genius evil

Chapter 409 A Little Lesson

Chapter 409 A Little Lesson
"Look, I've always been so smart, this wine is indeed poisonous." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"If you don't expose Mr. Jiang, tonight will undoubtedly be an extremely wonderful night." Luzhi said calmly.

"The premise is that after I drink this glass of wine, I will still be living in this world." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Regarding this point, Lu Zhi was noncommittal, she looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, and asked, "How did you know my identity?"

"Great beauty Luzhi, look at my face carefully, do I look like an idiot?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face and asked wonderingly.

"Is it about my name?" Lv Zhi pondered.

"Of course this is a problem, but haven't you noticed that from last night to today, everything you did was too deliberate?" Jiang Chen asked again in puzzlement.

"Deliberately? For example?" Lu Zhi asked.

For Jiang Chen to see through her identity, Luzhi was unexpected, and she was also very curious about where she had exposed her flaws.

"Look, last night, there were so many cars driving on the road, and you didn't stop anyone's car, but blocked my car. Isn't this intentional?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"My car is the same model as yours, isn't it?" Lu Zhi said.

"You're so naive." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "It's precisely because it's the same car, so you shouldn't even stop my car... Haven't you ever thought that a car that can drive millions of dollars man, he won't spend time learning how to fix cars at all?"

"Ah—" Luzhi suddenly realized, and finally understood where her first problem was.

"You said that everything I do is deliberate, what else?" Lu Zhi asked again, if she didn't ask clearly, she would not be reconciled.

"There's nothing wrong with your car at all. Does that count? Of course, you can explain it as a female driver who doesn't know anything about mechanical parts, but she asked me for my mobile phone number. It's unreasonable." Jiang Chen Shi said calmly.

"I thank you for helping me fix the car. Isn't it a matter of course to ask for your contact information?" Lvzhi said unconvinced.

After a pause, Luzhi continued: "It's the man's honor for a woman to ask a man for his contact information, isn't it?"

"It's just your self-righteousness." Jiang Chen sneered.

"Okay, if these two points count, then, are there any other questions?" Lu Zhi asked immediately.

"You asked me to have dinner in the moonlight of the lotus pond, that is the biggest problem." Jiang Chen said simply.

"Choose the wrong place?" Luzhi was confused.

"Naturally, I chose the wrong place. That place is a fancy restaurant. Single men and women, under normal circumstances, would definitely not go there. Sima Zhao's heart is well known to everyone that you chose to invite me to dinner." Said.

"I don't know about this." Luzhi said angrily.

"The other thing is, even though you pretend to understand men very well, it's a pity that you don't understand men at all. You're just relying on your female instincts to seduce men." Jiang Chen said bluntly. .

"I really don't understand men." Lu Zhi said resentfully.

"The most terrible thing is, look at this red wine, it was opened beforehand. A bottle of red wine was opened, but you didn't take a sip. Do you understand what this means?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This is not enough to show that there is something wrong with the wine." Lu Zhi argued.

"The problem is not the wine, but the person. This is enough to show that you have a big problem." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"What's the question?" Lu Zhi was extremely curious.

"A beautiful woman, if she wants, will never lose a man who drinks with her, but you act so lonely, as if you have never seen a man before, what is the problem?" Jiang Dust said helplessly.

There shouldn't be too many flaws, Jiang Chen was too lazy to analyze and explain one by one, and he doubted whether this woman was in arrears with IQ.

It's clear that he looks like he's in arrears with his IQ, but he wants to play a high-IQ game with him again. This is just waiting to be slapped in the face by him.

"Are there so many flaws?" Luzhi couldn't laugh or cry, and murmured: "I should have thought about it a long time ago, a man who cheated Ziyu, lost his heart and lost his integrity, would not be a fool, I underestimated you. "

"It's not that you underestimated me, you just regarded me as a pervert." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"Aren't you?" Luzhi sneered.

"Okay, I am." Jiang Chen smiled, walked over, and hugged Lu Zhi.

"Let go!"

Caught off guard, being hugged by Jiang Chen, Lu Zhi was startled, and hurriedly pushed Jiang Chen, trying to push Jiang Chen away.

"Great beauty Lu Zhi, you already said that I am a pervert, this is finally the prey of my mouth, how can I let it go easily?" Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"You treat me like this, do you feel sorry for Ziyu?" Luzhi said loudly.

"You've tried your best to kill me, so you're truly sorry for Ziyu, right?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"I want to kill you only because you lied to Ziyu, so you deserve to die." Luzhi said bitterly.

"Even if I really lied to Ziyu, it's not your turn to say this. Even if I really deserve to die, the person who wants to kill me is Ziyu, so it's not your turn." Jiang Chen joked.

"Anyway, you deserve to die." Lu Zhi choked for a while, and argued forcefully.

"I'm really curious. Why do you want to kill me so much? Does the matter between Ziyu and me have anything to do with you?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

"Zi Yu is my best sister, she was bullied by you, of course I will kill you." Lu Zhi said as a matter of course.

