genius evil

Chapter 403

Chapter 403
The teacher's dormitory building of Yilan Middle School was bombed. Not only Tangyue's dormitory was destroyed, but several dormitories nearby were also affected. Moreover, affected by the strong explosion, many walls of the entire dormitory building were cracked and became A dilapidated building was built, no longer suitable for living.

As a result, Tangyue didn't even have a place to rest in school, so Jiang Chen no longer needed tutoring for the time being.

For Jiang Chen, this incident had to be said to be a blessing in disguise, and it was finally a good thing he did inadvertently while doing so many bad things... Although, this kind of good thing was only for Jiang Chen In terms of people.

For the leaders and teachers of Yilan Middle School, it was definitely a disaster from heaven.

Naturally, Jiang Chen planned to make up for this loss with his own money.

Jiang Chen, who didn't need any more tutoring, the main task of the next day was to accompany Ye Sichen and Miss Mi.

No matter how reluctant Sister Mi said, Ye Sichen had already gone out with Jiang Chen twice, and Sister Mi was afraid that Ye Sichen would slip away again while she was not paying attention, so she had to sacrifice Own.

Yes, this kind of thing is a sacrifice for Sister Mi, she doesn't want to see Jiang Chen at all, let alone stay with Jiang Chen.

The three of them had breakfast in the hotel and then drove out.

"Where are you going?" Sister Mi pulled Ye Sichen into the back seat and asked directly after getting into the car.

"The zoo." Before Jiang Chen could reply, Ye Sichen just said.

"Are you kidding me, don't go." Sister Mi flatly refused.

Which big star went to the zoo?
If you want to go shopping, you can also go to Milan or Paris to go shopping on the streets. By the way, take a few street photos and send them back to China to make headlines. Anyway, domestic actresses like to do this, and the public likes to watch it. It’s a great thing. ?
"Then go to the amusement park." Ye Sichen said again.

"It's better to go to the zoo." Sister Mi said angrily.

There are so many people in the amusement park, and they are still children, so what is the point of a few adults mixing there?Reminiscing about the past of childhood?

Besides, what about going to the amusement park?You can't let Ye Sichen play on the carousel, can you?

Although Ye Sichen might like it, if the photo is secretly taken by a reporter, will it damage the image?
As for going to the zoo, if you are secretly photographed, you can still say you care about small animals... well, there are big animals, anyway, you care about animals.

Today's fans are more fond of their idols.

Use the guidance of public opinion to publicize it well, and it will be full of positive energy.

Jiang Chen turned on the navigation, silently entered the word zoo, and drove towards the direction of the zoo.

The car arrived at the gate of the zoo, before Jiang Chen got out of the car, Miss Mi got out of the car first, as if by magic, she conjured up a pair of sunglasses for Ye Sichen to put on, then conjured up an umbrella, opened it, and gave it to Ye Sichen Morning shade.

"What is this for?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Protective measures, one is to avoid being recognized by others, and the other is to prevent the skin from being damaged by the sun." Sister Mi said seriously.

After finishing speaking, he found a tube of something from nowhere, handed it to Ye Sichen, and said, "Sichen, apply it on your face and keep your skin moist, so you don't get sunburned soon."

"Sister Mi, didn't you realize that you have attracted everyone's attention by doing this?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

After being told by Jiang Chen, Sister Mi realized that this was indeed the case.

He murmured, "I said earlier that I shouldn't have come to this kind of place. There are so many people, what should I do if something happens?"

"It's not wrong to come here, the fault is that you are too exaggerated, put away the umbrella." Jiang Chen said.

"What if Sichen's skin gets sunburned?" Sister Mi was reluctant.

"There are so many makeup products in my company, don't you guys use them? Not to mention sunburn, even if it's a burn, someone splashed it with sulfuric acid, use it a few times, the skin is sure to be rosy and rosy, and it's different." Jiang Chen incidentally Advertise your own products.

"Huang Po sells melons, and she sells melons." Sister Mi rolled her eyes, but still put away the umbrella.

Firstly, she knew that doing so would be quite easy to attract attention; secondly, Jiang Chen's words were correct, and Feifei Medical Beauty Company's products were effective or ineffective, and she would know after using them. past crowd.

After putting away the umbrella, Jiang Chen also took off Ye Sichen's sunglasses, only let Ye Sichen wear a peaked cap, and walked towards the zoo with a big swagger.

Sister Mi murmured at first, worrying that people would recognize her and cause trouble, but she realized afterwards that she was thinking too much.

After all, just like no one would think that Ye Sichen would go to an unknown bar to sing, no one would think that Ye Sichen would go to a place like the zoo to play.

After taking too many high-end routes, he suddenly took the civilian route. In vain, Ye Sichen has a large number of fans. Everyone probably didn't expect it.

