genius evil

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

"Jiang Chen, you... are you alright..." Ding Lingling covered her eyes with her hands, she almost couldn't bear to look, her heart was flustered and flustered, and her voice became a little choked up.

"Little girl, I can't see that you really care about me." But at this moment, a slightly tired voice rang in Ding Lingling's ear.

As always, the teasing and teasing voice made Ding Lingling startled for a moment, she moved her hand away with some curiosity, and it was Jiang Chen with a smirk in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Ding Lingling became very surprised. After saying this, she turned her head quickly and saw Fang Yongnian who had fallen to the ground with a liver-colored expression.

" is it possible!" In an instant, Ding Lingling's mouth opened into an O shape, which was extremely unexpected.

While Ding Lingling thought it was impossible, Fang Yongnian also felt like he was dreaming. He never expected that Jiang Chen, who looked ordinary, had such abnormal combat power.

At the time of the second punch, according to Fang Yongnian's assumption, it should be Jiang Chen who was sent flying, but he never expected that the final result would be like this.

The severe pain in his right arm was like being nailed by a nail, and the blood in his internal organs was surging. This time he was completely stunned.

Resisting the severe pain, Fang Yongnian struggled to get up, and the eyes that shot at Jiang Chen were angry, but at the same time, there was a trace of panic that could not be concealed.

"Jiang Chen, right? I really underestimated you." After coughing, Fang Yongnian said gloomyly.

"I said earlier that three punches are too many." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"You are too crazy." Fang Yongnian's voice became more and more sinister.

"It seems that Captain Fang is not too convinced. Otherwise, I will receive another punch from you, or you will receive another punch from me. Of course, if you have a tendency to be abused, I will work harder, and it doesn't matter if you get a few more punches. "Jiang Chen smiled lightly, with a tone full of narrowness.

"No...don't..." Before Fang Yongnian could speak, Ding Lingling spoke first.

Ding Lingling didn't have time to stop it just now, so she must stop it now, Ding Lingling said: "Captain Fang, Jiang Chen has already been taught a lesson by you, so you should hold him high and let him go. Do you like it?"


Fang Yongnian opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood. What does it mean that Jiang Chen has been taught a lesson? It is clear that he was the one who was taught a lesson, okay? Ding Lingling has no objection to defending Jiang Chen, but what does it mean to beat him up?
"Captain Fang, you've already vomited blood. If Jiang Chen vomits blood, it will be bad." Ding Lingling's pretty face was full of worry.

Fang Yongnian, who vomited the first mouthful of blood, almost lost control and vomited the second blood, his face became distorted and ferocious.

Ding Lingling is too good at talking nonsense, you know, the reason why he was threatened by Jiang Chen today, and he is in such a passive position is entirely because of Ding Lingling.

If it wasn't for Ding Lingling being here, he would have pulled out the gun from his waist and shot at Jiang Chen, how could he have suffered such a big loss.

It was fine for him to suffer, but Ding Lingling acted like Jiang Chen had suffered, which made Fang Yongnian so depressed that he wanted to die.

"Captain Fang, let me tell you the truth, you are a policeman, you can't bully people casually, you also said that Jiang Chen is brave for righteousness, why do you have to feel sorry for Jiang Chen? If this matter gets out, it will affect you The image." Ding Lingling said again.


After all, Fang Yongnian spit out a second mouthful of blood. He felt as if his heart had been pierced by thousands of arrows, and it was all inspired by Ding Ling.

"Jiang Chen, you are really a good means." Fang Yongnian gritted his teeth.

"Actually, I don't have any means, I just look a little more handsome, and I have a better demeanor... Well, you don't understand these things, after all, you don't have any of them." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen knew that Fang Yongnian had misunderstood the relationship between him and Ding Lingling, but naturally Jiang Chen couldn't explain it. Speaking of which, the chick Ding Lingling surprised Jiang Chen a little bit. Who would have thought that , this unreliable rookie actually has an identity that even Fang Yongnian dreads.

The way Fang Yongnian looked at Jiang Chen felt like he was looking crazy. He realized that he had far underestimated the lower limit of Jiang Chen's shamelessness, because when Jiang Chen became shameless, there was no lower limit at all.

"Jiang Chen, I sincerely hope that you will always be so happy..." Fang Yongnian said in a low voice, there was half of what Fang Yongnian didn't say, that is, he was the one who fell this time, but this matter is far from over. In the future, if Jiang Chen had any reason to fall into his hands, he would definitely punish Jiang Chen to death mercilessly.

After saying this half, Fang Yongnian didn't say anything more, turned around and left, Ding Lingling was not normal, Jiang Chen was not normal, Fang Yongnian was a little worried that if he kept pestering him, he would become insane, maybe he would vomit blood and died.