"Have you sought Ziyu's opinion on this matter?" Jiang Chen asked with a headache.

"After you die, I will naturally explain to Ziyu. I believe that she will forgive me, because everything I do is for her benefit." Luzhi said.

"You are so stupid, really." Jiang Chen looked at Luzhi helplessly, "As Ziyu's best sister, if you kill her most beloved man, she will forgive you? Can you stop being so naive?"

"Even if Zi Yu doesn't forgive me, I won't show mercy to you." After a moment of hesitation, Lu Zhi said.

"So, you are forcing me to kill you." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"It was you who forced me to kill you." Luzhi's wrist suddenly moved, and a dagger was added to the palm of her right hand. With the rotation of her wrist, the dagger pierced towards Jiang Chen's chest.

Jiang Chen grabbed Lu Zhi's hand tightly with his big hand, then hugged Lu Zhi by the waist, and said: "I suddenly decided not to kill you, maybe I will punish you in other ways If so, the effect will be better."

It wasn't until she was thrown on the bed by Jiang Chen that Lu Zhi realized what method Jiang Chen was going to use to punish her.

Jiang Chen was right, this method of punishment was indeed more effective than killing her.

"Damn pervert." Lu Zhi was furious, she had another gun in her hand, and pulled the trigger immediately.

"Girls, don't play with guns casually." Jiang Chen walked over and took the gun from Luzhi's hand.

Lvzhi looked at the silver needle on her right wrist like a ghost. She didn't know when the silver needle was inserted, but after the silver needle was stuck on her wrist, her entire right hand was completely numb. Without strength, let alone pulling the trigger, he couldn't even hold the gun steadily, so he could only watch helplessly as Jiang Chen took the gun away from his hand.

"Jiang Chen, is this how you force Ziyu, right?" Lu Zhi asked with a cold voice.

"Have you always been so meddlesome? If you have this time, I advise you to think about your own problems." Jiang Chen said kindly, his body slowly pressed down, pressing Luzhi's body against him Down.

"Jiang Chen, I warn you not to mess around." Lu Zhi screamed as their bodies were in close contact with each other.

"I thought you were so bold that you weren't afraid of anything." Jiang Chen was delighted.

"You invited two killers to kill me back and forth, right? Why didn't you stop after the enchantress failed to kill me? After the big and small king failed to kill me, why didn't you stop? Killers can't kill me, you Just do it yourself and lure me into the bait, if I hadn't been fatal, my corpse would be about to rot, don't you realize how much trauma you have caused to my heart?" Jiang Chen said in a rambling voice.

The demon girl and the big and small kings appeared very strangely. Jiang Chen couldn't figure out who he had offended. It wasn't until he saw through Lu Zhi's identity and intentions that Jiang Chen realized that everything was caused by this woman behind her back. .

"I said it, it's only because you deserve to die." Lv Zhi shouted.

"You're too self-righteous." Jiang Chen shook his head, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he ripped off Lu Zhi's coat.

The weather is already very warm. Lu Zhi was only wearing a thin coat. After the coat was ripped off, the black lace-trimmed corset inside was exposed. Lu Zhi's upper body, her pretty figure, revealed undoubtedly.

"Jiang Chen, if you dare to touch a single hair of mine, the flower god will be with you forever." Looking at Jiang Chen with a stern face, Luzhi's voice was full of resentment.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, and stretched out his hand again, rubbing Luzhi's hair into a mess.

"Childish." Luzhi was stunned, shocked that Jiang Chen would make such a naive move.

"Really?" Jiang Chen chuckled, and at some point in his hand, a silver needle appeared, and said gloomily, "Then do something not childish now, I'm going to give you an injection now."

"Injection?" Seeing the silver needle appear again, Lu Zhi's eyes almost went straight.

"That's right, it's just an injection. Don't be nervous. It's not a big deal, it's just a small thing. It's just a lesson for you. As for taking off your clothes, don't think it's because you are interested. It's just convenient. It's just an injection." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

As she spoke, the silver needle in her hand had pierced Luzhi's skin.

Luzhi didn't feel any pain, but more itching, the itching was very slight at first, and then, soon, Luzhi felt that her whole body was itchy, her body was itching like that Under the pressure, the whole body became limp and unable to move.

Jiang Chen put away the silver needle, climbed down from Luzhi's body, and said with a smile: "It doesn't hurt or itch, one needle works, don't thank me."

"You..." Luzhi was so angry that she was about to die, but the itching all over her body made it extremely difficult for her to even speak, which made Luzhi's nervous face turn pale.

"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine in 5 minutes." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"5 minutes?" Luzhi was about to go crazy, she felt that she couldn't bear it for a minute.

"The other thing is, every day at this time from now on, you will itch for 5 minutes." Jiang Chen said again slowly.

"Ah—" Luzhi screamed again!
(End of this chapter)

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