genius evil

Chapter 408 Good Luck and Rotten Peach Blossoms

Chapter 408 Good Luck and Rotten Peach Blossoms

The next morning, Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei went to the hospital and had a birth test. The results of the test were to be presented to Lu Ying.

After some inspections, it was already noon when they got the results. The two of them had dinner together. Jiang Chen sent Liu Yufei home again and handed the results to Lu Ying. Afterwards, Jiang Chen sent Liu Yufei back to the company.

After Liu Yufei told Jiang Chen, don't forget to participate in the company's product release tomorrow, after that, Jiang Chen will have nothing to do for the time being.

Boring left and right, Jiang Chen was planning to drive back to school to sleep, when the cell phone rang at this moment.

"Which one?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Mr. Jiang, it's me." A graceful and soft voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, so it's the beautiful woman Lu Zhi." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Mr. Jiang, you have never seen me, how can you tell that I am a beauty... Maybe you will be disappointed soon." Lu Zhi smiled slightly.

"So, you plan to treat me to dinner this afternoon?" Jiang Chen said.

"Look at your schedule, Mr. Jiang. I'm going to make an appointment with you, Mr. Jiang." Luzhi still smiled slightly.

"Today's dinner, it seems that no one invited me." Jiang Chen then said.

"Six o'clock in the evening, the moonlight in the lotus pond, Mr. Jiang, we will see you soon." Lu Zhi said.


At six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chen drove on time and appeared in the moonlight of the lotus pond.

This is a distinctive themed restaurant with an elegant and refined style. Luzhi chose to invite him to dinner here. It is not difficult to see that Luzhi is a rather elegant and romantic woman in her bones.

"Sir, please come inside, do you have a reservation?" The waitress greeted Jiang Chen and walked inside, smiling sweetly.

"Mr. Jiang, this way." Before Jiang Chen could speak, he saw a woman beckoning to him.

Her head was full of black hair like a waterfall, hanging casually behind her head, her palm-sized delicate face was shining brightly, her beautiful eyes were full of affection, like a smile but not a smile.

"I suddenly regretted accepting your invitation." Jiang Chen walked over and said with a sigh.

"Is it because I let you down, Mr. Jiang?" Lu Zhi said, leading Jiang Chen to the box he had booked earlier.

"It's not that I'm disappointed, it's that you are so beautiful. In this way, today's meal must not be good." Jiang Chen said.

"Why?" Lu Zhi blinked.

"How do you say it...beautiful?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Mr. Jiang, you are so humorous." Luzhi covered her mouth and chuckled.

After entering the private room and taking a seat, Luzhi motioned for the wine first, and said, "Mr. Jiang, I have ordered all the dishes, you don't mind."

"I won't mind if you don't pay the bill." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Mr. Jiang, you are really humorous. I found it a very wise decision to invite you to dinner." Lv Zhi said.

"Miss Luzhi, do you have nothing else to praise besides my humor? As far as I know, if a woman is not beautiful, we can praise her as cute as I want. After all, besides being cute, she is also true. It's hard to find a suitable adjective. If a man is lackluster in other aspects, we can definitely praise his humor. After all, apart from humor, we can only say that that man is ordinary in other aspects." Jiang Chen said seriously .

"Mr. Jiang, has anyone told you that you are handsome?" Lu Zhi smiled.

"Many people have said it, but you haven't." Jiang Chen said.

"Mr. Jiang, let me tell you, you are the most attractive man I have ever seen." Lu Zhi said.

"It should have been said a long time ago." Jiang Chen was finally satisfied, and Lu Zhi laughed out loud again.

The red wine I ordered was delivered quickly. It was not the bad street Lafite, but a bottle of 90-year-old Romanee-Conti.

Luzhi poured two glasses with her own hands, pushed one to Jiang Chen, and held the other in her hand, shaking it gently.

"What does Mr. Jiang do?" Lu Zhi looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

Her eyes are big, narrow and charming. When looking at a person like this, her eyes are clear, like a deer... To put it simply and directly, it is very easy to make a man's mood bump like a deer!
The charm of some women is reflected in the hot figure, plump and round figure, let a man take a look at it, and then never look away.

The charm of some women is reflected in their smiles, sweet, lovely, pure, all kinds of smiles, blooming like flowers, melting the hearts of men.

It's not that Lu Zhi's figure is not good enough, and it's not that Lu Zhi's smile is not beautiful enough, but that Lu Zhi's eyes are too distinctive.

It's just that this pair of eyes easily gave the man a feeling of first love. Jiang Chen finally understood why this woman had to wrap herself so tightly when they met for the first time.

After all, it is too easy to lead people to commit crimes!

