genius evil

Chapter 412

Chapter 412

When Mei Hongyi woke up, it was already the morning of the next day.

She woke up on the big bed in the hotel, only to feel that her head was still a little dizzy and swollen, her throat was dry and itchy, and the unprecedented discomfort made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Girl in red, have you ever drunk before?" A voice rang in Mei Hongyi's ear.

"No." Mei Hongyi replied subconsciously, her voice a little hoarse.

After she finished replying, Mei Hongyi suddenly felt that something was wrong, how could there be a man's voice in her room, she suddenly looked up, and saw a smiling face.

"Jiang Chen—ah—" Mei Hongyi yelled while pulling the quilt.

"Has someone molested you?" Jiang Chen looked at Mei Hongyi innocently.

"Why are you here?" Mei Hongyi said in a hurry, tucked her head under the quilt, and checked her body. After seeing that the clothes on her body were intact, and she didn't feel any discomfort in her body, she did not feel any discomfort. With a little peace of mind, he lifted the quilt and revealed his head.

"Have you forgotten what happened last night?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"I remember we were having supper." Mei Hongyi said in a daze.

"Then, you drank three glasses of beer... and then, you got drunk... and then, I, who couldn't bear to see you living on the street, sent you to this hotel. The whole process was so simple " Jiang Chen said with a pure face.

"So that's the case." Mei Hongyi nodded, and said embarrassedly: "Jiang Chen, I forgot that I hadn't drunk before, but why didn't you leave after you sent me to the hotel? Where do you sleep late?"

"Here." Jiang Chen said casually.

"The two of us slept together last night, you didn't do anything to me, did you?" Mei Hongyi's scalp went numb.

"The focus of this question is on you. Do you hope that I will treat you well? Or do you hope that I will not treat you?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Of course not." Without even thinking about it, Mei Hongyi said decisively, she didn't want to ruin her innocence by drinking for the first time in her life.

"That is not." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Is it there or not?" Mei Hongyi was about to cry.

"Definitely not." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"You swear?" Mei Hongyi still didn't trust Jiang Chen very much. Speaking of other issues, maybe Jiang Chen could be trusted, but when it came to men and women, Jiang Chen was really not trustworthy.

"Girl in red, after talking about it, I'm back to the original point. In fact, you want me to do something to you to prove that you are still very attractive. Otherwise, if I don't do anything, why don't you Don't you feel particularly disappointed?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, that's not what I meant. Don't misinterpret my words on purpose! What's more, this is a hotel with so many rooms. Even if you send me here to rest, if you don't go home, you can open a room to sleep. Why? Can you... sleep with me?" Mei Hongyi said angrily.

"Have I ever said such a thing?" Jiang Chen asked in astonishment.

"I just asked you where you slept last night, and you said you slept here." Mei Hongyi said with a mournful face. Does this mean that she shared the same bed with Jiang Chen last night.

"I'm talking about here." Jiang Chen pointed to the chair beside him.

"Did you sleep on the chair last night?" Mei Hongyi responded.

"A certain woman, after drinking a few glasses of beer last night, became drunk and passed out. You said that if I leave, if something happens to me, wouldn't my conscience be very disturbed?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"I misunderstood you." Mei Hongyi said in shame, lowering her head.

"As long as you show me the red dress next time, I will forgive you." Jiang Chen said.

Gritting her teeth, Mei Hongyi picked up a pillow and threw it at Jiang Chen.

The atmosphere in the hotel room was too ambiguous, Mei Hongyi didn't want to stay longer, after hastily washing up, she asked to check out, she didn't want something that didn't happen last night to happen today in broad daylight.

Jiang Chen naturally had no objection to this, and led Mei Hongyi to return the room.

"Sir, did you sleep well last night?" The MM at the front desk couldn't help asking ambiguously when she saw that Mei Hongyi was following behind Jiang Chen with a blushing face, like a newly married daughter-in-law.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Chen turned to Mei Hongyi.

"Not good." Mei Hongyi said angrily. Could it be that she and Jiang Chen looked like a couple?Why does the front desk ask such words, it's so annoying.

"Sir, it seems that you had a very good night last night." The MM at the front desk was even more ambiguous, only pretending that Mei Hongyi lost her temper, and she was embarrassed to admit it.

"You are really a discerning girl." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, I'm leaving." After stomping her feet, Mei Hongyi didn't want to stay for a second.

"Where are you going, I'll see you off." Jiang Chen smiled.

"No need, I can just take a taxi back by myself." Mei Hongyi didn't want to let Jiang Chen take it, as if that would mean that the relationship with Jiang Chen would no longer be clear.

