genius evil

Chapter 424 The Live-Action Die Hard

Chapter 424 The Live-Action Die Hard

"Brother, what you said is meaningless. Look at me, I'm so handsome, so gentle and harmless. Do I look like a bad guy?" Jiang Chen pointed at his face and said narcissistically. .

The corner of Lu Zhi's mouth twitched, will this guy die if he is not narcissistic?
Moreover, if this is the case, does it have anything to do with whether he is handsome or not?If you can't talk properly, if you anger these four guys, what should you do if you shoot them?

"You want to tell me that you're a little boy?" the man said jokingly.

"Women, they are all too superficial. They often only love my appearance, but they can't see my connotation. If you want to say that I am a jerk, I can only admit it." Jiang Chen said embarrassingly.

"So, this woman is your girlfriend?" The man gave Lu Zhi a sideways look, and asked again.

"Hey, this big brother has really good eyesight. She is indeed my girlfriend... I don't usually have any hobbies. Apart from beauties, I just like playing cards." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Lost money?" The man suddenly realized.

"I didn't lose, I just didn't feel lucky. I'm confident that I'll get back my money soon." Jiang Chen said unwillingly.

"It's really unlucky to be your girlfriend, but you are lucky. After the goods are accepted, you will definitely have money, at least this amount." The man held out a finger.

"100 million?" Jiang Chen's eyeballs were as bright as two light bulbs.

"You're brainless, up to 8000 yuan, of course, if it's your job, it's up to [-] yuan, and the remaining [-] yuan, we four brothers, each share a little." The man looked at Jiang Chen like a fool.

"I said big brother, you guys are too dark, no, I regret it, you guys send the two of us back quickly." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Boy, are you out of your mind? How can you spit out the fat in your mouth? You can be content with 2000 yuan. If you dare to make trouble, you won't get a penny." The man threatened.

Jiang Chen's complexion changed, and he was honest, but his mouth was still babbling in a low voice. The man was amused, so he simply ignored Jiang Chen and ordered the yacht to drive faster.

At an angle that no one could see, Lu Zhi stretched out her hand, and viciously pinched the lump of soft flesh around Jiang Chen's waist.

Telling this bastard to talk nonsense, she wished she could strangle Jiang Chen to death, otherwise she would be pissed to death by Jiang Chen sooner or later.

The yacht drove very fast, and arrived at the small pier on the island in the middle of the lake in 10 minutes.

There were still a few people patrolling the side of the small pier. When they saw the yacht approaching, one of them came over and asked, "What's going on?"

"There is an unlucky guy who lost money playing cards and came here to sell his girlfriend." The man said.

"Grass, what kind of place are we here, do we accept everything?" The person who asked the question said angrily.

"Brother Niu, good stuff, you'll know it when you look at it." The man had a flattering expression on his face.

The man called Brother Niu leaned over to take a look. After seeing Lu Zhi's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but suffocate, then he laughed and said: "You have a good eye, you actually found such a good thing, hurry up and go ashore Well, it's getting late."

Soon, Jiang Chen and Luzhi were brought ashore.

"You go back first, you two, follow me." Brother Niu pointed at Jiang Chen and Lu Zhi, and said in an orderly tone, leading Jiang Chen and Lu Zhi to go forward.

Going a little further, the interior is brightly lit, faintly forming a world of its own.

"This Zhang Yide is quite good at enjoying it." Jiang Chen looked at him casually and said to himself.

This place is a world of its own, and Zhang Yide is the king of this place here. Although the area is a little small, it is at the level of an emperor to be able to enjoy this kind of enjoyment.

Luzhi was also observing the surrounding environment. It was so easy to land on the island in the middle of the lake, and she was gradually getting deeper. It felt like a dream to her.

Although Jiang Chen looked extremely unreliable, his mind was still quite good, a few words just made people stunned.

Of course, if Jiang Chen wasn't so mean, her sense of satisfaction would be even stronger.

"Brother Niu, is there a newcomer?" When approaching the nearest building, two men patrolling with guns came out.

"I just received a batch of goods, and they are in good condition. It depends on whether Brother Long is satisfied." Brother Niu smiled.

Those two people first glanced at Luzhi, then their eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and one of them said with a smile: "It's hard to say whether Brother Long is satisfied or not, but Brother Big Eye will definitely be satisfied."

Jiang Chen had a chill. The big-eyed brother in this guy's mouth must have a habit of breaking sleeves, right?

Brother Niu smiled, looked at Jiang Chen with pity and said, "Boy, should I say you are lucky or not lucky? This big-eyed brother rarely stays on the island."


Jiang Chen scolded his mother in his heart, and made up his mind that after a while, he would be the first to destroy that bullshit big-eyed brother, he is so fucking disgusting.

