genius evil

Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Thinking about it this way, Lu Ying, who had softened her attitude because of the meal, looked at Jiang Chen with shame.

Jiang Chen was taken aback by Lu Ying's look, and before he understood what was going on, Lu Ying said again: "Feifei, is Jiang Chen treating you badly?"

"Okay." Liu Yufei was also taken aback.

"Since Jiang Chen treats you so well, why don't you want to get married?" Lu Ying said bitterly.

Liu Yufei opened her mouth, wanting to tell Lu Ying aggrievedly that she never thought about it that way.

However, before she could speak, Lu Ying said again: "Feifei, I know you have high vision, but Jiang Chen is such an excellent man, he can't be found even with a lantern. This is a good man, if you miss it, you will miss it, don't think you are still young."

Jiang Chen was confused, why did Lu Ying praise him, this is the sun coming out from the west?
"Mom, I'm actually not as good as you say." Jiang Chen said modestly.

"Jiang Chen, in my opinion, you are very good, young, handsome, handsome, and have a successful career. There are fewer and fewer good men like you now." Lu Ying said without doubt.

Previously, when Lu Ying looked at Jiang Chen, she had always been a bit critical, and even didn't like it very much. Now, for some reason, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

"Mom, from today onwards, you are my real mother." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Did you hear that, what a young man, Feifei, what are you thinking?" Lu Ying sighed.

This time, without waiting for Liu Yufei to speak, Lu Ying said to herself: "Feifei, do you want to be busy with work, want to make money first, and then start a family, but your company, after all, is not Jiang Chen. Yes, can you still be busier than Jiang Chen?"

Liu Yufei was dumbfounded. It was true that the company belonged to Jiang Chen, but when was Jiang Chen busy?
At least, Jiang Chen had never really cared about the company's affairs.

Perhaps, Jiang Chen was very busy picking up girls.

"Jiang Chen, entrusting such a large company to you to take care of, is trust in you, how can you live up to Jiang Chen's heart for you?" Lu Ying said with a sigh.

"Mom, I don't want to get married." Liu Yufei felt aggrieved.

"No? Then you and Jiang Chen will go get the certificate tomorrow." Lu Ying said loudly as she slapped the table.

"Mom, Jiang Chen and I have our own plans for this kind of thing." Liu Yufei said helplessly. No wonder Lu Ying said so many things and almost praised Jiang Chen to the sky. Dare I wait for such a foreshadowing? .

"Jiang Chen, tell me, what is your plan?" Lu Ying asked Jiang Chen.

"I listen to Da Feifei." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Feifei, did you hear, Jiang Chen said he listened to you, what else do you have to say?" Lu Ying asked.

Liu Yufei was so wronged that she was about to cry. She gave Jiang Chen a sad look and said, "Mom, I know you want to hug your grandson. Jiang Chen and I will work hard."

"Are you serious?" Lu Ying asked hastily.

"Yes." Liu Yufei nodded vigorously.

"Alright then, you two will go to the hospital tomorrow and have a fertility checkup. If there are no major problems, you can give birth to the baby first." Lu Ying made a final decision.


This bombardment lasted for less than half an hour, and when Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei left and got into the car, Liu Yufei felt like she was alive after a catastrophe.

"Jiang Chen!" Gritting her teeth, Liu Yufei stared at Jiang Chen fiercely, furious.

This guy pretended to be a good person in front of Lu Ying, but she became that unforgivable villain, so annoying.

"Da Feifei, don't you think what Mom said makes sense? We should have had a baby long ago." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You...don't even think about it!" Liu Yufei blushed.

What are you talking about for having a baby? Didn't you want to trick her into going to bed?
Jiang Chen couldn't trick her into going to bed, he just teamed up with Lu Ying to force her to go to bed, even in order to have a child, Lu Ying didn't need the two of them to get married, this is too abominable.

"Da Feifei, you can say that I don't think about it, but after ten months, if mom fails to hold her grandson, then it has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"My mother, I will explain." Liu Yufei said angrily.

"Da Feifei, you really make me sad." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

"Jiang Chen, you know that's not what I mean." Upon seeing Jiang Chen's reaction like this, Liu Yufei immediately became anxious.

"What's going on?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I just... just... haven't prepared myself yet," Liu Yufei murmured.

What Liu Yufei didn't tell Jiang Chen was that she wasn't mentally prepared, it's just that the time hadn't come yet.

Having been with Jiang Chen for such a long time, Liu Yufei has long understood that Jiang Chen is the only one who has fallen for her body and soul.

But now, she is fully focused on the company, Feifei Medical and Beauty Company, and she can't feel at ease if she doesn't make any money.

After Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company is on the right track, she will give herself to Jiang Chen with all her heart, and then, to fulfill Lu Ying's wish, she will have a child.

Not now, but in the future... But Liu Yufei is confident that this time will not be too long.

However, due to a girl's reserve, Liu Yufei couldn't say these words. If she really said it, it would be too deliberate.

But even though she couldn't say it out loud, Liu Yufei didn't want Jiang Chen to blame her because of this matter.

"Big Feifei, you have a mental block, why don't we open a room and I can help you out?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"I've been thinking about these things all day long, take me back to rest, I'm a little tired." Liu Yufei said with a smile.

"Da Feifei, it's okay to go to the place where you live." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, if you really think that way, tonight...tonight..." Liu Yufei said softly.

"Big Feifei, this is your fault. Who do you think I am, Jiang Chen? Am I the kind of person who makes things difficult for others?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

"Isn't it?" Liu Yufei blinked. In order to trick her into going to bed, this guy did a lot of tricks.I don't know how to have the face to pretend to be a gentleman.

"Uh, Da Feifei, I have to say, you misunderstood me too much, we must communicate well, so let's have a long talk tonight, all night long." Jiang Chen suggested.

"Hehe..." Liu Yufei laughed coquettishly.

Jiang Chen can still play tricks, it is not difficult to see that Jiang Chen is not angry, and Liu Yufei is a little relieved.

The place where Liu Yufei lived was not far from Hongji Building, which was a high-end garden complex. Jiang Chen sent Liu Yufei into the complex. Before he could say anything, Liu Yufei quickly opened the door and got off the car, said good night, and ran away.

Jiang Chen immediately amused Liu Yufei's behavior.

That mood was not affected by Liu Yufei's fleeing.

Because Jiang Chen couldn't be more clear, the relationship between him and Liu Yufei only needs a suitable opportunity, and it will naturally go further.

Too deliberate, not what he likes, and Liu Yufei will definitely not like it.

"Da Feifei, next time, I will definitely not let you run away." Jiang Chen thought to himself, turned the car around, and started on the road again.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, there were neither too many nor too few cars driving on the road. Jiang Chen drove the car at a leisurely pace and returned to Yilan Middle School.

While driving the car, Jiang Chen suddenly saw a figure in front of him rushing diagonally from the side of the road, waving his hands to signal him to stop.

The car stopped about one meter away from the person blocking the car.

"Sir, can you do me a favor?" After stopping the car, he walked around and knocked on the window glass, asking embarrassingly.

It was a woman who heard the voice, but she wrapped herself tightly, with a peaked cap covering her head full of black hair, a wide toad mirror covering half of her face, and a mask covering her entire face.

Jiang Chen had only seen Ye Sichen dressed like this before, but suddenly he saw a woman who wrapped himself up so tightly, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling amused.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a faint smile.

"It's like this. My car seems to have broken down. Can you help me find out what's going on?" the woman said, pointing to a white car on the side of the road while talking.

It was also a Land Rover, and it was also a Range Rover. It was exactly the same model as Jiang Chen's car.

Following the direction pointed by the woman's finger, Jiang Chen glanced sideways, and couldn't help but find it more interesting. He opened the door and got out of the car, and said, "Of course there is no problem, but there is no guarantee that it will be repaired."

"It's okay, I can't help it. I happened to see you driving a car similar to mine, so I stopped you. I'm sorry." The woman said, and followed Jiang Chen to her car. land rover.

"Oh." Jiang Chen nodded and said with a smile, "You have a pretty good figure."

"Really? Thank you." The woman said generously.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen pointed at her mask.

"I'm a bit allergic, so I can't blow the air." The woman explained casually without being shy.

Jiang Chen didn't ask any more questions, opened the front cover of the car, checked it pretendingly, and then got in the car to start the ignition.

"The car is fine, but to be on the safe side, I suggest you go to a 4S shop when you have time." Jiang Chen suggested.

"Okay, I will go when I have time, sir, thank you." The woman said, and then said: "Sir, can you give me your mobile phone number? If you have time, I would like to treat you to dinner .”

"How embarrassing is that?" Jiang Chen smiled and told the woman his mobile phone number. The woman carefully kept Jiang Chen's mobile phone number, shook hands with Jiang Chen, and said, "My name is Luzhi."

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen introduced himself casually, and pointed at Luzhi's mask again.

Lu Zhi smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Jiang, it's not a good habit to be too curious. Maybe you will be disappointed when you see my true face."

"Then I'll wait for you to call me." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Definitely." Lu Zhi made a phone call gesture, got into the car, and Jiang Chen also got into his own car, and the two cars passed by each other...

(End of this chapter)

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