genius evil

Chapter 52 Too powerful

Chapter 52 Too powerful
The next morning, when Jiang Chen appeared at the door of the classroom accompanied by Bao Shifan, everyone looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes.

Yep, it's weird.

If it is said that Jiang Chen in the past, as an honest and diligent student, his absenteeism made people feel weird.So now Jiang Chen, after being absent from class for N consecutive days, when everyone has accepted and got used to his behavior, his behavior of returning to the classroom can't help but make people feel weird, especially after what happened last night After the forum riot, Jiang Chen's appearance became even more strange.

"Shit, why did this guy get so excited that he came to class, it's unscientific."

"Idiot, it's irritating to be taken care of by the school belle. I beg you to irritate me too."

"What's unscientific, I'm here to show off on purpose."

"Yes, it must be on purpose to show that he is being taken care of by Xu Anqi, how shameless."


"Shhh, let me tell you, are you guys getting impatient? Please keep your voice down. This guy's combat effectiveness is against the sky."

"Could it be true that it was reported last night that he beat dozens of people one by one? Damn it, is this guy a human?"

"I don't know if it's human, anyway, I was beaten last night!"

"I can attest that I was beaten too."


As soon as Jiang Chen entered the classroom, bursts of discussion sounded one after another, and the originally quiet classroom suddenly became noisy.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan also looked at Jiang Chen with some surprise. Obviously, they were not very comfortable with Jiang Chen's coming to the classroom to teach.

Xu Anqi glanced at it for a while and then hurriedly shifted her gaze. She didn't know what she thought of, her pink face was slightly flushed, while Jiang Yanyan was staring at Jiang Chen, as if she had a grudge against Jiang Chen.

"Hey, why did you come to class?" Jiang Yanyan would not be polite to Jiang Chen, she just said what was on her mind.

"I'm bored, go to class to pass the time." Jiang Chen returned to his seat and sat down, and said lazily.

Jiang Yanyan was speechless for a while, rolled her eyes and said, "I don't think you're bored, you're just here to show off, you think you're really taken care of by An Qi."

"Shhh, don't speak so loudly. There are some things that you know and that Captain Xu knows. There is no need to make a fuss. Everyone knows. I am very low-key." Jiang Chen said hastily.

Jiang Yanyan was almost killed by a headbutt, but this bastard actually has the face to say that he is low-key. The two posts last night made people and gods angry, and finally directly crowded the forum. Who else is more high-profile than Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Yanyan lowered her voice and said, "Jiang Chen, you must apologize to An Qi for this matter. An Qi didn't sleep all night last night."

"I know." Jiang Chen nodded.

"What do you know?" Jiang Yanyan was a little puzzled.

"I can't sleep because of what I think." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, gave Jiang Yanyan a charming look, and said, "Similarly, I also know that you can't sleep because of what I think. I have to say, my charm is really too great. gone."

Jiang Yanyan almost didn't hit anyone, but when she thought about it, it seemed that Jiang Chen was right. Whether it was Xu Anqi or her, they really couldn't sleep because of Jiang Chen's thoughts, but that kind of thinking was different from what Jiang Chen thought. up.

"I wondered why you were not beaten to death, that's why you couldn't sleep." Jiang Yanyan groaned and said.

"No, don't explain." Jiang Chen stopped.

Jiang Yanyan thought I was explaining shit, but seeing Jiang Chen's ambiguous face, she knew that at Jiang Chen's level of nonsense, no matter what she said, she would only talk more and more chaotically, so she changed the topic, " Let’s not talk about this issue, what happened to the fight last night, you really beat dozens of them by yourself.”

"No, this is definitely a rumor. I am a good student. I have always used my words but not my hands. How could I beat people? It is not my style to beat people with hands. I have always convinced people with reasoning." Jiang Chen had a righteous face. Said.

Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and said, "I think it is true. With your small arms and legs, you still hit dozens of them one by one. It's really ridiculous..."

"I was just standing there. When they saw my upright and handsome face, they all felt inferior and fled. Why bother to do anything?" Just as Jiang Yanyan finished speaking, Jiang Chen's voice sounded again.

"Jiang Chen, don't force me, I'll vomit." Jiang Yanyan had an expression that only believed in you.

"Hey, why is it that no one will ever believe the truth in this era? Do I have to tell you that I am actually a martial arts master who has never leaked out?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This explanation is a little more plausible." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

"Well, I admit it, I am a legendary martial arts master... When I was three years old, an old beggar gave me a peerless martial arts cheat book, and he told me that I was a rare martial arts prodigy in 5000 years , the task of defending world peace is entrusted to me, as for the book, I actually haven’t practiced much, but I’m so talented, if I practice it randomly, I’ll be invincible.” Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Jiang Yanyan froze for a moment, how could this routine be so familiar.

