genius evil

Chapter 415

Chapter 415
After the product conference of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company, some reporters left, while more reporters walked around the downstairs of Hongji Building, hoping to get more news.

Inside the company, Cao Xiaowen was led by Jiang Shengnan into an office.

Cao Xiaowen is just a small reporter. Today's press conference is full of big names, and she can't even grab a slightly better position, let alone ask questions.

Cao Xiaowen never expected that after the press conference, an employee from Feifei Medical Beauty Company would find her and say that Jiang Chen wanted to see her.

In this situation, Cao Xiaowen was not unflattered, so she followed along.

After entering the office, Cao Xiaowen found that besides Jiang Chen, Liu Yufei and Ye Sichen were there.

"Boss Jiang, what do you want from me?" Cao Xiaowen asked curiously.

"There is a little thing, I plan to give you a set of cosmetics." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This, what a shame." Cao Xiaowen was even more flattered.

The products of Feifei Medicine and Beauty Company are sold individually or in sets. The most expensive set reaches [-] Huaxia coins, and the cheapest one costs [-] Huaxia coins.

Such a price is not surprising, but after witnessing the amazing effect of the product, almost none of the reporters present raised any objection to such a price.

Cao Xiaowen didn't think there was anything wrong with such a price, even though, even if it was the cheapest suit, she needed to save money and spend two months' wages to buy one.

Jiang Chen said to give her a set of beauty products, even the cheapest 880 package, Cao Xiaowen felt very excited.

"Of course, although I plan to give you a set of cosmetics, it's not for nothing. Can you understand what I'm saying?" Jiang Chen was still smiling.

"Do you need me to do something?" Cao Xiaowen asked immediately.Obviously, this is not the first time she has done this kind of thing of using people's money to eliminate disasters, and she is very familiar with it.

"It's very necessary. It can be said that the sales of our company in Yilan City in the future depend entirely on you." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Cao Xiaowen was instantly stressed. The meaning of Jiang Chen's words gave her the feeling that the task of guarding the peace of the earth was entrusted to her.

The problem is, she's just a little-known reporter, and she can't bear such a scapegoat!

Otherwise, if you accidentally mess up the matter and sell her, you won't be able to afford it.

"Don't be nervous, that's how it is. After you go back later, send a draft and say it's silly and sweet... I'm talking about Ye Sichen, and that Ye Sichen is my girlfriend." Jiang Chen leisurely Said.

"Mr. Jiang, are you planning to expose your relationship with Ms. Ye?" Cao Xiaowen's eyes sparkled.

"Gossip, do you understand?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Boss Jiang, what do you mean, to create topics with half-truths and half-false?" Cao Xiaowen really understood.

"Smart." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm afraid this matter is a bit difficult. Miss Ye has so many fans, I'm afraid someone will smash the glass in my house." Cao Xiaowen said deliberately.

"Two sets." Jiang Chen proposed conditions.

"I want at least three sets, and I want the most expensive one." Gritting her teeth, Cao Xiaowen went all out, while Jiang Chen smiled.

Cao Xiaowen left soon, and Liu Yufei asked worriedly, "Jiang Chen, is this really okay?"

While talking, he glanced at Ye Sichen again. Ye Sichen was sitting there drinking coffee as if nothing happened. It seemed that what Jiang Chen said just now had nothing to do with her.

"The reporter named Fan Min just now, you heard the last question. I didn't answer her question. Tell me, what would the reporters write?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"They will say that you acquiesced in the relationship with Si Chen." Sister Mi walked in, took the words, and stared at Jiang Chen coldly while talking.

"That's right, they will say that I acquiesced in the relationship with Silly Baitian, and then the scandal will arise." Jiang Chen nodded.

"So, you want to create a scandal on purpose?" Liu Yufei said thoughtfully.

"That's right, instead of letting them write nonsense, it's better for me to act first. That way, basically, everyone will think that I'm hyping it up." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, I admit that what you said is quite reasonable, but why, I always feel that you are using Si Chen?" Sister Mi asked suspiciously.

After all, Sister Mi would not think that Jiang Chen really had such good intentions and really cared about Ye Sichen.

You know, Jiang Chen's words certainly sound reasonable, but what if everyone believes them to be true?In that case, Ye Sichen wouldn't be able to clean himself up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

It’s just accepting an advertisement endorsement, not to mention losing money, but also losing people, is it unreasonable?

"Silly Baitian and I have such a good relationship, how could I use her, Sister Mi, you can't trust my character." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"Don't talk about character with me. It's more appropriate to talk about money. It's not impossible for you to tie up Si Chen for hype, as long as the price is right." Sister Mi said.

