genius evil

Chapter 402 You Are Brilliant Than Fireworks

Chapter 402 You Are Brilliant Than Fireworks
The man heard Jiang Chen's words, so he glanced at Jiang Chen, and after a glance, his eyes suddenly lit up, and asked, "Handsome guy, do you want to be a star?"

"Didn't you hear my question? I'm asking you, where did you buy this camera." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Handsome guy, to be honest, I'm actually a manager of an entertainment company. I heard your girlfriend singing just now, and I had a premonition that it would be a big hit, so I wanted to take a photo and show it to the company's senior management. Unexpectedly, you He has more potential to be a high-quality idol than your girlfriend." The short and stout man said excitedly, almost incoherent.

After saying this, the short and strong man breathed heavily and said, "Both of you, I can assure you that you two will soon become famous all over the world. Come on, stand together, and I'll take a photo for you two. The senior management of our company will definitely spend a lot of money to sign the two."

"Is there something wrong with your ears?" Jiang Chen's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice, "I'm asking you about the camera, don't talk about it in front of me."

"Ah, this camera is very common, it's just a domestic brand." The short and stout man said.

"Bring it here and show it to me." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I'm sorry, there is some privacy in the camera, I'm afraid it's inconvenient." The short and stout man refused.

"I'm not interested in your privacy." Jiang Chen said lazy nonsense, and as soon as he reached out his hand, he snatched the camera away.

After fiddled with it casually, Jiang Chen greeted: "Okay, you stand still now, I'll take a photo for you."

"Don't..." The short and stout man's expression changed.

"Although you are ugly, you have to trust my photography skills." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"No, it's not like this. I don't like taking pictures. Handsome guy, don't mess around." The short and sturdy man waved his hands in a panic, not only his face changed, but his voice also changed.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" Ye Sichen asked softly.

She was naive, but she wasn't stupid. Looking at the situation, she understood that there was something wrong with this short and strong man, otherwise, she wouldn't have such a big reaction.

"This person is an old friend of mine. I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm just kidding." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Silly white sweet, I've eaten something, and I've been to the bar. I should send you back now. gone."

"Jiang Chen, do you have time tomorrow?" Ye Sichen clearly had something to say.

"Yes, I will accompany you tomorrow." Jiang Chen said.

Satisfied, Ye Sichen stood up.

Jiang Chen waved at the short and strong man, and said, "Old friend, come with me, I'll invite you to supper later, I can't refuse, or I will get angry."

The short and strong man's face was cloudy and hesitant, but seeing Jiang Chen's attitude, he knew that he couldn't refuse, so he reluctantly followed Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen to the outside of the bar. .

The car was parked outside, and Jiang Chen let the short and strong man get into the car first.

After the short and strong man got into the car, Jiang Chen patted the short and strong man lightly with his big hand, and a silver needle was silently slapped into the short and strong man's body.

Following Jiang Chen's action, the short and strong man's body immediately seemed to be nailed to the seat, and he could no longer move.

"Young and small king, while there is still some time, you can think about how you will die first." Jiang Chen said in a low voice, and when he looked up, he was already smiling.

The car was on the road quickly, and Jiang Chen drove towards the hotel where Ye Sichen lived.

When the car arrived at the hotel, Sister Mi was throwing a temper tantrum at the two security guards of the hotel, asking some questions loudly, which made the two security guards extremely at a loss.

When she saw the Land Rover, Miss Mi rushed over in three steps at a time.

"Jiang Chen, come down for me." Sister Mi knocked hard on the window glass, motioning Jiang Chen to get off the car.

Jiang Chen put down the car window and said with a smile: "Sister Mi, if I tell you that I was passive in today's matter, would you believe it or not?"

"I don't believe it." Sister Mi said without thinking.

When Jiang Chen said that he was passive, the implication was that Ye Sichen was active. How handsome he thought he was, so handsome that Ye Sichen would take the initiative to pounce on him?
"Sister Mi, I asked Jiang Chen to take me to play." Ye Sichen said embarrassedly.

"Sichen, don't speak nice words to him. Also, we'll talk about our problems later." Sister Mi said dissatisfied.

"I'll come over tomorrow to pick up Silly Baitian to play." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

"Ah—" Sister Mi almost went crazy.

"I will follow Si Chen 24 hours tomorrow." Sister Mi warned.

"You are so stupid, really, you can actually go together." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Ah—" Sister Mi was really going crazy.

Until Jiang Chen drove away in the car, Miss Mi's face was still ashen, and she was very angry.Pulling Ye Sichen's arm, he said, "Come with me."

"Sister Mi, are you going together tomorrow?" Ye Sichen asked while following Sister Mi.

"No." Sister Mi said decisively.

"Staying alone in a hotel would be very boring." Ye Sichen said kindly.

Miss Mi's head was full of black lines, she didn't know what curse Jiang Chen cast on Ye Sichen, so why did Ye Sichen fall in love with it?
Even in the capital city, there are so many young masters around Ye Sichen, but you've never seen Ye Sichen like this before?

