genius evil

Chapter 43 1 Bad Water in Stomach

Chapter 43 Bad Water in a Stomach

In the afternoon, in the senior ward of Yilan City No.1 Civilian Hospital, Shi Lei was holding a stack of thick medical checklists in his hands, his face full of disbelief.

"Damn it, how could I not be injured at all." Throwing the checklist on the ground forcefully, Shi Lei roared angrily.

Li Shan and Hou Xiaoming also had puzzled expressions. The two of them saw Shi Lei being trampled by Jiang Chen with their own eyes. As far as Jiang Chen's footwork is concerned, not to mention Shi Lei's serious injuries, there must have been minor injuries, but after this inspection , but found that Shi Lei was not injured at all, not at all.

"Brother Lei, do you want to go to another hospital for another check?" Hou Xiaoming suggested.

"Yeah, I think the doctors here are not very reliable." Li Shan also said.

Speaking of which, Li Shan really hoped that Shi Lei would get hurt a little bit, the more serious the better, then Shi Lei would be on the opposite side of Jiang Chen.

As for what Qiu Shaojie said about Jiang Chen as his backer, in Li Shan's view, it was of course nonsense.

"No need, I can't find it here, and I'm sure I can't find it in other places." Shi Lei shook his head, moved his body, and felt that there was no pain anywhere in his body, but the strange, dazzling test results, Leave him speechless.

"Then let's forget about this matter?" Li Shan asked.

"Forget it?" Shi Lei sneered, and said, "You two have known me for a long time. When did you see me suffer such a big loss? If I don't kill Jiang Chen this time, my surname will not be Shi."

"However, as soon as the inspection results come out, even if we want to trouble Jiang Chen, it won't be too easy to find. Now that kid is being protected by Qiu Shaojie, some relationships can't be used." Li Shan said slowly.

If it wasn't for such an inspection result, then with the energy of the Shi family and a little relationship, Jiang Chen could be sent directly to the police station, and he could make troubles as he wanted.However, none of them were hurt. We can't arrest people for no reason.

"You don't need to use any relationship, just attack directly, Xiaoming, what do Liu Yang and the others say?" Shi Lei turned to look at Hou Xiaoming and said.

"You can do it at any time, but he needs a little fee." Hou Xiaoming said.

Shi Lei naturally knew that Liu Yang was worthless, he invited Liu Yang as a foreign aid during the football match, and he also gave money, so he said viciously at this time: "Give him one hundred thousand, and then tell him, I want Jiang Chen Lying in the hospital for half a month... no, a month!"

"Okay, I'm calling Liu Yang." Hou Xiaoming nodded.

Around the same time, in another hospital.

In fact, this is not a hospital at all, it is a small clinic. There are several single rooms for inpatients on the second floor of the clinic, and this is where Brother Dao is hospitalized.

"Are you sure you didn't do anything?" Brother Dao, who was lying on the hospital bed, asked in a low voice to the four people standing beside the bed.

"No." The four of them nodded like chickens pecking at rice. How dare they do anything? After discovering that Shi Lei was going to teach Jiang Chen a lesson, they didn't even have time to run away. The impression I made was really deep.

"It's fine if you don't do anything." Brother Dao let out a foul breath and was slightly relieved.

Brother Dao has lived here for a few days. He has never been so miserable, and he has never been so temperless. Even if he was forced by Jiang Chen to cut himself thirty knives, Brother Dao is a little No thought of revenge.

In other words, it's not that Brother Dao doesn't want revenge, but that he knows that he has no ability to revenge at all, and that Brother Dao will never do things that he can't do. This is why he has offended so many people, and he can still live For now's sake.

Brother Dao, who is alive and well, doesn't want to die. If he doesn't want to die, he can't provoke Jiang Chen, not at all.

"Brother Dao, what should we do next?" Among the four, one of them asked in a low voice.

"What else can I do? Return the money that Hou Xiaoming sent over. In addition, you should not touch anything related to Yilan Middle School in the future. Do you understand?" After thinking about it, Brother Dao said.

"Understood." The four nodded in unison.

"In addition, find a few people to watch over Yilan Middle School. As long as it is about Jiang Chen, they will report to me in every detail. That boy Shi Lei was beaten by Jiang Chen and sent to the hospital. He will definitely retaliate against Jiang Chen crazily. Yes." After a while, Brother Dao said again.

Brother Dao's current situation is that while he has great fear of Jiang Chen, he also has great curiosity, so he wants to know more about Jiang Chen's situation.

What's more, this time, although there was no big trouble, the people on his side can be regarded as Shi Lei's accomplices. Brother Dao is a little worried that Jiang Chen will cause trouble, so he must plan ahead!

Not many people know what happened in the rockery pavilion.

Shi Lei asked someone to teach Jiang Chen a lesson in order to save face, and he lost all his face in the end, so naturally it was impossible to speak out, and Qiu Shaojie and Zheng Yu naturally wouldn't talk too much about this kind of matter.

"I heard that the test results from the hospital came out." Qiu Shaojie and Zheng Yu just got off the basketball court, and Zheng Yu said.

