genius evil

Chapter 411

Chapter 411
"Do I look scary?" Jiang Chen touched his face with his hand, feeling very depressed.


As the red-clothed man ran away, Mei Hongyi quickly got up and chased in the direction where the red-clothed man disappeared. While chasing, she turned her head and stared at Jiang Chen angrily.

"It must be that I am too handsome, making that guy feel inferior." Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Jiang Chen finished speaking silently in his heart, when a familiar voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

"It doesn't matter why I am here, what is important is why you are here too?" Xun Sheng glanced at the speaker, Jiang Chen asked curiously.

This person is none other than Meng Xin from the Earth Group.

"It's too late to tell you in detail, our team is carrying out a mission." Meng Xin threw a word to Jiang Chen, but also started to chase the man in red in the direction where he disappeared.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen even saw two old acquaintances, one was the big man Qiao Yan, the other was the taciturn Lu Li, both of them were chasing the man in red at the same time.

Jiang Chen was confused by this situation, so he also ran after him.

"Damn it, stop there." Mei Hongyi quickly chased after him, yelling softly.

"Girl in red, it's wrong to have such a fierce attitude." Almost as soon as Mei Hongyi's voice fell, a faint voice suddenly rang in Mei Hongyi's ear.

Mei Hongyi was startled, turned her head and saw Jiang Chen who was chasing after him at some point, she became annoyed for no reason: "Jiang Chen, it's all because of your good deeds."

"Girl in red, I have to make it clear that I didn't know you were dating...I didn't even know that the person you were dating would run away as soon as he saw me. I don't want to look as handsome as me Yes." Jiang Chen said aggrievedly.

"I don't have a date." Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"Um, you two are obviously wearing couple outfits." Jiang Chen pointed to the man in red who was running as fast as a rabbit not far ahead, and then pointed to Mei Hongyi.

"That guy is a pervert. The reason why I wear the red clothes is to lure him out." Mei Hongyi didn't want to explain at first, but seeing that Jiang Chen misunderstood, she had to explain quickly.

"What does this have to do with your wearing red clothes?" Jiang Chen seemed to understand, but actually he didn't understand at all.

"I've said it all, that guy is a pervert." Mei Hongyi gritted her teeth and said, "That guy has a serious fetish for red, and he specializes in picking on women in red clothes. He is a vicious flower picker. We This is a mission, the purpose is to arrest him, if you didn't appear suddenly, the net would have been closed long ago."

"Red fetish?" Jiang Chen blinked and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with this?"

"Don't ask me this question, ask him." Mei Hongyi said impatiently.

"Okay, I'll ask him." Jiang Chen nodded, stepped faster, opened the gap with Mei Hongyi in a blink of an eye, and caught up with the man in red.

Stretching out his hand, he lightly patted the man in red on the shoulder. Jiang Chen asked curiously, "Hey, I heard you have a red fetish hobby?"

The man in red was running at high speed when someone slapped him on the shoulder suddenly. He was so frightened that he was almost out of his body. He turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, his face was so frightened that it was distorted.

"Ask you something." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"Shut up." The man in red yelled, and rushed forward with all his strength, trying to break the rejection with Jiang Chen.

But soon, the man in red was horrified to find out that no matter how much strength he exerted, he still couldn't get a little distance away.

What's worse, compared to him running panting and sweating profusely, Jiang Chen was neither blushing nor out of breath, calm and composed, as if he was taking a walk in a garden.

"It must have been hard to run. In your situation, it seems that you have picked too many flowers and your kidneys are weak." Jiang Chen said from the side.

The man in red with black lines all over his head ran for another distance, knowing that he had no way to get rid of Jiang Chen. With a flick of his wrist, a mace appeared in his hand. He raised the mace, and it was like splitting his head. He smashed it headwardly towards Jiang Chen's head.

Walking sideways to avoid the stick, Jiang Chen sighed, "The man who casually carries the stick really deserves the reputation of being a flower picker."

The red-clothed man's face turned black, and he didn't reply, and smashed Jiang Chen with another stick.

"Brother, I'll just ask you a question. It's fine if you don't want to answer it. It's your fault if you mess with it." Jiang Chen's face suddenly sank.

When the man in red came down with the second stick, Jiang Chen raised his right foot and kicked it.

The red-clothed man's reaction was extremely fast, he quickly returned his hand, and the mace turned to hit the foot that Jiang Chen had kicked in the past.

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to be hit by him. His right foot landed suddenly, he clenched his fist, and punched the man in red directly on the forehead.


A muffled sound came out, and Jiang Chen's punch directly hit the man in red on the forehead, smashing the man's head full of gold stars.

"Sure enough, it's kidney deficiency, the movements and reactions are too slow." Jiang Chen muttered.

