genius evil

Chapter 428 Welcome to Tianhang City

Chapter 428 Welcome to Tianhang City

As the old saying goes, where there are beautiful women, there are troubles.

This sentence is extremely applicable whether it is placed in ancient times or modern times.

It's just that after the trouble started and before it ended, there were some people who were sanctimonious and others who showed their teeth and claws. This Qin Junfeng belonged to the middle type of people.

But no matter whether Qin Junfeng was dignified, or showing his teeth and claws, in Jiang Chen's eyes, it was all a joke.

When Captain Qin led the security guards to rush over, Jiang Chen didn't even look at them, just kicked them casually, and all of them flew out.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

A group of security guards had no power to fight back, they were kicked by Jiang Chen and rolled on the ground like beans.

Seeing that, usually, a group of lively security guards were kicked away by Jiang Chen kick after kick, even the captain of the security guard was no exception, Qin Junfeng's face became ugly, and it gradually became more and more serious. ugly.

From Jiang Chen's formidable force, Qin Junfeng finally understood why Jiang Chen dared to beat him after he made it clear that the army horse threatened Jiang Chen.

"If you know how to fight so well, it's no wonder you have nothing to fear. However, there are some things that mean that you are not good at fighting." Looking at Jiang Chen, Qin Junfeng said.

"Can you stop pretending?" Jiang Chen said puzzledly, kicking Qin Junfeng to the ground.

"Do you know who I am?" Qin Junfeng patted the dust on his buttocks, and stood up.


Jiang Chen kicked Qin Junfeng to the ground again. Qin Junfeng's butt almost fell into two pieces. This time, he couldn't even stand up.

"I'm not interested in knowing." Jiang Chen said after beating someone up.

"Even if you don't want to know, you will know soon. Unless you leave Tianhang City immediately, I can guarantee that although Tianhang City is very big, there is absolutely no place for you." Qin Junfeng said viciously .

"I really deserve a beating." Jiang Chen lazily listened to Qin Junfeng's nonsense, he couldn't get the left and right shares, so he took Qin Junfeng to vent his anger, and kicked Qin Junfeng like a rolling gourd on the ground. Rolling and rolling, howling,

A few minutes later, outside the shopping mall, after getting into Lu Zhi's Mercedes-Benz sports car, Lu Zhi said, "If I'm not mistaken, that Qin Junfeng should be from the Qin family in Tianhang."

"You didn't remember it wrong, you just didn't tell me on purpose." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"That's right, I did not tell you on purpose, but if I had told you, you wouldn't have done it, would you?" Lu Zhi asked back.

"If I had known earlier that that idiot was from the Tianhang Qin family, I wouldn't have made such a small bet." Jiang Chen expressed regret.

"The Qin family's things are not so easy to get." Ziyu reminded.

"What is the situation of the Qin family in Tianhang City?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

He had heard Liu Yufei mention the Qin family in Tianhang, but Liu Yufei didn't know much about the Qin family. Hearing Ziyu and Luzhi now, it seemed that they knew the Qin family quite well, so Jiang Chen just asked.

"The Qin family's business is very big. This is a well-known fact, but what many people don't know is that the Qin family is one of the three major families in Tianhang City." Ziyu said.

"It's three big families again, it's too old-fashioned." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"There are countless families in Tianhang City. The Qin family is one of the three major families. Its status and influence can be seen, but it is not impossible to offend. However, if you meet someone with the surname Zong, I think you'd better It’s better to restrain yourself a bit.” Zi Yu reminded.

"What is the origin of the surname Zong?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"In Tianhang City, there is a super family, the Zong family. If you don't have a specific impression of the Zong family, you can refer to the four major families in the capital. They belong to the same sequence." Lu Zhi said casually.

"Well, in Huaxia Kingdom, how many families like the Four Great Families are there?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"It's not too many, it's not too few, there are seven in total, King Zhou Wu and Zheng in the capital city, the Tianhang clan, the Ma clan in the southern capital, and the Ren clan in the western mansion." Lu Zhi said.

After the words fell, seeing Jiang Chen's thoughtful face, Luzhi asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Do you think there are more or fewer of these seven major families? Or, can one more family be added to become the eight major families?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The seven major families, regardless of their background or influence, are all at the national level. Not just any family can be ranked high." Lv Zhi sneered.

"That's because your knowledge is too shallow. I think it won't take long for a bigger family to rise up. By the way, the head of that family is Jiang." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Then, you plan to tell me that the Patriarch's name is Jiang Chen." Lu Zhi sneered.

"Great beauty Lu Zhi, it's rare for you to be so smart." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Dreaming in broad daylight, it feels pretty good." Lu Zhi curled her lips.

"Luzhi, Jiang Chen, have you two discovered something?" said Ziyu who didn't speak much.

"What's wrong?" Luzhi asked.

"I found that the two of you are a good match." Ziyu said.


