genius evil

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

"Jiang Chen, restore my goddess' innocence!"

"Jiang Chen, get out and die!"

"Jiang Chen, you toad want to eat swan meat, I think you are impatient!"


Accompanied by the sound of knocking on the door, waves of yelling and cursing came from outside the door endlessly.

"Jiang Chen, it's not good, someone came to the door." Bao Shifan's face turned blue and then pale, and he said in a low voice. After speaking, Bao Shifan turned to look at Jiang Chen, and his expression suddenly became speechless. extreme.

Jiang Chen was on the phone as if nothing had happened, and he was smiling on the phone, but the call was from Jiang Yanyan. Naturally, Jiang Yanyan was also cursing.

"Jiang Chen, why did I hear so many people scolding you? You are too much of a failure. If I were you, I would just buy a piece of tofu and kill myself." After Jiang Yanyan scolded Jiang Chen a few words , Hearing Jiang Chen's noisy voice, he suddenly felt a little gloating.

"They are jealous of me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, just be proud, and be careful not to be beaten to death." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"I have nothing to be proud of. I'm so handsome. It's only natural for me to be taken care of by squad leader Xu... As for being beaten to death, you can rest assured that they can't beat me." Jiang Chen said lazily. Said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, I found out that you are really hopeless, did you forget to take your medicine again?" Jiang Yanyan called it a hate, Jiang Chen's face is really invincible.

"I'm sorry, I've taken medicine today." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Jiang Yanyan was shocked by Jiang Chen's response, and said loudly: "Jiang Chen, what happened to the 1000 yuan, no one else knows, but you and I know it all. Why did you do this on purpose? What good does it do you? , you think that An Qi will treat you differently if you look like this, just dream."

"What on purpose? Is it intentional to be taken care of by Squad Leader Xu? I really didn't mean it, but Squad Leader Xu wanted it, so I can't refuse, right?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Jiang Yanyan almost vomited blood, she was so mad, she said, "Jiang Chen, can you be more shameless?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just telling the truth, but I'm really curious. Squad leader Xu isn't angry. Why are you so angry? Is it possible that you want to keep me? If you can't keep me, love and kill each other?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid. Leng.


Jiang Yanyan ran away!The people outside the dormitory door are also running away!

"Jiang Chen, stand up if it's a man!"

"Jiang Chen, we know you are in the dormitory, do you think we will have nothing to do with you if you don't open the door? I'll count to three, if you don't open the door, we'll kick the door!"

"Oh, who said they were going to kick the door? Is it you?" Jiang Chen opened the door and said with a smile.

In the corridor outside the door, a person raised his right foot and made a gesture of preparing to kick the door. When he saw the door suddenly open, the person was stunned for a moment.

"So what if it's me, I thought you didn't dare to open the door." The man sneered.

"It's really you, then it's easy to handle." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, kicked out suddenly, and knocked the man to the ground.

"Well, who else wants to kick the door?" After kicking that guy over, Jiang Chen didn't even look at it. He glanced around and said expressionlessly.

"Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant." Someone said angrily.

"I can't help it, I'm just so arrogant." Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped the person who spoke, and then said leisurely, "See, I'm really arrogant. "

"Jiang Chen, you are courting death." Someone couldn't stand it anymore, and jumped out to accuse loudly.

"Actually, I'm curious about what it feels like to seek death, but, are you qualified to say such a thing? Or do you think that there are so many people that you are qualified to say such a thing?" Jiang Chen said casually, before his voice fell. , Reaching out again was a slap, which swollen half of the guy's face.

"Fuck, this guy is crazy!"

In the corridor, everyone was flustered in the wind. There were three or forty people of them, and this corridor was packed. In this battle, even one mouthful of spit from one person was enough to drown Jiang Chen to death.

This is good, they haven't done anything yet, Jiang Chen made the first move.


"Kill him!"

"This guy is crazy, let's go together and beat him!"

Everyone was furious and yelled at each other. A few of the more irritable ones even rushed in front of Jiang Chen and directly attacked.




Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and kept slapping his face with his hands, and the sound of slapping rang out endlessly.

"Heihu rips out his heart." Someone roared and punched Jiang Chen directly in the chest.

"No way, you know such coquettish moves, did you make a mistake?" Jiang Chen squinted and smiled, kicking that guy flying.

"Monkeys steal peaches!" Someone yelled again.

"You bitch, steal your sister." Jiang Chen looked rather displeased, and slapped that bastard, spinning it on the spot, and fell to the ground.

"Let's go together, this guy is too perverted."

