genius evil

Chapter 418 Detective Jiang Chen

Chapter 418 Detective Jiang Chen

About half an hour later, an old residential building was downstairs, the police car stopped, and Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling got out of the car.

"Hi, I'm Ding Lingling, did you call the police?" After getting off the car, Ding Lingling saw a young man waiting there and asked.

"Yes, I called the police." The young man nodded, seeing that Ding Lingling was wearing a police uniform, he said, "Officer Ding, hurry up and go with me, I'm worried that something will happen if it's too late." .”

"Okay, let's lead the way." Ding Lingling didn't ask any more questions, and under the leadership of the young man, together with Jiang Chen, got into the residential building.

This is an old-fashioned residential building with only seven floors at the highest and no elevators. After going up the stairs to the sixth floor, the young man stopped, pointed to a rusty iron door and said, "I live in this building." On the seventh floor, when I went out to buy breakfast this morning, I accidentally saw blood flowing out of this door, and I don't know what happened."

Ding Lingling also saw the blood stains flowing out of the room, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"It's human blood." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure?" Ding Lingling's expression suddenly became extremely serious.

"Of course it can be determined." Jiang Chen said casually.

"If it's human blood, something really happened." Ding Lingling said in a deep voice, raising her foot to kick the door.

Jiang Chen stopped Ding Lingling and said, "I'll come."

With a kick, the door was directly kicked open.

After the door was kicked open, it was impressive to see a figure lying motionless in the blood behind the door.

"No, quickly call an ambulance." Seeing the figure, Ding Lingling's face changed drastically.

"It's too late, it's already dead." Jiang Chen walked into the room, his nose moved slightly, pointed to a room, and said, "There is another one here, but it's also dead."

Ding Lingling rushed over with big strides, her face changed even more.

Two dead!

When she first received the call to the police, she thought it was just a small case, but she never thought it would be a serious criminal case.

"Jiang Chen, let's get out first. This place is going to be sealed off. I'll call the experts from the bureau." Ding Lingling said solemnly, pulling Jiang Chen out.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen asked the young man while following Ding Lingling out.

"Geng Hao." The young man said.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"" Xu Shi was not quite used to Jiang Chen's way of questioning, Geng Hao twisted Nini and said.

"You like men?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"This police officer, I don't like men, I like women." Geng Hao said loudly.

"That's right, little girl, handcuff him and take him away, the murderer has been found." Jiang Chen said to Ding Lingling.

"Jiang Chen, don't be joking." Ding Lingling was irritated.

"I'm not joking." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Ding Lingling glanced at Jiang Chen, then at Geng Hao, took out a pair of handcuffs, grabbed Geng Hao's hands, and handcuffed them.

"I'm sorry, but in this case, we suspect that you have serious suspicions. Please come with us to the police station." Ding Lingling said seriously.

"Officer, did you make a mistake? I called the police with good intentions, but you regarded me as a criminal. If I killed someone, would I be stupid enough to call the police?" Geng Hao yelled.

"Not only are you not stupid, it can be said that this is where you are most brilliant. After all, no one will doubt a well-meaning citizen who calls the police... In this way, you can easily evade the scope of the police's investigation. It's a pity Yes, you are unlucky to meet me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all." Geng Hao was furious.

Ding Lingling also looked at Jiang Chen in confusion, and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"Have you noticed that his eyes are bloodshot, his face is blue, and his hair is greasy?" Jiang Chen pointed at Geng Hao and said.

"Officer, please don't be funny, please? I just played a game all night last night." Geng Hao yelled.

"Although I don't play games, it seems that the game has a save file. If you insist that you played the game all night last night, I don't mind at all going upstairs and turning on your computer." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

"I was surfing the Internet at an Internet cafe last night." Geng Hao's eyes flickered.

"If I remember correctly, at the beginning, you said that when you went out to buy breakfast in the morning, you saw blood pouring out of the door." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Yes, I did say that, but I didn't tell you guys. I came back from the Internet cafe first and felt hungry before going out again." Geng Hao argued.

"Okay, assuming your words are true, then, how do you explain, what is the situation when there is blood flowing out of the door?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"I just saw blood coming out." Geng Hao said.

