genius evil

Chapter 419

Chapter 419
"Fu Bo, shut up." Ding Lingling was originally in a bad mood, but now hearing Fu Bo's nonsense, she couldn't help feeling even worse.

"Officer Ding, this is your fault. Why, there are some things that you can do, but I can't say no? In fact, I'm not wrong, no, I'm indeed a little better than the little boy next to you." Fu Bo He said nonchalantly, obviously, he didn't take Ding Lingling's police status to heart.

Moreover, from Fu Bo's words, it is not difficult to see that this person is quite arrogant.

"You think you are better than me?" Jiang Chen looked at this guy who came out of nowhere with a half-smile.

"Isn't it?" Fu Bo asked back.

"I don't know if it's because I'm just a little curious, how are you better than me?" Jiang Chen still smiled, and the words he said were not in the slightest.

"Is it because you are richer than me? Is it because you have a good father? Or, you think you are more handsome than me...Of course, obviously, the last point must be ruled out." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, does it make sense for you to have a pretty face?" Fu Bo said angrily, he was indeed not as handsome as Jiang Chen.

"Appearance is justice." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Such a serious appearance made Ding Lingling laugh.

"Smelly guy." Ding Lingling cursed.

"Ding Lingling, are you so superficial?" Fu Bo asked, staring at Ding Lingling.

"Whether I'm superficial or not, I have nothing to do with you at all, but these two women beside you are extremely superficial. If you didn't have the identity of a deputy director, you would think that you still have something What can make the two of them admire?" Ding Lingling said sharply.

"It's better to have the status of a young master than nothing." Fu Bo was not ashamed, but rather proud.

"So it's the deputy director, brother, sorry for the disrespect." Jiang Chen clasped his fists and said.

"Boy, now that you know my identity, you should understand that Ding Lingling is not something you can get your hands on. If you are sensible, you should stay away from her as soon as possible, otherwise if something happens one day, the heavenly king and I will not be able to protect her." You." Fu Bo took the opportunity to threaten.

While talking, Fu Bo waved his hand and led the two women inside.

"I'm so mad." Watching Fu Bo leave, Ding Lingling looked unhappy.

"Don't want to sing anymore?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"Of course I have to sing." Ding Lingling said without a doubt.

I asked for a small box and ordered a lot of dried fruit drinks. Ding Lingling held the microphone and started howling.

What Jiang Chen listened to was wishing he could pick up the earplugs and plug his ears. At the beginning, he heard Ding Lingling himself say that he sang well, and Jiang Chen thought it was really good... until he really heard Ding Lingling sing. With Ling Na's erratic and weird voice, Jiang Chen finally realized that he was still too naive.

"Jiang Chen, what is your reaction? Do I sing so badly?" Seeing Jiang Chen's constipated face, Ding Lingling said with a bitter face.

"It sounds good, you continue, maybe I can't get used to your singing style, but I will work hard to get used to it." Jiang Chen endured.

"Stop singing." Ding Lingling dropped the microphone and said angrily, "It must be that Fu Bo who affected my mood and made me sing out of tune."

"By the way, what exactly is the situation?" Jiang Chen was still at a loss.

"Some time ago, the Yilan City police parachuted a deputy chief, Fu Bo's father. Then Fu Bo and his father visited my house. It happened that I had something to do at home that time, so we met. After that, Fu Bo Bo, he started to stalk me, you don't even know how disgusting he is." Ding Lingling said simply.

"Oh." Jiang Chen nodded.

"That man Fu Bo is a mangy dog, please ignore him." Ding Lingling said, a little worried that Jiang Chen would be angry.

"I don't have the habit of beating dogs, as long as he doesn't mess with me." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a figure walked in from the outside.

The lighting in the box was dim, and it was a little unclear what the person who came in looked like, but judging from that figure, it was clearly a woman.

"Sir, do you need any special service? It's very cheap." The woman leaned closer and squeezed against Jiang Chen, laughing ambiguously.

"Someone is coming to provoke me." Jiang Chen turned his head to Ding Lingling and said, pushing the woman aside with one hand.

Ding Lingling didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant, but saw that the door of the box was pushed open again, and saw two people walking in from the outside.

"The police check the room, don't move around." After two people came in, one of them shouted loudly, and the other turned on the light in the box.

"Two police officers, I just came in, don't arrest me." Seeing the two police officers, the woman who came in before said with a frightened expression on her face.

"If you have done nothing wrong, why should I arrest you, tell me, what are you doing here?" one of the black-faced policemen asked.

"Officer, we didn't do anything," the woman said.

"What's the matter with your clothes? Don't tell me, you're doing a striptease." The black-faced policeman sneered.

