genius evil

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

"Brother Lei, something happened. Liu Yang and the others were arrested and taken to the police station." A figure flashed into the senior ward of No. 1 Civilian Hospital in Yilan City, his voice lowered a little, appearing panicked and hasty.

"Hou Xiaoming, you're out of your mind, right? It's none of our business that Liu Yang was arrested? Could it be that he dared to confess me?" Shi Lei said nonchalantly.

For Shi Lei, Liu Yang is just a thug who can be used by him. If this thug does not take money and honestly does things for him, then it is okay to say that the guy who gave birth to Liu Yang is a typical eye-catcher. Shi Lei didn't care at all whether Liu Yang was dead or alive after finishing his work for him.

"Brother Lei, something went wrong, and it's a bit different from what we expected." Hou Xiaoming said with a wry smile as he wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

"Why, did those guys like Liu Yang hit Jiang Chen too hard and accidentally beat Jiang Chen to death?" Shi Lei was slightly taken aback, then elated, his voice raised a bit.

"No, it's not like that." Hou Xiaoming shook his head and said anxiously, "Jiang Chen is not dead."

"Oh, that's a broken limb. Liu Yang and the others are really stupid, won't they run away after beating someone? They were caught by the police." Shi Lei still said in a nonchalant tone.

"Brother Lei, you misunderstood, Jiang Chen is fine, not even a single hair has fallen out, it was Liu Yang and the others who had an accident." Seeing Shi Lei's constant misunderstanding, Hou Xiaoming could only speak clearly.

"Huh?" Frowning, Shi Lei's expression changed a little, and he said in a deep voice, "What's going on, tell me clearly."

Hou Xiaoming took a deep breath, suppressed his flustered emotions, and told the news in detail.

"You mean, Liu Yang and the others molested the police and even attacked them openly?" After hearing this, Shi Lei was stunned. He knew that Liu Yang was very courageous, but he would never have thought that Liu Yang would be so courageous. To such a degree, isn't this courting death?
"Yeah, you said they were unlucky or not. Who knew that Jiang Chen would hang out with a little policewoman. Once Liu Yang and the others did it, they would be screwed." Hou Xiaoming's face was bitter, and his voice was also bitter.

"Damn it, what kind of luck is that guy, it's fine like this." Shi Lei was a little crazy, in his opinion, it was a foolproof thing, how could there be such a magical turning point.

"Brother Lei, the matter is not over here. I heard that Liu Yang's leg was broken, the fat man's hand was broken, and the other guys either had their hands or their feet broken. They were all crippled. , Jiang Chen did it all." Hou Xiaoming continued, telling Shi Lei all the news he had inquired about.


Shi Lei sucked in a breath of cold air, he either broke his hand or his foot. In this way, it can be said that the lives of Liu Yang and others were ruined. You must know that they are studying in a sports school, and their career planning is based on the city sports team or the provincial sports team. For the goal, Jiang Chen was really too ruthless, Shi Lei's scalp tingled for a while.

"Jiang Chen did this, did he get caught too?" After being shocked, Shi Lei quickly asked, unable to maintain his composure anymore.

"No, Jiang Chen is fine at all. The police department has already given a conclusion on this matter. Fang Yongnian, the serious crime team, confirmed that Jiang Chen's actions were a righteous act." Hou Xiaoming's face was full of helplessness.

"You mean, Fang Yongnian happened to be there when the incident happened?" Shi Lei was completely dumbfounded. Is this really Liu Yang's unlucky luck, or Jiang Chen's unlucky luck?

You know, this act of righteousness and bravery has nailed the nature of this matter. Not to mention that Jiang Chen will not be punished for violently hurting others, maybe he will be rewarded to a certain extent. This makes Shi Lei feel ridiculous, but also feels that useless.

And if Fang Yongnian hadn't intervened, he might have been able to mediate, but Fang Yongnian was involved, and there was no room for maneuver in the whole matter. Liu Yang and the others were completely ruined.

"Brother Lei, what should we do now?" Hou Xiaoming asked cautiously.

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Shi Lei roared, he also wanted to know what to do, but who the hell would tell him what to do?
Shi Lei's mood was chaotic, and he was a little anxious. He was thinking about how these things happened, because he didn't think it was a coincidence.

And if it is really a man-made trap, then the one who set the trap is Jiang Chen. Shi Lei is not worried about Jiang Chen playing any conspiracy against him. In terms of the energy of the Shi family in Yilan City, Jiang Chen is simply Not qualified to play with him.

What really shocked Shi Lei was the fact that Jiang Chen abolished Liu Yang and the others. Jiang Chen's ruthlessness was evident. It could even be said that Jiang Chen was a lunatic, a lunatic who did not care about the consequences.

