genius evil

Chapter 416 To like is to like

Chapter 416 To like is to like
Jiang Chen's life was not greatly affected.

Even if, the TV in the cafeteria of Yilan Middle School is playing the ad endorsed by Ye Sichen at the moment.

However, Jiang Chen was already quite famous in Yilan Middle School, so a little more limelight would not make much difference.

Of course, there was still a little difference, at least, the way Jiang Yanyan looked at him was very different from before.

"Jiang Chen, what is the relationship between Ye Sichen and you?" Jiang Yanyan looked sideways at Jiang Chen, wrinkled her nose, and asked.

"Friend." Jiang Chen said simply.

"So, what about Liu Yufei, and what does it have to do with you?" Jiang Yanyan asked again.

"Eh..." Touching his nose, Jiang Chen looked at Xu Anqi dumbfounded.

"Don't look at me like that, okay? I'm not asking this question for myself. I'm asking this question for An Qi." Jiang Yanyan said with twinkling eyes.

"The weather is fine today, how about we go out for a drive later?" Jiang Chen talked about other things.

"I have no problem. It depends on whether An Qi wants to go... So, what is the relationship between Liu Yufei and you? In fact, you don't have to be embarrassed to admit that you are just on two boats. If a man has money, doesn't he bother?" Is that how you did it? Besides, you don't just have a little money, you have so much money, how can you spend it all if you don't find a few more women to help you spend it?" Jiang Yanyan said carelessly.

"Have you all read the news?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"We not only read the news, but also bought a newspaper...Jiang Chen, can you still do it, a man, if you dare to do it, you must dare to do it!" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Yanyan, stop talking, let's eat." Lowering her head, Xu Anqi said softly.

"I'm almost full, so there's no place to eat." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Student Yanyan, congratulations, starting today, you will save a lot of food money." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to tell An Qi and me that you are not just Liu Yufei's girlfriend?" Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen strangely.

"Cough cough...cough cough..." Jiang Chen coughed dryly.

"Jiang Chen, let's go for a drive later." Xu Anqi suddenly raised her head, looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"Oh... good..." Jiang Chen nodded.

After eating, the three of them walked towards the parking lot.

"Jiang Chen, I have something to tell you." Jiang Yanyan pulled Jiang Chen and said in a low voice, "Jiang Chen, you must coax An Qi well later, don't make An Qi angry, and, An Qi It's very coaxing, you are so thick-skinned, even if she beats you and scolds you, you are not allowed to fight back... I won't go. "

After finishing speaking, before Jiang Chen could respond, he ran away.

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, got into the car with Xu Anqi, and drove away from the school.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Chen asked.

"South Star Lake." Xu Anqi said.

Jiang Chen nodded, and drove towards Nanxing Lake.

The car stopped at Nanxing Lake, got off, looked at the rippling lake, Xu Anqi said: "Jiang Chen, if I say I'm not angry, would you believe me?"

"To be honest, it's hard for me to be considered a good man." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

"I know, but I'm really not angry, I'm just jealous." Xu Anqi said softly.

"Jealous?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Xu Anqi suddenly threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms, her voice choked up slightly: "I'm just jealous, you clearly said that you are not a good man, why do you just want me?"

Jiang Chen touched Xu Anqi's forehead with his hand, and made sure that Xu Anqi was not talking nonsense, so he couldn't help asking: "Squad leader Xu, what did you just say. I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?"

"Stop talking." Xu Anqi pushed Jiang Chen away, blushing almost to the point of dripping water.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Squad Leader Xu, do you understand that you will make me proud if you say such things to me today."

"But I really think so." Xu Anqi said seriously.

"Squad Leader Xu, I'm confused by you." Jiang Chen rubbed his head with his hands.

If Xu Anqi got angry, or got angry at him, Jiang Chen thought it was normal, but Xu Anqi actually reacted like this?
"Jiang Chen, I already knew that you have many girlfriends." Xu Anqi said.

"If I didn't like you, I would have disliked you a long time ago, but I still like you now, and I didn't dislike you because you have many girlfriends, nor did I like you less. Not at all. So, I will always like you." Xu Anqi continued.

"You mean, you have tried it and you don't like me?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Sometimes, it's like this, but I found that I can't do it at all." Xu Anqi's expression was a little resentful, but also a little bit wronged.

"Even if you know clearly that I'm a playful, damned guy, you still can't do it?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Stop talking, if you continue, you will be really proud." Xu Anqi complained endlessly.

Jiang Chen laughed, hugged Xu Anqi into his arms, hugged her tightly, and said, "Squad Leader Xu, why didn't I realize that you are so cute?"

From one end to the end, Jiang Chen never thought of it.

As he himself said, he was not a good man in his bones, full of strong possessive desires.

