genius evil

Chapter 425 Unqualified

Chapter 425 Unqualified
"Who is it for? For her? Or for yourself?" Zhang Yide pointed at Luzhi with his finger, and pointed at Jiang Chen himself.

"Change to a woman named Ziyu." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Oh, so it's because of that woman." Zhang Yide said in relief, finally understanding why Jiang Chen and Lu Zhi came here.

"Hurry up, bring Ziyu out." Jiang Chen didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with Zhang Yide.

"Young people just can't hold their breath. I didn't say I would make this deal with you." Zhang Yide snorted coldly.

"Unfortunately, it's up to you to do it or not." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

Zhang Yide laughed out loud, and said mockingly, "Boy, do you think you can threaten me, Zhang Yide, by arresting someone? As everyone knows, a human life and a dog's life are nothing in my eyes." different."

"Human life is as cheap as a dog?" Jiang Chen smiled, and said with a smile: "Did you hear that, in this person's eyes, your life is even worse than a dog."

"Boy, don't provoke dissension needlessly, this will only speed up your death." Zhang Yide's voice was gloomy.

"Are you sure you don't want to make this deal?" Jiang Chen's voice was also gloomy.

"I, Zhang Yide, never do business at a loss. If you want to blackmail me with this, it is a big mistake." Zhang Yide said noncommittally.

"It seems that you haven't figured out what the essence of the problem is." Jiang Chen shook his head, sighed, stretched out his hand, and said to the people who pointed their guns at him: "You guys, put all the bullets at him." Unload it for me."

"Boy, what kind of tricks are you playing?" Zhang Yide asked without knowing why.

"It's very simple, let's play a little game with you. I hope you like it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Brother Long was controlled by Jiang Chen, those few dared not listen, and unloaded the bullets one by one, and gave them to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen stuffed the bullets into his trouser pocket, grabbed them casually, and smiled He said with a smile: "Zhang Yide, open your eyes and see clearly, the game has begun."

After the words fell, Jiang Chen raised his right hand, and those yellow bullets, if golden meteors streaked across the sky, almost dazzled Zhang Yide's eyes.

"Pfft... pfft..."

The sound of the bullet piercing into the flesh resounded dully.

Accompanied by such voices, one after another, sharp screams rang in Zhang Yide's ears.

Hearing that voice, Zhang Yide's scalp felt numb for a while, he turned his head subconsciously, looked back, and then saw that all the people behind him fell down, and there was no one who stood up.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yide's numb scalp seemed to explode, and his hairs were about to stand on end in horror.

"The game is over, is it fun?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"" Zhang Yide's Adam's apple bulged, his face was pale, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

At the side, Luzhi also opened her eyes wide, taking a light breath of air-conditioning.

Jiang Chen just grabbed a handful of bullets, threw them casually, and hit all the targets with incomparable precision... The speed of killing people like this is faster than shooting wildly with a gun.

Is this guy really human?

Or, is this guy really a normal human being?

At this time, Luzhi finally understood why Jiang Chen was so unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

He was too powerful, so he was fearless, and he didn't put Zhang Yide in his eyes at all.

The fact is also the same, under the situation that the force values ​​of the two sides are not equal, Jiang Chen doesn't need to put Zhang Yide in his eyes.

At this moment, Lu Zhi understood why Jiang Chen would be so narcissistic that asking him to come over was the most correct decision she had ever made in her life!

"Pervert." Luzhi said in her heart.

"Looking at your reaction, it's undoubtedly quite exciting. I just happen to have a bullet in my hand, why don't you play with it?" Jokingly, Jiang Chen took out a bullet from his pocket.

"Quickly, bring that woman here." Zhang Yide's face turned pale and blue, knowing that if he didn't do anything, he would definitely die, so he shouted loudly.

There was no one available around him, and those people upstairs ran downstairs after listening to the order. Two minutes later, Ziyu was brought over.

"Zi Yu, are you alright?" As soon as she saw Zi Yu, Lu Zhi rushed over and grabbed Zi Yu's arm.

"It's okay." Ziyu shook her head.

After she was caught, she was locked up, and nothing else happened, but right now, looking at those people lying on the ground, something big happened.

"It's fine." Luzhi patted Ziyu's body here and there with her hand, and was relieved to make sure that Ziyu was really okay.

"Great beauty Luzhi, is it really okay for you to take advantage of my Ziyu like this?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Since when did Ziyu become your family?" Luzhi said unconvinced.

"It's not my family, could it be yours?" Jiang Chen expressed his depression.

"Anyway, Ziyu doesn't belong to your family." Luzhi said.

"Ziyu, tell her whose family you belong to." Jiang Chen said to Ziyu.

"Stop making trouble, let's go first." Ziyu said.

When she said this, Lu Zhicai realized that it was really not suitable to talk too much in this environment, so she quickly shut up.

