genius evil

Chapter 404

Chapter 404
"Brother Bao, it's him!"

Among several people, one of them was small and thin, who looked a bit like the monkey he saw in the zoo just now. He stretched out a finger, pointed at Jiang Chen, and said while spitting.

This person was none other than the thief Jiang Chen and the others had met before.

"Jiang Chen, look at the good deeds you've done, now you're in trouble." Sister Mi was a little anxious after seeing the thin man, and whispered to Jiang Chen.

"This is not a trouble." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Anyway, if Si Chen suffers, I'll never end with you." Sister Mi threatened.

"Boy, you are very arrogant. Do you think I am air?" Seeing Jiang Chen and Mi Jie whispering to each other, the man called Bao Ge by the thin man said unhappily.

"You're right, I'm just very arrogant." Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Brother Bao cursed.

"Didn't you brush your teeth today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I brush my teeth every day." Brother Bao said subconsciously.

"That's because it wasn't cleaned, otherwise, why would you be spraying dung with your mouth?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I think you are impatient." Brother Bao was angry.


Jiang Chen slapped Brother Bao's face, and said leisurely: "Spraying dung requires the awareness to spray dung, polluting the air is immoral."

"Go up, go up to me, kill this kid." Unexpectedly, Brother Bao thought that Jiang Chen would take the lead before he did it himself. That made him angry, and he yelled at the others at the top of his voice.

Several people, including the thief, heard Brother Bao's yelling, and immediately rushed forward to besiege Jiang Chen.

How could Jiang Chen care about such a few small characters, he didn't even look at them, he slapped them casually, and they all fell to the ground.

"Boy, you're so good at fighting, we admit it." Watching Jiang Chen slap after slap, turning all the people he brought over, Brother Bao felt a little bad.

He is a little person who walks on the edge of the gray area, and he knows very well who can be messed with and who cannot be messed with.

Judging from the current situation, Jiang Chen definitely belongs to the type that cannot be messed with.

Since it cannot be provoked, it is necessary to admit counsel.

No, Brother Bao confessed, that's called quick, and immediately changed his tone.

"A confession is enough?" Jiang Chen was immediately delighted. No wonder this guy is called Brother Bao. Dare to love is a treasure.

"Boy, go and find out. My brother Bao is in this area, and he is considered a person. I don't plan to argue with you anymore. What else do you want?" Brother Bao said angrily.

"Just because you don't care about me doesn't mean I don't care about you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. If you do too badly, it won't do you any good." Brother Bao said angrily, his eyes swept across Ye Sichen and Sister Mi, threatening , beyond words.

Seeing Brother Bao's move, Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Originally, he didn't intend to do everything right, but this guy, if he admits he's a coward, he can admit it, and he doesn't admit it thoroughly enough.

That glance at Ye Sichen and Sister Mi clearly meant to threaten him with the second daughter.


Jiang Chen kicked Brother Bao to the ground.


After that, Jiang Chen stepped on Brother Bao's right hand again, and the bones in Brother Bao's right hand shattered.

"See clearly, this is what we call doing things absolutely." Jiang Chen said indifferently.


Brother Bao screamed, his face turned pale.

"Boy, I swear, you are dead, and the two women beside you will be in bad luck too." Brother Bao yelled.

"Really?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal, and stepped on it again, and Brother Bao's left hand broke.


Brother Bao screamed louder, breathing heavily, almost passed out from the pain.

"Is it cool?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I...I..." Brother Bao was so painful that he couldn't speak.

"It seems that you are so happy that you can't even speak." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, incomparably harmless to humans and animals, and said to the others, "You guys, do you want to be as happy as him?"

"No...I don't want to." Those people nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Seeing that Brother Bao's face was distorted in pain, they were all terrified, how could they not understand that this was encountering a ruthless person.

Jiang Chen's seemingly gentle and harmless smile, in the eyes of the few of them, was indistinguishable from a devil.

"Since you don't want to, then you have to make him feel better." Jiang Chen pointed at Brother Bao, and said, "You guys come over and break his two legs, and this matter will be written off. "

"How dare you!" Brother Bao growled.

"I'll give you three seconds. If you don't do anything again, I don't mind at all. I'll make you as happy as him." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Jiang Chen was not considered a good person, and of course it was hard to call him a bad person.

He's just one of those guys who's better than good and worse than bad.

"Three..." Jiang Chen spat out a word slowly.

The faces of those people were very ugly, they didn't dare to do anything to Brother Bao, but they didn't dare not listen to Jiang Chen's words, otherwise, Brother Bao's end would be their end.

