genius evil

Chapter 50 The One-Handed Hate

Chapter 50
After dinner, Jiang Chen returned to the dormitory only to find that Bao Shifan was actually there.

"Didn't go to evening self-study?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Go, come back." Bao Shifan replied quickly, tapped the laptop screen, and called out: "Jiang Chen, come and take a look, something serious has happened."

"Hey, I was taken care of by Xu Anqi, how did this get out?" Jiang Chen glanced at it and said casually.

"I don't know. Anyway, it's going crazy now. Many people say that they will form a team to watch you in class three in class tomorrow. This is going to be a big trouble." Bao Shifan said worriedly.

Forming a group of onlookers is an elegant way of saying it. If one is not good, a violent beating is inevitable. After all, what Jiang Chen did is really too hateful. Bao Shifan has no choice but to feel worried about Jiang Chen.

"I didn't pass it on. Could it be that it was Squad Leader Xu, or Jiang Yanyan? Now that I was taken care of by Squad Leader Xu, doesn't everyone know about it? It's too outrageous." Jiang Chen As if he didn't hear Bao Shifan's words, he muttered to himself.

Upon seeing this, Bao Shifan said: "Jiang Chen, this post is nonsense, you don't have to mind."

"I don't mind." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Why should I mind? I was already taken care of by Squad Leader Xu. This post just happened to reveal a fact. I don't have anything to mind."

Bao Shifan was instantly flustered and speechless.

"Are you really taken care of by Xu Anqi?" Bao Shifan said nah.

"Look, what's in that photo, 1000 yuan, that's the maintenance fee that Squad Leader Xu gave me. Could it be fake?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's really a maintenance fee?" Bao Shifan was stunned, and wanted to be sure again.

"Of course it's true, but Xu Anqi is too stingy, and actually gave me 1000 yuan, which is very suspicious of insulting me." Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

Bao Shifan's head was full of black lines, he couldn't laugh or cry, he thought that if this was an insult, countless boys in the whole Yilan Middle School would be begging to be insulted by Xu Anqi.

Jiang Chen's words were too explosive and exciting, and at the same time they left Bao Shifan speechless.

Tonight, Bao Shifan was originally studying in the classroom at night. After the news of the post broke out, the whole class was boiling, and everyone lost their minds about reading and returned to the dormitory one after another. The reason for the bedroom.

The first thing Bao Shifan did after returning to the dormitory was to turn on the computer and log in to the forum. After reading the content of the post, Bao Shifan volunteered to act as a free sailor to wash Jiang Chen's ground.

However, it is obvious that such a thing as being taken care of by the school belle is too unpopular. Jiang Chen, who was pushed to the forefront, became the public enemy of all boys in the school. The comments sent by Bao Shifan were either drowned in saliva, or attracted some Firepower, implicated by Jiang Chen, became the object of criticism.

Bao Shifan was in a hurry just now, wishing he could show a few more hands, how could he know that after Jiang Chen came back, he would react like this when he saw the post.

In fact, Bao Shifan had thought about Jiang Chen's various reactions, but the only possibility he hadn't thought of was that Jiang Chen would actually admit to being taken care of by Xu Anqi.

In the past, Bao Shifan would have thought that Jiang Chen was joking, but recently, as a roommate, Bao Shifan could see Jiang Chen's transformation more clearly than anyone else.

It was precisely because of this that Bao Shifan subconsciously believed that what Jiang Chen said was likely to be true.

Of course, another reason for such a judgment was that Bao Shifan was too clear about the background of the first picture on the post.

That time, Xu Anqi invited Jiang Chen to dinner. It can be said that it was the first time in history that Xu Anqi invited a boy to dinner. He took the initiative to invite him.

He left after eating at that time, and he didn't know what happened behind, but the picture was in the canteen as the background, which meant that after Xu Anqi invited Jiang Chen to eat, he returned Jiang Chen's money.

It's eating, and giving money, isn't this just confirming the saying of nurturing?

"Jiang Chen, do I need to do something else?" Bao Shifan whispered after being stunned for a while.

"Of course, with so many people scolding me, it's natural to scold me back. How about this, let me tell you, and you post it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Bao Shifan smiled wryly, the entire page was scolding Jiang Chen, how could it be possible to scold him back, even if he invited a hundred sailors, it would be useless.

"Okay, tell me." Bao Shifan still nodded.

"Tell them that Squad Leader Xu wants to keep me, but I'm still thinking about it. It's not my style to be taken care of by a woman for only 1000 yuan." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Bao Shifan almost had the urge to kowtow to death, what kind of trouble is this, isn't Jiang Chen deliberately adding fuel to the fire?

But Bao Shifan still quickly posted this comment. Not to mention, he also opened a new post in the name of Jiang Chen. Naturally, the three words of squad leader Xu were automatically replaced by Bao Shifan with Xu Anqi's name.