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen mentioned Brother Long, jumped down from upstairs, and walked towards Zhang Yide step by step.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing Jiang Chen walking towards him, Zhang Yide shrank his neck and asked uneasily.

"Kill you, do you have any objections?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Boy, you have to forgive others and forgive others. Your people have already been brought here, and they are unscathed. Why bother with me?" Zhang Yide said angrily.

"Jiang Chen, this person is extremely vicious and must be killed." Zi Yu said in a clear voice.

"Have you heard that, this is the reason why I want to have trouble with you." Jiang Chen said.

"1000 million, how about letting me go?" Zhang Yide asked with flickering eyes.

"Are you so worthless?" Jiang Chen was very puzzled.

"Then how much do you want?" Zhang Yide asked.

He proposed 1000 million, but it was just asking for directions.

If Jiang Chen didn't want money, no matter how much money he took, it would be useless.

If Jiang Chen can be bought by money, then it will give Jiang Chen a chance to bargain.

As a successful businessman, Zhang Yide is familiar with this set and cannot be more familiar with it.

"Don't ask how much I want, ask yourself how much you have, I have a big appetite." Jiang Chen laughed.

"How about 5000 million?" Zhang Yide said.

"You'd better die." Jiang Chen was very dissatisfied.

"One hundred million." On Zhang Yide's forehead, cold sweat broke out, and Jiang Chen's appetite was too big.

"Send the beggar?" Jiang Chen stared.

"Boy, to be a man, you must be content. You don't want 1000 million, and you don't want 5000 million. Then I can only kill you." This time, before Zhang Yide could speak, a gloomy voice came.

"Feng Daochang, it's great that you came." Upon hearing the voice, Zhang Yide was clearly relieved, turned around and ran towards the voice.

The visitor was about fifty or sixty years old, wearing a Taoist robe, and his appearance was quite thin, but his eyes were full of a cold air.

"A cultivator of ancient martial arts?" Looking at Daoist Feng, Jiang Chen said slowly.

"I have some vision, boy, report to your teacher, maybe I can consider not killing you." Daoist Feng looked at Jiang Chen and said word by word.

Jiang Chen was able to tell at a glance that he was an ancient martial arts practitioner. To Daoist Feng, he naturally regarded Jiang Chen as an ancient martial arts practitioner.

"If I don't have a sect, or if the sect I belong to is weak, wouldn't you still want to kill me?" Jiang Chen mocked.

"That's right, so you'd better bless you, the sect you belong to has good strength." Feng Daochang said noncommittally.As for what Jiang Chen said that there is no teacher, Feng Daochang naturally did not believe it.

Jiang Chen is so young, but to be able to cause such a great destructive power over one person, in Feng Daochang's view, he must be a disciple of a certain big sect.

This is also the reason why Daoist Feng made Jiang Chen report himself as his teacher after he appeared.He had to find out Jiang Chen's details before deciding whether to act.

"Then hurry up and kill me, I really don't have a teacher." Jiang Chen said.

"Boy, hiding your head and showing your tail is not the style of my generation of ancient martial arts practitioners." Feng Daochang's pupils shrank slightly.

"If you don't kill me, then I can only kill you." Jiang Chen said.

"Boy, if you want to kill me, you are too overestimating your own ability, so don't ask yourself to be humiliated." Feng Daochang snorted coldly.

"I really don't understand why there are only so many idiots who feel good about themselves these days?" Jiang Chen sighed, the figure had already bullied him, raised a punch, and just hit it.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough, so die to me." Feng Dao was furious.

Jiang Chen refused to report himself as his sect. Although Daoist Feng didn't know why, since Jiang Chen took the lead, even if Jiang Chen's sect was extremely powerful, he had to kill Jiang Chen.

Big deal, after killing Jiang Chen, clean your hands and feet, and when the time comes, there will be no proof, what can you do to him?Anyway, it's not the first time I've done something like this.

Grabbing the whisk behind his back, with a flick of Feng Daochang's wrist, the whisk swept out and rolled towards Jiang Chen's neck.

"You fake demon, you are not qualified to want me to die." Jiang Chen grabbed the tail end of the whisk in his hand, and at the same time, he clenched his right hand and went straight to Feng Daochang's throat.


A punch hit Feng Daochang's Adam's apple, and there was a sound of bones breaking. Feng Daochang didn't even have time to react, and he fell to the ground in response, and his body fell to the ground with a dull sound.

"Yao Dao is dead, so you too." One punch killed Feng Daochang, Jiang Chen didn't even look at him, he swung his fist and smashed it on Zhang Yide's heart, Zhang Yide was directly hit by his punch It flew out.


As Zhang Yide's body flew out, Lu Zhi shot, and a single bullet cut off Brother Long's life very neatly.

(End of this chapter)

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