genius evil

Chapter 426 The Woman Knocking on the Door in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 426 The Woman Knocking on the Door in the Middle of the Night

The island in the middle of the lake was in chaos, with some injured and some dead.

The three of Jiang Chen didn't stay long, and soon took down a yacht and returned along the way.

"Boy, why did you come back so soon...not good..." On the small pier by the shore, the man who led Jiang Chen at the beginning saw that Jiang Chen brought two women out, and immediately realized that something was wrong. wonderful.

Jiang Chen didn't even bother to think about it, he lifted his foot and kicked several people into the lake one by one.

A few minutes later, the Mercedes-Benz sports car roared and drove away from the shore of the lake, heading towards the downtown area of ​​Tianhang City.


Grand Hyatt.

In a room of the presidential suite, after Jiang Chen took a shower, he was casually wrapped in a bath towel, lying on the bed, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, watching it bored.

In the other room, Ziyu and Lvzhi also bathed separately, and they were also watching TV.

Holding the remote control, Lv Zhi kept changing the channel, suddenly glanced at Zi Yu, and asked, "Do you want to go to the next room?"

"Luzhi..." Ziyu was full of anger.

"If you want to go, go, I don't want our beautiful Zi Yu to become a bitter woman." Luzhi said deliberately.

She said this on purpose, in order to squeeze Ziyu, because Luzhi knew that if she didn't say that, maybe Ziyu would really go to the next room.

Even though Jiang Chen displayed his supernatural power in the villa on the island in the middle of the lake today, the hero saved the beauty, and performed heartily, but if he wanted to change her view of Jiang Chen based on this, it would be absolutely impossible.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed first." Ziyu lay on the bed, grabbed the quilt, and covered his head.

Ten minutes later, seeing Ziyu lying motionless on the bed, as if she was asleep, Luzhi dropped the remote control in her hand, got up, and walked out lightly.

"What is Luzhi going to do?" Seeing the door close gently, Ziyu lifted the quilt, blinked, a little confused.

After the door was closed, Lu Zhi didn't know that Zi Yu hadn't actually fallen asleep.

Standing at the door of the room, she took a light breath, calmed down, and then walked to the door of the bedroom next door where Jiang Chen was.

Raising her right hand, Luzhi was about to knock on the door, but after raising her hand, she immediately retracted her hand.

Ziyu was sleeping in the room, and Luzhi was a little worried that the sound of her knocking on the door would wake Ziyu up. In that case, about her knocking on Jiang Chen's door, it is estimated that she would open a hundred mouths. Can't explain it anyway.


There was a slight sound of opening the door, just as Luzhi put down her hand, the bedroom door suddenly opened.

Luzhi was slightly taken aback, but then she was overjoyed, she was still wondering how to get in, but she didn't expect the door to open just like that.

Immediately, Luzhi felt a tightness around her waist, and the moment the bedroom door opened, a big hand stretched out from inside without warning, wrapped around her slender waist, and hugged her in.

The door of the room was closed in an instant, Lu Zhiyun was in a fog, and she didn't understand what happened, but she felt that hand hugging her even tighter, and at the same time, another hand was on her body, touching her. Go downstream.


Luzhi's face changed drastically, and her body trembled.

Even if she has never experienced a relationship between a man and a woman, at this point, how could Lu Zhi not understand what that hand was doing?
Luzhi was startled and frightened, she opened her mouth and was about to make a sound, but before she could make a sound, her red lips were blocked.

Two warm lips blocked her mouth, and there was even a tongue that nimbly pried open her lips and burrowed inside.

Lu Zhi didn't dare to speak out, and pushed the man who violated her away with both hands, her body was tense, like a string that was stretched to the extreme and was about to break.

"Jiang Chen!" Finally, after much difficulty, Lu Zhi finally made a sound.

"Huh, why is it you?" Jiang Chen pushed Luzhi away, startled.

"Who else could it be if it wasn't me?" Lu Zhi gritted her teeth, her expression was filled with grievances, this damned beast somehow took advantage of her, but she still reacted like this, so it was because she took advantage of her generally.

"I see clearly who you are now, the question is, why did you knock on my door?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I didn't knock on the door." Luzhi said loudly, she thought of knocking on the door, but she didn't knock at all.

"Okay, you didn't knock on the door, so can you explain, what are you doing standing at the door of my bedroom if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"What do you think?" Luzhi rolled her eyes, and wiped the saliva left by Jiang Chen on her mouth with her hand.

"Could it be that you've taken a fancy to me?" Jiang Chen said suspiciously.

"" Lu Zhi pointed at herself, and at Jiang Chen again, her expression was a little funny, she wanted to cry, but also wanted to laugh.

"Isn't it?" Jiang Chen asked indisputably.

"Of course not." Lu Zhi categorically denied that Jiang Chen felt good about herself, but she couldn't care about it, but this matter must not be misunderstood by Jiang Chen.

"You want to sneak into my bedroom and sneak up on my bed. What else do you want from me? Woman, your name is duplicity." Jiang Chen sighed.

"I don't have any at all." Lu Zhi was so angry that she wanted to die.

