genius evil

Chapter 410 Limited Edition Man

Chapter 410 Limited Edition Man

"I'm notoriously emotional. You call me so ecstatic, it's easy to misunderstand me, or are you deliberately trying to misunderstand me?" Looking at the lying on the bed with a half-smile, it almost softened into a puddle of water. Lu Zhi asked.


Luzhi hurriedly shut up.

No matter how much you don't understand men, unless you are an idiot.How could Luzhi not understand, once Jiang Chen was misunderstood, what was that misunderstanding, and what kind of ending would be caused by such a misunderstanding.

Although there is no similarity between her name and that name, if this can cause Jiang Chen to misunderstand, how special is Jiang Chen's taste?
But what if Jiang Chen's taste is so special?
Therefore, Luzhi could only shut up tightly, not allowing herself to make a sound, and fighting so that Jiang Chen would not have the opportunity to cause misunderstandings.

"Actually, I still like your name." Seeing this, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Pervert!" Luzhi couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed in a vicious voice.

"Hey, what you said reminded me. I took off your clothes, but I just gave you an injection. This kind of behavior is really wrong. If it spreads accidentally, others will definitely Will call me a pervert." Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"No!" Luzhi yelled again.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen deliberately teased Lu Zhi.

"I mean, it won't spread. Don't worry, I will never tell it." Luzhi said angrily. This guy is as smart as a monster, but he pretends to be confused. It is clear that I know what to ask.

"If you say you won't speak out, you won't speak out. How can I believe your words? After all, we don't know each other well, so it's really hard for me to trust your character." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Luzhi became annoyed again.

"How about this, let's do something else, fight for it, so that others don't have the chance to call me a pervert, what do you think?" Jiang Chen put forward his own suggestion.

"Go to hell!" Lvzhi was almost blown away by the anger.

"Tsk tsk, you're so angry, it's easy to hurt your body, or, you didn't realize that your body doesn't attract me at all?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"It's better not to." Luzhi snorted coldly.

Whether her figure is good or not, her charm is not great, she doesn't need Jiang Chen's approval at all. In this situation, she wishes she had no attraction to Jiang Chen at all. Had another idea.

"I am a normal man. As a woman, you are not attractive to me at all. Shouldn't you reflect on yourself, are you qualified as a woman?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

"It has nothing to do with you." Luzhi said indifferently.

"That's what I said, but I always have good intentions... In other words, you can't do everything possible to kill me because you are jealous of Zi Yu beauty who found such an excellent boyfriend like me?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized Said.

"Jiang Chen, can you still show some face?" The corner of Lu Zhi's mouth twitched, staring at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

This guy is really shameless, is it really okay to boast like this?
"Don't deny it. Denying is admitting. I finally understand why you killed me. It's because I'm so good." Jiang Chen sighed, blaming himself endlessly.

When Luzhi heard Jiang Chen's words, she couldn't even scold him anymore.

"It's just that it's useless for you to be jealous of Ziyu. An excellent man like me, there is only one family, no semicolon, the only limited edition. On this issue, you will never be able to compare with Ziyu in your life, unless ..." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Unless what?" Luzhi asked subconsciously.

"Unless you are my girlfriend too... But the biggest problem is that you are not attractive to me at all, and I don't like you at all." Jiang Chen said in distress.

"Jiang Chen..." Gritting his teeth, Luzhi trembled with anger.

Wanting her to be Jiang Chen's girlfriend too, Jiang Chen thought too beautifully.

"I said it just now, it hurts my body, I'm discussing with you how to resolve the dispute between the two of us, although, judging from the current situation, this conflict is a deadlock, which cannot be solved no matter what. "Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Two eyes full of resentment stared at Jiang Chen, Luzhi was speechless, but there were tears in those eyes that were about to overflow.

"Do killers shed tears?" Jiang Chen asked incomparably strangely.

"Get lost!" Lv Zhi was hysterical.

Jiang Chen's harm to her can be said to be from physical to psychological. This man is really too hateful, so hateful that it is difficult to find a suitable adjective to describe it.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen smiled mildly and harmlessly, and said, "For the sake of you being Ziyu's good sister, I will give you one last sincere suggestion, change your name."

Luzhi was stunned, what did Jiang Chen mean by this?
"There is a word Zhi in your name, which means to stop men. If you don't change your name, I'm really worried about your future." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Get out!" Luzhi didn't know where the strength came from, grabbed a pillow, and threw it at Jiang Chen viciously!

"A gentleman is really not my style." Walking out of the hotel, with the wind blowing, Jiang Chen looked up at the sky, grinned, and said with a bitter face.

Although Lu Zhi's personality is indeed not very good, the problem is that she has a good figure.