"The two people in this room died last night. Their blood had already solidified in the morning, and it was impossible for them to flow out." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Maybe I was wrong. After playing all night, I became dizzy." Geng Hao argued.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said, "Then, please explain again, why does your body smell like that woman's perfume?"

"She doesn't use perfume at all." Geng Hao screamed.

"Hey, did I mention that she uses perfume? Why didn't she just call herself out?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Okay, I admit that I had an affair with that woman, but so what, this is not enough evidence and motive for me to kill, isn't it?" Geng Hao gasped.

"This is even simpler." Jiang Chen walked into the room again, turned on a computer in the room, and called up a video.

It was a surveillance video, monitoring the situation in this room, Jiang Chen dragged the mouse to fast-forward, and the scene of Geng Hao's murder popped out from the screen.

"See, I'm not without evidence." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Geng Hao's face was ashen, and he looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. He didn't find this, and he couldn't figure it out. How did Jiang Chen find out?

Ding Lingling was also very surprised, and said, "Jiang Chen, did you find out that there is a surveillance camera in the room?"

"Otherwise, how could the host come home so coincidentally to catch the adulterer?" Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

"Then why did you say so much just now?" Ding Lingling was speechless.

Listening to what Jiang Chen said, he was very strict, like Detective Conan, and Ding Lingling was so dumbfounded. If he knew that there was surveillance, why bother talking nonsense, just arrest people.

After giving Jiang Chen a blank look, Ding Lingling took Geng Hao downstairs and drove back to the police station.


At noon, Ding Lingling changed into casual clothes and walked out of the police station with Jiang Chen.

Ding Lingling seemed a little tired. What she thought was a simple case at the beginning turned out to be a shocking reversal, so she was not too mentally prepared.

"Are you hungry? Shall I treat you to dinner?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Not very hungry." Ding Lingling said without interest.

"Seafood feast." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"I told you I'm not hungry, so why invite me to a seafood feast? You're trying to make things difficult for me." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"It's rare for me to be so generous." Jiang Chen smiled.

"But where am I in the mood to eat now?" Ding Lingling cursed endlessly.

Although she has changed jobs for a while and has been involved in many cases, large and small, it is the first time she has encountered such a case involving human life.

Even in normal times, no matter how heartless he is, his mood is quite heavy at this moment.

"If you're really not in the mood, I don't mind you watching me eat." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, just bully me, you have no conscience at all... What's going on between you and Ye Sichen?" Ding Lingling said angrily.

"Little girl, you changed the subject too bluntly and without technical content." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Where is it blunt? I came to you today because of this matter." Ding Lingling said.

"But why not Da Feifei, but Ye Sichen?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"I already knew about the relationship between you and Yufei, okay?" Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a blank look, and then said angrily, "Ye Sichen has a pure face, I didn't expect to be a vixen, In vain I used to regard her as my idol."

"Oh, silly Baitian is your idol?" Jiang Chen asked.

"She still sings very well, of course, so do I." Ding Lingling said narcissistically.

After saying this, Ding Lingling seemed to think of something, and said: "After we finish eating, you take me to sing."

"No problem." Jiang Chen agreed, how could he fail to see that Ding Lingling's mood was affected by this case, and it was a good choice to sing to release her mood.

He didn't particularly choose a place to eat seafood, so he found one near the police station. Jiang Chen's rambunctious talk made Ding Lingling feel better.

After eating, the two went to a KTV.

"Officer Ding, this is such a coincidence. I didn't expect that we would be so destined to meet each other in this kind of place." Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling had just walked into the KTV when they heard a voice saying hello, It rang.

It was a young man with long hair, looking sloppy, while talking, he looked at Ding Lingling maliciously.

The young man didn't come alone. Behind him were two young women who were wearing revealing clothes.

"Fu Bo, I'm here to sing, don't make trouble." Ding Lingling glanced at the young man and said displeasedly.

"Officer Ding, how dare I find trouble with you? If you don't find trouble with me, I should burn incense to bless you." The man named Fu Bo smiled frivolously, stepped forward, and looked at Jiang Chen. , His chin was raised, and he said with a half-smile, "Officer Ding, this is your boyfriend? I thought you had a good eye, Officer Ding. In the end, didn't you just find a bad guy? But since they are all looking for a bad guy , it’s better to find him than to find me, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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