"Well, you didn't." Shrugging, Jiang Chen had no choice but to say.

Jiang Chen's reaction almost broke Lu Zhi's teeth, clenching her teeth tightly, she said: "Jiang Chen, I came here just to say thank you, don't talk nonsense."

"I kissed you, so you thank me?" Jiang Chen was immediately delighted.

"I thank you for saving Ziyu, otherwise, if something happens to Ziyu, I will never forgive myself." Lu Zhi decided to ignore Jiang Chen's mess and said seriously.

"Ziyu is my woman, I saved my own woman, you ran over to thank me, are you okay?" Jiang Chen looked at Lu Zhi in surprise.

"Anyway, I just want to thank you. Whether you accept it or not is up to you. In addition, it is one thing for you to save Ziyu, but another matter for our old quarrel. Don't think that you helped me this time. The grievances between us will be over." Luzhi said angrily.

"Hitting is love, scolding is love. I am completely sure that you really are in love with me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, will you die if you don't talk nonsense? I warn you, if you dare to speak out about what happened tonight, I will fight you hard." Luzhi said loudly.


At this moment, the door of the bedroom was pushed open again, and a figure walked in from the outside.

"Luzhi..." The man couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Luzhi in Jiang Chen's bedroom.

It was Ziyu who came.

Ziyu waited for a while after Lv Zhi left the bedroom, but she didn't see Lv Zhi come back, so she couldn't help being curious, so she got up and opened the bedroom door to look into the living room.

Ziyu couldn't find Luzhi in the living room, so she thought it was because Luzhi had something to go out, and because Jiang Chen was in the next bedroom, although thinking about what Luzhi said, he was a little embarrassed, but he still came to knock Door.

The door was not locked, Ziyu pushed it, and the door was pushed open. As a result, the situation in the bedroom surprised Ziyu.

Ziyu never expected that Luzhi left the bedroom and came to Jiang Chen's place, no wonder she didn't find Luzhi in the living room.

"Zi Yu, why are you here?" Seeing Zi Yu's appearance, Lu Zhi was startled, her face turned hot red.

"You two?" Ziyu didn't speak, looked at Jiang Chen, then at Luzhi.

"Ziyu, if I say that there is nothing between me and Jiang Chen, would you believe me?" Lu Zhi said with a bitter face.

She was worried about Ziyu's misunderstanding before, so she didn't dare to knock on the door.Now, Ziyu directly blocked her in Jiang Chen's bedroom, not to mention having a hundred mouths, even if she had a thousand mouths, she couldn't explain it clearly.

What's more terrible is that Jiang Chen's hand touched her body just now, making her hair a bit messy, and the bath towel on her body is also half untied. It is easy to see at a glance that something must have happened thing.

"Should I believe it?" Ziyu said nana.

"Zi Yu, there is really nothing between me and Jiang Chen." Lu Zhi's face became even more bitter.

"Please don't explain it, okay? The more you talk, the more confusing it becomes." Jiang Chen was also a little bit dumbfounded. This scene was a real scene of catching rape.

If there is really something between him and Lu Zhi, then it doesn't matter, but the problem is, the relationship between him and Lu Zhi is innocent, and Jiang Chen doesn't want to take the blame for this.

"Then you explain to Ziyu, tell her that nothing really happened between us." Lu Zhi was about to cry.

"Can you shut up?" Jiang Chen was annoyed.

What do you mean nothing happened?It's very ambiguous, okay? If you understand it, it becomes that it hasn't happened yet!

Zi Yu had already caught the rape scene, so it was too late for it to happen, this woman seemed quite smart, why did she lose her mind at a critical moment?
"Okay, I'm going out." Luzhi felt that she couldn't stay longer, and left the bedroom disheartened, not forgetting to close the bedroom door after going out.

"Little Zizi?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Zi Yu rolled her eyes, and said amusedly, "Are you guilty?"

"Guilty, how could it be." Jiang Chen grinned.

"Did you bully Lu Zhi just now?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Zi Yu asked angrily.

"Um, I promise, what you see is not real." Jiang Chen smiled even more vigorously, his face smiling like a dog's tail.

"It's best, not really." Ziyu said.

"It's definitely not true, but everything that happened next is absolutely true." Jiang Chen walked over, picked up Ziyu, and walked towards the bedside.

"Luzhi is in the next room." Ziyu said nervously.

"Don't worry, she won't hear anything." Jiang Chen put Ziyu on the bed, stretched out his hand to peel off the bath towel on her body, and pressed it anxiously.


Zi Yu let out a shallow moan, and then he resigned himself to his fate, letting Jiang Chen fiddle with it.

In the bedroom next door, Luzhi was lying on the bed with a depressed face, covering her head with the quilt. She felt that she would never face Ziyu again. God knows, how could such a strange oolong happen.

"What's that sound?" After a while, when a strange sound came into her ears, Luzhi was puzzled, and soon after, when she heard the sound clearly coming from the bedroom next door, Luzhi's face turned pale. It was hot and red again.

"Shameless, beast!" Gritting her teeth tightly, Lu Zhixin panicked...

(End of this chapter)

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