genius evil

Chapter 45

Chapter 45
"There are so many people with brain problems these days, no wonder the business in the mental hospital is so good." Seeing those people, Jiang Chen muttered.

It's rare that Ding Lingling didn't talk back this time, because Ding Lingling could tell that those six people were a bit hostile.

"Jiang Chen, you are a really nice woman." The six people approached, and the one who walked in the front said that it was Liu Yang who had met Jiang Chen once.

Liu Yang received a call from Hou Xiaoming and came here specifically to look for Jiang Chen from the city sports school. Originally, he thought he would go to the school to find someone, but he didn't expect such a coincidence to meet Jiang Chen here, and he was immediately happy .

As he spoke, Liu Yang looked Ding Lingling up and down with a slightly presumptuous gaze, and there was a glint of envy in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

Seeing that Jiang Chen doesn't look very good, this girl is top-quality, especially those pair of top-quality beautiful legs, it almost draws his soul out.

You know, although he has a lot of girls, none of them can compare to Ding Lingling in terms of quality. In this way, while envious, Liu Yang is almost a little jealous of Jiang Chen's beauty.

"You are blind, which eye sees her well?" Jiang Chen scolded.

"I'm pretty good." Ding Lingling said sweetly, thinking that only Jiang Chen with no taste would dislike her.

"That guy is blind, so are you." Jiang Chen said with a straight head.

"I'm really good." Ding Lingling was terribly wronged, why couldn't this rascal's aesthetics be a little more normal.

"Jiang Chen, be gentle with women, understand?" Jiang Chen scolded Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling didn't say anything, but Liu Yang couldn't stand it anymore, and accused him aloud.

"Yes, yes, Jiang Chen, do you hear me, you have to be gentle with me." Ding Lingling said hastily.

"Ding Lingling, I've always been very gentle towards women. I'm the one you're talking about. The question is, are you a woman? You haven't developed yet." Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling with pitiful eyes. How long has it been since this chick was praised?

"Ah... Jiang Chen, I hate you to death." Ding Lingling was so mad that she couldn't help but fight Jiang Chen desperately.

"Jiang Chen, just like you, I really don't understand how you got a girl." Liu Yang looked at Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling speechlessly.

"Of course you don't understand that I'm actually not good at picking up girls. What I'm good at is being picked up by girls." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Liu Yang was dumbfounded. What did Jiang Chen mean by that? Could it be that Ding Lingling had picked him up? The problem is that this guy has nothing to do with that handsome, unrestrained and suave man. Why isn't he so lucky.

"Beauty, although you are chasing Jiang Chen, your vision is really bad. Otherwise, you would dump him and be my girlfriend, okay?" Liu Yang looked at Ding Lingling and said while talking , while shaking his head, making a coquettish expression.

"Hey, which eye of yours saw me chasing Jiang Chen? I have nothing to do with him. Shut up if you don't know how to speak." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"Okay, okay, I said the wrong thing." Liu Yang has never straightened his back in front of beautiful women, and he still smiled when he was scolded by Ding Lingling.

Liu Yang thought that it must be Ding Lingling who didn't want to admit that she was chasing after Jiang Chen. As for Ding Lingling's claim that he had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, he would never believe it.

But looking at it now, even if Ding Lingling was chasing after Jiang Chen, her relationship with Jiang Chen didn't seem to be very good. This made Liu Yang feel that his chance had come, and he would beat Jiang Chen madly in a while. He also robbed Jiang Chen's girl, and he took Shi Lei's money. Thinking about it made Liu Yang happy.

"Then you apologize to me." Ding Lingling snorted coldly.

"Okay, I apologize to you." Liu Yang immediately apologized.

"Then you said ten times that I am a beauty... No, you said that I am a beauty ten times." Ding Lingling said again.

Liu Yang was stunned for a moment, he had never met such a strange request before, but Ding Lingling is a beautiful woman, so calling her ten times is not a problem at all, even if she called her a hundred times, Liu Yang would be very happy.


The six people, including Liu Yang, really called the beauty ten times uniformly.

"Hee hee, Jiang Chen, did you hear that they all say I'm a beautiful woman, I don't blame you for your poor eyesight, but if you despise me again in the future, I'll never end with you." Ding Lingling said with a smile.

Liu Yang suddenly felt like an arrow piercing his heart. Dare to say that they said so many good things about Ding Lingling, which was used by Ding Lingling to curry favor with Jiang Chen, which made Liu Yang's mood unbalanced to the extreme.

"Beauty, Jiang Chen dislikes you because he doesn't know how to cherish it. Otherwise, we'll teach him a lesson for you. What do you think?" Eyeballs flickered, Liu Yang said.

"Who are you, I want to teach him that he can do it himself, without your help." Ding Lingling didn't appreciate it.

Liu Yang gritted his teeth. He never expected that Ding Lingling would defend Jiang Chen like this. Could it be that Ding Lingling was really blind as Jiang Chen said?