I have to say that Jiang Chen is really capable of attracting hatred. As soon as this new post was opened, it immediately attracted all the firepower of the main post. Hundreds of students fired all their firepower, and it was covered in just 10 minutes. Hundreds of floors.

And some people who were still hesitant to wait and see, thinking that it was impossible for Xu Anqi to take care of a man, were justifying Xu Anqi's matter. At this time, they changed their positions one after another and participated in the scolding war. The post that went out set a new record in history.

Qiu Shaojie and Zheng Yu were also on the forum, because they had always paid more attention to Jiang Chen's affairs, so after the nurturing incident came out, they attracted their attention.

"What is Young Master Jiang going to do?" Zheng Yu was extremely speechless.

Like Bao Shifan, Qiu Shaojie and Zheng Yu are also acting as free scrubbers. For this reason, Qiu Shaojie made dozens of phone calls and called some other classmates to help.

Who would have thought that there would be another post like this, Jiang Chen admitted to being taken care of by Xu Anqi, isn't this adding to the chaos?
"I don't know either." Qiu Shaojie smiled wryly, feeling that what he, the navy, had done was a bit of a failure.

In the other dormitory, there are three computers turned on in the dormitory, and the computers log in to the campus forum without exception.

The first post was sent from here. Affected by Xu Anqi's attention from all the boys in the school, the three of them knew early on that the post didn't need to deliberately push the flames, it would trigger a series of chain reactions.

The three of them were happily reading the comments on the post, and then saw Bao Shifan's new post.

"Damn it, does that bastard have any face? Xu Anqi wants to keep him, but he still has to think about it?" Among the three, one swears.

"Things are a bit strange. Could it be that Jiang Chen was really taken care of by Xu Anqi?" Another person said.

"Bao Shifan registered with his real name. The post can definitely be posted by Bao Shifan. Bao Shifan and Jiang Chen share the same dormitory, so they must have been instructed by Jiang Chen. Judging by Jiang Chen's tone, it seems to be true." Finally One person said.

After saying this, the three of them looked at each other, and each uttered another foul language.

"Damn it, it's really been taken care of, what kind of luck is this guy?" one person shouted.

The so-called nurturing was just a gimmick deliberately created by the three of them, a gimmick used to bring hatred to Jiang Chen, but judging from the current situation, it was a bit of a sham.

Even though this brought more hatred to Jiang Chen, the three of them inevitably became very unhappy.

Jiang Yanyan was also upset. Among the free sailors who cleaned Jiang Chen's grounds, Jiang Yanyan was undoubtedly the one who worked the hardest. She typed extremely fast. If one comment was calculated at [-] cents, the income from this post would be enough to make Jiang Yanyan has become a little rich woman.

I saw her hands and ten fingers flying around on the keyboard, constantly making comments, and sharply responding to all kinds of scolding and fighting!

It's a pity that it's useless at all, scolding Zhan Legion is too huge, her posts are often sent out, but nothing happens.

"An Qi, that guy Jiang Chen is too hateful, just leave him alone." Turning her head, Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"What to do?" Xu Anqi said with a little headache. The reason why she gave Jiang Chen the 1000 yuan was very simple. She never expected that what happened today would happen.She was already depressed and regretful about the 1000 yuan, but now she regrets it even more.

"Call him and ask him to ask Bao Shifan to delete the post." Jiang Yanyan thought for a while and said quickly.

"It's useless, the post is deleted, but the influence is still there." Xu Anqi shook her head.

"Then ask Jiang Chen to clarify the matter of the 1000 yuan. You have nothing to do with him. How could he do this?" Jiang Yanyan was extremely upset.

Xu Anqi still shook her head, she knew it was still useless, let alone whether Jiang Chen would be willing to stand up and clarify, even if Jiang Chen was willing to clarify, it would not be able to change anything.

Jiang Chen was reading the comments at this time. He was very happy to read it, while Bao Shifan had black lines all over his head. Why did he feel that Jiang Chen had a smell of showing off?

"Okay, now I can post the second post, tell them, I am very angry now, so I changed my mind, I decided to accept Xu Anqi's foster care!" Half an hour later, Jiang Chen said lazily.

Bao Shifan immediately posted a new post. His hands and fingers were trembling while posting the post. He could foresee what kind of impact this post would have after it was sent out. Maybe someone would rush into it if something bad happened. The dormitory came to beat someone.

The post was finally sent out, and as expected, the height of the previous two posts was refreshed immediately, and then 10 minutes later, a row of garbled characters appeared on the computer screen, and the campus forum was overwhelmed.

"It's finally clean." Bao Shifan said shyly, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

And at this moment, the phone in Jiang Chen's pocket rang, and after the phone rang, the sound of knocking on the door outside the dormitory also rang...

(End of this chapter)

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