genius evil

Chapter 414 You must not have a boyfriend

Chapter 414 You must not have a boyfriend
The product launch conference of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company is scheduled for 02:30 in the afternoon.

Around two o'clock, reporters began to enter the arena one after another.

These reporters, in addition to local reporters in Yilan City, are more from all over the world.

A new company that hasn't officially opened yet, just held a simple product launch event, has made such a big battle right from the start, it's not that it didn't fail to surprise the reporters.

At around [-]:[-], Liu Yufei and Jiang Chen entered the arena.

After being seated, Liu Yufei briefly introduced herself: "My name is Liu Yufei, the general manager of Feifei Medical Beauty Company, and the person next to me is the boss of our company, Jiang Chen."

"Hi everyone." Jiang Chen waved to everyone solemnly.

"Mr. Liu, there is a Philippine character in your name, and your company's name is Feifei. May I ask what is your relationship with Mr. Jiang?" A reporter immediately caught a trace of gossip sensitively.

"Ask such a question, it means that you must not have a boyfriend." Jiang Chen looked at the female reporter with a smile and asked.

"Does it have anything to do with whether I have a boyfriend or not?" the female reporter asked in confusion.

"Of course it has something to do with it, because obviously, this company is named after Feifei. If you had a boyfriend, you would never ask such a naive question that almost everyone can understand at a glance." Jiang Chen took it for granted Said.

"You mean, you gave this company to Mr. Liu?" The reporter's eyes lit up.

"Theoretically, that's the case, but all the female reporters here must not be too envious. These days, there are really not many outstanding men like me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

All the reporters were speechless, and this guy was too narcissistic.Moreover, such a high-profile show of affection, completely disregarding other people's feelings, is it really okay?
However, the complaints were all complaints, and they all picked up their cameras one by one, and frantically took pictures of Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei.

"Mr. Liu, the market competition for medical beauty products is quite fierce. Why did your company choose to enter this field at this time?" Another reporter asked.

"I think that with good products, it's never too late to enter this field." Liu Yufei said softly.

"Mr. Liu means that your company's products are the best?" the reporter said sharply.

"You can think so." Liu Yufei said again.


All the reporters were in an uproar. How much self-confidence does it take to say such a thing?

"Mr. Liu, as far as I know, your company's products have not yet been released to the market. I can tell you, are you talking nonsense?" Another male reporter stood up and said loudly.

"I think our company's products are the best based on the actual use effect of our products. As for whether it is a big talk, I believe that the market and consumers will give everyone a satisfactory answer soon." Liu Yufei didn't panic Said calmly.

"It can be seen that Mr. Liu is very confident, but if the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company are unsalable in the market, will there be a funny situation?" The male reporter joked. Said.

"Let's answer this question with someone else." Liu Yufei smiled slightly, and then, a figure walked out.

"Fang Tongjun."

"It's Fang Tongjun!"


As that person appeared, sharp-eyed reporters immediately recognized who it was.

"Hi everyone, I'm Fang Tongjun." Fang Tongjun smiled slightly and sat down.

"We have the best sales network, the most powerful marketing team, and we have the best products. There is no reason why our products will be unsalable." Fang Tongjun said domineeringly.

"Mr. Fang, what is your relationship with Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company?" A reporter asked.

"I'm Mr. Jiang's friend. This time, I came here specially to stand for Mr. Jiang." Fang Tongjun said lightly.

The attention of the reporters was instantly focused on Jiang Chen.

Fang Tongjun himself said that he was Jiang Chen's friend. What kind of background does this Jiang Chen have?He actually asked Fang Tongjun to come over to the platform!

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Fang personally came here to stand for your company. Although it is very surprising, does this mean that this is actually a sign of your lack of confidence in your own products?" The questioner was still from before. The female reporter.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Fan Min." The female reporter said.

"Ms. Fan Min, I can see that you not only don't have a boyfriend, but you haven't even talked about a boyfriend. Am I right?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"President Jiang, this is my private matter." Fan Min said with a dark complexion, feeling a little guilty again, not knowing how Jiang Chen could tell.

"You must be very puzzled, how did I find out... Actually, it's very simple, because you are too ugly." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boss Jiang, I can understand that you are attacking personally?" Fan Min said angrily.

"It's just telling the truth, don't be angry, but I have to say that you are very lucky to have participated in our company's product launch event, so you will have a boyfriend soon." Jiang Chen did not rush Said.