Get on the elevator and go back to the room. Sister Mi closes the door and starts the interrogation.

"Sichen, tell me the truth, where did Jiang Chen take you today?" Sister Mi said seriously.

"Snack Street, eat something, Miss Mi, if you go there, you will definitely like it, there are a lot of delicious food." Ye Sichen said.

She touched her belly with her hand, feeling a little hungry.

"Is that thing clean? Is it hygienic? Be careful and have diarrhea." Sister Mi was both angry and worried.

"It's really delicious. Sister Mi, if you go with me and Jiang Chen tomorrow, I'll let Jiang Chen take you there." Ye Sichen said, as if intending to persuade Sister Mi.

"Damn it, I wouldn't eat it even if I was killed." Sister Mi said angrily.

"Sister Mi, you can't imagine how delicious it is." Ye Sichen said regretfully.

"Stop this topic, besides these, where did Jiang Chen take you?" Sister Mi changed the subject.

After all, in her opinion, eating snacks can be regarded as Ye Sichen's taste of something new, regardless of whether it is hygienic or not, it is not a big problem.

What she cared about was where Jiang Chen went besides taking Ye Sichen to eat snacks.

If not, it would be best.

If there is, it must be asked clearly.

"Wine... bar..." Ye Sichen stammered.

"--" Sister Mi went completely crazy.


It was late at night, a black Land Rover was driving fast on the road.

The car stopped when it arrived at Nanxing Lake.

Jiang Chen got out of the car, opened the rear door, grabbed the short and strong man out of the car, and threw it on the ground.

The big hand slapped the short and strong man again, and took out the silver needle. Jiang Chen asked lightly, "Have you figured out how to die?"

"How do you know that I'm the big and small king?" The short and strong man stared at Jiang Chen viciously, and asked with his face changing.

"Oh, a woman named Xiaofang told me what you look like. I have to say that you are ugly and very distinctive. I recognized it immediately." Jiang Chen said lazily.


The big and small kings were confused, and after thinking about it carefully, he didn't know a woman named Xiaofang. How could that Xiaofang be so familiar with him?

"Then how do you want to deal with me now?" Wang Xiaowang thought for a while, but he couldn't figure out who Xiaofang was, so he asked.

"It depends on how you plan to die." Jiang Chen said casually.

"When I kill people, I always like to kill them with a bomb. If you want to kill me, you can kill me too." Xiao Wang said.

"This method of death is very good. Just after blowing you up, throw it into the water to feed the fish." Jiang Chen pointed to the water surface of Zhizhixing Lake.

"But, do you really think you can blow me up?" Xiao Wang suddenly laughed, and at some point, a bomb appeared in his hand.

"I heard that there are many black fish in this water, do you know that black fish are carnivorous fish?" Jiang Chen said to himself as if he didn't see the bomb in Wang Xiaowang's hand.

"Are you an idiot? Someone discussed fish with you." Xiao Wang screamed.

"I'm just telling you what will happen after you are killed by the bomb...Okay, the matter is over, you stand still now, and I will take a photo for you." Jiang Chen said, took out the The camera that originally belonged to Xiao Wang.

"Believe it or not, I'll detonate the bomb in my hand immediately and blow you into a pile of pieces of meat." The king and the king almost went crazy. Jiang Chen's eyes were clearly not blind, so why didn't he see the bomb in his hand.

"Well, the location is wrong, you should be standing by the lake." Jiang Chen took a look at the big and small Wang with the camera, then shook his head, put one hand on the big and small Wang's shoulders, and carried the big and small Wang to the lake.

When Jiang Chen grabbed his collar, the big and small kings found strangely that he couldn't move at all, like a marionette, being held by Jiang Chen in his hands, which made the big and small kings feel like a ghost.

"Now, I'm going to take a picture of you, hurry up, smile, and read with me, eggplant." Jiang Chen signaled.

How could Xiao Wang laugh, his face was as stiff as if it had been frozen.

"Eggplant." Jiang Chen made a V sign with his left hand, and gently pressed the shutter of the camera with his right hand.

This is a bomb camera. As soon as Jiang Chen pressed the shutter, there was a bang, and there was a violent explosion. All kinds of bombs, big and small, exploded.

After the sound of the explosion, the big and small kings disappeared in place, and the water surface quietly turned red.

"It's so beautiful, it looks like a firework. Is this the so-called, you are brighter than a firework?" Jiang Chen smiled, threw the camera into the lake, turned around, got into the car, and drove away.

After a while, Jiang Chen called Li Yuehan and directly ordered: "You three, pay attention during this time, and if any killer enters Yilan City, notify me immediately."

After speaking, Jiang Chen just hung up the phone.

"What did Jiang Chen tell you?" In the rental house, Yao Ji asked casually.

"Jiang Shao said that we should pay attention to whether there is any killer coming to Yilan City during this period, and then tell him that if there is no accident, the king and the king are dead." Li Yuehan said.

"Dead? So fast." Frowning suddenly, Yao Ji muttered to herself, her face paled for a while, and she said silently in her heart, "Jiang Chen, what kind of person are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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