genius evil

Chapter 429 A Different Beauty

Chapter 429 A Different Beauty

Near the Grand Hyatt Hotel, there is a restaurant called Xiaojiangnan.

Luzhi sat on the side, Jiang Chen and Ziyu sat on the side.

"Jiang Chen, have you ever heard a saying, show affection, die quickly?" Luzhi asked angrily after holding back for a while, almost gnashing her teeth.

It's just a meal, so it's necessary to kiss me like this, does Ziyu know how to pick up food by himself or what's the matter, is it necessary to be so courteous?

Seeing that posture, Luzhi was very suspicious, and the two almost fed each other's mouth.

"I've never heard of it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

This woman deliberately dragged Ziyu around the street for a day today, how could Jiang Chen not understand that she had no good intentions, in order to reduce the time he spent alone with Ziyu.

It was not easy for him to have the chance to meet Ziyu. It's fine that Lu Zhi didn't have the consciousness to be a light bulb, but he actually did the thing of beating mandarin ducks. Jiang Chen had been upset for a long time.

"You know now." Luzhi rolled her eyes.

"Ziyu and I are true love." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, please don't disgust me, please?" Luzhi rolled her eyes again.

"I understand, you are envious and jealous." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Jiang Chen, I have never seen a man more shameless than you." Luzhi said speechlessly.

"Sure enough, if you have long hair, you are destined to be short-sighted." Jiang Chen sighed with some pity.

Lu Zhi was so angry that she almost flipped the table.

But at this time, a waiter came over, smiled, and said politely: "Hello, sir, may I ask you to change a table for dinner?"

"Give me a reason." Jiang Chen said casually.

"It's like this. There is a lady who has taken a fancy to your position. If you are willing to change a table, she said that she can pay for your table." The waiter said.

"Well, are there many idiots in Tianhang City?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Sir..." The waiter was confused.

"I just came to Tianhang City yesterday. Today, counting the lady you talked about, I already saw two idiots." Jiang Chen expressed his regret.

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you." The waiter hurriedly said and walked back.

"Jiang Chen, have you ever thought about one thing, what if the one who asks you to change the table is a beautiful woman?" Luzhi said teasingly.

Although Jiang Chen's refusal of this kind of thing was exactly what she wanted, but she just couldn't help it and wanted to hit Jiang Chen.

"In this world, is there anyone more beautiful than my Ziyu?" Jiang Chen said smugly.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen's eyeballs were a little rounded, and a woman walked over.

Wearing a long green dress flowing like water waves, her hair is full of blue hair like a waterfall, hanging casually behind her head, freehand.

In this slightly noisy hall, that woman, like a fairy who had fallen into the world, had an extraordinary temperament and transcended the world.

This is a woman whose facial features and appearance and even her figure are easily overlooked, but if someone pays attention to her appearance or her figure, they will find that she is beautiful everywhere.

Zi Yu is undoubtedly beautiful, and Lu Zhi is also undoubtedly beautiful, but the beauty of this woman is completely different from Zi Yu and Lu Zhi.

Her beauty is so pure, as if she is not stained with dust.

And that long skirt, regardless of its style or texture, was obviously not outstanding, and it was born to wear on her body, but it had an indescribable taste.

That kind of smell, no matter how other women imitate it, they will only end up like a mere imitator.

Seeing this beautiful woman approaching, both Ziyu and Luzhi were a little surprised, and couldn't help but start to size up.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" The beauty in the green skirt said to Lu Zhi, and she pointed to the empty seat next to Lu Zhi.

"No." Jiang Chen said.

Luzhi was stunned. When this woman asked her something, she always had a feeling that she couldn't recover for a while, but Jiang Chen refused so quickly.

"The beautiful woman offered to sit at a table, but this guy refused. Could it be that this damn pervert has changed his sex? Or is he deliberately pretending to be in front of Zi Yu?" Lu Zhi was thinking depressedly in her heart.

"I'll just sit for a while and leave," said the beauty in the green skirt.

"Although it seems to be an unreasonable request, I still refuse it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

The beauty in the green dress was stunned for a while, her brows furrowed, then she turned around, and walked away gracefully.

"Jiang Chen, what's the situation?" The beauty in the green skirt walked away, Luzhi was extremely curious, this damn pervert, it was fine to reject the beauty in the green skirt once, but he turned it down twice.

You know, even she, I'm afraid, might not be able to refuse when the beauty in the green skirt makes requests one after another, even when there is a slight taste of pleading in those requests.

It's not that the beauty of the green skirt makes her feel inferior or something, in fact, no matter whether it's figure, beauty, green or purple, it's not inferior to her in the slightest.

The only surprise is the breath.

Yes, it's breath, not temperament.