"Two..." Seeing their hesitation, Jiang Chen couldn't bear to scribble, and spit out a word again.

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, each took a look, as if they had finally made up their minds, they walked towards Brother Bao.

"Get out, get out of here." Brother Bao yelled hysterically.

"What happened?" But when those people were about to attack Brother Bao, suddenly, a discordant voice sounded.

Accompanied by that voice, two policemen rushed over with strides, and one of them, a middle-aged policeman, asked sharply.

"Officer, you came at the right time. Someone here is going to kill someone." As soon as he saw the police, the thin thief immediately reported with snot and tears.

"Are you going to kill someone?" The middle-aged policeman asked Jiang Chen with an ugly expression on his face.

"You misunderstood, they are thieves." Ye Sichen explained.

"Thiefs? Are you thieves?" asked the middle-aged policeman.

"No, this is slander. We just came to the zoo to see small animals. We are all good people." The thief said loudly.

"Have you heard, they are not thieves." The middle-aged policeman just said.

"They are obviously thieves." Ye Sichen said angrily.

"Little girl, you need to talk about evidence. Do you have any evidence to prove that they are thieves? On the contrary, I saw it with my own eyes when you beat people so badly." The middle-aged policeman said displeased.

"They did it first." Ye Sichen was really angry.

"I don't care who makes the move, I only care about the final result, boy, come with me to the police station." The middle-aged policeman waved at Jiang Chen.

"It seems that you didn't see me beating someone with your own eyes." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Then what's the matter with him?" The middle-aged policeman pointed at Brother Bao and said.

"Wrestling." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Boy, are you talking about cross talk? Who can wrestle like this?" The middle-aged man was angry, did he think he was an idiot?
"I said he was wrestled, and he was wrestled. If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Boy, I warn you, if you can't prove it, I'll make you look good." The middle-aged policeman said.

"Don't worry, in order to prove my innocence, I will definitely prove it well." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen flicked his right wrist, and several silver needles flew out quickly, sinking into the body of the middle-aged policeman.

The silver needle enters the body, silently.

The middle-aged man's body suddenly softened, and he felt that he had lost his balance, and fell to the ground at one end.

When the body fell to the ground, the middle-aged policeman instinctively stretched out his hands, trying to support the ground and stabilize his body.

It was those two hands behind the ground, as fragile as two dried noodles.


Two sounds of bones breaking followed, and the body of the middle-aged policeman fell heavily on the ground, screaming like ghosts and wolves.

"See, that's how he fell. I should have proved my innocence, right?" Without even looking at the middle-aged policeman, Jiang Chen turned to the other young policeman who appeared with the middle-aged policeman, smiling. Hehe said.

Don't look at Jiang Chen's smile without fireworks, but with Jiang Chen's smile, goose bumps appeared all over the young policeman's body, and even cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

And the few people including the thief were sucking in air-conditioning one by one, their faces were pale and bloodless.

The thieves knew very well that Brother Bao was definitely not a wrestler. No matter how much he wrestled, he would not fall so badly. However, Jiang Chen proved to them in an extremely strange way that it turns out that wrestling can indeed fall. so miserable.

"Is this guy still human?" They looked at Jiang Chen one by one, their eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

"" The young policeman looked at Jiang Chen, stuttering and unable to speak.

"You want to say that I'm innocent, right? From the looks of it, you're still a good policeman." Jiang Chen added.

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Chen said: "Silly Baitian, Sister Mi, we should go now, but don't delay this kind-hearted policeman sending someone to the hospital."

"Uh, okay." Miss Mi nodded blankly, pulled Ye Sichen who was also dumbfounded, and hurriedly followed Jiang Chen, and the three left swaggeringly.

"What happened just now?" It wasn't until the three of Jiang Chen left far away that the young policeman said belatedly.

"No...we don't know." The thieves said with a bitter face.

"Brother Bao really fell?" The young policeman asked again.

"No... yes, yes, we all saw it with our own eyes, Brother Bao fell." The thieves wanted to deny it, but when they remembered Jiang Chen's terrifying method, they turned the limelight one by one.

"Very good, you all remember, the two of them fell and fell." The young policeman gritted his teeth, determined the matter, and quickly took out his mobile phone to call an ambulance.

"Jiang Chen, was that... magic just now?" At the same time, Ye Sichen blinked his eyes and looked at Jiang Chen curiously in the Land Rover driving on the road. Nympho.

(End of this chapter)

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