Once such a person gets involved, there will be countless troubles, unless he is killed at once, but it is impossible for Shi Lei to kill Jiang Chen, which makes him start to feel a little scared, and his mood becomes even worse. for anxiety.

"No, I have to call my dad and ask him to find out what's going on." Thinking, Liu Yang reached out for his cell phone and made a call.


When Liu Yang made the phone call, Jiang Chen had already appeared at the stadium. Jiang Chen was planning to cross the stadium and go to his dormitory to sleep. At a glance, he saw a figure running on the runway under the dim light of the street lights.

At this time, most of the students were either studying late in the classroom or nestling in the dormitory. There were only a few figures in the stadium, and there was only one person running, so that person soon attracted Jiang Chen's attention.

Naturally, what really attracted Jiang Chen's attention was because it was a woman, a very beautiful woman.

After a few glances, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, sat down on the grass beside him, and watched the woman run with great interest.

The woman is wearing a set of white sportswear, but the shoes under her feet are pink. When her slender legs are moving, you can still see clearly that the socks inside the shoes are also pink, which makes the woman sexy and charming. The amorous feelings, invisibly a little more lovely atmosphere.

"I really didn't expect Teacher Tang to have a girlish heart." Jiang Chen smiled as he saw it.

It was Tangyue who was running. Tangyue didn't notice Jiang Chen's existence. After running for nearly six laps, she was covered in sweat. Tangyue felt much refreshed.

After finishing the run, Tangyue didn't leave immediately. She chose a place with slightly dim lights and sat down on the grass.

As soon as Tangyue sat down, she felt that something was wrong. There was a shallow breathing sound next to her ear. Subconsciously, Tangyue looked back and saw a particularly hateful smiling face, and then Tangyue was stunned.

"Teacher Tang, help me to see, is there any nosebleed?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What nosebleed?" Tangyue asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Tang, when you were running just now, the waves were bulging and bulging. I just watched it for a while, but my mouth was dry and my anger was burning. I couldn't help myself." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Nonsense." Tangyue turned her head away, her face blushing slightly, she chose a place to sit and rest at random, but she just happened to be sitting next to Jiang Chen, if she had seen Jiang Chen earlier, she definitely wouldn't have over here.

But at this time, it would be too deliberate to sit in another place, and Tangyue was a little entangled.

"Mr. Tang, you can think I'm talking nonsense, but I still kindly give you a suggestion. From now on, it's best to run at night as much as possible. It's best to be quiet at night. You must know that not everyone likes me. With this kind of concentration, a beautiful woman can stand in front of me with her clothes off." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Tangyue was so angry, in her opinion, Jiang Chen was the most rascal in the entire Yilan Middle School, but he still had a dignified look.

But Tangyue also knew that Jiang Chen's suggestion was not a big problem. She was not someone who liked to show off, and she would not show herself too deliberately in public places. This was also the reason why she chose to run at this time. The best thing is to try not to be noticed by others.

"Jiang Chen, have you finished speaking? I should leave after I finish." Tangyue's words were a bit cold, she was a little afraid of being molested by Jiang Chen, so she just left.

"Actually, there is another suggestion..." Jiang Chen couldn't see that Tangyue was a little afraid of himself, smiled slightly, and said, "Teacher Tang, you can't sleep at night, it's not because you're energetic, but because your body is weak. Did you exercise?" Instead, it will make your sleep quality worse."

"What do you know?" Tangyue blushed even more.

"I don't know much, I just happen to know what you are doing, Mr. Tang... Well, I am talking to you very seriously now." Jiang Chen smiled all over his face. He said serious, but that expression , but not serious at all.

"That's my own business, Jiang Chen, you have so much thought, why can't you use it well in your studies?" Tangyue said with hatred.

"The teacher has his own business, and the students do his best. How can this be your business alone? This is a major matter related to the harmony and stability of our third class." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"So?" Tangyue was amused by Jiang Chen. If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's habit of playing hooligans, it would be nice to talk to such students occasionally.

"So, I plan to do something pleasant with you, Mr. Tang, something that will make you ecstatic, and improve your sleep quality, Mr. Tang." His gaze swept across Tangyue, and Jiang Dust looked kind.

"You bastard!" Tangyue gritted her teeth. Even though she had never experienced a relationship between a man and a woman, she still knew what happiness and ecstasy were used to describe. That would indeed improve the quality of sleep, but what Jiang Chen thought So beautiful.

Jiang Chen became more and more courageous, and his words became more and more explicit. Tangyue couldn't bear it. After scolding, she quickly got up and left.

"Hey, why am I such an asshole, I just want to cure your insomnia problem." Jiang Chen was confused, and he couldn't help laughing out loud...

(End of this chapter)

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