"Beauty, I'm doing this for your own good." Liu Yang said, he waved his hand, and said to the five people behind him, "Whatever you do in a daze, do it for me. Today, this time, we must give a sigh of relief for the beauty." .”

Naturally, Liu Yang would not be so stupid as to admit that he had received money to teach Jiang Chen a lesson, but he was worried that he couldn't find a suitable excuse. This excuse was sent to his door on his own initiative, regardless of whether Ding Lingling agreed or not.

As soon as Liu Yang's words fell, the five people behind him rushed out immediately, punching and kicking, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"Hey, if you come to trouble Jiang Chen, just say it. Are you embarrassed to use such a shabby excuse?" Ding Lingling, who has always been unable to grasp the point, this time it is extremely rare to grasp the point.

Seeing those people rushing towards Jiang Chen, Ding Lingling turned sideways and blocked Jiang Chen's front. At the same time, Ding Lingling kicked out her slender long legs and kicked one of them.

The fat man who bore the brunt, that is, the goalkeeper Jiang Chen had seen before, was directly kicked by Ding Lingling and sat on the ground.

"The footwork is good, as expected from the police academy." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That's right." Ding Lingling raised her neck triumphantly, like a proud little swan, but unfortunately, this little swan has no breasts, which greatly compromised her beauty.

Ding Lingling quickly kicked out again, but that guy had learned from the fat man, knowing that although Ding Lingling's beautiful legs are sexy, they are also extremely lethal, so he hurriedly dodged to the right, trying to avoid Ding Lingling's legs. The attack of Lingling's foot.

"Huh?" But at this time, Ding Lingling felt her little butt was touched by someone, and the tingling feeling came to her heart, which made her heart slightly confused.

Then Ding Lingling realized that her body turned slightly uncontrollably, so that guy obviously avoided it, but was still kicked hard by Ding Lingling.

"Jiang Chen, why are you touching my butt?" Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen with dissatisfaction.

"It's fighting, please focus on it." Jiang Chen smiled, and touched Ding Lingling with his big hand again, but this time he didn't touch Ding Lingling's butt, but his long legs.

Jiang Chen's palm seemed to be electrified. Even through the pants, Ding Lingling could still clearly feel the heat of Jiang Chen's palm.

Almost involuntarily, she flicked her right leg, and then slashed down, landing on the shoulder of an unlucky guy.

"Hee hee, so I can kick so high." Ding Lingling was so surprised that she even forgot about being touched on her thigh.

"Actually, you can still kick higher." Jiang Chen smiled. To be honest, he still likes Ding Lingling's character, otherwise he wouldn't like joking with Ding Lingling so much.

While talking, Jiang Chen stretched out both hands, one hand touched Ding Lingling's small fragrant buttocks, the other touched his thigh, Ding Lingling's body suddenly lightened, his body involuntarily turned 45 degrees to the left, and kicked It came out and hit Liu Yang's face.Liu Yang's face bloomed instantly, with snot and tears streaming down his face.

"Fuck, this little girl is too good at beating, brothers, don't be merciful, beat me to death." When did Liu Yang suffer such a big loss, or suffer such a big loss at the feet of a woman, he was very angry.

"You're too noisy!" Ding Lingling snorted coldly, and under Jiang Chen's control, he kicked out again, allowing Liu Yang to enjoy the pleasure of blooming on his face again, and fell to the ground in pain. .

The other five people didn't know that Ding Lingling, a delicate little beauty, would be so tough, and they all retreated in their hearts. It's a pity that Ding Lingling was having fun, so how could they let them run away, kicking one after another Kicked out, and put the five people on the ground indiscriminately.

"Jiang Chen, it's so much fun." Ding Lingling clapped her hands excitedly as she saw the five people neatly forming a line.

In fact, if Ding Lingling had revealed his identity from the beginning, no matter how courageous Liu Yang and others were, they would not dare to mess around.

Ding Lingling deliberately concealed her identity. When she encountered Pengci, she revealed her identity and was ridiculed. She was suffocating in her heart, so she rushed to make a move. At this time, she kicked six people over in succession. The sullenness in Ding Lingling's heart was swept away.

"Is it fun? The more fun is yet to come." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, raised his foot casually, and stepped on Liu Yang's right arm. There was a crisp sound, and Liu Yang's right arm moved along his elbow. Broken, passed out from pain.

Jiang Chen's speed was very fast, and he stomped over one after another in the same way. The five people who were lying down either had their hands or feet broken. The unbearable pain was as sharp as killing a pig, and they all passed out without exception.

"Jiang" Ding Lingling was stunned, her face was pale, and she trembled when she spoke.

"Officer Ding, I'm acting bravely, right? I've heard that there are rewards for this kind of bravery. It's really exciting." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and the words he said were not the slightest smokey, as if he just stepped on the ground. It's not people, but ants.

"What a brave man, this time, Fang Yongnian, is an eye-opener!" Before Ding Lingling had time to speak, a majestic voice rang out!
(End of this chapter)

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