genius evil

Chapter 413 The Real Smart Man

Chapter 413 The Real Smart Man
"A building? What do you want a building for?" Mu Fang was a little puzzled.

"You have always said that I will be rich in money soon. In this way, it means that the company will soon develop and grow. At that time, there will be more employees, so it is not easy to arrange. I have a building. The situation It's different." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Jiang Chen, why don't you go and rob it." Mu Fang was furious, 500 million for a building, with such a good deal, he himself rushed to do it.

"Buying and selling can't be benevolent and righteous. If it's a big deal, it's a big deal. If you scold people, it's because you're old." Jiang Chen frowned.

"Anyway, it's impossible, five hundred million, one building, if you want." Mu Fang stopped playing sloppy with Jiang Chen.

"Deal!" Jiang Chen was incomparably straightforward.

Mu Fang quickly got out of the car, full of resentment and anger, quite like stealing chickens and losing money.

When Mu Fang got out of the car, Jiang Chen kicked the accelerator and drove away.

Mu Fang didn't rush away until Jiang Chen's Land Rover was far away, then he walked a few steps over, opened the door of a domestic off-road vehicle parked nearby, and got into the co-pilot's seat superior.

In that car, on the driving seat, sat a middle-aged man, it was Mei Lanting who had dealt with Jiang Chen once before.

Without waiting for Mei Lanting to ask questions, Mu Fangfang explained the deal between himself and Jiang Chen in detail.

"[-] million, change to a building?" After listening, Mei Lanting laughed softly.

"Did we make a profit or lose this deal?" Mu Fang asked.

In terms of the current land and housing prices in Yilan City, [-] million yuan is really not a lot of money, especially if you want to win a building in a prime location in the city center.

"No loss." Mei Lanting said.

"So Jiang Chen has suffered?" Mu Fang said happily.

He also dealt with Jiang Chen a few times, and every time, he only suffered a loss. It was rare for Jiang Chen to suffer a loss, so he was naturally happy.

"He is such a shrewd person, so he won't be at a disadvantage." Mei Lanting said again.

"Then who is at a disadvantage?" Mu Fang was confused.

He didn't suffer a loss, and Jiang Chen didn't suffer a loss either, but this transaction can hardly be regarded as a win-win situation.

In other words, between him and Jiang Chen, there is always someone who suffers!
"Could it be that you didn't realize why Jiang Chen agreed so readily, and didn't even ask you how tall and where the building was?" Mei Lanting reminded.

When Mu Fang thought about it, it was true.

"He's taking advantage!" Mei Lanting said slowly.

"Using the power of our local group?" Mu Fang suddenly realized.

"That's right, it's just taking advantage of our team." Mei Lanting nodded.

"[-] million, it's too cunning to bind our entire team with him." Mu Fang sighed.

"That's why I said that he is a smart man, a truly smart man." Mei Lanting was also full of emotion, but rather looked forward to what kind of future Jiang Chen would grow to.

As a result, he didn't mind letting Jiang Chen take advantage of it.

Even, this matter was promoted by him behind the scenes. Naturally, Mei Lanting would not say these words to Mu Fang. As for whether Jiang Chen understands, it depends on whether Jiang Chen can use his A lot of hard work!

Jiang Chen drove the car and appeared in the Hongji Building.

Get out of the car and go upstairs, and enter Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company.

"Jiang Shao." Jiang Shengnan, the beauty at the front desk, greeted Jiang Chen in a low voice with a blushing face when she saw Jiang Chen appear.

"Beauty, do I need to make an appointment this time?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

" need..." Jiang Shengnan blushed even more.

Last time, she was molested viciously by Jiang Chen when she didn't know Jiang Chen's identity, but now that she knew Jiang Chen's identity, she was still being molested, which made Jiang Shengnan feel very wronged.

Does every big boss have a bad taste in molesting beautiful employees?
"It's fine if you don't need it, then I'll go first." Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

Jiang Shengnan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Jiang Chen say that, and wished Jiang Chen could go in quickly.

"By the way, beauty, I asked you a few questions last time, and you didn't seem to answer any of them. For example, how old are you? Do you have a boyfriend? How many people are there in your family?"

"Jiang Shao, please come inside." Jiang Shengnan dared to answer Jiang Chen's question and said.

"Jiang Shao, why are you here now? Mr. Liu has been waiting for you for a long time." It was Cao Xiaoshan who ran out again, and when she saw Jiang Chen, she said anxiously.

"Beauty Xiaoshan, are you ruining my good business?" Jiang Chen looked at Cao Xiaoshan helplessly.

Cao Xiaoshan was familiar with Jiang Chen, and knew Jiang Chen's character, so she said with a smile: "Jiang Shao, I didn't mean it, Mr. Liu is really waiting for you."

"Okay, let's forget it this time, but next" Jiang Chen looked at Cao Xiaoshan.

"I understand, I will definitely show up later next time." Cao Xiaoshan smiled sweetly.

"You're so smart, I'll ask Da Feifei to give you a promotion and a salary increase." Teasing Cao Xiaoshan, Jiang Chen walked towards Liu Yufei's office.