In the hotel room, on the big bed, there was a woman with bare shoulders, and a seductive aura rushed towards her face. Jiang Chen actually had the strength to forcibly let him go away. In this way, Jiang Chen simply admired himself a little.

This is of course not that Luzhi's temptation is not enough, but that Jiang Chen knows all too well that if he really touches Luzhi, unless he is ruthless and kills Luzhi, otherwise, the trouble this woman brings to him will be nothing more than will never end.

After all, Jiang Chen wouldn't think that one was for one inexplicable reason.A woman who had hired an assassin to kill her twice, and who in the end did not hesitate to fight herself, was easy to dismiss.

However, as far as Jiang Chen was concerned, it was certain that he would be unhappy.

The biggest reason for his displeasure was that Lu Zhi could go to war to kill her for a very funny reason, but he couldn't kill Lu Zhi.

The reason why Luzhi could not be killed was because Jiang Chen had to consider Ziyu's feelings.

Fortunately, the injection given to Luzhi made Luzhi feel better. In a short time, there should be no chance to trouble him again.

"It's hard to be a man, but it's even harder to be a good man!" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, got into the car with his head shaking, and drove away.

In the hotel room, as soon as Jiang Chen left, Luzhi got up from the bed, found a piece of clothing to put on, then went to the bathroom, and combed her hair in front of the mirror.

After that, Lu Zhi stared in the mirror, staring blankly at the figure in the mirror for a while, then took off the little coat she had just put on, and checked her body in front of the mirror.

The needle holes of the silver needles were extremely fine, and did not leave a trace on her body, but before, the itchy feeling that made her feel as if ten thousand ants were gnawing on her body was vividly remembered.

"This bastard, what did you do to me?" Luzhi scolded angrily as she brushed her fingers lightly over the delicate skin.

It was obviously just a silver needle, but it gave her a feeling that she could not survive but could not die.

What's more terrible is that Jiang Chen said that every day at this time, she will itch for 5 minutes... This makes Lu Zhiqi want to rush out and kill Jiang Chen immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve her hatred.

In the end, Lu Zhi didn't have any impulsiveness to look for Jiang Chen. Three times of failure to kill Jiang Chen was enough to show that she couldn't kill Jiang Chen at all, and those killers had nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

"What should I do?" Luzhi was very distressed by this situation, never before was she so helpless.

"Could it be that it was the same situation when Ziyu came to kill Jiang Chen before?" Luzhi then thought in her heart.

Luzhi just decided to make a phone call to Ziyu, she went back to the bedroom and took out her mobile phone, but when she found out Ziyu's contact information, Luzhi canceled this move again.

Lu Zhi realized that there was no way to ask Lu Zhi about this kind of thing, otherwise, it would be easy for Lu Zhi to guess what she was doing.

"Damn it." Resentfully throwing the phone aside, Jiang Chen cursed again.

But at this time, the phone's text message rang suddenly. Luzhi picked up the phone and glanced at it, her face instantly became serious.

In the shortest possible time, she packed her luggage, and 2 minutes later, Lvzhi left the hotel.


Jiang Chen was driving on the road. He didn't drive very far. Jiang Chen just slammed on the brakes and stopped the car on the side of the road.

"This is me, did you see a ghost?" Jiang Chen put it on the car window and looked towards an open-air coffee shop by the side of the road.

It was clear that on one of the tables, a figure in red was sitting there drinking coffee... It was none other than Mei Hongyi, the one who claimed to hate red clothes the most.

Jiang Chen took a few glances before confirming, but it was Mei Hongyi, not someone else.

But it was precisely because his identity was confirmed that Jiang Chen had a feeling of hell.

Although, I don't like the red Mei Hongyi, and wearing a long red dress does not have a stunning taste, but Mei Hongyi's sudden change of dressing style still makes it difficult for Jiang Chen to adapt.

In response to this curiosity, Jiang Chen turned off the car, opened the door and got out of the car. After taking two steps, Jiang Chen saw a man in red approaching Mei Hongyi who was sitting there drinking coffee. walked over.

"Couple outfit? Is this the rhythm of a date?" Jiang Chen whispered, inexplicably admiring that man, he was able to change Mei Hongyi's dressing style, how attractive is this?
Thinking it was funny, and thinking it was funny, Jiang Chen still walked over.

Over there, Mei Hongyi also discovered Jiang Chen's existence. She was a little surprised, and even a little overwhelmed. Mei Hongyi shook her head in a panic.

"You're still shy. Today's sun must be coming from the west." Jiang Chen smiled.

And perhaps it was because Mei Hongyi's shaking of the head was too conspicuous, the man in red also turned his head and looked towards Jiang Chen.

Then, an unimaginable scene happened. After the man in red glanced at Jiang Chen, he ran away suddenly, like a frightened bird!
(End of this chapter)

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