A dozen people swarmed up and besieged Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen walked straight over as if he was strolling in a courtyard. He looked very hated, but he was born, no matter how those people punched and kicked, they couldn't hit him.

If someone pays close attention to Jiang Chen's walking posture, he will find that every step Jiang Chen takes has a tendency to open and close, like clouds and flowing water, and like an antelope hanging horns, no trace can be found.

This is exactly the free step. It is not the first time that Jiang Chen has used the free step. In the last football match, Jiang Chen had used it to create that miraculous scoring effect.

Xiaoyaobu is a growth-level cultivation method. With the growth of cultivation base, the speed of performing Xiaoyaobu will continue to become stronger.

Naturally, with Jiang Chen's current state, even one-thousandth of the mysteries of this footwork can't be brought into play. However, when used in this kind of place, it still feels like killing a chicken with a knife, and it is completely bullying. people.

"Jiang Chen, are you okay? Why did I hear the sound of a fight? Have you been beaten?" After a short silence on the other end of the phone, there was a voice, it was Xu Anqi talking.Xu Anqi's voice was soft and shy.

"Oh, yes, dozens of guys beat me here." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Ah—" Xu Anqi was startled, and hurriedly said: "Jiang Chen, are you okay, how are you doing now?"

"The situation is not very good." Jiang Chen sighed, and punched one guy, making a guy with panda eyes, and then punched another guy, causing a guy's nose to bleed profusely.

"Are you okay?" Xu Anqi was very anxious.

"It's not very important, but it seems to have panda eyes and nosebleeds." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Then do you want call the police?" Xu Anqi's heart almost rose to her throat.

"Well, don't worry, I think I can hold on for a while... Ouch, my butt is blooming." Jiang Chen said suddenly in surprise.

The guy whose ass was about to bloom that was kicked by Jiang Chen grinned in pain. When he heard Jiang Chen's phone call, he burst into tears. It wasn't pain, but grievance.

"This bastard turned on the loudspeaker on purpose, I'll wipe it!" Some people couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore.

Jiang Chen was acting cute, as if he had been beaten badly, but in fact he had nothing to do with him, and those people who suffered from Jiang Chen's anger almost exploded their lungs.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, and I didn't know it would happen." Xu Anqi's voice was a little choked up.

"Oh, my face is swollen...Squad leader Xu, this is none of your business. I asked for it. Who told me to be taken care of by you willingly? It doesn't matter if you beat me a few times, as long as you take good care of me in the future." It's gone." Jiang Chen smiled crookedly.

"Yes." Xu Anqi responded softly.

Although the whole incident did not start with Xu Anqi, Xu Anqi also knows that these right and wrong are inextricably related to her. If she is not too famous and has many admirers, not to mention taking care of men, even if she is being taken care of by men, That was not a big deal, and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Then you can kiss me twice next time, to comfort my injured heart, or you can kiss me once, but it's just a kiss." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Chen laugh, Xu Anqi suddenly felt something was wrong, didn't Jiang Chen look like he was beaten badly?How can you still laugh?

"Jiang Chen, can you show some face?" Some people couldn't listen any longer and shouted loudly.

"Xu Anqi, don't be fooled by Jiang Chen, we are not beating him, he is beating us."

"That's right, Xu Anqi, this guy is a big liar, you must never take care of him, it's also good to take care of me, I'm much more handsome than him."

"Go away, if you want to take care of me, you also take care of me. I'm easy to take care of."


Xu Anqi made a big fuss, and she was a little bit dumbfounded. Although she didn't know what the situation on Jiang Chen's side was, it was definitely much better than she imagined.

"Jiang Chen, pay attention to safety, I'm hanging up the phone." Xu Anqi didn't mention the matter of kissing Jiang Chen. If she hadn't heard that, out of guilt, maybe she would have satisfied Jiang Chen a little bit, but now, How could she be embarrassed.

After finishing speaking, Xu Anqi hung up the phone in a hurry, fearing that Jiang Chen would talk nonsense again.

"Get out!" Hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen's face immediately turned cold, he didn't have the heart to waste his time.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, even if everyone hated Jiang Chen to death, they all lost their temper at this moment.

"let's go."

I don't know who said it, and the audience left one after another. Soon, the noisy corridor became quiet.

Jiang Chen returned to the dormitory. Bao Shifan looked at Jiang Chen as if he was looking at a monster. After beating Guo Hu and the other three violently last time, Bao Shifan knew that Jiang Chen fought very hard, but Jiang Chen beat dozens of them alone. , It's too exaggerated, is this something people do?
(End of this chapter)

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