"I know." Qiu Shaojie nodded, a light flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Chen beat Shi Lei so hard, Qiu Shaojie thought it would be a big trouble, but he didn't expect such a bizarre turnaround, he was surprised, after being surprised, he was naturally excited.

Qiu Shaojie has been paying attention to Jiang Chen's amazing performance on the football field since Jiang Chen hit the sandbags in the indoor stadium, so if that's nothing, then Shi Lei's inspection results this time can be said to have given Qiu Shaojie a hard time. A reassurance.

He knew that he had made the right bet, Jiang Chen really did not disappoint him, and Jiang Chen was by no means the kind of reckless man who only knew how to fight, Jiang Chen's wisdom should not be underestimated.

Hitting you hurts, but you can't catch the slightest trick. How can such means be possessed by ordinary people.

"This matter is really strangely tight, but I vaguely understand why you, brother Jie, showed your affection to Jiang Chen." Zheng Yu said thoughtfully.

"It's not Jiang Chen, it's Young Master Jiang, Zheng Yu. I hope you remember that when you see Jiang Chen in the future, you must respect him." Qiu Shaojie solemnly instructed.

"Okay...Okay." Zheng Yu looked a little helpless, but he still agreed, but he still had a strange feeling in his heart.

In his opinion, Jiang Chen's recent performance, although a little dazzling, is not so dazzling that Qiu Shaojie is willing to be someone's younger brother. He is not very clear about Qiu Shaojie's thoughts, but he knows that Qiu Shaojie attaches great importance to Jiang Chen .

Moreover, since Qiu Shaojie can call Jiang Chen "Jiang Shao", in his capacity, it is not a big deal to call Jiang Chen "Jiang Shao".


No matter what happened in the hospital or the basketball court, Jiang Chen didn't know anything about it. After beating someone, he went back to sleep by the lake.

After sleeping until he woke up naturally, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. Jiang Chen got up and was dazed. His bones all over his body made astonishing crackling sounds like setting off firecrackers.

Accompanied by the sound of the joints, if you look carefully, you will find that under Jiang Chen's clothes, that seemingly weak body has a faint sense of extremely strong power flowing along the texture of the muscles.That made Jiang Chen, under his lazy appearance, look like a ferocious beast that could erupt at any time.

"Although the Chinese herbal medicines on the earth are not as effective, they are still somewhat effective." Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Taking the medicine for several days in a row, after the effect of the medicine was absorbed, it continuously nourished Jiang Chen's flesh and blood, making Jiang Chen's body much stronger.Of course, in Jiang Chen's view, this was not enough.

He still needs to take medicine for quite a long time to stimulate the blood energy in his body with the medicine effect, and then the blood and flesh are derived, so that he can be regarded as having completed the second step of body quenching.

"Taking medicine is very important, and eating is also very important. After years of fasting, it feels really strange to be a foodie again." Jiang Chen muttered and left Weiming Lake.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen appeared in Sister Lan's restaurant.

"Jiang Chen, aren't you quite rich? What are you doing here for dinner?" Jiang Chen had just entered the restaurant when a slightly sarcastic voice came.

"Ding Lingling, you can't eat your brain out of food, can you be so angry?" Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling with a smile.

"Hmph, I think it's because some people have a bad stomach." Ding Lingling snorted coldly.

"Huh, I didn't expect you to be the person who knows me best." Jiang Chen looked astonished.

Ding Lingling scolded this shameless guy in her heart, sneered, and said in a low voice: "Jiang Chen, there are some things, you can fool sister Lan, but you can't fool me."

"Actually, I don't want to lie to you." Jiang Chen glanced over Ding Lingling and said with disgust.

Gritting her teeth, Ding Lingling almost picked up a bowl of vegetables and threw them in Jiang Chen's face. Fortunately, Sister Lan came out of the kitchen at this moment.

"Jiang Chen, the medicine is ready, should I drink it now?" Sister Lan asked.

"Well, drink now." Jiang Chen nodded.

Sister Lan brought out the medicine for Jiang Chen, and went back to the kitchen to cook. After Jiang Chen's dishes came out, Ding Lingling felt unbalanced.

Not to mention that Jiang Chen's dishes are plentiful, and they are dishes that are not on the menu at all. In other words, it is a small stove that Sister Lan prepared for Jiang Chen.

"The food is so good, be careful." Ding Lingling said loudly. For a foodie, one can imagine the pain when seeing others eat better than oneself.

"Little girl, why don't you drink this bowl of medicine." Jiang Chen said.

"It's fine, what should I do with the medicine?" Ding Lingling was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of these words.

"This medicine is for the brain, and it happens to be the right medicine for you. Keep your medicine until your illness is cured." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Your brain is broken, that's why you need to take medicine." Ding Lingling said bitterly, she was so angry in her heart, she planned to grab Jiang Chen's food later, the phone rang at this time It rang.

Ding Lingling picked up the phone, said a few words, her expression changed slightly, she hurriedly got up and ran out of the restaurant...

(End of this chapter)

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