The Qin family is located in the eastern suburbs of Tianhang City, on a small hill, there are townhouses built one after another.

About two kilometers away from the mountain in De that, a roadblock was set up to mark the private territory.

On the top of the mountain, in one of the villas, Qin Junfeng was lying on the bed, wailing non-stop.

Jiang Chen's legs were heavy, even if he didn't break a single bone, the extreme pain made Qin Junfeng feel that all the bones in his body seemed to have been dismantled and reassembled.

He first went to the hospital for a physical examination. After the examination was all right, he returned to Qin's house and received the care of a private doctor.

He already had painkilling injections on his body, but the effect was not obvious. Qin Junfeng still felt pain, even if he was lying motionless on the bed, the pain was extremely unbearable for him.

"Second Young Master, you're here." A servant's voice sounded, and a figure in red walked in slowly from outside.

"What's the situation, fifth?" the second young master asked.

"I heard that he was beaten." The servant said truthfully.

"Being beaten?" The second young master chuckled and said, "This matter is quite interesting. The fifth young master of the dignified Qin family was actually beaten. How can this matter be justified?"

"Qin Shaoyan, did you come here to see my jokes?" Qin Junfeng, who was lying on the bed, was in unbearable pain. Hearing that voice, he couldn't help but angrily said.

"Old five, I didn't come here to see a joke. I clearly came because I cared about you. Don't slander good people." Qin Shaoyan walked in and said with a smile.

"Qin Shaoyan, I have to tell you that your hypocritical appearance is very ugly." Qin Junfeng said.

Qin Shaoyan didn't take Qin Junfeng's sarcasm to heart, and said leisurely: "I know that you have one of the biggest problems, that is, you can't walk when you see beautiful women. I told you before, if you continue like this, there will always be people One day you will be beaten up by someone's boyfriend, you didn't believe it before, but now you should believe it?"

"This time it was an accident, but sooner or later I will settle the account." Gritting his teeth, Qin Junfeng said.

"Tell me, who beat you?" Qin Shaoyan asked.

Don't look at Qin Shaoyan's incomparable cynicism towards Qin Junfeng, but the relationship between the two is quite good, otherwise, Qin Shaoyan would come to visit Qin Junfeng.

"I don't know who it is, but the accent sounds like a foreigner." Qin Junfeng shook his head and said.

"Should there be some characteristics?" Qin Shaoyan asked.

"Is having a pretty face considered a feature? Is it considered a feature to go shopping with two super beauties?" Qin Junfeng said helplessly.

Saying this, Qin Junfeng himself felt aggrieved. So far, he didn't even know who the person who beat him was, which was too depressing.

"Forget it, it doesn't count, but the most indispensable thing in Tianhang City is handsome men and beautiful women. These two characteristics are not enough." Qin Shaoyan laughed.

"I remembered. That guy said that he had a bet with a guy surnamed Qin yesterday." Qin Junfeng thought for a while and said again.

"Have you ever bet with someone surnamed Qin?" Qin Shaoyan was taken aback for a moment.

China is so big, and the people with the surname Qin are not just from the Tianhang Qin family. In the whole country, the addition of the Qin surname is definitely a huge astronomical number.

It was just a little surprised, what did Qin Junfeng mean by this, suddenly, Qin Shaoyan's face changed slightly, because he remembered one thing, that is, he had a bet with someone yesterday.

His surname is also Qin!

"Could it be him?" Qin Shaoyan muttered to himself, thinking of someone, it was Jiang Chen.

"The guy who beat you, doesn't he look foolish, quite inconspicuous, and has a very poisonous mouth?" Qin Shaoyan asked immediately.

"It seems like this. Why, you know him?" Qin Junfeng asked suspiciously.

"I know it, but I'm not familiar with it. I still don't know if the person I'm talking about is the one who beat you. If so, this matter will become quite interesting." Qin Shaoyan said with a half-smile.

You know, before he left Yilan City, he spared no harsh words and welcomed Jiang Chen to Tianhang City.

How long has passed? If Jiang Chen came to Yilan City in such a short period of time, it clearly means that he and Jiang Chen are very close.

"Jiang Chen, could it be you? If it's you, I can only tell you, welcome to Tianhang City." Qin Shaoyan said silently in his heart.

"I have a question. If that guy is the one you know, what did you bet with him?" Qin Junfeng asked gossipingly.

"Gambling money, a little money." Qin Shaoyan said a little embarrassed.

"How much is a little money?" Qin Junfeng asked. For the children born in the Qin family, Qin Junfeng knew very well that the small money in their mouths has a completely different meaning from the small money in ordinary people's mouths.

"Ten...billion." Qin Shaoyan was even more embarrassed.

"Haha..." Qin Junfeng laughed loudly, rolling on the bed, and then, when he touched the wound on his body, he started crying like a pig...

(End of this chapter)

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