genius evil

Chapter 427 Where there are beautiful women, there will be trouble

Chapter 427 Where there are beautiful women, there will be trouble
There is heaven above, and Tianhang below!
Since ancient times, Tianhang City has been praised in countless ways by countless literati and poets.

This is a city of outstanding people, the most direct manifestation is that the world is ten points, and Tianhang is three points.

What this means is that Tianhang City accounts for one-third of the beauties in the world. This description may be suspected of being exaggerated, but there is one thing that everyone agrees with, that is, Tianhang City is indeed a city full of women. City of beauties.

Jiang Chen felt that even though he only came to this city last night, he was already about to fall in love with this city.

"Two beauties, let me tell you two, can you walk a little slower?" Jiang Chen said weakly, holding a dozen or so shopping bags in his hands in a comprehensive shopping mall in the city center.

In front of Jiang Chen, Ziyu and Luzhi were strolling happily, arm in arm.

Unlike some women who only shop but don't buy, the second girl shopped and bought at the same time, and when she bought it, as long as she liked it, no matter what the price, she would just grab it without blinking her eyes.

Jiang Chen was very skeptical. The reason why this happened was because he swiped his card.

"I can't." Without turning her head, Lu Zhi lightly threw a word to Jiang Chen.

Last night, Jiang Chen and Ziyu finally stopped their quarrel until almost dawn, while Luzhi, it was inevitable, didn't sleep for a while until dawn.

For this reason, Lvzhi was full of resentment. In order to avoid Jiang Chen and Ziyu tossing in the hotel room during the day, after waking up, she took Ziyu out to go shopping, in order not to give Jiang Chen and Ziyu The chance to be alone.

Seeing Jiang Chen's look of lovelessness, Luzhi felt extremely happy in her heart. She not only snatched Jiang Chen's woman away, but also spent Jiang Chen's money by the way. In short, how unhappy Jiang Chen was, She is so happy.

"There is a dessert shop in front, let's go in and have something to eat." Jiang Chen suggested.

"What kind of dessert do you eat, a big man?" Luzhi said with a look of disgust.

"Are men not human anymore?" Jiang Chen really wanted to quit.

"If you want to eat, you can eat by yourself. Anyway, Ziyu and I still have to go shopping. It's really not good. You go back to the hotel first, and we will go back to find you after we finish shopping." Lu Zhi blinked and said.

"Return my card." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Jiang Chen, you are a big man, do you have to be so stingy?" Lvzhi challenged.

"I'm really not a generous man." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother, this man is not generous, but he can't attract good girls." At this moment, a voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear.

"Boy, you followed us all the way just to say this?" Jiang Chen looked at the guy who was talking and said.

This man is about 23 or [-] years old, and he is armed with famous brands, even the earrings are Cartier, not to mention the super cool Givenchy suit and Louis Vuitton leather shoes. Others don't know how rich he looks.

Although there are many beauties in Tianhang City, there are definitely not many situations like Jiang Chen leading two beauties to go shopping.

In particular, no matter if it was Ziyu or Luzhi, they were all beauties with natural beauty. Along the way, many people cast all kinds of envious and jealous eyes on Jiang Chen.

This guy, Jiang Chen found out about this guy as early as in the previous counters, but he didn't take it seriously, but now, this guy actually took the opportunity to strike up a conversation, this situation just made Jiang Chen feel a little uncomfortable .

"My humble Qin Junfeng." Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the young man smiled slightly, introduced himself, and by the way, said in an understatement tone: "This shopping mall owns 60.00% of my family's shares, and the business I am responsible for is This shopping mall happened to be one of them, and I just came over to take a look today, and there is no malice."

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"I think you're very interesting, buddy. I thought maybe we could make friends." Qin Junfeng said.

"And then?" Jiang Chen asked again with a half-smile.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to treat you to a meal, how about it?" Qin Junfeng said, and when he said us, he meant including Ziyu and Luzhi.

"And then, if I agree to your request to treat you to dinner, you will call a luxury car, preferably an extended version, and take us to a super luxurious restaurant for dinner. Calling a bottle sounds very pretentious. red wine, am I right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's all right." Qin Junfeng didn't deny it. At the end, he said aggrievedly: "Making money is for enjoyment. It's not a mistake, is it? I'm already rich. Do I have to pretend I don't have money? Although Some people say that it is difficult for rich people to make friends, but I see that you are not a superficial person."

"To be honest, I haven't seen such a shameless guy with such characteristics for a long time." Jiang Chen sighed endlessly.

"Or, do you want to refuse because you are not confident enough in yourself?" Qin Junfeng said lightly.

"Two days ago, no, just yesterday, I met a guy surnamed Qin and made a bet with him by the way. Since your surname is also Qin, how about we also make a bet?" Jiang Chen didn't answer. Instead of Qin Junfeng's question, he said.

