genius evil

Chapter 49

Chapter 49
By the lakeside of Weiming, the girl held a book in her hand, and ran quickly on the cobblestone path. She ran a little anxiously, a few tiny drops of fragrant sweat emerged from the tip of her nose, and her fair and tender face was slightly flushed, as if she had been smudged. A layer of light rouge made the girl's delicate and pleasant face overflow with a touch of beauty, making her extremely charming!

It didn't take long for the girl to run under a willow tree, looking around with her big beautiful eyes, as if she was looking for someone, and soon, the girl's beautiful eyes widened a bit, and her vivid expression froze instantly.

Because she saw that guy again, this is the third day, and the two parties met for the third time, she knew his name, but he didn't know hers.He just occupied her position invariably, and then slept invariably.

Looking at it twice, the girl was inexplicably dumbfounded.

"This annoying guy, doesn't he have to go to class?" The girl was full of helplessness. It was only eleven o'clock at this time, and she came a full hour earlier than usual, but he was still there.

The girl couldn't help but think, could it be that he has been sleeping here since last night?
After thinking wildly for a while, the girl moved her footsteps and walked under another willow tree. After taking two steps, her footsteps stopped again.

Because she felt that she was too easy to bully, this guy named Jiang Chen was clearly a dove occupying the magpie's nest, she let him once or twice, why would she let him a third time?If she continued to bear with it, Jiang Chen would definitely push forward even more.

So the girl's footsteps stopped, she stood there, stared at Jiang Chen, and finally said: "Hey, can you sleep in another position?"

It wasn't a very polite tone, this was the first time the two had spoken since they met three times, and it was precisely because of this that the girl really couldn't be polite.

After saying this for a while, the girl did not wait for a response, she was a little annoyed, and said angrily: "Jiang Chen, the place where you sleep is mine, I used to sit there and read a book, can you Give me back that seat?"

Jiang Chen still didn't move, and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

The girl was even more annoyed, so she simply walked over, lightly kicked Jiang Chen's shoes with her toes, raised her voice a little, and said, "Hey, don't pretend to be asleep, I know you're not asleep, you pretend to be me again I'll pinch you."

Unfortunately, her threats didn't work.

The girl has a headache, is this guy a pig?It's all like this and you still haven't woken up?
At this time, the girl couldn't judge whether Jiang Chen was really asleep or pretending to be asleep, but she had already decided to pinch Jiang Chen a few times. Anyway, no matter whether Jiang Chen was really asleep or pretending to be asleep, she must make this matter clear today.

The girl squatted down slowly, her slender legs bent in an arc, and her buttocks, which were rare among her peers, stretched tightly into a stunning line.

The girl leaned forward, and stretched out two slender, white fingers. The fingers shook in front of Jiang Chen's eyes, testing Jiang Chen's reaction a little, and then the girl suddenly pinched Jiang Chen's waist through the clothes.

"Damn you, strangle you to death." Perhaps it was because she was too well-behaved all this time, this slightly destructive behavior made the girl's brows and eyes sparkle with excitement.

But soon, the girl couldn't get excited anymore. She only felt a hand wrap around her waist suddenly, and then her body lightened, and she fell forward uncontrollably.

The girl was startled, and let out a small scream. She had just let out a scream, and she lost control completely like a beautiful puppet, and fell on Jiang Chen's body.

"You pinched me, and I'll pinch you too." At this moment, an indistinct voice rang in the girl's ear.

The touch like electrification made the girl's beautiful eyes widen, revealing a sense of disbelief.

"Been molested?" The girl's soft body suddenly stiffened, she lowered her head, facing a smirking face.

"Ah—" The belated scream sounded again, and the girl flicked her legs and stood up, her face blushing as if covered with a red cloth.

"Jiang Chen, how could you do this?" The girl was furious.

"I like this position very much, so I don't plan to change it for the time being. If you really like this position so much, you can sit or lie on the side... Well, don't disturb my sleep anymore." Jiang Chen said , closed his eyes again, and fell asleep.

"You're really a pig." The girl cursed in a low voice, but her voice was soft and soft, and her curse words didn't have any lethal power.

Jiang Chen didn't respond anymore, he didn't intend to explain, and he didn't even intend to change the position, because it was indeed very comfortable to sleep here.

The girl was shocked by Jiang Chen's thick skin, it was probably the first time she met such a freak, she was angry but also a little frustrated, because she found that Jiang Chen's rascal behavior was very effective in front of her, she was right There was nothing he could do.