After leaving these words, he ran out of the hotel lobby, and soon ran to the side of the road.

"Sir, your girlfriend is easy to shy, she looks like a good girl." The MM at the front desk said while giving Jiang Chen some money.

"Why do you say that?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"A shy girl doesn't have much love experience, and I can tell that you are that girl's first love." The MM at the front desk said.

"For the sake of your foresight, I will come to this hotel often. If I come a few more times, she won't be so shy." Jiang Chen laughed loudly and walked out.

When Jiang Chen walked out of the hotel, Mei Hongyi had already hailed a taxi and disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Chen understood that Mei Hongyi was worried that he might misunderstand something, so he didn't care, so Shi Shiran walked towards his car.

After opening the door to get in the car and starting the engine, Jiang Chen asked casually, "Old man, where are you going?"

"You don't seem surprised to see me in your car?" In the back seat of the car, there was a white-haired old man wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit. He was the old Mu of the ground team.

"We've seen some strange things a lot, so naturally we'll get used to them." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"This sounds like a lot of resentment. I didn't sleep well last night." Mu Fang said with a smile.

"I guess, if anyone, even an idiot, is targeted by two sniper rifles, he will definitely not be able to sleep well." Jiang Chen sneered.

"Speaking of this, I have to say something, Jiang Chen, you are a real gentleman." Mu Fang gave a thumbs up and said with a look of appreciation.

"Old man, don't get cheap and act good." Jiang Chen said a little annoyed.

Although he didn't intend to take advantage of Mei Hongyi, but last night, on the opposite floor, those two sniper rifles were so blatant, Jiang Chen can guarantee that once he touches Mei Hongyi, the sniper He will shoot and kill him without hesitation in the first place.

Anyone who puts this kind of thing on him will definitely be upset.

"Jiang Chen, in the final analysis, we are all protecting Hongyi, it's just that the two of us protect her in different ways." Mu Fang said seriously.

"Actually, you could have taken Mei Hongyi away last night." Jiang Chen sneered.

"Ahem, isn't this to give you a chance to show off?" Mu Fang said brazenly.

Jiang Chen felt that he was about to lose, and it was the first time he had found an existence with a thicker skin than himself.

"Mei Hongyi left unscathed, your business should be over, get out of the car." Jiang Chen drove away expressionlessly.

"Don't worry, we can still talk... What do you think of the red dress?" Mu Fang waved his hand to stop Jiang Chen from chasing people away, and asked.

"What do you mean by asking this all the time?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Hongyi is a good girl. What's more, Hongyi doesn't have a boyfriend and has a good impression of you." Mu Fang said.

"Beauty trick!" Jiang Chen was immediately delighted.

"How is this a beauty trick?" Mu Fang became anxious all of a sudden, and said solemnly: "I'm just talking about the situation of the red dress casually, you can just listen to it."

"In order to win me into the ground group, you have really spared no effort. You are not afraid that Mei Lanting will find out that you have sold his daughter and hunt you down?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Everything is for work, haha." Mu Fang laughed dryly.

"I have Mei Lanting's contact information here." Jiang Chen took out the phone and shook it.

"Jiang Chen, I'm just saying some things casually, but you have to think about it seriously, and don't let a girl down." Mu Fang persuaded.

"If you are unemployed in the future, find a dating agency to be a matchmaker. The business will definitely be good. At least your old age will be absolutely guaranteed." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"That's not right. Serving the country, throwing your head and blood, you won't be unemployed unless I die." Mu Fang said seriously.

"It's so touching, can we get out of the car now?" Jiang Chen grinned.

"I know that your company has a product launch event in the afternoon, but it's too early now, let's talk a little bit more. Seeing that your company has a big battle, it should be rich in money soon." Mu Fang said.

"What's your plan?" Jiang Chen squinted at Mu Fang.

"It's like this. As for our team, we've been a little nervous about funding recently. Do you think..." Mu Fang rubbed his fingers and made a motion of reaching out to ask for money.

"Is this the real purpose of your coming to me today?" Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

"Just a little money, to you, it's just a drop in the bucket." Mu Fang said without changing his face.

"How much is a little money?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"5000 million." Mu Fang said with five fingers apart.

"Forget it, I'll pretend you didn't say anything." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"How much are you willing to give?" Mu Fang smiled wryly.

"500 million, I won't give any more money. Of course, even if it's 500 million, I have one condition." Jiang Chen said.

"What conditions?" Mu Fang looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, but he knew very well that Jiang Chen was famous for never suffering.

"It's very simple, I want a building." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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