Anyway, she has already boarded Jiang Chen's black ship, and Sister Mi has nothing to do now.However, as for Ye Sichen, she definitely couldn't suffer. To put it simply, she didn't want to take advantage of Jiang Chen.

"Sister Mi, as far as our relationship is concerned, talking about love is too hurtful." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Ye Sichen said with a smile, "Sister Mi has long guessed that this would happen."

"At worst, I'll give you ten sets of cosmetics." Jiang Chen said generously.

"At least [-]% of the sales commission, otherwise there will be no negotiation." Sister Mi said dismissively.

"Are you bullying me because I'm not good at math or what? I'm warning you, I'm good at math, don't bully others." Jiang Chen yelled.

"If you don't think it's appropriate, we can continue talking. How about this, I'll take a step back, [-]%." Miss Mi said leisurely, as if she was convinced of Jiang Chen.

"Sister Mi, you are forcing me, do you believe that I turned Silly Baitian into my woman, and then made you not earn any money?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"You—you—" Sister Mi trembled angrily, and wanted to refute that she didn't believe it, but she couldn't say it at all.

What if Jiang Chen really went to soak Ye Sichen?
What's more damning is that, considering Ye Sichen's favorability for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's chances of success are quite high. If that happens, not only the money is gone, but the people are also gone.

"Look, I told you to have a good talk, but if you don't talk about it, the talk is over now." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

"Sichen, let's go." Sister Mi's face was very ugly, and she pulled Ye Sichen away.

"Jiang Chen, don't you really have such a plan?" Liu Yufei asked suspiciously after Miss Mi and Ye Sichen left.

"Ahem, it's just a joke, how can you take it seriously." Jiang Chen laughed dryly, not to mention that he really didn't have it for the time being, even if he did, he couldn't admit it, right?

Just this afternoon, a piece of news appeared on the evening news papers of several provinces and cities, and most of the newspapers presented it as headlines.

There was news of Ye Sichen's endorsement earlier, but the news was tightly blocked. It has not been fully exposed until now. With the product launch conference of Feifei Medical Beauty Company, all the mysterious veils have been lifted.

News media workers are excited about it, and fans from all walks of life are also creating popularity for their idols.

What's rather strange is that many newspapers used Ye Sichen's first time as the news headline in a rather ambiguous way, as if they would not stop if they didn't attract attention.

Of course, there are also several traditional media outlets who call Feifei Medical Beauty Company a magical company.

Among them, the most daring one belonged to the small newspaper where Cao Xiaowen worked, and the entire page was full of news about Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen.

In particular, there was a big picture in the newspaper, and that picture was captured by Cao Xiaowen, Ye Sichen holding his cheeks, staring at Jiang Chen in a daze.

Although it is only a small newspaper, it usually relies on roadside news to attract attention, but when Cao Xiaowen's topic came out, it immediately caused countless reprints on the Internet. For a while, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen The complicated and confusing relationship caused a thousand waves on the Internet with one stone!

Some people thought it was shameless hype, but some people tended to believe the scandal between Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen.

Which girl doesn't think of spring?

The way Ye Sichen looked at Jiang Chen looked like a real young girl.

Afterwards, fans who believed and those who didn't believed were divided into two camps, and a huge war of insults started on the Internet.

Afterwards, for some unknown reason, the two camps turned their heads again, pointing at Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company and Jiang Chen himself.

Some people even raised the slogan of boycotting the products of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company. Of course, out of the protection of idols, this kind of speech quickly aroused public outrage.

Just kidding, Ye Sichen managed to shoot a commercial, and the fans didn't say that they bought a set to support, but there were still people who resisted it. How stupid is it to do it?

Fortunately, Ye Sichen's fans are calm and rational, otherwise, they would have to do a human search and beat their brains out!
In short, in a word, on the Internet, whether it is Jiang Chen or Feifei Medical Beauty Company, they are on fire!

Different from the anti-Yingtian situation on the Internet, the performance of the major TV stations can be said to be quite low-key, except for the slight mention of major entertainment express news, there is almost no sound.

But those who were interested discovered that on this very night, a dozen of provincial satellite TV stations, including CCTV, appeared an advertisement endorsed by Ye Sichen during prime time.

If the Internet is the battlefield for young people, then TV stations are obviously more inclined to housewives. In this way, the advertising coverage of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company can be said to be comprehensive, covering consumer groups of all ages , all included.

This medical and beauty company, which had not been heard before and was unknown to everyone, just like this, with a trend against the sky, within a day, it became popular all over the country!

(End of this chapter)

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