genius evil

Chapter 406

Chapter 406
At around 05:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Chen drove his car and appeared downstairs of Hongji Building.

It didn't take long before I saw Liu Yufei walking out of the building with her bag in hand.

"I remember this car belongs to Gu Xiang." After getting into the car, Liu Yufei asked suspiciously.

"It's mine now." Jiang Chen grinned.

"What about the Elantra?" Liu Yufei asked again.

"Big Feifei, we'll talk about the car issue later. You haven't told me yet. Your mother... no, it's my mother. My mother is very nice. Why would she want to invite me to dinner?" Jiang Chen started the car casually On the road, interrupted Liu Yufei's cross-examination.

One is that Jiang Chen thinks this issue is very important, and the other is that Jiang Chen is a little worried that Liu Yufei will confiscate this Land Rover.

He didn't even feel the steering wheel of this Land Rover. It would be a big loss if Liu Yufei confiscated it.

"I don't know either." Liu Yufei shook her head.

While speaking, Liu Yufei looked at Jiang Chen strangely, and asked, "Your mother?"

"Isn't your mother my mother?" Jiang Chen also looked at Liu Yufei strangely.

Liu Yufei blushed and said, "Stop talking nonsense in front of my mother later."

"Understood, I only said what she likes to hear." Jiang Chen said seriously.


The car arrived at Liu Yufei's house. Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei got out of the car with large and small bags in their hands, and got into the house with large and small bags.

"Mom, you're cooking. Hey, you're here, auntie. How can I let you two do the cooking yourself?" Jiang Chen put down the things in his hands and snatched them from Lu Ying's hands. With a handful of green vegetables, he said with a flattering expression.

"Jiang Chen, you and Feifei are here, sit down for a while, and we can eat right away." Aunt Lu Ying said, she still had a good impression of Jiang Chen.

Lu Ying glanced at Jiang Chen indifferently, and said, "Next time you come here, don't buy so many things, it's a waste if you can't finish it."

"Besides, you and Feifei aren't married yet, so don't use this name indiscriminately." Lu Ying added again.

"I can't help it... I can't help it..." Jiang Chen laughed, showing his shameless nature to the extreme.

Standing behind Jiang Chen, Liu Yufei felt very ashamed. They had agreed not to talk nonsense. Jiang Chen completely revealed his true colors when he came, it was too embarrassing.

"It's okay if you can't help it. When you and Feifei are married, it won't be too late to change your name. It's ridiculous to call it like this now." Lu Ying said seriously.

"Mom, you're right, it's just that I'm more emotional, if I make a mistake, don't blame me." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

Lu Ying gave Jiang Chen a white look, naturally she wouldn't believe Jiang Chen's nonsense, and said, "Give me the vegetables."

"I'll do this kind of trivial matter, you and auntie, today is just a chance to try my handicraft." Jiang Chen said, grabbed the handful of vegetables, and went into the kitchen.

"Feifei, can Jiang Chen know how to cook?" Lu Ying asked curiously. These days, there are very few women who can cook, and even fewer men who can cook.

The rarity is estimated to be about the same as the national treasure giant panda.

Moreover, seeing Jiang Chen like that, Lu Ying was very worried, what effect would the final dish have, would it be edible?Will it poison people?
"I don't know." Liu Yufei said, feeling amused in her heart, Jiang Chen spent all his money to please his mother-in-law.

"No, I have to go in and have a look." Lu Ying said.

"No, let him make it. If it doesn't taste good, let's go out to eat." Lu Ying grabbed Lu Ying and said.

All the dishes were prepared in advance. All Jiang Chen had to do was to pick and wash the green vegetables, and then they could cook... It took half an hour, and a large table of dishes was freshly baked.

"You really know how to cook." Looking at the table full of dishes, Lu Ying was a little amused.

There are a total of eight dishes, with a combination of meat and vegetables. No matter in terms of color or appearance, basically there is nothing wrong with it. Although it is far from a restaurant chef, at least you don’t have to worry about being poisoned to death. up.

Lu Ying's eyes also lit up slightly. At the beginning, she thought that Jiang Chen took the initiative to invite Ying to cook, and she was just talking casually.

After all, Jiang Chen is always a guest, how can the master let guests cook?In the end, she and Lu Ying had to cook.

But since Jiang Chen got into the kitchen recklessly, Lu Ying took it as a small test for Jiang Chen, and prevented Lu Ying from going in to help.

If Jiang Chen doesn't know how to cook, it's not a big deal, and he still has a heart.

If you really know how to cook, that way, you don’t have to worry about Liu Yufei going hungry with Jiang Chen... As for Jiang Chen being rich is another matter, but I have never seen a rich person who eats out all day long no?
As for Liu Yufei, since she was a child, she was afraid of flying when she held it in her hand, and she was afraid of melting when she held it in her mouth. Since she was a child, she has never been in the kitchen a few times, let alone cooking.

Liu Yufei didn't know how to cook, and Jiang Chen made this table of dishes, although he didn't know how it tasted without trying it, in short, he could be regarded as a family man.

