table and lit the fire.

"Where did you buy this lighter of yours? It's actually a windproof lighter." Jiang Chen was even more surprised.

"Give it to me." The middle-aged man snatched it up, his face turning blue and red.

"Get lost." Jiang Chen drank in a low voice.

This game has been completely ended by him, and it will be meaningless to continue playing.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, don't think that I don't know, your car key is also a lighter." The middle-aged man dropped a cruel sentence and walked away in despair.

"Jiang Chen, how do you know that his car key is a lighter?" Ye Sichen took Jiang Chen's car key, looked it up in his hand, and asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you just say that Sister Mi said that someone pretends to be a successful person?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, and then silently complained about Sister Mi's crow mouth in his heart.

After that, Jiang Chen became even more curious: "Sister Mi..."

"Miss Mi just said that." Ye Sichen said softly.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and asked, "Do you regret coming to the bar?"

"No." Ye Sichen shook his head and said, "Although it's the same as what Sister Mi said, I don't think there's anything wrong at all. I don't have to be afraid of you here."

"Oh, I am your male god." Jiang Chen said.

"Protector," Ye Sichen corrected.

"The male god among the guardian gods." Jiang Chen said.

Ye Sichen smiled softly and ate popcorn. His attention was quickly drawn to the resident singer singing on the stage.

"Want to sing?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"No...not singing." Ye Sichen quickly looked away.

"I still like your singing." Jiang Chen said.

"Really?" Ye Sichen was surprised.

"Because you don't look so stupid unless you sing." Jiang Chen joked.

"I hate it, but, if you want to hear me sing, I'll go on stage and sing a song for you, okay?" Ye Sichen discussed with Jiang Chen, clearly wanting to sing.

This is like an occupational disease. When singers hear others singing, they really want to sing too. Just like Jiang Chen's occupational disease, when he sees a beautiful girl, he can't help but verbally flirt with her for a while. same same.

"Go, I'll wait for you here, sing well, don't embarrass me." Jiang Chen said.

Ye Sichen nodded vigorously, and ran towards the stage. He didn't know what to say to the resident singer. Soon, the resident singer handed the microphone to her.

Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen's direction and sang a song.

"It's Ye Sichen's song."

"She sang really well, as if Ye Sichen's original voice was reproduced."


The singing was floating, and various voices of discussion came from Jiang Chen's ears.

The greatest recognition of a singer is often not his face, but his voice, or his stage style.

Ye Sichen is Ye Sichen, even if she paints her makeup so that even Miss Mi can't recognize her, her singing voice is another face.

No matter what the circumstances, as long as her singing sounds, where she is is her stage.

This may sound easy, but there are only a handful of singers in China who can do this.

But even so, everyone would only feel that they resembled each other, and they would only feel that they had known each other, but it was difficult to conclude that it was Ye Sichen who sang.

This is because probably no well-known big-name singer would come to such a little-known bar to sing.

Furthermore, a very important point is that Ye Sichen followed the pure and cute route, which was so far from the current enchanting Ye Sichen that it was difficult to associate the two together.

Even if it is indeed a reproduction of the original sound.

Even if, no imitator could imitate Ye Sichen's voice and the emotion Ye Sichen gave to a song to such an extent.

After a song was sung, there was thunderous applause in the bar.

"Beauty, one more song."

"One more song."


The voices continued, and all the people were shouting and making noise.

Feeling everyone's enthusiasm, Ye Sichen walked off the stage blushing, Jiang Chen smiled, handed her the mineral water, and asked, "Satisfied?"

Ye Sichen stuck out his tongue mischievously, and asked quietly: "Jiang Chen, they won't recognize who I am, will they?"

"Even if someone recognizes you, they won't admit it." Jiang Chen said.

"Why?" Ye Sichen didn't understand.

"Because they can't accept that their idol has become a troubled girl." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You're getting more and more annoying." Ye Sichen said angrily, wrinkling his little nose.

"Beauty, your singing is really good, can I take a photo for you?" Just as Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen were joking, a short and sturdy man walked over with a camera in his hand. , asked with a smile on his face.

"Where did you buy this camera? It's quite special." Jiang Chen asked with great interest after glancing at the person and then at the camera in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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