"Oh, what are you betting on?" Qin Junfeng said in a playful manner.

"Let's bet a little bit. Didn't you say that you own 60.00% of the shares in this shopping mall? Let's bet on this 60.00% of the shares. If I accidentally win, these shares will belong to me." Jiang Chen said lazily .

"What if you lose?" Qin Junfeng asked.

"If you lose, I'll give you a chance to treat guests to dinner." Jiang Chen said.

"It sounds like it's fair. I have no reason not to agree. Tell me, how do you gamble?" Qin Junfeng asked.

"The gambling method is quite simple. Guess, will I beat you up?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Huh?" Qin Junfeng frowned suddenly.

"Will you?" Qin Junfeng asked.

"Guess?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Wait a minute, give me 2 minutes." Qin Junfeng did not guess, he took out his mobile phone and made a call. Soon, the security captain of the mall appeared with a dozen security guards.

"These are all the security guards of this shopping mall. The captain of the security guard shares my surname, Qin, and is a retired veteran of a well-known special force in China. In addition, most of these security guards are also veterans. Usually, three or five people can't get close to them. " Qin Junfeng pointed to a group of security guards and introduced to Jiang Chen.

"So, next, I'm going to guess, I guess, you dare not beat me." Qin Junfeng said lightly.

60.00% of the shares in the mall, and inviting Ziyu and Lvzhi to a meal, even if you are an idiot, you can see clearly that these two conditions are not equivalent.

The reason why Qin Junfeng said it was fair and agreed to Jiang Chen's bet was because he believed that no matter what kind of betting method Jiang Chen proposed, the final result would be controlled by him, and the possibility of him losing could not even be dealt with. Chengdu is less than.

Therefore, in this matter, he didn't mind suffering a little bit at all.


Lvzhi and Ziyu have been watching the excitement from the sidelines, hearing this, the two girls couldn't help laughing, covering their lips and laughing.

"Two beauties, is this kind of thing funny?" Qin Junfeng pretended to be innocent.

"It's not very funny, it's too funny. I have a hunch that you will lose." Lu Zhi said with a smile.

Then, without waiting for Qin Junfeng to reply, Luzhi said again: "If this wins 60.00% of the shares, does it mean that we can take whatever is in the mall?"

"If you can move it, it's fine to empty it." Qin Junfeng said grandly.

"Ziyu, let's go, get some things." Luzhi said jokingly, pulling Ziyu away.

"Beauty, I don't seem to have lost." Qin Junfeng said a little annoyed, and he heard Lu Zhi's tone of voice, as if he had lost this bet.


As soon as Jiang Chen raised his hand, he slapped Qin Junfeng's face with a crisp sound.

"Now, you lose." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"You—" Qin Junfeng looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

"If you want to bet, you have to admit defeat." Jiang Chen said, took Ziyu's other hand, and said with a smile: "Honey, other men go shopping with women, and at most they just give them their cards to swipe them casually. Me and those men It’s different, you don’t need to spend time swiping the card at all, just take it as you like.”

"Take it casually? Are you sure?" Qin Junfeng sneered.

He called the security guards, making it clear that the army horses wanted to threaten Jiang Chen, and threatened Jiang Chen not to do anything. He never thought that Jiang Chen would still do something in front of a dozen security guards. This matter did not surprise Qin Junfeng.

At the same time as the surprise, Qin Junfeng was more annoyed.

"Can't afford to lose?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"I, Qin Junfeng, have nothing to lose. The premise is that you can take this thing away." Qin Junfeng said in a cold voice, beckoning, and said to the security captain, "Captain Qin, do it, break his two arms." hands, and threw them into the river to feed the fish, and those two women were also tied up and sent to my villa."

"Yes, Young Master Qin." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Captain Qin replied, and was about to call other security guards to do it.

"Wait." Seeing this, Jiang Chen said.

"Why, are you afraid? How about you slap yourself a hundred times, and then take the initiative to give these two women to me, and forget about it?" Qin Junfeng sneered.

"I've always believed that being willing to gamble and admit defeat is a very good virtue. Before you do it, you should go and get the share transfer agreement. I'll sign it before you do it." Jiang Chen said sternly.

"Boy, Young Master Qin was just joking with you. What kind of share transfer agreement is there? Are you dreaming?" Captain Qin laughed out loud.

"Sure enough, I can't afford to lose." Jiang Chen felt very regretful.

"You are wrong, it's not that I can't afford to lose, it's that these things are not what you can have at all, do you understand?" Qin Junfeng said unceremoniously, waved his hand again, and said: "Stop talking nonsense, do it quickly. "

As soon as the voice fell, Captain Qin moved his feet and rushed towards Jiang Chen. Behind Captain Qin, the rest of the security guards were also clamoring and rushed towards Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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