He never suppresses his emotions easily, let alone hides his interest in beautiful things, especially beautiful women, he is self-confident and domineering!
Of course, this does not mean that Jiang Chen will not feel guilty at all because of this, at least, he cannot be completely calm in front of Xu Anqi.

Or, he must take into account the feelings of every woman around him.

For other women, such as Lan Xiu, Tang Tian, ​​Ziyu and Sleeping Beauty, Jiang Chen would not have such worries. After all, their own living environment caused their attitudes towards such things to be different from ordinary women. different.

But Xu Anqi is different.

Jiang Chen also couldn't tell what was different about Xu Anqi, but the position in his heart was different.

This kind of difference, a more stubborn manifestation, is that Jiang Chen has never called Xu Anqi's name, and has always been called Xu Squad Leader.

This name sounds unfamiliar, but in fact, it reflects Xu Anqi's difference.

"Jiang Chen, do you want me?" Xu Anqi whispered in Jiang Chen's ear, her voice was inaudible.

"Yes!" Grinning, Jiang Chen said with great certainty.


In the afternoon, Jiang Chen sent Xu Anqi back to school and was sleeping by the Weiming Lake when Tang Tian's phone call woke him up from his dream.

"Show love, die fast... Show love, die fast..." As soon as the phone was connected, Jiang Chen heard Tang Tian singing like a song on the other end of the phone, which rhymed cursed.

"Xiao Tiantian, can you still play happily?" Jiang Chen pretended to be angry and said.

"Jiang Chen, you and other women are so affectionate, I am not angry yet, why are you angry...You are angry because you have a guilty conscience!" Tang Tian said loudly.

"I understand what you mean, do you want me to show your affection?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Damn it, now that you understand, why don't you hurry up and get me over here." Tang Tian yelled loudly.

When Jiang Chen drove to Guilanyuan Villa, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Tang Tian and Shuang'er doing yoga in the living room.

The bodies of the two girls are very soft, and they broke their bodies into various shapes one by one.

"Jiang Chen, I've been practicing yoga recently." Seeing Jiang Chen coming in, Tang Tian said with a smile, not even the slightest bit angry.

"Why do you practice yoga so well?" Jiang Chen asked strangely.

"Don't you want to unlock more poses?" Tang Tian said ambiguously.

"I have to think about two practice hard, and I'll just watch over here." Jiang Chen was immediately delighted. Sure enough, the woman who understood him best was Xiao Tiantian.

"Shuang'er, I'm almost done practicing, you can practice a little longer, don't be lazy." Tang Tian picked up a wet towel and wiped her hands, then walked towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen saw a glass of water on the table, and handed it to Tang Tian.

Tang Tian took it, took a sip, smiled like a little fox, pointed at Shuang'er, and said furtively, "Jiang Chen, Shuang'er's figure is very good, right?"

"It's a little better than yours." Jiang Chen said honestly.

"Shuang'er has such a good figure, and you are such a beast, you must like it very much, right?" Tang Tian said, being hit by Jiang Chen a lot, Tang Tian is completely immune to such small blows.

"What about unlocking more poses?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Why are you so stupid? I have so many poses. You unlock them one by one. You don't even know that you have to go to the year of the monkey. Where do you need to practice yoga? I deliberately tricked Shuang'er into practicing yoga. Shuang'er has never worn it before." Such tight clothes, look at her breasts, waist, and thighs, tsk tsk, I'm a woman, I feel like I'm on fire just looking at it." Tang Tian exaggerated.

"You're right, I'm really in a hurry~ I'm on fire." Jiang Chen said, holding Tang Tian on his shoulders, and walked upstairs.

An hour later, Tang Tian lay limp in Jiang Chen's arms, her face flushed, panting, she bit her teeth lightly, and said, "Jiang Chen, you damn beast."

"What's wrong with me?" Jiang Chen felt innocent.

"You were obviously tempted by Shuang'er, but you turned your anger on me. What are you if you are not a beast?" Tang Tian said bitterly.

"Xiao Tiantian, I really want to knock your head open to see if it's filled with water." Jiang Chen said with black lines all over his head.

"Anyway, you have so many women, one more is not too much." Tang Tian said with a whimper.

"Well, one less, not less." Jiang Chen replied.

"Duplicity." Tang Tian rolled her eyes.

"But why exactly?" Jiang Chen expressed his confusion.

"Yeah, why on earth is this? I guess I'm really out of my mind, so I'm going to do everything possible to give you Shuang'er... And you must be out of your mind, so you keep refusing, pretending What a wolf with a big tail!" Tang Tian bared her teeth and was very hurt.

"In this way, both of our brains are flooded." Jiang Chen agreed, thinking that this might be the only and most logical explanation...

(End of this chapter)

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