"Sister Xiaoshan, has Young Master Jiang always been like this?" Watching Jiang Chen leave, Jiang Shengnan said helplessly.

"Jiang Shao is very approachable and likes to joke the most." Cao Xiaoshan said to Jiang Shengnan.

"But it's hard for me to adapt." Jiang Shengnan said.

"Slowly you will get used to it, but I think Young Master Jiang treats you a little differently." Cao Xiaoshan blinked.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shengnan was startled.

"I lied to you." Cao Xiaoshan chuckled and ran away quickly.


When Jiang Chen entered Liu Yufei's office, he saw Liu Yufei ironing a black suit.

"Jiang Chen, take off your clothes and try wearing this suit." Seeing Jiang Chen coming, Liu Yufei took off the suit.

"This is our wedding dress?" Jiang Chen asked while holding the suit.

"When the press conference is held later, what you want to wear... Also, Sheng Nan will come over and give you makeup later." Liu Yufei ordered.

"Do you want to make it so grand?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Yes!" Liu Yufei said affirmatively.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to go to Liu Yufei's private dressing room to change into a suit. When Jiang Chen walked out of the dressing room, Liu Yufei couldn't help but see his eyes light up when he saw Jiang Chen's neat suit.

Jiang Chen's usual attire in the past was a pair of canvas shoes for leisure, which was basically a standard match, giving people a sense of carelessness.

This was the first time Liu Yufei saw Jiang Chen wearing formal clothes.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen is a born hanger, with a slender figure and a well-proportioned frame. The figure of the best male model in the world is nothing more than that.A suit bought from a shopping mall, worn on Jiang Chen's body, gave people a sense of tailor-made.

"Da Feifei, your eyeballs are about to fall out?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Are there any?" Liu Yufei felt a little embarrassed, hurriedly took out a pair of leather shoes, and said, "I need to change the shoes too."

When Jiang Chen changed into leather shoes, Jiang Shengnan and Cao Xiaoshan walked in from the outside.

Cao Xiaoshan was in charge of makeup for Liu Yufei, while Jiang Shengnan was in charge of makeup for Jiang Chen.

"Shengnan, you mainly need to deal with Jiang Chen's hair and lighten the makeup on his face." Liu Yufei said to Jiang Shengnan.

"Okay... okay..." Jiang Shengnan was a little apprehensive.

"Don't be nervous, I don't eat people." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, I'm not nervous." Jiang Shengnan said with a blushing face.

"But why is your face so red? Well, I understand, it must be that I rarely saw handsome guys before, and suddenly, seeing a handsome guy like me is very uncomfortable." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Shengnan rolled Jiang Chen's eyes tenderly and resentfully. She wasn't used to it, but she was clearly afraid of being molested by Jiang Chen.

Liu Yufei's makeup was complicated, Cao Xiaoshan was so busy that she didn't even have time to talk, Jiang Chen was chatting and laughing with Jiang Shengnan, of course, most of the time, Jiang Chen was joking.

Jiang Shengnan was very dexterous, and helped Jiang Chen get his hairstyle done in a short while. As for makeup, Jiang Shengnan was a little embarrassed.

To be honest, she has never seen a man with such good skin as Jiang Chen, the skin is fresh and tender, even better than hers.

Jiang Chen's facial features are three-dimensional and profound, and there is no need for extra decoration at all, especially his eyes, which always seem to contain a slight smile, and every time they collide with Jiang Chen's eyes, it is like a deer bumping into Jiang Shengnan. feeling.

Men's eyebrows are generally scattered. Jiang Chen's eyebrows are typical sword eyebrows, which fly obliquely into the temples and do not need to be repaired at all. Jiang Shengnan held a makeup brush and traced it in front of Jiang Chen's face, but he still didn't know how to do it.

"It seems that I am really handsome." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Jiang Shao, I don't think you need makeup." Jiang Shengnan said shyly.

"This should be the best compliment I've received this year." Jiang Chen got up and said with a smile.

"Then stop drawing for now, Shengnan, go outside and see how the venue is arranged." Liu Yufei said.

Jiang Shengnan was extremely uncomfortable for a long time, and when he heard Liu Yufei say this, he ran away quickly.

"Jiang Chen, go and familiarize yourself with the materials that will be used in the next press conference." Liu Yufei said to Jiang Chen again.

"Da Feifei, actually this press conference has nothing to do with me, you are the boss." Jiang Chen said.

"No, you are the protagonist today." Liu Yufei said.

Jiang Chen was lazy enough, Liu Yufei would not give Jiang Chen the slightest chance to be lazy on an occasion like today.

"Da Feifei, I'm suddenly a little worried." Jiang Chen said.

"What are you worried about?" Liu Yufei was a little puzzled. Could it be that Jiang Chen would also have stage fright.

Thinking about it this way made Liu Yufei want to laugh inexplicably, but she also wanted to see how Jiang Chen would behave at the press conference later!
"What I'm worried about is that after a while everyone will only notice my peerless demeanor and forget that we are actually a cosmetics company. In that case, wouldn't it be overwhelming?" Jiang Chen was worried.

(End of this chapter)

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