"Student Yanyan, this is my biggest secret, you must keep it a secret for me... I originally wanted to keep a low profile and not show off my peerless martial arts, but God gave me a handsome face..."

"Stop, please shut up, please." Jiang Yanyan trembled for a while, her goosebumps fell all over the floor, and she didn't dare to speak anymore, otherwise she felt that she would be numb to death by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to play tricks here, you can only deceive ignorant little girls with this little trick of yours." Jiang Yanyan didn't speak, but another voice sounded.

No one else in the classroom spoke. When that person spoke, everyone's attention fell on that person.

"Li Nengchao, your level of idioms is really amazing, let me think about it, what kind of idioms should I use to answer your question." Jiang Chen had a pensive expression.

Li Nengchao's face turned pale for a while, he remembered the last time in class, when Jiang Chen used the word "close your shit" as an idiom to fight back at him, his face was hot.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think you're too shy?" Li Nengchao said displeased.

"Yeah, so what? Why don't you make a fuss too?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, the words he said were not the slightest bit fussy.

"You think everyone likes to show off as much as you do." Li Nengchao said angrily.

"At least I think you like to show off, but unfortunately, you must have that ability." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Li Nengchao's face turned red, and he argued: "Jiang Chen, I admit that you are eloquent. I can't say no to you, but we are students, and academic performance is the most important thing. It's nothing if you put the cart before the horse."

"Oh, what you mean is that I have to be better than you in my studies to be eligible to be in the limelight, right?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I don't need your grades to be better than mine, because that doesn't make any sense, it's simply impossible." Speaking of studies, Li Nengchao finally regained some confidence, and his voice raised a lot.

"Speaking of it, in fact, we still need to compare the results." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I didn't say that, you said it." Li Nengchao put all the responsibility on Jiang Chen, which made Jiang Chen smile.

"Li Nengchao, why are you as shameless as Jiang Chen? You clearly know that Jiang Chen's academic performance is not good, and you deliberately disgusted him. Are you so despicable?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't stand it anymore, and said contemptuously.

"Jiang Chen, it's rare for you to come to class, and you'll be going to class quietly in a while." Xu Anqi said softly.

Unlike Jiang Yanyan who stood up for Jiang Chen directly, Xu Anqi's words sounded like persuasion, but she was still speaking for Jiang Chen.

"Xu Anqi has really taken care of Jiang Chen, she treats Jiang Chen very well."

"You're blind. Xu Anqi didn't deny the matter of nurturing, of course it's true."


"Is Li Nengchao planning to directly provoke Jiang Chen? Did he take the wrong medicine or something?"

"I heard that Li Nengchao likes Jiang Yanyan, probably because he was stimulated."

"Hey, when did this happen? I haven't heard of it. Please tell me in detail."


"Jiang Yanyan, why am I shameless and despicable? I want to compare with him, of course I use my strengths to compare with him. Do I want to compare my weaknesses with him? It's better to just admit defeat." Li Nengchao blushed. Said.

"Actually, Li Nengchao, you think too highly of yourself. The strengths you think may not really be your strengths." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Well, I'm best at mathematics. It just so happens that the first class is mathematics, and the test papers will be handed out in a while. If your math scores are better than mine, I will apologize to you in public and promise not to embarrass you again." Li Nengchao said viciously.

Jiang Chen smiled, "Li Nengchao, to be honest, your self-righteousness is actually nothing in my eyes, but since you acted so much that you wanted to be slapped in the face by me, wouldn't it be embarrassing if I didn't satisfy you? .”

"If your math score is worse than mine, so what?" Li Nengchao said coldly.

"It's very simple, I'll help you confess to Jiang Yanyan, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said with a smile on his face.

"Jiang Chen, you're going to die. It's fine to set An Qi's mind, but you still have my mind, I won't agree to your confession, don't even think about it." Jiang Yanyan blushed, and fired a machine gun as she spoke. like.

Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Yanyan speechlessly, Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Yanyan speechlessly, and the others also looked at Jiang Yanyan speechlessly.

What Jiang Chen said was to confess Li Nengchao, but Jiang Yanyan said that she would not agree to Jiang Chen's confession. Could it be that she actually likes Jiang Chen.

"Damn it, that bastard Jiang Chen took care of Xu Anqi, not to mention, even Jiang Yanyan did it together, this is the rhythm of two flights, it's too powerful!" Countless people burst into a foul language in their hearts.

After the class bell rang, the noisy classroom finally became quiet.

Tangyue walked into the classroom with a stack of thick test papers in her arms, but Tangyue did not come alone. Three people followed Tangyue and entered the classroom together. A playful sneer...

(End of this chapter)

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