Jiang Chen scolded his mother, while Lu Zhi laughed inwardly, and finally managed to win the round, and it was Jiang Chen's turn to be depressed.


In the very center of the island in the middle of the lake, there is a big villa, and there are some other buildings scattered here and there, just to support the villa in the middle.

The place Niu Ge took Jiang Chen and Lu Zhi to was that big villa, and after several investigations, it was not difficult to see that Zhang Yide was a cautious person.

"Xiao Niu, what's the situation with these two?" Entering the villa, a white-faced man with very small eyes, who could hardly see the eyeballs, looked Jiang Chen up and down, and asked arrogantly.

"Big-eyed brother, the goods just received were brought here for you to check and accept." Brother Niu said respectfully.

"Goods?" The white-faced man who had pitiful small eyes but called Big Eyed Brother suddenly laughed happily, walked over, and reached out to pat Jiang Chen's shoulder.

Jiang Chen turned sideways and dodged.

"It's delicate and tender, not bad." The big-eyed brother didn't care, and said in satisfaction, rubbing his chin.

"Brother Big Eyes, as long as you are satisfied." Brother Niu said.

"Where's Zhang Yide?" Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to destroy this big-eyed brother every minute.

"Boy, who's your name? Is the third brother's name you can call?" Big-eyed brother's face darkened.

"Where's Zhang Yide?" Jiang Chen raised his foot and kicked Big Eyed Brother flying away, then stepped forward, stepped Big Eyed Brother on the ground, and asked again.

"Boy, I think you are courting death." The big-eyed brother was furious, and being stepped on the ground by Jiang Chen was extremely humiliating.

"I'll ask again, where is Zhang Yide, if you don't tell me, you will die." Jiang Chen said.

Along the way, his patience was exhausted. If he hadn't taken Ziyu's safety into consideration, why would there be so many troubles, and he would have killed all the way in.

"Shoot, shoot me all." The big-eyed brother yelled.

"Crack." Jiang Chen kicked and broke Big Eyed Brother's neck.

Big Eyed Brother's yelling immediately caused a commotion in the villa. Many people rushed in from the outside with guns in their hands.

And Brother Niu, at this time, also belatedly realized what happened, and quickly reached out and drew his gun.

It's a pity that before he could pull out his gun, there was an extra bullet between his eyebrows, and Lu Zhi shot him in the head with a single glance.

"Jiang Chen, you are too impulsive." Luzhi said angrily.

Jiang Chen said to do it right away, leaving her unprepared at all. Hearing the continuous sound of footsteps outside, Lu Zhi's heart sank suddenly. It was time to make dumplings.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, and rushed out of the door with big strides, raising both hands, and the silver needles in his hands flew out one by one.

Before the people outside could rush in, they didn't even understand what happened, but they were stunned to the ground with silver needles in their bodies.

"If you have time to talk, why don't you go to Ziyu?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

This isn't acting in a TV series. How stupid is it to say hello before killing someone?

"How to find it?" Luzhi asked in amazement.

This island in the middle of the lake is neither big nor small, with so many rooms, how do people find it?

Moreover, although Jiang Chen took action to eliminate some people, but the other party had too many people and a lot of guns, it was impossible to give her time to find them one by one.

"If you don't know how to look for it, then don't look for it, boy, calm down, otherwise, you will die." But at this moment, a gloomy voice came from the upstairs corridor.

A middle-aged man with a scar on his face stood there, aiming a gun at Jiang Chen.

In addition, there were seven or eight men standing beside the middle-aged man, all holding guns in their hands.

"You are Zhang Yide?" Jiang Chen raised his head and asked.

"You can call me Brother Long." The middle-aged man said.

"I don't think it should be called Brother Long, or Brother Deaf. Didn't you hear that I was looking for Zhang Yide?" Jiang Chen looked displeased, and suddenly swooped down, then stepped on the ground with his right foot, his figure seemed to fly, Jumping directly to the second floor, under Brother Long's astonished eyes, one hand tightly grabbed his neck.

"You—" Brother Long turned pale with shock.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me where Zhang Yide is, or he will die." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

"Boy, do you know what you're doing? Even if you kill me, you won't survive yourself." Brother Long tremblingly said.

"You can rest assured on this point, I will definitely live a good life." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Boy, whether you can live or not, it doesn't matter if you say it, I say it." Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, he saw a large group of people swarming into the living room downstairs.

At the forefront, a middle-aged man surrounded by people spoke with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You came to look for me, but you don't know who I am? I'm Zhang Yide." The man said.

"Very good, the rightful lord has finally appeared." Jiang Chen grinned, looking quite satisfied, and after a pause, Jiang Chen continued: "Zhang Yide, how about making a deal, I'll take this guy in my hand, Change someone with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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