genius evil

Chapter 46 I'm Threatening You

Chapter 46 I'm Threatening You

"Captain Fang, why are you here?" Hearing that voice, Ding Lingling followed the sound, and his face changed again, becoming even paler.

Ding Lingling, Yongnian, knew Fang Yongnian. He was the captain of the serious crime team of the city police station. It was rumored that he had a fiery personality and was jealous of evil. Because of his dark skin, he was known as the black-faced Hades, and he was very difficult to deal with.

If Ding Lingling was startled by Jiang Chen's abolition of six people just now, then Fang Yongnian's sudden appearance shocked Ding Lingling.

Because Ding Lingling knew that with what Jiang Chen did just now, he was caught and had no choice but to run away, and it fell into Fang Yongnian's hands. A few years of sentence would be light.

"Lingling, are you okay?" Fang Yongnian glanced at Ding Lingling and asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Ding Lingling shook her head.

After greeting Ding Lingling, Fang Yongnian's gaze fell on Jiang Chen very soon.

"Boy, you are suspected of deliberately hurting others, come with me." Fang Yongnian said coldly.

"Captain Fang, it seems that you haven't learned the law very well. There is such a big difference between being brave and deliberately hurting others?" Jiang Chen sneered.

"You must think that you are acting bravely?" Fang Yongnian's voice was even colder.

"It's not that I have to think, it's just that I am like this." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Then it seems that if I arrest you, you will definitely resist arrest, right?" Fang Yongnian stared at Jiang Chen, his voice unconsciously became a little more angry.

"You can try." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, with a half-smile.

"Captain Fang, listen to my explanation, the matter is not what you think." Listening to the conversation between Jiang Chen and Fang Yongnian, Ding Lingling was extremely anxious, fearing that the two would make a move, and hurriedly said.

"Lingling, you don't need to explain anything. I have seen what happened just now, and the evidence is conclusive." Fang Yongnian said without doubt.

"Since Captain Fang has seen it, then Captain Fang will know that they were the ones who made the first move." Ding Lingling said quickly, excused Jiang Chen.

Fang Yongnian glanced at Ding Lingling, then at Jiang Chen thoughtfully, and said to Ding Lingling, "It is precisely because I can see clearly that I want to arrest him."

"Of course Captain Fang can see very clearly. In fact, perhaps it is because Captain Fang can see so clearly that he is blindfolded by lard." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"What do you mean by that?" Fang Yongnian was furious, wondering who he was, how dare this kid speak to him in such a tone.

"Am I wrong?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and said, "Captain Fang, I don't know what kind of person you are, and to be honest, I'm not interested in knowing, but one thing is certain Yes, these years, you have no less than ten lives in your hands, I am curious, if the hat on your head is taken off, can you live for three days?"

"Are you threatening me?" Fang Yongnian's face changed slightly.

"That's right, I'm threatening you." Jiang Chen said noncommittally, with no intention of hiding it at all.

"Why are you threatening me?" Fang Yongnian's eyes were as bright as lightning, as if a flame was burning, which was the expression of extreme anger.

He had indeed killed someone, and the gun in his hand was the weapon used to kill someone. He didn't know how Jiang Chen knew that he had killed someone, but he had to say that Jiang Chen's words got to the point. Once the hat on his head was taken off, he would It is absolutely impossible to survive three days.

"Because you're too stupid." Jiang Chen's tone turned cold little by little, "Actually, you can just hide and watch the show all the time. Others will naturally handle things here, but it's a pity that you can't help being angry. Jump out and let me slap you in the face, am I going to be polite to you? If you like being slapped in the face, then I'll just slap you in the face!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Fang Yongnian's tone was extremely cold, but Jiang Chen could hear a hint of sternness.

"Ding Lingling was raped earlier, why didn't you show up to testify for her?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"When Liu Yang and the others came to find trouble, why didn't you show up to stop them? Oh, now that they are injured, you jumped out to uphold the so-called justice. Haven't you ever thought that I might be hurt, Ding Lingling might be hurt ?” Before Fang Yongnian could answer, Jiang Chen continued.

Fang Yongnian's face was ugly, and it was becoming more and more ugly. He never expected that Jiang Chen would discover his existence early in the morning.

Jiang Chen's words were like a nail nailed into his chest, making him unable to breathe.

"So what if that's the case? I'm a member of the Serious Crime Squad, and these trivial matters are not within my jurisdiction. In fact, the reason why I didn't show up just now was because I was chasing a fugitive." Fang Yongnian said coldly Said.

"Actually, I can also suspect that you are in the same group as these people. Besides, why do you actually have to explain this to me? To highlight your own greatness, or to justify yourself?" Jiang Chen said contemptuously.

"You know that I have killed people and know Lingling's identity. Why do you know this? You investigated us? This is what you use to threaten me?" Fang Yongnian's voice was stern.