The Yilan City Zoo is very small, and there are not many animals, but for Ye Sichen, a fool who has never seen the world, a few ostriches and a group of monkeys are enough to make her excited.

"Thief." Suddenly, Ye Sichen yelled.

Surprised by Ye Sichen's call, Jiang Chen followed the sound and suddenly saw a thin man in front of him reaching into a fat man's trousers pocket to take out his wallet. The wallet had already been taken out. Half came out.

The thief was obviously taken aback by Ye Sichen's voice, and hastily withdrew his hand.

"Thief? Where is it?" The fat man hurriedly covered the pocket of his trousers with his hand, and stuffed the wallet that had been taken out.

"The thief is behind you." Jiang Chen lazily reminded.

"Brother, be careful what you say, who is the thief?" The thief said dissatisfied.

"You are a thief, I have seen it all." Ye Sichen pointed out.

"Did I steal something from you?" The thief patted the fat man on the shoulder and said grimly.

"" Fatty shook his head, looking a little scared.

"Did you hear that? He said that I didn't steal anything. Why do you call me a thief? Be careful that I'm rude to you." The thief said triumphantly.

"You are a thief." Ye Sichen said angrily, thinking how could that fat man behave like this, if she hadn't stopped him in time, the fat man's wallet would have been stolen.

"Girl, I warn you, you can take the medicine at will, and don't talk nonsense, or you will cause trouble to your upper body." The thief threatened.

Ye Sichen still wanted to talk, but Miss Mi pulled Ye Sichen a little, and said in a low voice, "Sichen, stop talking, don't meddle in your own business."

Ye Sichen was a little unhappy, and said: "Sister Mi, you saw it just now, that person is a thief."

The thief probably had never seen such a tendon before, and his face was very ugly. He walked over and said, "Girl, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will really be rude to you."


Jiang Chen raised his hand, and with one slap, he knocked the thief to the ground.

"You're welcome, you don't just say it with your mouth, understand?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Boy, if you dare to hit me, I'll tell you, you're dead." Maybe Jiang Chen didn't expect Jiang Chen to make a move. The thief was so beaten, he struggled to get up from the ground, and said angrily.


Jiang Chen lifted his foot and kicked the thief away.

"I told you everything, don't yell if you can do it, why don't you have a long memory?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.


Ye Sichen covered his lips and laughed.

Sister Mi urged: "Sichen, Jiang Chen, let's go, we should be watched in a while."

While speaking, he held Ye Sichen with one hand and Jiang Chen with the other, and walked away quickly before the crowd gathered around.

"Jiang Chen, you fought well, it's too exhausting." Ye Sichen said excitedly, waving his small fists.

Sister Mi's complexion is not very good-looking again, why didn't she see that Ye Sichen actually had a violent factor in her body?

No, it's not that Ye Sichen has a violent element in him.

Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, and they were taught badly by Jiang Chen.

"Sichen, don't worry about this kind of thing in the future, and pay attention to your identity. Is it possible that you want to be in the headlines of tomorrow's entertainment?" Sister Mi persuaded.

"But that thief is too hateful." Ye Sichen was still very angry.

"This kind of thing, the police will naturally deal with it." Sister Mi also felt that the thief was hateful, but compared to the thief's behavior, she was more concerned about Ye Sichen's safety.

After a pause, Miss Mi continued: "Sichen, if you don't like this kind of thing, you can call the police next time."

"The police are here, the thief would have already fled." Ye Sichen said quietly.

"Silly Baitian, so you are really not stupid." Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

"Jiang Chen, why do you always call me silly Baitian?" Ye Sichen asked curiously.

"Silly, white and sweet, the combination is silly, white and sweet." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, Si Chen is a public figure, if your title gets out, what will others think of Si Chen?" Sister Mi reminded.

"Sister Mi, you've always been so serious, aren't you tired?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This is my job." Sister Mi said sternly.

"There are also many ways to work. For example, have you ever thought about diverting your attention a little and finding a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen suggested.

"I don't want to talk about a boyfriend yet, and it seems that you don't need to take care of this kind of thing, right?" Sister Mi said vigilantly.

"Do I care about you?" Jiang Chen asked confusedly.

"You said let me find a boyfriend." Sister Mi said.

"Oh, maybe you are very old." Jiang Chen nodded.

"--" For some reason, Miss Mi had a strong urge to bite Jiang Chen, this guy is really annoying.

Say she's too old, doesn't she look like an unwanted woman?
Or, because she's so old, she looks like she needs a man?
After thinking about it like this, Sister Mi just didn't want to bite Jiang Chen, because she wanted to bite Jiang Chen a lot. Let's see if Jiang Chen dares to mock her like this!

The three of them wandered around the zoo and took some photos. It took them about two hours to return along the road. Just as they walked out of the zoo, they saw a few people in front of them. They rushed over and surrounded the three of them. In the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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