"It's nothing, I just don't want to cause trouble." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Will there be any trouble?" Luzhi wondered.

Jiang Chen smiled, and pointed in a direction. Following the direction Jiang Chen pointed, Luzhi raised her eyes and saw a woman who was also wearing a green dress.

It was a middle-aged woman, estimated to be in her 30s or 40s, with a thin body. It was clearly the same skirt as the beauty in the green skirt, but the skirt was worn on her body, as if she was wearing it on a bamboo pole. It seems to give people a sense of unusual incongruity.

Especially, after having a beautiful woman in a green dress, the sense of incongruity is even deeper.

"That woman has a problem." Out of the killer's intuition, Luzhi murmured.

Ziyu nodded in agreement.

The middle-aged woman just stood there without doing anything special, but Zi Yu had a feeling that the middle-aged woman's eyes were fixed on their table all the time.

"She's a master, I'm afraid, even I am no match for her." Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"That's why you don't dare to provoke that beauty in the green dress, so you are also afraid of things sometimes." Luzhi sneered.

"You don't understand." Jiang Chen shook his head, asked Ziyu, and said, "Little Ziyu, do you see anything?"

"The beauty in the green dress just now looked a bit strange. I've only seen that kind of aura on her body before on little girls." Zi Yu said slowly.

"That's because she is indeed a little girl." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Little girl?" Ziyu was confused.

The beauty in the green dress is extremely tall, almost 1.7 meters tall.

When a beautiful woman meets a beautiful woman, they are always very sensitive. When the beautiful woman in the green dress walked over, Zi Yu looked at her seriously.

Graceful figure, exquisite curves... How can there be such a little girl in this world?

"Jiang Chen, can you explain a little more clearly?" Luzhi was also very confused.

"I've made it very clear. She's just a little girl. Although, she's already matured. This is really a pity." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"You don't know how to say, she...she..." Luzhi said, pointing to her head, and motioned to Jiang Chen, probably because she felt that some words were not easy to say, this is only half of what she said, so I will stop here broken.


The gaze like the tip of a needle suddenly swept over.

It was the middle-aged woman.

As if she heard Lu Zhi's words, the middle-aged woman's eyes fell on Lu Zhi's body, with displeasure and evil spirit.

One of Jiang Chen's hands waved in the air, blocking the eyes of the middle-aged woman.


The nostrils moved slightly, and the middle-aged woman was a little surprised. She took a deep look at Jiang Chen and looked away.

"Jiang Chen, what the hell are you doing?" Lu Zhi was puzzled.

"That person just wanted to kill you." Ziyu reminded.

"What?" Lvzhi was startled and almost jumped up from the chair.

The reason why she had such a big reaction was because she felt that she hadn't said anything at all, but the middle-aged woman was trying to kill her, which was too cruel.

Secondly, as a killer, he didn't realize that he had inadvertently fallen into a huge crisis, and he needed others to remind him that the killer had failed too much.

"Don't be nervous, she won't do anything." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I'm not afraid of her if she does it." Luzhi said unconvinced.

"She wants to kill you, you don't even have a chance to draw your gun." Jiang Chen reminded with a half-smile.

"I don't believe she's that powerful." Lu Zhi curled her lips, but felt a little guilty.

She has seen Jiang Chen's ability with her own eyes. Since Jiang Chen said this, it means that the middle-aged woman is indeed very powerful.

But losing is not losing, especially in front of Jiang Chen, Luzhi will not just admit defeat like this, what if Jiang Chen makes fun of him?
After the green skirt woman approached the middle-aged woman, she didn't know what to say, the middle-aged woman looked at Jiang Chen's table again, and after a glance, she left with the green skirt woman.

The two daughters left, Jiang Chen and the three finally had a peaceful meal, and after paying the bill, the three walked out of the restaurant together.

Just when he went out, Jiang Chen saw a piece of greenery in front of his eyes, and the middle-aged woman appeared in front of him.

"You have to be lucky, you didn't have any idea about my young lady." Indifferently, the middle-aged woman said, her cold face seemed to exude a chill that hadn't dissipated for a thousand years.

Jiang Chen laughed, hugged Ziyu into his arms, then waved to Lu Zhi, who was obviously stunned, then twisted Nini's body, throwing himself into his arms.

Jiang Chen hugged one of them with one hand, and said with a smile: "Excuse me, why did I have the idea of ​​your young lady?"

"It's better not to." The middle-aged woman snorted coldly.

"I'm not interested in little girls. Of course, I kindly advise you that it's better to treat your young lady's situation as soon as possible." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"What did you say?" The middle-aged woman's complexion suddenly changed, her eyes were sharp, and she was murderous!
(End of this chapter)

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