"I guessed, is it possible?" Jiang Chen suddenly laughed.

Fang Yongnian's murderous intent is so heavy, there is no doubt that he is responsible for a murder case, but in Fang Yongnian's capacity, the case on him is definitely not an ordinary case, and it is inevitable to offend others.

And with Fang Yongnian's identity, he even knows the name of a rookie policewoman, and shows such concern, and even explains that way, it is very likely that he is actually explaining to Ding Lingling, Ding Lingling has nothing to say. A special identity is naturally impossible.

For Jiang Chen, he could see through these things at a glance, so why bother to investigate?Just like what Jiang Chen said, he doesn't need to know what kind of person Fang Yongnian is, he only needs to go through the current incident, and it is enough to suppress Fang Yongnian to death.

But these are naturally not enough to form Jiang Chen's reliance, he has never had the habit of relying on others, the only person he believes in is himself!

"If you guessed it, of course you can. I'm afraid that some people have evil intentions." Fang Yongnian said insinuatingly, but he said this while looking at Ding Lingling.

Ding Lingling was always confused, but she could still hear the sharpness in Jiang Chen and Fang Yongnian's words. She wanted to mediate with all her heart, but she didn't say a word at this time.

"Some people may not be me, and they may be Captain Fang yourself...Of course, that has nothing to do with me. I just need to confirm whether what I did today was a brave act or intentionally hurting others. I think that's all. Question, Captain Fang, you should have the answer, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Ding Lingling's attention also fell on Fang Yongnian, with a slightly nervous expression.

"It's a righteous act." Fang Yongnian said in a deep voice, gritted his teeth lightly.

"Little girl, Captain Fang said so, you must not take the bonus for yourself." Jiang Chen said with a deadpan smile.

Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a blank look without a word, this guy was so sharp in front of Fang Yongnian, how could he be so rascal in front of her?Does she look flirty?
"Don't worry, if there is a bonus, you will definitely be missed." Ding Lingling said sullenly.

"There will definitely be bonuses. If you don't have them, Captain Fang must have them. Presumably Captain Fang won't be reluctant to give up even a small amount of money." Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face.

Two veins twitched on Fang Yongnian's forehead. This guy is too shameless. It's okay to twist intentional hurting into a righteous act, but he even asks for a bonus in a brazen manner. Is this going to bully him to the end?
"As for the bonus, I can help discuss it with the bureau, but don't hold out too much hope." When he spoke, Fang Yongnian's voice was unusually calm.

Then the topic changed, Fang Yongnian stared closely at Jiang Chen and said: "However, I can turn a blind eye to some things, but I still want to teach you a lesson, so that you can be a better person in the future, so as not to make mistakes. Make even bigger mistakes, and when the time comes, no one can save you."

"Not everyone is qualified to teach me a lesson, Fang Yongnian, are you a little too naive?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"There's nothing unusual about you, it's just a little skill in finding acupoints and borrowing strength, but if you really have other skills, I'm really looking forward to it." Fang Yongnian's eyes instantly became extremely hot.

"Looking for acupoints for help?" Jiang Chen smiled in his heart. How could Fang Yongnian understand his methods?It was naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to explain anything to Fang Yongnian, so he said casually, "If you want to teach me so much, then do it."

"I don't bully you either, just take three punches from me. I guarantee you won't have any trouble with today's matter." Fang Yongnian made his own condition, a condition that he thought Jiang Chen couldn't refuse.

"Three punches, isn't that too much?" Jiang Chen said with a slight frown.

"Who doesn't know how to talk big, just take the trick." Fang Yongnian didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with Jiang Chen. He was already completely enraged by Jiang Chen, and he must make Jiang Chen suffer a little bit.Otherwise, if this matter got out today, where would he put his old face?
After the words were finished, Fang Yongnian clenched his fist and punched Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen threw out his fist casually and collided with Fang Yongnian's fist.


Jiang Chen's figure swayed slightly, his right arm went numb, and he gave Fang Yongnian a slightly surprised look.

"Boy, is that all you have? It looks like I'm doomed to be disappointed." Fang Yongnian grinned, clenched his fist and punched it out again.

"Captain Fang, don't!" Ding Lingling yelled hastily. She had heard that Fang Yongnian had been an undercover agent for a period of time when he was young, and had fought underground black boxing. His skills were recognized by the Yilan City Police Department. First, how could Jiang Chen be his opponent.

Ding Lingling didn't have time to stop the first punch, she could see that Jiang Chen had already suffered a loss, if he received another punch, Jiang Chen would definitely be injured.


It was too late for Ding Lingling to stop, the fists of Jiang Chen and Fang Yongnian collided for the second time, a muffled groan came out, and a figure suddenly fell backwards heavily, falling to the ground with a bang, There was a dull sound!

(End of this chapter)

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