The clothes on the woman's body were half taken off, and the pair of round and half breasts were exposed, and the hair was also fluffy and messy, as if a fierce battle had just happened.

"Officer, we haven't had time to do anything yet." The woman said aggrievedly.

"Didn't have time to do it? That's because we showed up early... in broad daylight and actually recruited ~ whoring, boy, come with us." The black-faced policeman stared at Jiang Chen and asked.

"No, you can't take him away. You agreed to give me 2000 yuan, but you haven't paid me a penny yet." The woman began to cry.

"Shut, get up." The black-faced policeman pointed at Jiang Chen.

"Little girl, do you know these two people?" Jiang Chen turned his head and said to Ding Lingling as if he didn't hear his words.

"I don't know." Ding Lingling shook her head.

"I called you to get up, didn't you hear?" The black-faced policeman was just a little impatient.

"Where is Fu Bo, tell him to come over." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Who...who is calling my name." Fu Bo appeared after that, pretending to say.

After seeing the situation in the box clearly, Fu Bo laughed loudly: "Boy, I have advised you just now not to have an accident. I didn't expect you to commit an accident so soon. This is really interesting."

"Fu Bo, are you playing tricks?" Ding Lingling said with a frown.

"Ding Lingling, it's your fault. I didn't do anything. Even if you want to pour dirty water on me, you don't have to make it so obvious, right?" Fu Bo said shaking his head.

"You don't admit it?" Ding Lingling asked angrily.

It doesn't matter that this woman appeared out of nowhere and took off her clothes out of nowhere. The timing of the two policemen's appearance, even if it's an idiot, can be easily seen.

If it had nothing to do with Fu Bo, Ding Lingling would never believe it.

"Why should I admit what I haven't done?" Fu Bo said with a smile.

"You're so stupid, really." Jiang Chen suddenly looked at Fu Bo and said.

"Boy, what do you mean by that?" Fu Bo was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a sentence suddenly.

"Regardless of whether you arranged this matter or not, you shouldn't show up. If you show up, I can't say it. I can only put this account on your head... In other words, you have to deal with this matter." Responsible." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Boy, you are so funny." Fu Bo laughed loudly.

What did he say that he was responsible for this matter, did Jiang Chen lose his mind or what happened?

If he was made responsible for Ding Lingling, he wouldn't mind at all. Who told him to meet Ding Lingling for the first time, so that he had some interest in Ding Lingling?
If it wasn't for Ding Lingling's indifference to him, and if he happened to see Ding Lingling and Jiang Chen together today, how could he have dealt with Jiang Chen.

"You will soon find that I am more interesting than you imagined, but at that time, you will definitely not be able to laugh." Jiang Chen said lightly, and while talking, he ordered: "Little girl, go and get rid of me." Close the compartment door."

"What are you doing closing the door?" Ding Lingling said in confusion.

"Didn't you say that this guy is a mangy dog? Naturally, close the door and beat the dog." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death." Hearing the sound, Fu Bo was instantly angry.


Jiang Chen walked over, raised his hand and slapped Fu Bo's face, knocking Fu Bo to the ground.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't need to close the door, you dog, I've made up my mind today." Jiang Chen said coldly, and kicked Fu Bo again, rolling him on the ground.

"Master Fu, are you alright?" Seeing this, the black-faced policeman asked worriedly.

"Idiot, do you think I'm okay? Don't give me a hand." Fu Bo yelled loudly, his voice was so sharp.

"Fu Bo, you really arranged it." Ding Lingling snorted coldly.

"So what? Ding Lingling, I gave you shame before, and you were the one who was shameless. Don't blame me for being rude today." Fu Bo said sharply.

The two policemen surrounded Jiang Chen, and the black-faced policeman said, "Don't tell me about soliciting prostitutes, but dare to openly commit crimes in front of the policemen, the crime will be aggravated."


Before the black-faced policeman's voice fell, Jiang Chen directly slapped him to the ground.

The remaining policeman didn't seem to expect that Jiang Chen would even dare to hit the policeman. After being blinded for a while, he quickly pulled out a gun from his waist and pointed the gun at Jiang Chen.


Without even looking at it, Jiang Chen slapped him as usual, knocking him over.

"Boy, you dare to hit the policeman. Let me tell you, you are dead." Fu Bo watched Jiang Chen knock the two policemen to the ground. He didn't know whether he was too excited or scared. It's a little unclear.

"That's right, you are indeed dead." Jiang Chen grinned, smiled, walked over, and kicked Fu Bo, who had finally struggled to get up from the ground, to the ground again. Then, Jiang Chen casually , One kick after another kicked Fu Bo like a rolling gourd, rolling over and over on the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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