genius evil

Chapter 44 Depressed Ding Lingling

Chapter 44 Depressed Ding Lingling
Twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen, who was full of food and drink, left Sister Lan's restaurant contentedly. After not walking far, Jiang Chen saw Ding Lingling again.

Ding Lingling was not alone, she was supporting an old woman about sixty years old, but she couldn't fully help her up. The old woman pressed half of her body on Ding Lingling's body. They grabbed Ding Lingling's hand and a piece of clothing respectively, as if fearing that Ding Lingling would run away.

"Little girl, I didn't expect you to be a little rich woman. You dare to do such a high-risk thing as helping an old lady." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile after looking around Ding Lingling.

"Jiang Chen, can you stop laughing so nastyly?" Ding Lingling said, rolling her eyes.

Ding Lingling was very depressed, so depressed that she was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Aside from the case of Cao Fang jumping off the building in Yilan Middle School, this time can be said to be Ding Lingling's first real call to the police. No, after the police transferred the call to her mobile phone, Ding Lingling didn't even eat. When it was over, he ran over.

However, after Ding Lingling came over, she didn't help the old woman up immediately. Recently, Ding Lingling saw a lot of news about the blackmail of helping the elderly. Some old people in the bureau, Some also advised her to handle this situation carefully so as not to cause adverse social impact.

So after coming over, Ding Lingling tried to communicate with the old woman who fell down, asking about the old woman's physical condition, but the old woman didn't know whether it was a heavy fall or what happened, but she couldn't say a word .

But at this time, there was no one else nearby, Ding Lingling was afraid that something would happen to the old woman after a long time, so she gritted her teeth and helped the old woman up.

What Ding Lingling never expected was that just as she helped the old woman up, the old woman who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead immediately grabbed her arm and shouted loudly, "It's you, it's you!" You hit me."

Ding Lingling was immediately depressed. Naturally, there was a burst of explanations, but the old woman didn't believe it at all, and then she saw several people coming out of nowhere, taking pictures, condemning and condemning Ding Lingling. surrounded.

"Little girl, you hit someone."

"That's right, little girl, I saw you bump into someone with my own eyes, why don't you admit it."

"Young girl, she is quite beautiful. Don't do wicked things, you will suffer retribution."

Everyone accused, Ding Lingling was ashamed and ashamed, how could she not understand at this moment, when she met the legendary Pengci, she immediately wanted to push the old woman away, but the old woman caught her to death The dead ones couldn't be pushed away at all. After entangled like this for a while, Jiang Chen came over.

"Hey, I didn't realize that I was praising you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't want you to boast." Ding Lingling was furious. She was already in a bad mood. Isn't Jiang Chen adding fuel to the fire?

Then Ding Lingling yelled at the onlookers in a very bad mood: "What's the matter with you, I didn't hit anyone at all, are all of you blind?"

"Little girl, isn't this unreasonable? We didn't say anything wrong. Besides, they have caught you. Even if you want to deny it, you can't deny it." The wretched middle-aged man said.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know that you guys are in the same group. If you want to blackmail me, there is no way." Ding Lingling said loudly.

"We were just passing by with soy sauce, how did we become a group, little girl, this meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense." The middle-aged man said with mischievous eyebrows.

"Yes, little girl, don't make excuses now. I don't think the old man has any serious problems. You can just pay a few thousand yuan for medical expenses carelessly. If the matter becomes serious, it will be of no benefit to you." Someone was on the sidelines again. Persuade.

"Little girl, I think you can lose money, anyway, you have money." Jiang Chen added with a smile.

Ding Lingling glared at Jiang Chen viciously, and said to those people: "Do you know what you are doing? This is illegal. Be careful that the police will arrest you."

"Little girl, if I want to arrest you, I'll arrest you too." The middle-aged man was obviously a habitual offender, he ignored Ding Lingling's threat at all, and spoke frivolously.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, I'm a policeman, and your behavior has constituted a crime." Ding Lingling simply revealed her identity.

"Hey, so you are a policeman." The middle-aged man laughed wickedly.

"The police hit someone."

"Everyone, come and see, the police hit someone."

"The police disregard human life and break the law knowingly. Come quickly."

The crowd of onlookers started booing immediately, they didn't really regard Ding Lingling as a policeman, and all of them smiled hippiely, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Ding Lingling was about to vomit blood. She regretted not wearing a police uniform, otherwise there would be so much trouble. At this time, the matter is so troubled that a thousand mouths can't explain it clearly.