"Hmph, do you think you can attract my attention like this? You will only make me hate you even more, I hate you to death." The girl said in a low voice. I don't know if she said this to Jiang Chen. , or tell yourself.

After finishing speaking, the girl was a little powerless again. No matter what Jiang Chen's intention was, it had already attracted her attention.

Finally the girl stopped talking, she returned to another willow tree, sat down annoyed, took out a book and read it, even if she was in a very bad mood, the moment the book was opened, the girl immediately immersed herself in it. , as if nothing could divert her attention anymore.

"Huh?" But at this time, Jiang Chen opened his eyes again, and looked at the girl with some doubts.

This is a girl who loves to read fairy tales. He met her three times, and she was reading fairy tales three times.

If you just like it, that's fine, and this girl's obsession with fairy tale books can be said to be unbelievable and incomprehensible. She has a very strange concentration!
That made Jiang Chen feel that what she was reading was not the story, but the world in the story!

Jiang Chen slept until six o'clock in the afternoon, and still went to eat at Sister Lan's restaurant. For him now, eating and sleeping had become the top priority in his life. All other things, before these two things, You can all settle for the next best thing.

There was a tacit understanding between Sister Lan and Jiang Chen. As soon as Jiang Chen entered the restaurant, he brought out the medicine first. After Jiang Chen finished drinking the medicine, the food was served on the table.

While Jiang Chen was eating, a post appeared on the Yilan Middle School campus forum.

The name of the post is clear at a glance, it is called the man who was taken care of by the school belle.

Every class in Yilan Middle School has one or several class flowers, but there is only one school flower, and that is Xu Anqi.

When this post appeared, although no names were mentioned on the post, people who saw this post naturally thought of Xu Anqi.

Some people originally thought it was a headline party, but when they clicked on the post curiously, they found that it was not the case at all.

The content of the post can be said to be very simple, two pictures, with the location and description of some pictures.

One of the pictures was taken in the cafeteria, and the content on the picture was Xu Anqi giving Jiang Chen 1000 yuan.

The other picture was taken at the football field, this one was a snapshot, it was the moment when Xu Anqi kissed Jiang Chen.

The explanation content of the post is mainly for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's name and class are clear.

As a result, this meaningful post instantly caused a sensation on the forum, and after the moderator put the red letter on the top of the post, it even aroused the madness of all the boys in the school.

"Damn it, it's okay if this guy picks up Xu Anqi, but Xu Anqi picks it up, is there any reason?"

"The strongest soft rice guy in history has appeared."

"Jiang Chen, we want to fight you!"

"Take the school belle and defeat Jiang Chen!"

"Down with the soft rice man!"

"Fuck off the soft rice man, you'll lose face to us men!"


"Anqi Xu is in Class Three."

"Get out, Xu Anqi belongs to everyone."


"Xu Anqi, you are too bad, you won't even give me 1000 yuan."

"Don't give me 1000 yuan, continue downstairs."


In just one hour, the post had hundreds of comments, and the speed of construction was still growing at an explosive speed.

Among them, there were those who were envious, those who watched the excitement, and even more who were jealous. Of course, occasionally there were a few who spoke well of Jiang Chen, but they were quickly drowned in saliva.

These guys chanted louder than each other, and looked down on Jiang Chen in various ways, but they didn't know that if they had the chance to be taken care of by Xu Anqi, they would definitely run faster than rabbits one by one.

After all, not to mention being taken care of by Xu Anqi, even being looked at differently by Xu Anqi seems to be an impossible thing.

You know, Xu Anqi's personality, although she is on the side of Xiaojiabiyu, is also Xu Anqi's too Xiaojiabiyu. As a result, Xu Anqi looks easy to get in touch with, but in fact, except for Jiang Yanyan, no one can get close to Xu Anqi.

The existence of Jiang Yanyan, a super invincible light bulb, made those who often wanted to get close to Xu Anqi get scolded bloody before they could do anything.

But this time, not only was someone doing it, but it was so unbelievable that everyone was shocked, because he didn't pick on Xu Anqi, but was picked up by Xu Anqi!
At the same time, the phrase, 1000 yuan will not give me, became a buzzword overnight.

If it is said that Jiang Chen beat the three of Guo Hu and Li Shan, he was only famous in a small area, and that football match with miraculous skills was only known by more people in Class Three , then after this post appeared, Jiang Chen became completely famous.

In the huge Yilan Middle School, almost everyone knew of his existence, and at the same time remembered his not-so-handsome, even slightly wretched face.

(End of this chapter)

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