The man in red was so dizzy from being hit, he unconsciously took two steps back, let out a low shout, raised his mace, and slammed it at Jiang Chen frantically.

"I've said it all, your reaction is too slow." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

While this person is sick, make this person sick!
The figure flickered a few times, Jiang Chen was already close, and punched the man in red again, this time, it hit the man in red at the temple.

The man in red couldn't react in time, and was hit by Jiang Chen again. He staggered a few times and fell to the ground.

At this time, Mei Hongyi and Meng Xin~ all rushed over.

Meng Xin rushed over, stepped on the man in red, subdued him, then took out a pair of handcuffs, and handcuffed the man in red.

Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Meng Xin said, "Jiang Chen, this time, thank you."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for you, this guy might have escaped again." Qiao Yan also said in a low voice.

"You should really thank me, because the four of you are no match for this guy at all." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.


All four of them had black lines all over their heads. Although Jiang Chen's words seemed to be correct, why did they sound so harsh?

"Forget it, I'm leaving." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Don't go yet, I'll treat you to supper." Mei Hongyi stopped Jiang Chen.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"I, Mei Hongyi, never owe anyone a favor. You helped me this time, and I treated you to supper to offset your favor." Mei Hongyi said sternly.

"It looks like I don't want to agree." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Meng Xin and the others soon left with the man in red, while Mei Hongyi also walked back with Jiang Chen.

Walking to the car park, Mei Hongyi got into a business car, and changed into a set of black clothes in a very short time.

"Girl in red, has anyone ever told you that you look pretty in red?" Jiang Chen asked while touching his chin and looking at Mei Hongyi.

"Do you know where there is a supper stall near here?" Mei Hongyi asked self-consciously as if she didn't hear Jiang Chen's words.

"Black is cool, red is gorgeous, you are a woman, there is no need to pretend to be cool and handsome." Jiang Chen also said to himself.

"Come with me, I saw a supper stall." Mei Hongyi waved her hand, and walked away without waiting for Jiang Chen's consent. Jiang Chen rubbed his nose and smiled, and followed slowly.

This is a barbecue stand, it is still early, and there are not many people eating late at night.

Mei Hongyi asked Jiang Chen to sit down, and ordered a lot of things by herself. In addition, she also took two bottles of beer.

"The guy in red, during this period of time, has been running around in Jiangnan Province and has caused many crimes. If we don't catch him tonight, I'm afraid someone else will be victimized. This glass of wine is a Thank you." Opened a bottle of beer and poured two full glasses into disposable plastic cups, Mei Hongyi took one and handed it to Jiang Chen, and picked up one herself.

Jiang Chen smiled and clinked glasses with Mei Hongyi, drank the beer in one gulp, and said with a smile, "Do the members of your team usually perform this kind of task?"

"Cases that the police can't handle or are difficult to handle are usually handled by our local team." Mei Hongyi explained.

"What if the ground group can't handle it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not like this kind of thing doesn't exist, so our team needs to absorb more fresh blood." Mei Hongyi said, while talking, her eyes looked at Jiang Chen motionlessly.

"Boss, hurry up, I'm starving to death." Jiang Chen yelled at the owner of the barbecue stall with his eyes wandering.

"I know what you're thinking, and I didn't mean to force you. In short, I just want to thank you, and I'll toast you again." Mei Hongyi poured wine and toasted again.

After drinking the cup, Mei Hongyi said: "Also, for tonight's matter, our team will make an announcement, and all the credit will be on you."

"I've never been very pushy." Jiang Chen pretended to be embarrassed and said.

"Don't feel troublesome. Although you are not a member of the local team, you are indirectly working for the local team this time. It will only benefit you and absolutely not harm you." Mei Hongyi said softly.

"I respect you for the third glass of wine, and I will treat you tonight's supper." Hearing what Mei Hongyi said, Jiang Chen picked up the bottle and poured wine, and said.

Mei Hongyi's words were vague, but how could Jiang Chen not understand that the so-called credit is all his, and it is clear that Mei Hongyi deliberately put this credit on his head.

And Mei Hongyi invited him to supper, on the surface, to repay the favor, but in fact, it was to say these words to him.

For his sake, no matter how heartless Jiang Chen was, he would still be grateful to Mei Hongyi.

Mei Hongyi took a deep look at Jiang Chen, didn't say much, raised the glass to touch Jiang Chen, and drank it in one gulp. After finishing the glass of wine, Mei Hongyi suddenly tilted her neck and fell drunk on the table. superior.

"Handsome guy, do you still want to bake the things you ordered?" The boss just sent some baked things over at this time, seeing the situation, he asked.

"Pay the bill." Jiang Chen was also a little dumbfounded, took the money and handed it to the boss, picked up Mei Hongyi, and walked towards the car parking place.

(End of this chapter)

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