But if she really wanted to lose money, Ding Lingling would definitely not be reconciled. Ding Lingling pursed her lips, looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, don't watch the show, please help quickly."

"If I help you, others will say that I hooked up with the police, and it will not be a good reputation." Jiang Chen was a little reluctant.

"I know you have a way, help me quickly." Ding Lingling gritted her teeth, she was relying on Jiang Chen.

"I'm not related to you, that's not good." Jiang Chen smiled especially hatefully, he took a few steps forward, glanced at the old woman, and said: "This fall was quite heavy, I guess I can't even stand up."

"Yeah, it almost hurts me to death." The old woman said hastily.

"Then what should I do, I might as well ask her to pay you some money." Jiang Chen said.

"Young man, I know you are a good person at a glance. A good person will be rewarded." The old woman said gratefully.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing for a long time?" Ding Lingling couldn't listen anymore, she dared to be regarded as a villain for doing something good, and Jiang Chen became a good person with just a few words, there is still justice in this world ?
"Old guy, who do you think is a good person?" How could he know that just after Ding Lingling's words fell, Jiang Chen's face changed, and he was incomparably ferocious.

The old woman was dumbfounded, but she didn't react, Jiang Chen just stretched out his hand and slapped her across the face.

"I hate people saying that I am a good person. Tell me now, am I a good person?"

The old lady was beaten so badly that everyone else, including Ding Lingling, was completely dumbfounded.

"Young man, what's the matter with you, people say you are a good person, they praise you, how can you hit someone." The middle-aged man came over.


Jiang Chen slapped the middle-aged man on the face again, and said in a cold voice, "Yes, I hit someone, not only did I hit him, I kicked him, what do you want?"

After the words fell, Jiang Chen raised his foot and kicked the middle-aged man to the ground.

Everyone had the feeling of being struck by lightning. No one thought that Jiang Chen, who was fine before, would become crazy in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, you are too much."

"You are breaking the law, and you are going to jail."

The rest of the people accused one after another, filled with righteous indignation.



Jiang Chen's lazy nonsense kicked several people to the ground, and smiled slightly, "This is called breaking the law, understand?"

Turning his head, Jiang Chen smiled brighter and said to Ding Lingling: "See, the trouble is solved."

"Jiang Chen, you're not solving trouble here, you're just adding to the mess." Veins twitched on Ding Lingling's forehead.

"Oh, it looks like it hasn't been completely solved yet, but don't worry, I will help you solve it." Jiang Chen smiled, walked in front of Ding Lingling, and raised his right hand.

"What are you going to do?" Seeing Jiang Chen's action, the old woman was startled, she quickly let go of Ding Lingling's hand, and jumped back a few steps.

"Old guy, didn't you fall hard? This scene is not up to par." Jiang Chen slapped the old woman in the face again, and then kicked the old woman over. He said with a smile: "That's almost the end. Now, you can wait here for others to help you, but it's hard to say whether the person who will be lifted up will be a living person or a dead person."

"No, I don't want anyone to help me, I can walk..." How could the old woman stand up to Jiang Chen's threat, she quickly got up, running faster than a rabbit, while the others were kicked over The guy on the ground also ran very fast, obviously scared by Jiang Chen.

Ding Lingling was in a mess, it seemed that the trouble was really solved.

"See, that means I'm a good person." Jiang Chen didn't forget to brag to Ding Lingling.

Ding Lingling was speechless, thinking that this guy is a good person, but he just likes to make himself into an abnormal psychopath. It was like this last time when he rescued Cao Fang, and he is also like this when helping her out this time. Could it be that this hooligan is crazy? Intermittent seizures?

But Ding Lingling also knew that this was the only way to solve this trouble quickly. The villain still needs to be tortured by the villain. Jiang Chen, the villain, naturally tortured those few fellows who touched porcelain so that they have no temper at all.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for helping me." Although she was in a strange mood, Ding Lingling still said.

"Little girl, your brain is really broken. When did I help you? I just don't like people calling me a good person. It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Your brain is really broken." Ding Lingling gritted her teeth, couldn't it be the same as the plot of the hero saving the beauty in the novel, let her show a little truth?Although she didn't plan to promise her with her body, what the hell is Jiang Chen's response like this?

"Usually, people with broken brains will not admit that they have brain problems, but I still suggest you go see a doctor, um, that's how things are done, I'll go first." Jiang Chen laughed a few times , is about to leave.

Only after Jiang Chen took a few steps, his footsteps stopped again, but he could see six people walking towards him swaggeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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