This point still made Lu Ying more satisfied, and her attitude softened a lot unconsciously.

"Mom, little aunt, you two taste it first, if it doesn't work, I'll try to correct it next time." Jiang Chen said with a smile, how can he not see that the fruits of his labor have already begun to show results.

"I'll come first." Liu Yufei said, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a vegetable, and stuffed it carefully into her mouth.

Seeing Liu Yufei's careful movements, Lu Ying and Lu Ying's attention was unconsciously attracted.

"Big Feifei, it's just a meal, and it's not about letting you go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

The reason why Liu Yufei was so cautious was naturally because she was worried that this dish would not be edible at all... It is important for a dish to look good, but the taste is even more important, otherwise it is useless even if it looks good.

At this time, Liu Yufei tasted the food with the attitude of eating crabs, and she was prepared to swallow it forcibly if it didn't taste good.

"Delicious." The green vegetables were crispy and tender, beyond Liu Yufei's expectation. After eating them in small bites, she picked up the chopsticks to eat the braised fish again.

After hearing what Liu Yufei said, Lu Ying and Lu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

Lu Ying tasted all eight dishes first, and then the expression in her eyes became brighter and brighter. It was indeed quite delicious. The most important thing was that she didn't know how Jiang Chen did it. The saltiness of a dish, and even the amount of oil used for each dish, Jiang Chen is extremely precise.

"Jiang Chen, you eat too." Lu Ying said.

"I'll serve you some rice, eat more if it tastes good." Jiang Chen was about to burst into joy, and went to fill four bowls of rice.

Jiang Chen had never cooked before, but there is a saying that goes well, can you never see a pig run without eating pork?

Needless to say, the big pot dishes in the school can only guarantee that you will not go hungry. It is unrealistic to think how delicious it is... But there is absolutely nothing to say about Sister Lan's cooking skills.

Jiang Chen ate a lot at Sister Lan's place, so naturally, he knew the combination of dishes by heart.

As for the saltiness and how much oil to put in, it was due to Jiang Chen having a powerful soul, which can guarantee that he has extremely precise control over everything he does.

To Jiang Chen, the principles of cooking and killing are the same, although once such a logic is uttered, Liu Yufei and the others may not even dare to hold chopsticks.

To conquer a man's heart, you must first conquer that man's stomach. Many women regard it as a treasure of love and marriage, so they spend a lot of effort to learn cooking skills.

This principle is equally applicable to women, and it can even be said to be more applicable.

To conquer a woman's heart, one must first conquer that woman's stomach... Jiang Chen quickly conquered Lu Ying's stomach with his own culinary skills.

A meal is a joy to eat.

But they were all women, no matter how delicious the food was, they didn't eat much. In the end, Jiang Chen still had to finish. After Lu Ying and the other three put down their chopsticks, Jiang Chen swept away all the leftover dishes with the momentum of a storm.

Naturally, this behavior also greatly appreciated by Lu Ying and Lu Ying.

People of the older generation are used to being thrifty, and the worst thing to see is waste... Besides, men, they just want to be able to eat, which means they are in good health.

Jiang Chen was not only able to eat, but his stomach was like a bottomless pit. From Lu Ying and Lu Ying's point of view, his health was naturally good.

After dinner, Jiang Chen originally planned to wash up. Since he wanted to perform well in front of his mother-in-law, he naturally had to behave thoroughly.

However, this matter was stopped by Lu Ying. Lu Ying packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash.

"Mom, I'll make you tea." Jiang Chen said courteously.

"Sit down first, I have a few words to tell you." Lu Ying greeted, Jiang Chen had no choice but to sit down.

"Feifei, come sit down too." Lu Ying greeted Liu Yufei again.

"Mom, do you have something to say?" Liu Yufei was a little worried.

Including this time, Jiang Chen has come to the house three times. In the first two times, Lu Ying did not give Jiang Chen a good face. This time, because of Jiang Chen's cooking, Liu Yufei could tell that Lu Ying's attitude was a little bit off. Soften, but still can't decide what Lu Ying wants to say.

"I just want to ask, do you two have any plans?" Lu Ying asked.

"Mom, do you mean getting married or having a baby?" Jiang Chen asked pretending to be puzzled.

"If you are married, you will naturally have to put the matter of having a child on the agenda." Lu Ying said seriously.

"So mom, you are anxious to hug your grandson." Jiang Chen said understandingly.

Lu Ying just cast a sideways glance at Liu Yufei and asked, "Feifei, what is your attitude towards this matter?"

"Mom, it's up to you to decide." Liu Yufei smiled wryly.

"Feifei, tell me, do you not want to get married?" Seeing Liu Yufei's attitude, Lu Ying immediately became anxious.

Honestly, she had misunderstood Jiang Chen before, the problem was not with Jiang Chen at all, but with Liu Yufei.

But Jiang Chen didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, how much wronged did he suffer?
(End of this chapter)

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