"Boss Jiang, do you want to introduce me to a boyfriend?" Fan Min asked teasingly.

As soon as these words came out, all the reporters burst into laughter.

Jiang Chen also smiled, and said, "That's why I said you are very lucky. Next, let's play a little game, a game where an ugly duckling turns into a white swan."

While talking, Jiang Chen waved to Fan Min and said, "Come here."

Fan Min was a little puzzled, but walked over anyway.

Jiang Chen casually picked up a bottle of whitening and beautifying essence water on the table in front of him, unscrewed the lid, poured a little into his palm, reached over, and wiped it on Fan Min's face.

"Mr. Jiang, are you going to use me to test your company's products?" Fan Min suddenly realized.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Fan Min's question, but said lightly, "Okay, you can turn around now."

Fan Min didn't understand what was going on, so he listened to Jiang Chen's words and turned around.

"Nothing has changed." The reporters stared at Fan Min's face with wide eyes, but soon, their eyes widened involuntarily, and the eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

Fan Min is not really ugly, but because of the acne marks left over from puberty, his face turned yellow and black... But right now, all the reporters saw that Fan Min's face was visible to the naked eye. The speed I saw was rapidly turning white.

In about 2 minutes, Fan Min seemed to have changed his face, and his face became fairer. Although it was still not good-looking because the acne marks had not been eliminated, this miraculous effect was enough. All the reporters were shocked.

"What happened?" Looking at the reactions of everyone, Fan Min asked in confusion.

"This is just the beginning. Next, let's try another product." Jiang Chen said casually, picked up a product for removing scars, and threw it to Fan Min.

"You do it yourself, apply it evenly on your face." Jiang Chen ordered.

Fan Min didn't know why, so she carefully wiped it on her face... A few minutes later, all the reporters in the huge meeting room gasped.

As Fan Min applied the scar removal liquid on his face, the acne scars on Fan Min's face disappeared significantly, and his face became clean under the eyes of everyone.

"I believe everyone has seen it clearly." Jiang Chen said slowly, his eyes sweeping across everyone.


No one spoke, there was no sound in the venue, and it was dead silent.

For a full minute, a burst of thunderous applause rang out.

This is not a beauty product, it is simply a face-changing product. If we say that at the beginning, they still had great doubts about Liu Yufei's statement that our product is the best.

So this time, the change on Fan Min's face was like a slap in the face, slapping everyone's face hard, leaving everyone speechless.Apart from applauding desperately, he was unable to speak for a long time.

"Hello, everyone." Ye Sichen and Sister Mi appeared in a crisp voice, with a little cuteness, under the guidance of the staff.

Seeing Ye Sichen's appearance, the reporters came to their senses and frantically picked up their cameras and started shooting wildly at Ye Sichen.

One must know that a large part of the reason why there are so many reporters attending Feifei Medical Beauty Company's product launch is for Ye Sichen.

Before Ye Sichen, apart from concentrating on his singing career, he never accepted any commercial endorsement activities. This is the first and only advertising endorsement.The endorsement is still the extremely popular cosmetics industry nowadays.

That alone, is enough of a gimmick.

Although the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Co., Ltd. have already produced quite shocking results, the reporters certainly won't just ignore Ye Sichen just because of this.

"Miss Ye, what do you think of this endorsement for the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company?"

"Miss Ye, have you ever used the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company?"

"Miss Ye, we all know that this is your first advertising endorsement. I wonder if it is convenient to disclose the number of endorsements."


Long guns and short guns were aimed at Ye Sichen, and the atmosphere in the huge venue reached a climax in an instant.

Sister Mi protected Ye Sichen, avoiding the most important and taking the light of the light in a seasoned manner, answering all kinds of questions perfunctorily, Ye Sichen smiled slightly, sitting there, holding his cheeks in his hands, in a coquettish manner.

This kind of bombing lasted for half an hour, and the product launch event was over.

"President Jiang, I have one last question." Seeing Jiang Chen getting up to leave, Fan Min said hastily.

She had already looked in the mirror and knew the changes on her face, and now that she asked this question, her mood was still agitated.

"Oh, what's the question?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Excuse me, what's the relationship between you and Miss Ye Sichen?" Fan Min glanced at Jiang Chen, then at Ye Sichen, and asked anxiously!

(End of this chapter)

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