"Oh, the recent work research and analysis of the college entrance examination questions." Jiang Chen took a sip of red wine, smacked his mouth and said.

"Mr. Jiang is an educator?" Luzhi was obviously interested.

"Actually, I'm a student." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Ah—" Luzhi was stunned.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon, and we must study and analyze the previous year's college entrance examination question types." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"Mr. Jiang, please don't be joking. In my opinion, you are a successful entrepreneur." Lu Zhi said.

"Just because I drove a Land Rover?" Jiang Chen said in a very interesting way, very curious, that's where Luzhi's judgment comes from.

"Every man has a certain smell, and Mr. Jiang, you have the most special smell in my opinion... Humorous, fun, chic and uninhibited... These are the essential qualities of a successful person. "Lvzhi analyzed rigorously.

"It seems that you have studied many men." Jiang Chen also looked at Luzhi.

"I'm a psychoanalyst." Lu Zhi said shyly.

"Specialized in analyzing men?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Mr. Jiang is very interested in my work?" Luzhi was very calm.

"Compared to your work, I am obviously more interested in you... This, I think, is not difficult for you to see." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Mr. Jiang, you may not know that you are not a man who is easy to give women a sense of security, and you are not a man who is easy to give women confidence." Lu Zhi analyzed.

"You mean, I'm too handsome?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's Mr. Jiang, you have too much luck." Lu Zhi corrected.

"Is this cursing?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Mr. Jiang, I think this is the best compliment to a man." Lu Zhijiao couldn't stop laughing.

"Then please tell me by all means, are you my peach blossom?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Guess?" Luzhi glanced narrowly at Jiang Chen, raised the red wine glass in her hand, and said, "Mr. Jiang, it's really interesting to talk to you, cheers."

The two cups touched each other lightly, Luzhi pursed her lips, took a sip of the red wine, and left a seductive lip mark on the wall of the cup.

"If I'm not wrong, are you seducing me?" Jiang Chen also took a sip of red wine.

"Mr. Jiang, there are some things that cannot be said too directly." Luzhi gave Jiang Chen a white look.

"So, I guessed right?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Mr. Jiang, besides being humorous, you are also very narcissistic." Luzhi said embarrassedly.

After finishing a meal in such an atmosphere, Lu Zhi didn't drive, Jiang Chen just drove Lu Zhi back to the hotel.

The hotel is not far away, just 5 minutes away.

"If my guess is correct this time, there must be better red wine in your room." Jiang Chen said as the car stopped at the hotel entrance.

"Mr. Jiang, you are so smart, you guessed it right again." Luzhi said with a smile.

"This shows that men must take the initiative, otherwise they will easily miss opportunities." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"I like men who take the initiative." Lu Zhi smiled even more happily.

The two got off the car, entered the hotel, and went to the room where Lvzhi was.

This is a suite, in the small living room, on the table, there is a bottle of red wine, besides that, there are two clean red wine glasses.

"Miss Luzhi, I suddenly realized that I was wrong. It's not that I'm smart, but you knew that I would come." Jiang Chen sighed.

"The process is different, but the result is the same." Luzhi opened the red wine, poured two glasses, and leaned lightly on the table.

A small movement, the curve of the body, is vividly revealed.

This is a sexy big beauty who makes people ignore her figure, but when a man notices her figure, he realizes that every part of her body is so perfect .

As a result, she is so perfect that people doubt whether such perfection really exists. I wish I could take off her clothes and check them carefully from beginning to end.

"Mr. Jiang, if you drink too much, you may not be able to drive for a while. Let's try it out." Lu Zhi said softly.

"If I accidentally get drunk, I have to ask Miss Luzhi to open a room for me." Jiang Chen laughed.

"The bed I sleep on is very big, if you don't mind, Mr. Jiang." Lu Zhi's voice became softer.

"Of course I don't mind, let's drink." Jiang Chen smiled like a dog's tail.

As he spoke, Jiang Chen brought the wine glass to his mouth, and the amber liquor swayed.

"Great beauty Luzhi, why don't you drink?" Soon, Jiang Chen took the wine glass away again.

"Mr. Jiang, you look very sexy when you drink." Luzhi smiled charmingly.

"I've always been so sexy, but the question is, why don't you drink it?" Jiang Chen said puzzled.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" Lu Zhi winked.

"Although I did have such a plan, I asked a question twice, but you didn't answer me... Could this wine be poisonous?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Luzhi's face changed slightly, and she said in a low voice: "Mr. Jiang, please don't make jokes."

"I heard that the twelve flower gods of the Flower God Association are all so beautiful that they don't look like normal people." Jiang Chen said suddenly.

Luzhi's complexion changed again, she was pale, she looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, the cup in her hand almost fell on the carpet under the shaking of her arm...

(End of this chapter)

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