Following Fang Yongnian's departure, someone soon took Liu Yang and others away. Fang Yongnian personally confirmed that what Jiang Chen did was a righteous act, and the fate of Liu Yang and others can be imagined.

Ding Lingling didn't leave. Her big eyes looked at Jiang Chen without blinking, as if she wanted to see through Jiang Chen.

"Little girl, if you look at me like this, I can't help but suspect that you're in love with me." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"Stinky rascal, the ghost fell in love with you." Ding Lingling blushed slightly and rolled her eyes.

"Then I'm too handsome." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you right now. Let me ask you, are what you said just now true?" Ding Lingling said sullenly.

Those words Jiang Chen said before caused a great psychological shock to Ding Lingling. Part of that shock came from Jiang Chen, and part of it came from Fang Yongnian.

"At least, Fang Yongnian didn't deny it." Jiang Chen suppressed the smile on his face, and said slowly.

"Why did he do that?" Xiumei frowned, and Ding Lingling asked immediately.

"Maybe he is really on a mission, or maybe there are other reasons, but I don't think you need to think about these issues." Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling and said.

"Why?" Ding Lingling froze for a moment.

"You're so stupid, you can't even think about it." Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling like a fool.

Ding Lingling wanted to cry, but she thought that Jiang Chen would have some good ideas, but who knew that this dead rascal would never forget his true nature, and would tease her before he could say a few words.

"Actually, I don't want to think about it either." Sighing softly, Ding Lingling's usually heartless little face showed a few hints of melancholy.

"It's like I don't think about why you know my identity, why you, an ordinary student, can defeat Fang Yongnian, these things are too complicated. Ding Lingling sighed again.

"That's right, you just don't need to think about it. The value of your existence is to be used by me. At least in front of me, you still have the value to be used." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You damn rascal, it's not enough to use me once, and you want to use me a second time, don't even think about it." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"Who told us to be friends? As friends, shouldn't you put a knife in my side?" Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"The more I hear it, the more I feel that you have no good intentions. You are a big man, and you want me, a little girl, to stab you in both sides. Are you embarrassed?" Ding Lingling said contemptuously.

"Are you finally willing to admit that you are young, Ding Lingling? At this moment, the light of wisdom on your body almost blinds me." Jiang Chen laughed.

"You bastard!" Ding Lingling cursed, and she couldn't help laughing as she scolded herself. She puffed up her chest and said, "So what, I can still develop. Like you, you like big ones."

"I don't know if others like the big one, but I definitely like it." Jiang Chen said noncommittally, his dislike for Ding Lingling was beyond words.

"I knew that you liked Sister Lan's type." Ding Lingling sneered, and warned, "Jiang Chen, don't think I don't know that you boiled medicine at Sister Lan's place, and asked Sister Lan to buy it for you. What are you thinking about cooking and cooking? You are very smart, and you have the ghost idea of ​​getting the moon first, but I warn you, if you really dare to harm Sister Lan, I will definitely not let you go. When the time comes Let's settle the old and new grudges together, let's see if you still dare to play hooligans!"

"Hey, are you really in love with me? If you don't let me get Sister Lan's idea, could it be that you want me to get your idea?" Jiang Chen pretended to be puzzled and said.

"Bah! Damn rascal, shameless!" Ding Lingling pouted Jiang Chen's face, stomped her feet, and walked away resentfully.

"This chick is really interesting." Watching Ding Lingling go away, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Ding Lingling seemed careless, thoughtless, and didn't understand anything, but in fact, she had seen it clearly for a long time, but she was just deliberately avoiding the important ones.

This kind of woman is undoubtedly quite likable, but it's a pity... It's a pity that the breasts are too small... But the buttocks are quite upright, and the thighs feel good... Jiang Chen was thinking wildly.

Then, Jiang Chen's gaze sank, and he landed on the ground. There were two puddles of blood on the ground, which were left by Fang Yongnian.

"Martial arts... Could it be possible that there is such a thing as martial arts in this world?" Jiang Chen said with a slight frown.

What I have to say is that Fang Yongnian's strength somewhat surprised Jiang Chen, and what surprised Jiang Chen even more was Fang Yongnian's way of punching and his due strength. Obviously, it was not innate, but It was cultivated the day after tomorrow, and this is why Jiang Chen would have doubts.

If it hadn't been for him having already broken through the first layer of body tempering, then Fang Yongnian would not be the one who fell, but himself!
"It seems that my understanding of some forces in this world is still not enough." Jiang Chen muttered to himself again, then moved his feet and walked towards the campus.

It was night, and the campus was very peaceful, and Jiang Chen's mood gradually calmed down, but this night, for some people, was definitely a night of torment...

(End of this chapter)

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